Box Office du cinéma français en Espagne en 1999 9/27/21 1:51:19 PM Tel: +33 (0)1 47 53 95 80 / Fax +33 (0)1 47 05 96 55 / www.unifrance.org SIRET 784359069 00043 / NAF 8421Z / TVA FR 03784359069 Tel: +33 (0)1 47 53 95 80 / Fax +33 (0)1 47 05 96 55 / www.unifrance.org SIRET 784359069 00043 / NAF 8421Z / TVA FR 03784359069 Statistics for French films (theatrical release) - Spain Release details - 1999 Film title Box Office Admissions Number of Sales agents Local (€) prints distributors 1 Asterix and 11,084,150.7 2,382,299 263 Tripictures Obelix versus 2 Cesar 2 The Ninth Gate 5,928,042.56 1,381,767 170 Araba Films 3 The Dinner 2,910,236.89 608,543 61 Gaumont Sherlock Media Game 4 It All Starts 1,533,326.73 323,146 37 Tamasa Vértigo Films Today Distribution 5 Central do 659,332.69 156,308 18 Miramax Films Sogepaq SA Brasil 6 The Dreamlife 640,002.45 135,553 33 Wide Alta Films of Angels 7 Taxi 632,879.21 130,575 124 TF1 Studio Cine Company 8 No One Writes 609,082.77 126,361 28 Open Art Alta Films to the Colonel Productions 9 Autumn Tale 548,508.41 107,490 7 Les Films du Alta Films Losange 10 Children of the 544,372.94 103,323 32 Tamasa Sherlock Media Marshland Distribution 11 The Barber of 504,416.97 103,690 83 Intermedia Arc Warner Siberia Pictures, Sogefilms Pyramide International 12 Romance 439,412.47 94,996 21 Pyramide Lolafilms International 13 Dobermann 397,200 119,173 85 The Bureau Sogepaq SA Sales 14 Rosetta 303,144.17 60,777 24 Wild Bunch Vértigo Films International 15 Rewind 224,040.72 47,437 13 Les Films de Alta Films l'Astre 16 My Father, my 215,298.66 45,579 91 Tripictures Mother, my Brothers and Sisters 17 Why Not Me ? 171,229.72 36,993 50 STUDIOCANAL Filmax 18 Late August, 167,663.62 32,871 7 Pathé Films Vértigo Films Early September 19 On Guard ! 166,765.82 34,396 105 Tamasa Cine Company Distribution 20 The Kid from 140,156.99 27,369 5 TF1 Studio Alta Films Chaâba 21 Half a Chance 138,426.8 29,284 67 Tamasa Columbia Distribution TriStar 22 Where the 137,817.35 26,793 17 Tamasa Vértigo Films Heart Is Distribution Tel: +33 (0)1 47 53 95 80 / Fax +33 (0)1 47 05 96 55 / www.unifrance.org SIRET 784359069 00043 / NAF 8421Z / TVA FR 03784359069 23 Place Vendôme 129,096.17 27,056 17 Tamasa Vértigo Films Distribution 24 The Color of 127,323.86 27,797 11 mk2 films Nirvana Lies 25 Ma vie en rose 81,754.6 16,930 44 TF1 Studio Hispano Foxfilm (My Life in Pink) 26 Toulouse- 73,660.47 15,419 18 Tamasa Sogepaq SA Lautrec Distribution 27 Au Petit 70,522.91 13,508 5 Tamasa Vértigo Films Marguery Distribution 28 Marquise 65,534.14 13,961 41 Le Pacte Columbia TriStar 29 Love Tangles 65,528.92 12,487 5 Warner Sogefilms 30 Aprile 56,770.86 12,431 5 STUDIOCANAL Golem Distribución 31 The Lost Son 54,618.43 12,248 9 STUDIOCANAL Lolafilms 32 Sitcom 53,810.48 10,977 14 STUDIOCANAL Nirvana 33 Alice and Martin 48,485.34 10,516 8 STUDIOCANAL Vértigo Films 34 American 43,981 8,491 21 Capitol Films Sherlock Media Cuisine 35 Divorcing Jack 41,167.98 10,891 0 Lolafilms 36 Z 41,132.68 8,211 2 KG Productions Sherlock Media 37 L'Ennui 34,076.7 9,015 0 Gemini Films Nirvana 38 After Sex 24,344.1 5,092 11 Pyramide Nirvana International 39 Last Stop 23,771.7 4,985 2 mk2 films Alta Films