Murray State's Digital Commons The Ledger & Times Newspapers 3-10-1953 The Ledger and Times, March 10, 1953 The Ledger and Times Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt Recommended Citation The Ledger and Times, "The Ledger and Times, March 10, 1953" (1953). The Ledger & Times. 1240. https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt/1240 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Ledger & Times by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. - Selected As Rest All Round Kentucky Comninnity Newspaper for 1S4T MARCTI 0 1011 Weather We Are KENTUCKY: Cloudy with Helping To the low 30 to 35 tonight Wednesday cloudy with oc• Build Murray casional rain Each Day 59 YOUR PROOLIMIIIIYI HOMER WW1- Afternon, March 10, 1953 MURRAY POPULATION - - 8,000 Vol. XXIV; No. United Press P&P= FOR OVER RAU'• CENTURY Murray, Ky., Tuesday MULE DAY CELEBRATION BEING PLANNED '12- s -as s.10 rt EXPLODING IN THE AIR Held For C-46 A SMOKING WRECK AFTER Music • - !Boy Daily Ledger And Times. And Growers Are Will Send 1 4=.9 • Pumping Fourteen ck • 117'ullets In Dad Mrs Glen Doran, 140.. Rescue Squad To Be Sponsors Urged To strait of the Music Departm. —Juvenile authorities turred over the club will spon- A Fourth Monday Mule Day place, it is still well known- that announced that the custody of his mother a 14- to celebration is being planned by the mule was the back bone of sor' two students for one week at pumped 15 Grow Quota year old boy Who the farm program in this county' the Egyptian Music Camp. the daily Ledger and Times and bulletin into his father's body "to history of the county. The Egyptian Music Camp will the Murray Rescue Squad. early in the keep hTm from beating up mother." by hoar listing of the Producers of dark tobacco in hold its 12th Annual Session from The daily paper with the con- An hour MOVIE! Judge Walter Cate sent Tommy program will be printed in TO A the Western District were urged June I to June 27. 1953. at the Du junction of the Rescue Squad has day's Marshall home with his mother, Leder and Times as today by Holmes Ellis, General Quoin State Fairgrounds, Du Quoin. planned a full day's entertainment the daily Mrs. Thomas E. Marshall. 36, un- it is complete. UESDAY Manager of the Western Dark Illinois. for the benefit of the people Of soon as • til tie case can be investigated. program is being sponsored Fired Tobacco Growers Associa- The Egyptian Music Camp has Calloway county and surrounding The Under Wisconsin law criminal by the daily paper and tion, Murray. to plant their full become one of the best known areas. jointly rid WED. charges are not filed against mi- Rescue Squad. and it is hoped tobacco allotments this year es- music camps in the United States. the nors. A tentative program has been that in this manner the worth pecially on those farms where Students from 35 of the etates at- that The boy calmly told police set up, and it will be completed of the Squad to the community there was no production for the tend camp each summer. E. he killed 40-year old Thomas at a meeting tonight of representa- will be strongly brought out. 195) and 1952 crop years in order Prominent 'men and women from Marshall because he was drunk- tives of the daily paper .and the It is the purpose of the program to prevent a reduction in their leading universities, colleges, and enly beating his mother in the Rescue Squad. also is to form a trades day for allotments. schools serve on the faculty of bedroom of her home. The par- The highlight of the days pro- the area, where none exists .now. Only 70 Der cent of the 1951 the Egyptian Music Camp. ents are divorced. -gram -will be the appearance of All persons contacted thus far and 1952 allotments have been Students attending camp may Tommy is one of four children Galen Gough, strong man of Ben- have indicated that they will co- produced for the past two years enroll in band, orchestra, chorus, cared for by the mother. Police ton. Kentucky. Mr. Gough con- operate to the fullest extent th due to industrial expansion in the dancing, dance band, dramatics, art, said she is on relief. sented to come to Murray on that make this day a worthwhrle day area and to shifts to crops re- piano, conducting, theory and baton Police said she and her husband day for a demonstration. from every viewpoint. twirling. Private lessons are also quiring less labor. The tobacco had had "trouble" for several Although Mr, Gough has not grower must produce 75 per cent available: years. participated in the strong man -de- camp band. or- if