Senate Election Finals Set For Next Tuesday HOINESS AND EYMAN VIE FOR PRESIDENT ASMSC; ROSE UNOPPOSED FOR VP; ACTIVITY FUND TO BE CHANGED With less than 500 students vot­ gave James Hoiness 405 to Bob ing in the primary Student Senate Eyman's 8. Hoiness is an Ag Econ election, the result.s show eight of­ major, has been president of the fices unopposed and nine still un­ Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity, decided. IFC secretary; is in the Ag clubu, For president of the Associated Les Bou!fon pledge, ML club, Ski THURSDAY, APRIL 12, 1951 No. 19 Students, the final primary tally club and Fangs; and has worked on the Exponent, High School Week and many other campus ac­ "HARVEY" CAST AS Al Hammell, Student Body Prexy, tivities. Bob Eyman LXA, has SPRING QUARTER held Fang office, is an Ag major Wins National Tau and is active in the Ag club. DRAMATIC OFFERING Sam Rose, a Fish and Wildlife major, is unopposed for vice-presi­ '·Harvey," a comedy drama in dent of the ASMSC. Rose has three acts, has been selected for Beta Pi Graduate Fellowship been president of the Alpha Gam­ the spring term dramatic produc­ Alan K. Hammel, Montana State continued his outstanding record ma Rho fraternity; Student Man­ tion according to Joseph Fitch, college senior from HamHton, is at Montana State college. ager of Athletics, has been in dramatics director. one of eight young engineers from As an example of his all-around collegiate proficiency, he has al­ Fangs, Wildlife club, and Student Rehearsals, featuring a cast of throughout the nation sel.ected for l\velve students, will begin Mon­ ways ra ted near the top of his Senate; and is pledged to Scab­ a graduate fellowship by Tau Beta day, April 23. Those featured in classes, he is currently president bard and Blade and Les Bou!ions. lhe cast are: Ernestine Neuhardt Pi, national engineering honor so­ of the student body, and as an He received 426 votes. as Myrtle Mae Simmon, Pat Koob ciety. athlete holds the ull-lime MSC Myron Strand, LXA, was un­ as Veta Simmons, her mother; This is the second time a l\1on­ hurdle records. opposed !or president of the Sen­ Wally Norle>· portrays Elwood tana State student has been chosen ln the scholastic line Hammell ior class with 103 votes. for this fellowship in the 22 years is a member of the local chapter Dowd; Marge l\1organ as Miss For the Junior class presidency, Johnson; Clarice Voight as Mrs. the program has been carried on of Tau Beta Pi; Phi Eta Sigma. by the 68,'ooO member society. freshman scholastic honorary; the Lorn Ha1·die, SX, received 105 Ethel Chauvenet; Greta Gay as while Bob Smith, SAE, tallied 8. Ruth K elly, the nurse; Dave An­ Charles Mather, a 1938 chemical student branch or the Amtdcan engineering graduate, was the first Institute of Eectrical Engineers; Ralph Roscoe, Phi Sig, received drew as Duane Wilson, the at­ 70 and was unopposed for the tendant; Clarence Kelly as Lyman State college recipient~ or lhe and the Institute of· Radio Engi­ presidency of the Sophomore class. Sanderson; Will Sims plays the award. neers. For Commissioner of Finance, part of William Chumey; Joan Hammell will receive his degree Ala11 is a member of Sigma Chi Dave Parker 403, Bill Lorenz 20; Rick as his wife, Betty; Dick Mc­ in electrical engineering from social fraternity; and Alpha Phi Connen as Judge Gaffney; and MSC in June, and will use the Omega. service honorary: a mem­ Commissioner of Publications, Ralph Holker as Lofgren. Three $1200 fellowship for advanced be,· of the "M" cl.ub. with letters John Coverdale 414, unopposed; students, Greta Gay, Pat Koob, work here in the same field. earned in both basketball and Commissioner or Athletics, Leroy and Ralph Holker are Bozeman A graduate of Hamilton high track: belongs Lo Septemvlri, se­ Albrecht 353, Robert Miller 134; students. school, where he was an outstand­ nior men's honorary; the student Commissioner of Forensics, Gerald The play, written "by Mary ing athlete and student, Allan Senate. Dull. 435, unopposed; Commission­ Chase, centers around an over­ er of Dramatics, David Andrews sized mythical rabbit bv the name 399, unopposed; Commissioner of of Harvey. The three-~ct comedy LES BOUFFON TO SPONSOR "PROFESSOR Music Affairs, Gary Graves 317, has its setting in a small town of OF THE YEAR" CONTEST Carol Merz 140; Commissioner of the mid-Victorian age. A party Social A Uairs, Bob Hearst 104, is being given by ~1rs. Simmons FOR PETERSON EDUCATION FUND" Walt Watters 50; Commissioner of and her daughter, Myrtle Mae, Through