CENSU S \~ /1~ -1 ~) 4 1 MAD l~A . S CIRCULARS, INSrF.UCTIONS AND FORMS (PA RTS I, II A}~ D Ill.) ~lrSulirl ao4 Xnltryst~ • ..._ ... ' >IS:- ~ - .----t.:.----- /' .. r · ~r,. ' ----~~--------~:~:~-~:~~:~---------~-,.----;::::~-~ ! -)-------~------~ / -----------------------~--------------------------------~(3) (4) ~~--~--~----~-~~~~~-~---~-~~~~------~-~-~-~--~~-~---~~~-~- 1. Circular No.1 10-2-1940. Changes 1n a!",oQ of taluks. --- 2. M 2. .~ 27-2-1940. Census Towns. ~-7 ft 3. ;~,iJI '1 ,'~ ":" , 8"- 10 , 11-4-1940. Special trnc.ts. 4. It 15-4-1940. Importance of tl;'iely arrangements. 11-13 ....C"; .. 25-4-1940. Enumeration pads-euPI1ly. 14-'" 6. ff 7-5-1940. Classitic.n.tiort and record of receiI>ts a.nd expenditure. --- IfI-19 I. (a) Letter No., Census/4O-: 23-{,-1940. - do - 7. Circular No.7, Age returns - SuCg~st1ons for accurate deterh.1nut1on. .1, I. (.) Census/4~Letter ••~i '[... ·.'.;1' i 31-10-194:0. Local calendar of notable events - .1l. ,1 Use ot. 8. C1rculftl' .'.8,1 '. Gener~l Scheme. _....----_. ____ ' l'l-U (a) Press Note, 5-li-1940. -do- _------.,.------~ .:t~-3f (b) Letter NO.41 . Cens'Us/40_2~ , ....0.0- (e) Lett@r llo.44t Census/40_3, : 6-6-UMO. 9. Circular No.9 ,I (wi th a4dend~ ii 1-(:,-1940. Formation or CATUroS DfVd.s1ons, 9-7-l94O} eafmuk1ng or statr, etc. ___ ~(,-~~~ (a) Lett"r 1iO.539 Census/40_1, I . 11';';8-1940. Circle SUf.'O rvi sor s. _____ -- 4-'''-'''~ (b) Letter No.660 Cenhs/4Q-l, Town-surveyed 1.I'I\U1Icirall'tie!J. ~ (e) Letter Mo.942 ~- ~ . i . Census/4()..:; , 3-8-1940. --- Cio - (d) Letter No.62 I " CensUS/40_9, 29-6-1940. ee) Letter No.949 Census/40-1, tI i 3-8-194Q.- ?ormi~t1on ot Ce)\sus l)1v18iOtl• -! ExplQl1atory/1ns-truet1on~. i---\' ~~ (t) Letter Ne.606 .Census/40_29 , " , 19-8-194.0. ..s,,:, (,) Letter·No.1466 i - i .... Ceneu,/4<>-1 t " : 8-10-1940., ot._~~, ~t;~L . i ~ ~-------~-~-~~~~-~~-------~~--~---------~~-~-~~--~~~-~-~~---~~~~~~~~-~~---. .~tl). (2) (3). _ (4) , .,---- .. -....... ----.-- ... ----.. -----~ ... --.. -.......... -..... -.. ,.... ---- ...... -.. -.. -....... ----.... ----... -._ ... ,_.--~ ....... It (Q9nltinued) . {h)~1,etter No.1501 Censua/40';"1, dated U::-10-1940. Railway Divisions - ForIdatlon ot. (i) Letter No.1602 Ceneua/4O-t, 14-10-l940. CantolUllents - House__ l_i_s_t_';' __ ~)' _~? " ing enumeration. ~ •. Circular No.10, It 9-7-1940. House Lists - Preparation. _ ,.'1 .. ,,, (a) Letter No.847 Cetisus/4o.2, 1-8-1940. Instructions to village " . ---~.----- officers. ------ (b) Letter No.1199 CensWi/49-2 , .t [8-9-1940. Paper for rouse Lists - standard of supply. _-._-- I:,q-?l rIll. Memorandum No.llS? t Census/40-*, .. ~-8-1940 • Miscellaneous instructions on House Lists, ord;.:>rs ot apl~ointmen t of census . il '1~ st.l1rr etc. .---------. Letter No.1383 Census/tiO-l, tt 3-10-1940. Eousa-numhF;rln~~ c}lf;\l'r;er; - ___ ..."_,, funds for. --- - . - - _, _- - ~-. - ~3. Circular No .11.• .. 10-10-1940. Checking of Louse Lists - aevisiop of cl1arg8 lists - -House numbering. "19- 8"/.:: (a) Letter No.1CSb Census/40-1, ~)8-10-19"'10. Charge Llst3 - Custody. _-- i'l.-i3 (b) Letter No.1S61 , -Ft. Census/40-l., .. 16-11.-1940.· Revision or Cbarr,e 1.1;;ts and issue of orders of &tPPOrintmsnt of census __ ~ ~",,'r . • a f. ~. Circular No.12, 31-10-1.940. Manual at_Instructions, iart II, etc.,. distribution. i.