!, ,eJ- <%- L%- 82?- GA?- 36.- 0:A- %J?- .R/- K$- o- (J/- 0R:A- (R/- =3- /A, /- 3R- $- <, ]- 3- NAMO GURU LAMA The Mahamudra Aspiration Prayer, by the lord Rangjung Homage to Gurus the Definitive Meaning, composed Dorje himself: the Guru! $&A$ i3?- .%- ;A- .3- .GA=- :#R<- z, ,KR$?- 2&- .?- $?3- o=- 2- Y?- .%- 2&?, , NAM DANG YIDAM CHILKHOR LHA CHOG CHU DUSUM JALWA SEH DANG CHEH 1 and Yidam deities Buddhas of the three time in the One [ of the mandala, ten directions, and their children, 2.$- =- 2lJ<- .$R%?- 2.$- $A- (R/- =3- i3?, ,)A- 28A/- :P2- 0:A- 3,/-:I<- DAGLA TSER GONG DAG GI MONLAM NAM JISHIN DRUBPAI TUNJUR please consider us with grant your blessings kindness and understanding, that these aspirations !, ,.=- :LR<- 3(R$- ,R2- ..- 2lR/- >J?- <2- w/, ,2>J?- $*J/- 29%- 2!J/- $.3?- 0:A- 2&.- ,R2- /?, , DALJOR CHOGTOB DEH TSON SHERAB DEN SHEH NYEN ZANGTEN DAMPAI CHUH TOB NEH Having obtained (a life of) supreme freedoms and conditions, relying on a worthy spiritual friend, endowed with faith, diligence and intelligence, receiving the pith spiritual instructions, $*A?- 5=- 28A/- 212- =- 2<- (.- 3- 3(A?- 0<, ,5K- <2?- !/- +- .3- (R?- ,R.- 0<- >R$ ,=?- <A$- ,R?- 0?- 3A- >J?- 1A2- =?- TSUL SHIN DRUBLA BARCHEH MACHIPAR TSERAB KUNTU DAMCHO CHUH PAR SHOG LURIG TUPAE MISHEH DRIB LEH 3 Two [ may we encounter no obstacles throughout all our lives, may we Hearing, studying and reasoning the scriptures to practicing them correctly, practice and enjoy the holy Dharma. frees us from the obscuration of not knowing, PR= . ,3/- %$- 2?3- 0?- ,J- 5S3- 3/- /$- 2&R3, ,|R3- L%- :R.- GA?- $/?- =$?- )A- 28A/- $?=, ,>J?- <2- $?3- DROL MEN NGAG SAMPAE TE TSOM MUN NAG CHOM GOMJUNG OCHI NEHLUG JISHIN SAL SHERAB SUM contemplating the oral instructions the light born of meditation may the brilliance disperses the darkness of doubt, illuminates the natural state, just as it is, IA- $%- 2- o?- 0<- >R$ ,g$- (.- 3,:- V=- 2.J/- $*A?- $8A- ;A- .R/, ,1R- {<- 3,:- V=- 5S$?- $*A?- =3- 3(R$- $A?, , JI NANGWA JEHPAR SHOG TAGCHEH TAH DREL DEN NYI SHIYI DUN DROKUR TAH DREL TSOG NYI LAM CHOG GI K$- o- (J/- 0R:A-( R/- =3 of the three Through understanding the meaning of the ground, which is the and by practicing the supreme path of the two accumu- prajnas increase. two truths free from the extremes of eternalism and nihilism, lations, free from the extremes of exaggeration and denial, YA.- 8A:A- 3,:- V=- .R/- $*A?- :V?- ,R2- 0:A, ,$R=- :($- 3J.- 0:A- (R?- .%- U.- 0<- >R$ ,.%- $8A- ?J3?- *A.- $?=- SI SHI TAH DREL DUN NYI DREL TOBPAI GOL CHUG MEHPAI CHO DANG TREH PAR SHOG JANG SHI SEM NYI SEL is attained the fruit of well-being for oneself and others, and meet the dharma which The ground of purification [4 free from the extremes of samsara and nirvana, neither errs nor misleads. is the mind itself, !R%- 9%- :)$- =, ,.R%- LJ.- K$- (J/- hR- eJ- i=- :LR<- (J?, ,.%- L- \R- 2<- :O=- 0:A- SA- 3- i3?, ,.%?- :V?- SA- V=- TONG ZUNG JUG LA JONG JEH CHAGCHEN DORJE NALJOR CHEH JANG JA LOBUR TRULPAI DRIMA NAM JANG DREH DRI DREL the unity of luminosity the means of purification is what is to be purified is this may the fruit of Mahamudra Aspiration Prayer Aspiration Mahamudra and emptiness, the great yoga of Mahamudra, temporary state of confusion, purification, LA/- 2_2?- 36S., ,2.$- .%- 3,:- ;?- ?J3?- &/- ,3?- &.