the coming Les Bouf­ p. m., and votmg will continue Demonstrations, Bob Yost 400, when it is temporarily interrupted Gale Goyins 18; Commissioner of fon contest students at MSC will throughout the week. The final by the former's brother, Elwood J udging Teams, Stan Lund 149, be given an opportunity to recog­ contest is scheduled to begin on P. Dowd. and his pooka friend, nize their PY (Prof of the Year). Gerald Stensland 45; Commission­ Photo by Lucius Harvey. Shortly afterwardsJ it is The annual PY contest is sla\ed Fri. morning until 5 p. m. and on er of Student Union, Jean Thomas Thor Hague decided that Elwood should be by Les Bouffon to open polls for Sat. morning until noon. At the 228, Ed Waller 113; Student Mem­ committed to an institution. These voting on April 23. Ume or Lhe Fri. morning contest, ber of Bookstore, Nick Opie 363, incidents are followed by hilarious This Les Bourron project is a the six l.eading profs to dale will unopposed; and Student Athletic mix-ups and mistakes involving J Symphony Band, benefit fund for the infant daugh­ be voted upon as finalists. Manager, William Gander 417, un­ 'Bers Here two psychiatrists, a nurse, an at­ ter o! Jim Peterson, a former Les Students this is your chance to opposed. tendant, and a judge, in addition Bouffons and student of MSC, who select the Prof of your choice. Also to be voted on during the 'our Last Monday to other characters. was killed on campus three years One vote is one penny, and each final ele~tion next Tuesday are The drama for this term is be­ University Symphonic Band ago. The fund will be payable to student may vote as many times the !oJJowing changes: r:he direction of Justin Gray, ing presented May 28 and 29 at Mr. Peterson's daughter for her as he sees fit to elect his PY. These are the changes for stu­ 1iversity Jubfleers directed the Emerson School Auditorium college education in future years. The Prof of the Year w ill reign dent consideration as to activity •man Gulbrandsen, and the by the Associated Students of Polls for primary voting open until succeeded through a new ticket re-allocation: Dramatics, Choir, Paul Louis Abel, Jr., Montana State College. in lhe SUB Mon. at 9:00--5:00 contest next year at this time. $.95 to $1.40; Associated Women r, were presented in concert ·•.pr. 16. Students, from $.15 to .35; and of the symphonic CARNIVAL Spur of the M·oment Athletics, from $9.80 to $15.00. ·ere "Skyliner11 by Harry Friday night, April 27 Also lo be voted on are: That "Cubana" by David Ben­ Dance to Feature THf f XPONf NT an Intramural account be placed . iaturing Betty Rumph as :it 9 o'clock in the lower in the distribution for $.09 a year. >oloist, "Cornish Rhapsody" floor of the gymnasium Ideal Spur, Fang 2) That the Student Senate be oert Bath with Robert Rup­ is the time and place for Spollighting the Spur of the Mo­ THIS WEfK responsible for the edlting of the piano soloist, "Hora-Stac­ you to be to enjoy the ment dance tomorrow night will freshman handbook and that fund y Dinicu-Heifetz, 'Flight of be the naming of this year's Spur be transferred to them. 3) A pro­ /!Jlble Bee" by Rimsky-Kor­ MORT AR BOARD CAR­ or the Moment and the Knight o! posed amendment to the effect ·eaturing the entire clarinet NIVAL. Prof. of the Year, p. 1 Knights. Each year the Fangs that a new elected ex-officio omce and Joshua" by Yoder. There will be booths choose lhe girl w hom they con­ be added to the Student senate ·ass choir presented "Gate of entertainment spon­ sider an ideal Spur, and the Spurs wllh the title, Student Member or .tlanta" and Richard Wag­ MSC Orators p. 2 sored by the various pick from the Fang chapter their the IJeallh Committee. Elsa '• Procession to the al.' campus organizations. ideal I. K. These two are hono1·cd al lhe annual dance. In 1950 the ia l\tcGinty. candidate for A portable radio is of­ Honors Day ___ p. 3 NOTICE coupl e given these titles were An­ ontana of 1951. was featur­ fered as the door prize na Ronning and Bob Eyman. 011 Friday, A pril 20 at 8 solo number. Selections of ::md tickets will be sold p.m.. ~11ss Josephine \V.W te bileers ,vere 'The Thing/' The dance Is informal and will Dua l Gym Meet, p. 7 at the entrance. or the MSC ll&PE depart- >nna Wash That Man Right be held in the Student Union Ball 1nent and Mr. Robert Lager­ My Hair" with Joyce Si­ Everyone is welcome room at 9:00 p. m., with music by Quist ol the MSC Music de­ s soloist, "Country Style," so come one--come all the Rhythm Cats.
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