~9t • Letter. no.luG1 Cenaus/40-7t 15-11-1940. 311r-pads - Redistribution • ..-..:t~ ~qo (a) Letter No.loGl, ___. ~~-.- 'll -q~ Census/40-15t .. - do - • Letter No.laol CenlJUs/4D-l, ,tt 16-11-1940. propa.C'looa leaflets - ~" ,... - fJistrlbution. ---' ~-'- , , .• Letter No.1901 . Census/4Q..l, tt ~-11-1940. Trftve~U1ng Allowance __ bills - . j. Presentation of. __ . --~'. q 5.;". • D.O. No.2165 Census/40-4, " 3O-1f:-1940. Enumerution of Eurol ealis and. Anglo-Indians. - t c -3- ~ ..~ ... ~~._---------- .. -~-.. -----.... -... -.. -.......... -.... ---.. ----._--....... -.. --_ .. _.... --... -_ .. _-_ ......... i~:'',... :~ \ . (2) (3) (4) . Jln j' -.t"'--'--------------·-------------------------------- ---------.-~-----------, I '-CirCUlar Letter No.1243 . :.,.",' Cen~us/40-7, dated 2-1-1941. Sea-going vessels - Enumeration. 'lq-Io).. , 20. Letteir No.2236 , Census/40-1, 3-1-1941. Areas afrected by plague etc. - fD!,-/Dt,. 21. Circular No.l3, 6-1-1941. Provisional totals and custody IO~--I(j " of enur.lera,tion pads. ----- 22." '14, ::5-1-1941. Final Note s on the Census. ___ I oq - ~II (with a4dendum dated 30-1-1941) • 23. Circular WemorA.nd1.Ul1 No. 71~-Census/41-1 .. 17-2-1941. Particulars of C}-;arge Lists as finally revised.---------------- Ill- 24. Letter No.894 Census/41-~; , .. 19-3-1941 • Rf1cogni tion of f,ood work. 112> 26. Letter No.111S Enurner~tion Census/41-1, " 18-4-1941. travelling allow- At )· ances. ______----- 1J4 26. ManuEll tor Charge SUpe!'1ntendents and Supervisors, Part I. -- 27. - Do - -do- • Part II. _-- "7 -----_._---_._- ___ "'S" (a~ Englisn 1 II ef_ ---~---~- (b) '1'elueu, ,._____--- _ I.tO (c) Tamil . --,--_ . 11 , (d) Kannada - ---- . I ~ 1. (e) Malaya1.am ~_ 29. Circular Letter !~o.". 23Q-Census/40-1, dated -4-1940. ~optic essay_ ---------- 30. the Census in 1941 (General propaganda leaflets)I- ,_ , ___ (a) English --------.-~- - (l) !~lugu (c) ·Tamil -,----- -- (cl) Kannada IloS' __ -'- -.- ---- --.. .._ ____ -------__-- ..- 1 (.) Il&layalam -r<- ... - ~ 31. Note on the 1941 Census (for Europeans). ------------__________ , 3~.• D.O. dated 29th January 1941 to all Collectors - PrE}ss Publicity J- t~3 Ca) Note on the 1941 Census (for .the Press) • .._____ ----/3+-.-#~: ...- ................... -.. ~ ......... .,_ ....... --.......... '-.. -.. -........ ~.-., .... -.................... .., .. -............ -....... ..,..... -... ._... _.-...... --_ ......... .... fJ.),<'ir~'> (2) ., (3) (4) .... ••.- .. ... ---.....- ......... - ...... ........................- ...................-- ........__._- ...... _ ...--- _ _...._ ... - ......... _--. " ~'j ~,,_ fr ~-- ---~------ fAR t 1:& % A D,Y' A t I Q I. ~"sna.1atl IPd. 'QI~r\lstlOjlI. Tabulation or re.ulta. 2. Circular Mo.~ . ~.bulat1on. ' " 19-3-1941" Sorting or results. ---- ,,,.~.. 'tl 3. ~ t4.q'b()~/4-'-'J ~ ~"'-~-4-' - ·V~t..'Ut(_ ~ -- , .....;-f .. Sortlnl Inatruc- ' . t1onl, "26-3-1941. (wi th list. or achedule4 class.. (!_ ~ _ ~_. ,.. -'_ ~ aDd ••leoted pr1m1t1ve t~1be. and ~~-~ a44.n4um dated Ird April 1941). II • ~ Ilemorand\Uf.l 10.• 988. Cenaua/41-4b t dated 4-4-1~).41, - 40 - . (supplementtlr)· 1n.tructions). _ /1,1.. ,. Circular MellOr.:n4um 110.1101- C.naua/41-1, '.Ated 10-4-l.941. Paper used for aOJ't1q and i - allowances to sorting .tafr.