his allotment within a three Each week the monstrations for some time, it is year period to prevent a reduction chestra and chorus present a smoking ruins near Windsor Locks, Conn., after WRECKAGE OF A C-46 cargo plane of Slick airways lies in believed that he will have a show in the individual farm allotment program for the public. -Special are pilot Jahn Bielak of Elmhurst, Lit., and , Million Dollar It crashed on a flight from New York's Idiewild airpotr. Mad well worth seeing. Hawaiian according to Production and Mar- numbers make this program ap- (international Sounaphoto) -pilot Jeff Elliot of Chicago. The plane exploded in the air. For the past several years, he A feature at this Rains Fall In to keting Administration regulations. pealing to all. has put most of his energy Into wakbe Failure to plant at least 75 per year's camp activities Texas Today becoming one of the mast out- To speak At cent within a three year period piano ensemble of fifty out-stand- standing. contemporary artists of twenty- Murray High Band •esults in his allotment being cal- ing student .pianists using By United Pres. FlOSPITAL NEWS I the nation. culated on the average production five pianos on the stage in front Million dollar rains touched off Chinese-Russ provided during Makes Trip To Music will be during the past five years. o fthe huge ampitheatre, all play- rejoicings in Texas today. the day, under the direction of Conclave Here al aria. ) record follows: Sales and disappearances of dark- ing at the same time. Up to six inc4s soaked m.000.0300 Trigg School J. C. Maupin and Flavil Robertson. fired tobacco produced In this A. T. Atwood is director of the Texas land that Census-51 acres of west Communism Judges are being procured for A Hawaiian student Will be one 'Adult Beds-60 The Murray High Band returned district have been greater than Egyptian Music Camp. hasn't produced a good cr sp since the judging of mules, fox hounds, New Citizens-0 the invitation of Trigg High and of the featured 'speakers for the production for the pest three years. 1941. Its monetary value was "way beagle hounds, bird_ dugs.- and program Fri- Blood River Association Royal Am- However, producers in the Eastern minions," said Marion Patients Admitted-5 presented the chapel up in the coon dogs,. - • . bassadors -Conclave-- at -Memorial-- District Kentucky and Tennes- county Invincible Patients Dismissed-5 day, March 6., Earlier. in the week of H. Badger. Tom Green it is eipectecl that -several -thou- New Treatment Patients admitted from Friday the Trig Band came to Murray Baptist Church' on Saturday, ItIllla0V11:44•10.417 see and in Virginia have produced agent. sand, people will crowd into Mur- pm.. to Wednesday 5:00 pm. High and presented a very enjoy- March '14. near their full acreage For Stomach The rain covered nearly all of 5:00 ray" on-that day to make it an By HENRY SHAPIRO Burble Knight. Rt. I, Hardin; able program. The Hawaiian, Mori Hiratani. Is IIGHT Since the production of dark- Texas. from El Paso to Shreve- outstanditag trade .and, entertain Ulcers Found - MOSCOW. Mar 10 •UP)—Chin - Mrs. Hollis S. Roberts and baby „ enrotted In SaUlffeen Tkplert Theo- fired tobacco of the three types: port. La.. but missed the Rio the di- ment day for the county. CAPITOL tain Communist leader _MAO Tao- girt M. 6, Murray: Hubert Donel- The Trigg Band, under lolocial Seminary, Louisville, • Namely. Type 23 in :het Matrix* (UP/— Grande Valley, which needs mois- the Although it is a recognized fact VERLY MICHAELS --LOUISVILLE. Mar 10 Tang said today that the Chinese- son, Rt. 6. Murray! Mrs. James rection of Steven Smarck and Also featured on the roogram if Type 2 Eastern District (Clarks- and ture badly, and continued into the directed by Irvin that mules are becoming more "PICKUP" A new aid in the medical Soviet Cammunist front was English and baby boy. Rt. 1, Ben- High School Band J. C Bellew. Kentucky Royal in ville and Springfield) and Type 21 morning close contact scarce as the years go by. and Hugo Haas surgical treatment of ulcers was ton; Mrs John Lax, Rt. I. Lynn Gilson, have been in Ambassador - secretary. with produced in. Virginia have been Forecasters said the rain would last summer that tr •eter, have taken their described yesterday before the Mao. in a statement published Grove: Master Edward Lire Parker, with each other since Boys from 9 to 17 years of ago, considered collectively for allot- spread out of the Gulf area to Southeastern Surgical ongress hold- by.
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