Assaults Total Total Staff MH Trust Name per 1,000 Assaults (1) (2) Beds(3) staff 5 Boroughs Partnership NHS Trust 687 2,491 275.8 Y Adur, Arun and Worthing PCT 4 1,948 1.8 N Aintree Hospitals NHS Trust 43 4,189 10.1 N Airedale NHS Trust 30 2,549 11.9 N Airedale PCT 0 847 0 N Amber Valley PCT 22 1,168 18.8 N Ashfield PCT 0 522 0 N Ashford and St Peter's Hospitals NHS Trust 36 3,359 10.6 N Ashford PCT 93 1,053 88.3 N Ashton, Leigh and Wigan PCT 6 2,304 2.6 N Avon Ambulance Service NHS Trust 32 580 54.5 N Avon and Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust 604 3,867 156.2 Y Avon, Gloucestershire and Wiltshire SHA 0 164 0 N Barking and Dagenham PCT 0 1,049 0 N Barking, Havering and Redbridge Hospitals NHS Trust 174 7,281 23.9 N Barnet and Chase Farm Hospitals NHS Trust 107 4,635 23.0 N Barnet PCT 7 1,906 3.7 N Barnet, Enfield and Haringey Mental Health NHS Trust 207 2,919 70.8 Y Barnsley Hospital NHS Foundation Trust 55 2,540 21.5 N Barnsley PCT 119 2,879 41.4 Y Barts and the London NHS Trust 54 8,533 6.3 N Basildon and Thurrock University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust 35 3,520 9.9 N Basildon PCT 0 660 0 N Bassetlaw PCT 0 666 0 N Bath and North East Somerset PCT (C) 189 1,613 117.2 Y Bebington and West Wirral PCT 1 847 1.1 N Bedford Hospital NHS Trust 26 2,797 9.3 N Bedford PCT 1 1,134 0.9 N Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire Ambulance and Paramedic Service NHS Trust 23 895 25.7 N Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire SHA 0 85 0 N Bedfordshire and Luton Mental Health and Social Care NHS Trust 969 1,739 557.2 Y Bedfordshire Heartlands PCT 2 1,552 1.1 N Berkshire Healthcare NHS Trust 133 2,086 63.8 Y Bexhill and Rother PCT 8 716 10.9 N Bexley Care Trust (a) 1 1,266 0.7 Y Billericay, Brentwood and Wickford PCT 2 815 2.1 N Birkenhead and Wallasey PCT 0 1,598 0 N Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health NHS Trust 566 4,232 133.7 Y Birmingham and The Black Country Strategic Health Authority 0 244 0 N Birmingham Children's Hospital NHS Trust 33 2,688 12.3 Y Birmingham Women's Health Care NHS Trust 3 1,453 1.8 N Blackburn with Darwen PCT 2 1,130 1.5 N Blackpool PCT 6 1,035 5.9 N Blackpool, Fylde and Wyre Hospitals NHS Trust 51 4,816 10.6 N Blackwater Valley and Hart PCT 14 1,229 11.4 N Bolton Hospitals NHS Trust 42 3,668 11.3 N Bolton PCT 7 2,178 3.2 N Bolton, Salford and Trafford Mental Health NHS Trust 384 2,903 132.4 Y Bournemouth Teaching PCT 0 1,109 0 N Bracknell Forest PCT 4 766 4.6 N Bradford City Teaching PCT 2 1,284 1.3 N Bradford District Care Trust 1,672 2,717 615.3 Y Bradford South and West PCT 4 936 3.7 N Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust 142 4,689 30.3 N Brent Teaching PCT 40 1,830 21.9 N Brighton and Hove City PCT 0 948 0 N Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust 69 5,761 12.0 N Bristol North PCT 11 1,833 6.2 N Page 1 of 11 © NHS Security Management Service November 2006 Assaults Total Total Staff MH Trust Name per 1,000 Assaults (1) (2) Beds(3) staff Bristol South and West PCT 2 1,226 1.4 N Broadland PCT 1 595 1.7 N Bromley Hospitals NHS Trust 55 2,747 19.9 N Bromley PCT 0 2,577 0 N Broxtowe and Hucknall PCT 10 1,081 8.9 N Buckinghamshire Hospitals NHS Trust 27 5,314 5.1 N Buckinghamshire Mental Health Trust 193 1,483 130.1 Y Burnley, Pendle and Rossendale PCT 32 2,061 15.6 N Burntwood, Lichfield and Tamworth PCT 6 1,280 4.8 N Burton Hospitals NHS Trust 38 2,494 15.3 N Bury PCT 3 1,213 2.1 Y Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Trust 34 5,575 6.1 N Calderdale PCT 1 1,005 0.9 N Calderstones NHS Trust 485 1,388 349.1 Y Cambridge City PCT 13 1,222 10.6 N Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust 153 7,281 21.1 N Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust 541 2,482 218.1 Y Camden and Islington Mental Health and Social Care Trust 229 2,226 102.9 Y Camden PCT 2 1,873 0.9 N Cannock Chase PCT 0 690 0 N Canterbury and Coastal PCT 10 1,331 7.8 N Carlisle and District PCT 3 805 3.2 N Castle Point and Rochford PCT 0 947 