Newhaven Port Masterplan 2012 Masterplan Port Newhaven Newhaven Port Masterplan 2012 www.newhavenportauthority.co.uk Cover set up with spine.indd 1 17/01/2012 18:01 Newhaven Port Masterplan 2012 Masterplanning team: Executive Summary Executive Foreword www.maritime-rh.com Patrick Jeanne, Chairman of NPP Board of Directors Introduction Introduction 01. The port of Newhaven dates back nearly 400 years as that it can achieve sustainable growth, and become a major a commercial trading port. Its fi rst ferry operation linking contributor to local jobs and the broader regeneration of Newhaven with Dieppe started nearly 200 years ago. Newhaven and the local community and environment. www.dmhstallard.com Throughout this long history it has provided an important trade and passenger link between England and France, Ports are economic hubs and play a valuable role in a and has made a major contribution to the local economies nation’s infrastructure. As well as providing the gateway The Town of Newhaven The Town The Town of Newhaven The Town on both sides of the Channel – through direct and indirect for the transport of freight and passengers, NPP owns 02. employment from port activities and through hosting local substantial land holdings and buildings which are used to 02. and global businesses. attract and support manufacturing and service businesses. NPP also provides facilities for leisure boating and for the The Conseil Général de Seine-Maritime (CGSM) fi shing industry. The types of secondary port industries are www.grant-thornton.co.uk fi rst became involved in the port through its association changing and this provides an opportunity to attract clusters with the Société d’Economie Mixte Locale (SEML), of companies involved in 21st century industry which will which acquired the port in 2001. Its fi rst objective was provide high quality, long-term, skilled jobs. Ports have Supporting team: to safeguard the longstanding ferry route between statutory duties to protect the local marine environment The Port of Newhaven The Port The Port of Newhaven The Port Newhaven and Dieppe, which it has successfully achieved and are a visible and integral part of the local community. 03. over the past 10 years in the midst of fi erce competition 03. for cross-channel traffi c, not only from other ports and Starting from these premises, NPP decided to develop TB Partners LLP ferry operators, but also from other modes of transport, a masterplan which not only articulates its vision for the principally the Channel Tunnel and low cost airlines. port in supporting new industries and creating jobs for local people, but is underpinned by a detailed business www.tbpartnersllp.com The port had suff ered from a lack of investment over plan to ensure that this vision is realistic and deliverable. many decades under previous owners. As a result its The process started more than three years ago and NPP infrastructure was in poor repair and there were navigational has undertaken a large number of studies to support the Community & safety issues due to a lack of dredging and maintenance development of the Masterplan (please refer to Appendix D Community & 04. Engagement Stakeholder of navigational aids. The CGSM started a programme for further information). 04. Engagement Stakeholder of remedial work through Newhaven Port and Properties (NPP) and in 2007 a new management team was appointed The port has a large number of important stakeholders to develop this programme further. Since then NPP, which and a signifi cant component of the masterplanning process manages the port of Newhaven and is owned by SEML, has been to consult with these and port employees to www.brandcastmedia.com has continued to implement a progressive programme ensure that their perspectives are fed into the Masterplan’s of maintenance and improvement of the port’s facilities recommendations. Given the number of stakeholders, and services. Over the last 10 years, NPP has invested the Masterplan serves a number of purposes. Not only is Supported by: Vision for the Vision for Vision for the Vision for in the port and its waterways and is currently in the it intended to clarify the port’s own strategic planning for 05. of Newhaven Port midst of a further programme of developments including the medium and long term, but it is also intended to assist 05. of Newhaven Port improvements to marine leisure boating facilities, investment regional and local planning bodies, and transport network in new fi shing stages and pontoons, and maintenance and providers, in preparing and revising their own development improvement of waterways. strategies; as well as informing port users, employees and local communities as to how they can expect to see the Newhaven Port & Properties Ltd The majority of the funding for these, and previous