Paradise 40 State of Siege 22,870.95 4,389 2 KG Productions Sherlock Media 41 Mooncalf 21,720.88 5,211 5 Vértigo Films 42 El Che 17,400 4,260 3 Cinétévé Sogepaq SA 43 Full Speed 17,263.26 4,567 0 Playtime Vértigo Films 44 For Sale 16,398.48 4,578 2 Pyramide Golem International Distribución 45 Crazy Stranger 15,571.29 3,223 11 Nirvana 46 Marius et 13,634.46 3,607 0 Golem Jeannette Distribución 47 The Wind Will 9,966.75 1,798 5 mk2 films Vértigo Films Carry Us 48 Anna Oz 9,933.84 2,628 0 Tamasa Vértigo Films Distribution 49 Le Dernier 6,134.05 1,179 2 Gaumont Sherlock Media Combat (The Last Battle) 50 Small Thief 4,839.71 909 6 Playtime Alta Films 51 Hercule et 4,200 1,101 3 STUDIOCANAL Sogepaq SA Sherlock 52 Last Tango in 3,982.83 799 2 Alas Films Paris 53 The Tango 2,498.58 661 0 Alta Films Lesson Tel: +33 (0)1 47 53 95 80 / Fax +33 (0)1 47 05 96 55 / www.unifrance.org SIRET 784359069 00043 / NAF 8421Z / TVA FR 03784359069 54 A Self Made 2,014.74 533 0 Tamasa Alta Films Hero Distribution 55 Anxiety 1,924.02 509 0 Gemini Films Wanda Films 56 Lucie Aubrac 1,338.12 354 0 Pathé Films Laurenfilm 57 Bandits 1,281.42 339 0 Wanda Films 58 Witch Way Love 1,088.64 288 0 TF1 Studio Laurenfilm 59 Breaking the 876.96 232 0 TrustNordisk Golem Waves Distribución 60 Oh God, 600 158 2 Warner Women Are So Sogefilms Loving 61 The Best Job in 600 158 2 Tamasa Warner the World Distribution Sogefilms 62 Le Cousin 600 158 2 Tamasa Warner Distribution Sogefilms 63 Perfect Circle 578.34 153 0 Wanda Films 64 Assassin(s) 495.18 131 0 Le Pacte, Golem STUDIOCANAL Distribución 65 Genealogies of 487.62 129 0 The Bureau Wanda Films a Crime Sales 66 The Jaguar 291.06 77 0 Gaumont Laurenfilm 67 Baby Deal 234.36 62 0 Laurenfilm Tel: +33 (0)1 47 53 95 80 / Fax +33 (0)1 47 05 96 55 / www.unifrance.org SIRET 784359069 00043 / NAF 8421Z / TVA FR 03784359069 French films acquired (production year : 1999) Film title Film export Local distributor Production status companies/International distributors Tel: +33 (0)1 47 53 95 80 / Fax +33 (0)1 47 05 96 55 / www.unifrance.org SIRET 784359069 00043 / NAF 8421Z / TVA FR 03784359069 Market development Year Admissions Admissions Box office for Box office for Number of Average (all to French films of all French films screens ticket price nationalities) films nationalities (€) (€) (€) 2019 104,900,000 3,612,966 614,700,000 20,874,365 3,695 5.86 2018 98,901,738 3,000,557 585,738,852 17,846,294 3,589 5.92 2017 99,983,223 4,336,130 591,715,219 25,398,984 3,625 5.92 2016 102,107,567 2,357,579 602,992,885 13,714,565 3,567 5.91 2015 96,190,949 3,690,910 575,433,804 22,144,214 3,590 5.98 2014 87,664,895 4,852,142 516,721,843 29,297,577 3,691 5.89 2013 78,700,000 2,050,501 506,300,000 13,106,286 3,908 6.4 2012 94,200,000 6,761,695 624,200,000 43,442,048 4,003 6.6 2011 98,300,000 4,325,456 635,800,000 27,322,101.0 4,044 6.5 4 2010 101,600,000 4,396,898 662,300,000 27,079,130 4,080 6.5 2009 110,000,000 3,275,496 675,000,000 19,360,833.8 4,082 6.1 7 2008 107,800,000 3,863,770 619,300,000 22,313,588 4,140 5.7 2007 116,900,000 4,030,637 643,740,032 22,017,465 4,296 5.5 2006 121,700,000 4,842,339 636,200,000 25,259,222 4,299 5.23 2005 126,000,000 7,527,241 627,299,968 37,927,531 