- GA, ,2?3- .R<- i3- .$- $%?- <A- =?- *J?- 0:A, , JINLAB DZUH DAGDANG TAHYEH SEMCHEN TAMCHEH CHI SAMJOR NAMDAG GANG RI LEH CHEHPAI K$- o- (J/- 0R:A-( R/- =3 may be accomplished Sprung from the snow mountain of myself and all sentient exactly as we ask. of the good thoughts and deeds, beings without limit, :#R<- $?3- fR$- 3J.- .$J- 5S$?- (- o/- i3?, ,o=- 2- {- 28A:A- o- 35S<- :)$- I<- &A$ ,)A- YA.- .J- 3- ,R2- 0- .J- YA.- .,, KHORSUM NYOG MEH GE TSOG CHUJUN NAM JALWA KUSHI JAMTSOR JUK JUR CHIG JISI DEHMA TOBPA DESI DU [2 may the river of accumulated flow into the ocean of the four So long as this is virtue of the threefold purity, bodies of the Victorious Ones. not accomplished, *J- .%- *J- 2- 5K- <2?- !/- +- ;%- , ,#A$- .%- #$- 2}=- 1- ;%- 3A- P$- &A%- , ,2.J- .$J- o- 35S:A- .0=- =- ,R.- 0<- >R$ CHEH DANG CHEHWA TSERAB KUNTU YANG DIG DANG DUG-NGAL DRA YANG MI DRAG CHING DEGE JAMTSOI PAL LA CHUH PAR SHOG throughout all my lifetimes, may not even the words ‘evil rather, may we enjoy the splendor and Mahamudra Aspiration Prayer Aspiration Mahamudra birth upon birth, deeds’ or ‘suffering’ be heard, goodness of oceans of happiness and virtue. !, ,(R?- {- 3%R/- I<- >R$ ,$8A- =- 1R- :.R$?- (R.- 0- v- 2:A- $.J%?, ,.J- =- 3- ;J%?- *R%- 2- |R3- 0:A- $/., , CHUKU NGON JUR SHOG SHILA DRODOG CHUHPA TAWAI DENG DEHLA MA YENG CHONGWA GOMPAI NEH the stainless dharmakaya, Resolving doubts about the ground keeping one’s awareness unwavering, in accordance be manifest! brings confidence in the view, with the view, is the subtle pith of meditation $?3- |R3- .R/- !/- =- l=- .R%- ,R.- 0:A- 3(R$ ,v- |R3- ,R.- 0:A- $.J%?- .%- w/- 0<- >R$ ,(R?- i3?- ,3?- &.- ?J3?- GA- i3- GOMDUN KUNLA TSAL JONG CHUHPAI CHOG TAGOM CHUHPAI DENG DANG DENPAR SHOG CHONAM TAMCHEH SEMCHI NAM [5 putting all aspects of meditation may there be confidence in the All phenomena are illusionary Three into practice is the supreme action, view, the meditation and the action. displays of the mind, :U=- +J, ,?J3?- /A- ?J3?- 3J.- ?J3?- GA-%R- 2R?- !R%- , ,!R%- 8A%- 3- :$$?- &A<- ;%- $%- 2- !J, ,=J$?- 0<- 2g$- /?- TRUL TEH SEMNI SEMMEH SEMCHI NGOWO TONG TONG SHING MAGAG CHIRYANG NANGWA TEH LEGPAR TAGNEH there is no mind, being empty, it is unceasing and unimpeded, examining this well, mind is empty of an essence, appearing as anything whatsoever, may the ground and !, ,gR$?- 0<- >R$ ,:.A- ;A/- 8J?- 0- $%- $A?- 35S/- 0- 3J., ,:.A- 3A/- 8J?- L- $%- $A?- 2!$- 0- 3J., ,]R- =?- TOGPAR SHOG DIYIN SHEHPA GANG GI TSONPA MEH DIMIN SHEHJA GANG GI KAGPA MEH LOLEH be realized. It cannot be shown by it cannot be refuted by the true saying, ‘This is it’, saying, ‘This is not it’, nature of 28A- :.?- 0:A- (R?- *A?- :.?- 3- L?, ,;%- .$- .R/- IA- 3,:- /A- %J?- 0<- >R$ ,:.A- *A.- 3- gR$?- :#R<- 2:A- o- 35S<- :#R<, , DEHPAI CHO NYI DUMA JEH YANGDAG DONJI TAHNI NGEPAR SHOG DI NYI MATOG KHORWAI JAMTSOR KHOR 7 Four [ phenomena transcends conceptual may conviction be gained Not realizing this, one circles understanding, it is unconditioned, in the ultimate perfect truth. in the ocean of samsara, :.A- *A.- gR$?- /- ?%?- o?- $8/- /- 3J., ,,3?- &.- :.A- ;A/- :.A- 3A/- $%- ;%- 3J., ,(R?- *A.- !