port develop over the coming years. Port Administration Offi ces improvements, has come from the income received from East Quay operating the ferry service. The ferry route itself is currently The port of Newhaven is now preparing for the future by Newhaven Harbour www.interreg4a-2mers.eu Port Masterplan Masterplan Port heavily subsidised by the French taxpayer through the developing its potential today. My wish is that this pathway Masterplan Port Newhaven 06. Proposal CGSM. The port, therefore, benefi ts indirectly from this to growth will lead to a sustainable future for the port 06. Proposal East Sussex subsidy. In its present state the port is not viable without and for the economy and people of Newhaven and the PATCH is part-fi nanced by the European BN9 0BN the dues received from the ferry service, and NPP and surrounding areas. Regional Development Fund (ERDF) CGSM have recognised the need for a long term vision T: +44 (0) 1273 612 900 under the Interreg IVA 2 Mers Seas Zeeën and plan for the port to diversify its income streams so Patrick Jeanne W: www.newhavenportauthority.co.uk Cross-border Cooperation Programme. Implementation Implementation This brochure has been printed on 9lives Implementation 07. & Delivery Off set, which is FSC 100% recycled and 07. & Delivery NAPM recycled approved. Appendices Appendices Appendices Appendices 08. & Glossary 08. & Glossary Cover set up with spine.indd 2 Option 1_brochure design_v11_extra 6page_v4_AW.indd 1 18/01/2012 17/01/201208:27 18:01 Newhaven Port Masterplan 2012 Executive Summary Executive Contents Introduction 01. Executive Summary 01 05. Vision for the Port 01. of Newhaven 36 The Town of Newhaven The Town Introduction 06 5.1 Renaissance: A vision for the 02. 1.1 Purpose & approach of the Masterplan 08 port of Newhaven 38 1.2 Setting the scene 09 5.2 Strategic objectives 38 1.3 Purpose of the Masterplan 10 5.3 Proposals for the sub-areas of the port 39 1.4 The challenge 11 5.4 Sustainable partnerships for Newhaven 40 1.5 The economic opportunity 11 The Port of Newhaven The Port 06. 02. Port Masterplan Proposals 42 03. 12 The Town of Newhaven 6.1 Introduction 44 2.1 Newhaven in context 14 6.2 The port & its sub-areas 44 2.2 Signifi cance of the port 14 6.3 Proposals for the East Quay 45 2.3 Land use, transport, green 6.4 Proposals for the Railway Quay 47 & natural environment 15 6.5 Proposals for the other sub-areas 49 6.6 Inland access 53 Community & 6.7 Social & economic impact 55 04. Engagement Stakeholder 03. 6.8 Environmental impacts 55 6.9 Safety & security 57 The Port of Newhaven 18 6.10 The port community at national 3.1 History of Newhaven Port 20 & European level 57 3.2 Newhaven Port land & boundary 20 3.3 Port businesses 21 the Vision for . 3.4 Port facilities 22 07 05. of Newhaven Port 3.5 Port operation & entrance structures 24 Implementation & Delivery 58 3.6 Creating links to the port area 25 3.7 Traffi c data & forecasts 26 7.1 Introduction 60 3.8 Transport & connectivity 27 7.2 Emerging planning framework 60 3.9 Spatial SWOT analysis 29 7.3 Key Performance Indicators 62 7.4 Implementation strategy & next steps 62 7.5 Conclusions: The port of Masterplan Port 04. Newhaven Masterplan proposals 63 06. Proposal Consultation & Community Engagement 32 08. Appendices & Glossary 64 4.1 Community engagement 34 4.2 Port User Group (PUG) 34 Implementation Implementation 4.3 The importance of community & stakeholder engagement 35 07. & Delivery 4.4 Consultation undertaken & publications provided to key stakeholders 35 Newhaven Harbour from East Quay Appendices 08. & Glossary Option 1_brochure design_v11_extra 6page_v4_AW.indd 2-3 18/01/2012 08:27 Option 1_brochure design_v11_extra 6page_v4_AW.indd 4-7 Renaissance Newhaven Town Council and local planning authorities. Councilandlocalplanningauthorities. Town Newhaven CountyCouncil, EastSussex Council, theCrownEstate, District port Lewes communities, Enterprise, Sussex users, important whohave roles including local stakeholders been established andmaintainedwith anumberof key As part of themasterplanningdialogue has process, masterplans (December2008). of guidanceonthepreparation of Transport’s port preparedwithclosetotheDepartment reference was assist NPPinthemasterplanning processandthePMP of appointed inSeptember2009to consultantswas Ateam town andtheport asustainable future. tohave leading tolongterm jobcreation, boththe inorderfor of needsahigherlevel Newhaven economicactivity, Itsstarting20 to30years. arecognition that pointwas thenext fromwhichframework theport over willdevelop theport(PMP) for of toform astrategic Newhaven thePort Masterplan NPP anditspartners developed have Summary Executive A vision for theportofNewhaven A visionfor : considerations isincluded insection7of
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