4,401 5 2004 143,900,000 2,591,262 681,600,000 12,844,971 4,390 4.8 2003 137,500,000 3,708,424 639,430,016 17,432,787 4,253 4.65 2002 140,720,000 5,881,935 625,900,032 26,330,506 4.45 2001 145,053,860 5,659,861 24,848,102.2 3,760 710 3 2000 135,390,513 2,679,128 11,881,265.3 3,527 660 2 1999 131,348,075 6,376,929 5,407,143.07 29,309,914.5 3,343 628.13 6 1998 112,100,000 1,422,329 9,389,623.2 2,997 595.57 1997 105,000,000 3,680,488 12,377,116.9 2,584 560 5 1996 104,300,000 4,064,896 13,203,543.7 1,807 560 3 1995 94,600,000 4,124,878 5,916,003.73 13,175,677.1 2,090 510 2 1994 89,100,000 2,882,394 3,668,065.2 8,684,687.4 1,930 6.85 1993 87,700,000 1,171,052 11,564,983.4 3,680,187.33 1,791 470 4 1992 83,300,000 0 11,847,273.0 0 1,807 23.66 5 Tel: +33 (0)1 47 53 95 80 / Fax +33 (0)1 47 05 96 55 / www.unifrance.org SIRET 784359069 00043 / NAF 8421Z / TVA FR 03784359069 1991 79,000,000 0 5,320,226.36 0 1,806 11.21 1990 78,500,000 0 169.78 0 1,773 0 Tel: +33 (0)1 47 53 95 80 / Fax +33 (0)1 47 05 96 55 / www.unifrance.org SIRET 784359069 00043 / NAF 8421Z / TVA FR 03784359069 Market share for French films, filtered by distributor - 1999 Distributor Number of films Total admissions Market share (%) released 1 Tripictures 2 2,427,878 0 2 Araba Films 1 1,381,767 0 3 Sherlock Media 6 734,136 0 4 Vértigo Films 11 508,871 0 5 Alta Films 9 451,298 0 6 Sogepaq SA 5 296,261 0 7 Cine Company 2 164,971 0 8 Lolafilms 3 118,135 0 9 Warner Sogefilms 5 116,651 0 10 Nirvana 5 56,104 0 11 Columbia TriStar 2 43,245 0 12 Filmax 1 36,993 0 13 Golem Distribución 5 20,979 0 14 Hispano Foxfilm 1 16,930 0 15 Wanda Films 4 1,130 0 16 Alas Films 1 799 0 17 Laurenfilm 4 781 0 Tel: +33 (0)1 47 53 95 80 / Fax +33 (0)1 47 05 96 55 / www.unifrance.org SIRET 784359069 00043 / NAF 8421Z / TVA FR 03784359069 Films co-produced with this country - 1999 Running time Film title Directors French producers Co-producers from this country Feature film All About my Mother Pedro Almodóvar France 2 Cinéma, Renn Productions Feature film Asfalto Daniel Calparsoro Albares Productions Feature film Augustin, King of Anne Fontaine Ciné B, France 2 Kung-Fu Cinéma, Les Films Alain Sarde Feature film Barbaric Years (The Fernando Colomo Mainstream Stolen Years) Feature film Between your legs Manuel Gomez Pereira DMVB Films Feature film By My Side Again Gracia Querejeta Albares Productions Feature film East-West Régis Wargnier Ugc ym Feature film Gloria Manuela Viegas Caroline Production Feature film Jeu de roles Mateo Gil DMVB Films, M6 Films Feature film Madame Osmane's Nadir Moknèche Astoria Films, Bloody Harem Mary Production, France 3 Cinéma Feature film My Father, my Mother, Charlotte de Les Films des my Brothers and Turckheim Tournelles, M6 Films, Sisters Société Nouvelle de Cinématographie (SNC), TF1 Films Production Feature film No One Writes to the Arturo Ripstein DMVB Films Colonel Feature film Our Lady of the Barbet Schroeder Les Films du Losange, Assassins STUDIOCANAL Feature film Salsa Joyce Sherman M6 Films, Universal Buñuel Pictures (France), Vertigo Productions Feature film The City of Marvels Mario Camus France 3 Cinéma, Société Française de Production
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