/- $8A:A- 35%- /A- <A$- DI NYI TOGNA SANGJEH SHEN NA MEH TAMCHEH DIYIN DIMIN GANG YANG MEH CHO NYI KUNSHI TSANG NI RIG if it is realized it is not anything it is completely devoid of any, may the ultimate essence of phenomena, other than the Buddha, ‘This is it’ or ‘This is not it’, which is the basis of everything, be realized. 0<- >R$ ,$%- ;%- ?J3?- =- !R%- ;%- ?J3?- ;A/- +J, ,gR$?- G%- ?J3?- =- :O=- ;%- <%- $A- ?J3?, ,*J?- G%- ?J3?- =- PAR SHOG NANG YANG SEMLA TONG YANG SEMYIN TEH TOG CHANG SEMLA TRUL YANG RANG GI SEM CHEH CHANG SEMLA K$- o- (J/- 0R:A-( R/- =3 Appearance is mind and realization is mind and birth is mind and emptiness is also mind, confusion is also mind, :$$?- G%- ?J3?- ;A/- 0?, ,1R- :.R$?- ,3?- &.- ?J3?- =- (R.- 0<- >R$ ,]R?- L?- lR=- 2:A- |R3- IA?- 3- 2a.- &A%- , , GAG CHANG SEM YINPAE DRODOK TAMCHEH SEMLA CHUHPAR SHOG LUHJEH TSOLWAI GOM JI MALEH CHING cessation is also mind, may all doubts about Not adulterating meditation with conceptual [8 mind be cut through. striving or mentally created meditation, ,- 3=- :.- :6B:A- _%- $A?- 3- 2*R.- 0<, ,3- 2&R?- $*$- 3- <%- 22- :)R$- >J?- 0:A, ,?J3?- .R/- *3?- =J/- 3#?- >A%- TAMAL DU DZI LUNG GI MA CHUH PAR MA CHUH NYUGMA RANGBAB JOK SHEHPAI SEMDUN NYAM LEN KHE SHING unmoved by the winds knowing how to rest in the uncontrived may the practice of resting in the true of ordinary business, natural spontaneous flow, nature of mind be skillfully sustained. Prayer Aspiration Mahamudra $8A- l- (R.- 0<- >R$ ,;R.- 3- MR%- 2:A- <%- $%- ;=- .- :O=, ,3- <A$- .2%- $A?- <%- <A$- 2.$- +- :O=, ,$*A?- :6B/- SHI TSA CHOPAR SHOG YUHMA NYONG WAI RANG NANG YULDU TRUL MARIG WANG GI RANG RIG DAGTU TRUL NYI DZIN K$- o- (J/- 0R:A-( R/- =3 and root Naturally manifesting appearances that never spontaneous awareness, under the power by the power of this be cut. truly existed, are confused as real objects, of ignorance, is mistaken for a self, dualistic fixation, .2%- $A?- YA.- 0:A- [R%- .- :H3?, ,3- <A$- :O=- 0:A- l.- .<- (R.- 0<- >R$ ,;R.- 0- 3- ;A/- o=- 2?- G%- 3- $9A$?,, WANG GI SIPAI LONGDU CHAM MARIG TRULPAI TSEH DAR CHUHPAR SHOG YUHPA MAYIN JALWAE CHANG MAZIG [6 beings wander through the may ignorance, the root of confusion, It is not existent, even the realms of samsaric existence, be discovered and cut. Victorious Ones do not see it, 3J.- 0- 3- ;A/- :#R<- :.?- !/- IA- $8A, ,:$=- :.- 3- ;A/- 9%- :)$- .2- 3:A- =3, ,3,:- V=- ?J3?- GA- (R?- *A.- MEHPA MAYIN KHOR DEH KUNJI SHI GALDU MAYIN ZUNG JUG UMAI LAM TAHDREL SEMCHI CHO NYI nor is it nonexistent, as it is the this is not a contradiction, may the ultimate nature of phenomena, Mahamudra Aspiration Prayer Aspiration Mahamudra basis of all samsara and nirvana, but the middle-way of unity the mind beyond extremes, !, ,*R%- 2<- >R$ ,U- <$?- gR$- 0:A- .2:- _2?- <%- ?<- 8A, ,$;R- 3J.- ?J3?- GA- (- 2R- %%- $A?- $/?, ,LA%- CHONGWAR SHOG TRARAK TOGPAI BAHLAB RANG SAR SHI YOMEH SEMCHI CHUWO NGANG GI NEH JING The waves of subtle and coarse thoughts the unmoving waters of calm by themselves into their own place, mind rests naturally s k$?- fR$- 0:A- SA- 3- .%- V=- 2:A, ,8A- $/?- o- 35S- 3A- $;R- 2g/- 0<- >R$ ,2v<- 3J.- ?J3?- =- ;%- ;%- 2v?- 0:A- 5K, , MUG NYOGPAI DRIMA DANG DRELWAI SHINEH JAMTSO MIYO TENPAR SHOG TARMEH SEMLA YANG YANG TEHPAI TSE [9 free from dullness, torpor may the ocean of shamatha, (calm-abiding), Looking again and again at the Five and murkiness, be unmoving and stable.
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