~ 1~3-/f,'4- stora,e ot slip-pads after sort1nc. _ ... -" ...... - f"~" R tIll l 0 H M §. Ca) InRI!tl~'2n Fgrml. 1. C~rcl. (or Charge Abstract For,m. __..;..0,.--- lil-/7L_~ 2. Inuaerator's Abstract torm. __--- _______ 11~ 8. Sanna4. ______-------------- ---------.-- ----- 17lt (b) talmJ.a\1RD 19D1I. 17 !1 1. rot'll ot sorter'. Ticket tor '.b1. XlII. ----------- ... y .. ~ 1'11, 2. - Do - Table Xl'l. ------------ 177-/'1ff 3. Porm of tabulation R.g1.ter tor Table III. ---------- - ,4. 'orm of Compilation a.-Il.,.r tor 'able III (Town. ~- villa._... 179-/fIOl .. _'. el••• 1f1e4 b7 populat1ot1). ,,' /f.. 'o:rm ot Compilation Re,1ster tor '.1:>1. XIV (Tribe. and S,_h.dul.4 c•• t.~ . -_ ; /9' I-/f/ ~ -. ,:...,,: : ': ,'; ~1.~--~-~-~~-~~~~----~~~~~~~-~-~~~-~~-~-~~--~~~~~~---~-~-~~-~~.-~---~ ' . " ! " l # •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ·• ..• ..* fAn; I .. •* • • e : iNUMIBAtION. : ·• •.. ·: CIRCULARS ArID INSTRUCTlorfS.· :.. • • *• - . - ..• \ ......•.....•.................•....• Office nf the Superintendent of Census Operati()ns, Madras, Fnrt St. Genrge, dated the lOth February 1940. Frnm D. H. ELWIN, Esq •• O.E.E., I.C.S •• ·Superintendent ()f Census Operatinns,· M...A...P..JL AS. To All Collectors. Sir, Census, 1941 - Changes in the area of taluks. ~ request that you will be so good as to furnish me at your very early convenience with a statement, in the following form, of the changes, if any, whioh have taken place in the area of the Taluks in your District since the.26th February 1931. 2. If any changes are in contemplation and 'are likely to occur before the 1st Varch 1941. they should be shown in the same form but separately. 3. The p~pulation nf villages transferred from one taluk t~ another can be ascertained from the Village Statistics of 19314 ,,-----T---------------------~----------------~-----------~--~-~---------, , 1931. ~ Subsequent : Subsequent ~ PI' e t' : ,I dd . t i . '- e s n. I , I. I a 1 ons. I de duct 1. 0 n;:; _ I t I : :-----,--------~-~--~--------~----~-------+-----~------~ : : : Area ~ Popu- : Area ~ Popu- Area ~ popu- : Area.: Popu- : No. and : I I I lation.1 , lation. : lati()n~ ,I lation,,: Date of ~ I 1 1 I' ,.. .. 'Talukl I----.a.--- ,___ J.____ ,_------1 1.-------1 u'.CJ. I I , • t I I I I I I I 1 ... • I , If.'. " I' • I , ,. I san c ~ 1. () n-, . I , I I (/J ,. I til r • I til I I· I til ling the 'I I I I (J) I(]') I till Q) I{J)IQ)L 1021Q)1 I 1 I Q) I .-I • Q) , r-f I (],) I .-IIi \l.) I .-I I trans fer .1 •• .-lId ...... 1 d I.-Iledl lriledl I I I ~ IS J~I S IdlEI 1"sISI , , t """ I (],) I """ I r~ I ~ I' CD I 1,021 1 ,.~ I t I , II%.. 1 II'<'< I 11%..1 'II=<I I I ,I I I I I I I 1 I , lit .t I I I I If' I I ... _---"t------t--. ---I---... !... " ... - ..... - -- .... ~- -- ... ---- .... --- a. ---+ - ----1- -- -t-- --1------ - --~ . I' I" I r I I I I I f I , Sq.M~ : : Sq.M~ : : Sq.M~ : : Sq.M.: :: : I I' , I I I , t I I I I I I I I 1 I I , I I I I t I I I I I I I I til I I I I I I I I 1 I I , I I I I I' I , 1 I I I , I I I . I , I t I I I I I I I I t I TOTAL ttl' , I , , I I I 1 I t ~- ___ ~• _____ j_~.-~I I __ ~Lt ____ ~I ___ 1I ____ ,L~ ___ l" ___ ~ ___ ~1 ___ -~l' ____ ~ __ J_~I ___ ~ ___ ~I .
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