0 N Central and North West London Mental Health NHS Trust 378 3,151 120.1 Y Central Cheshire PCT 0 1,938 0 N Central Cornwall PCT 16 1,520 10.3 N Central Derby PCT 12 882 13.8 N Central Liverpool PCT 1 2,463 0.4 N Central Manchester and Manchester Children's University Hospitals NHS Trust 43 8,507 5.1 Y Central Manchester PCT 34 1,437 23.7 N Central Suffolk PCT 14 837 16.6 N Charnwood and North West Leicestershire PCT 4 2,202 1.6 Y Chelmsford PCT 0 596 0 N Chelsea and Westminster Healthcare NHS Trust 30 2,850 10.6 N Cheltenham and Tewkesbury PCT 4 963 3.6 N Cherwell Vale PCT 1 772 1.2 N Cheshire and Merseyside Strategic Health Authority 0 239 0 N Cheshire and Wirral Partnership NHS Trust 328 2,809 116.8 Y Cheshire West PCT 1 1,320 0.7 N Chesterfield PCT 256 1,648 155.6 Y Chesterfield Royal Hospital NHS Foundation Trust 26 3,412 7.6 N Chiltern and South Bucks PCT 7 963 7.3 N Chorley and South Ribble PCT 4 1,352 2.6 N Christie Hospital NHS Trust 1 2,048 0.4 N City and Hackney Teaching PCT 0 1,494 0 N City Hospitals Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust 153 5,163 29.6 N Clatterbridge Centre for Oncology NHS Trust 1 671 1.3 N Colchester PCT 164 1,605 102.2 Y Cornwall Partnership NHS Trust 509 2,208 230.5 Y Cotswold and Vale PCT 19 2,066 9.2 N Counter Fraud and Security Management Service 0 249 0 N Countess of Chester Hospital NHS Foundation Trust 11 3,231 3.5 N County Durham and Darlington Acute Hospitals NHS Trust 47 6,169 7.6 N County Durham and Darlington Priority Services NHS Trust 809 2,015 401.5 Y County Durham and Tees Valley Strategic Health Authority 0 103 0 N Coventry and Warwickshire Ambulance NHS Trust 31 732 41.9 N Coventry Teaching PCT 534 3,346 159.6 Y Craven, Harrogate and Rural District PCT 114 1,542 74.0 Y Page 2 of 11 © NHS Security Management Service November 2006 Assaults Total Total Staff MH Trust Name per 1,000 Assaults (1) (2) Beds(3) staff Crawley PCT 0 561 0 N Croydon PCT 3 1,984 1.5 N Cumbria Ambulance Service NHS Trust 5 422 10.9 N Cumbria and Lancashire Strategic Health Authority 0 156 0 N Dacorum PCT 0 906 0 N Darlington PCT 0 735 0 N Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust 27 2,086 12.9 N Dartford, Gravesham and Swanley PCT 39 1,482 26.3 N Daventry and South Northamptonshire PCT 0 715 0 N Dental Practice Board 0 287 0 N Derby Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust 186 6,815 27.3 N Derbyshire Dales and South Derbyshire PCT 2 564 3.0 N Derbyshire Mental Health Services NHS Trust 396 2,266 174.8 Y Derwentside PCT 1 520 1.7 N Devon Partnership NHS Trust 417 2,454 169.9 Y Doncaster and Bassetlaw Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust 112 5,830 19.2 N Doncaster and South Humber Healthcare NHS Trust 998 2,511 397.5 Y Doncaster Central PCT 29 792 36.6 N Doncaster East PCT 1 571 1.8 N Doncaster West PCT 0 777 0 N Dorset Ambulance NHS Trust 20 590 33.9 N Dorset and Somerset Strategic Health Authority 0 84 0 N Dorset Healthcare NHS Trust 814 2,008 405.4 Y Dudley Beacon and Castle PCT 202 1,285 156.9 Y Dudley Group of Hospitals NHS Trust 26 3,212 8.1 N Dudley South PCT 155 1,410 109.9 N Durham and Chester-le-Street PCT 4 1,171 3.7 N Durham Dales PCT 4 723 4.8 N Ealing Hospital NHS Trust 27 1,787 15.1 N Ealing PCT 6 2,148 2.8 N Easington PCT 1 833 1.1 N East and North Hertfordshire NHS Trust 15 5,571 2.6 N East Anglian Ambulance NHS Trust 36 1,671 21.5 N East Cambridgeshire and Fenland PCT 17 1,706 10.2 N East Cheshire NHS Trust 21 2,483 8.5 N East Devon PCT 8 1,291 6.0 N East Elmbridge and Mid Surrey PCT 9 1,961 4.4 N East Hampshire PCT 218 2,247 97.1 Y East Kent Coastal PCT 4 1,629 2.6 N East Kent Hospitals NHS Trust 157 7,350 21.4 N East Kent NHS and Social Care Partnership Trust 717 1,621 442.4 Y East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust 75 6,817 11.0 N East Leeds PCT 16 1,584 9.8 N East Lincolnshire PCT 2 2,022 0.8 Y East London and the City Mental Health NHS Trust 248 2,680 92.5 Y East Midlands Ambulance Service NHS Trust 53 1,870 28.3 N East Staffordshire PCT 0 735 0 N East Surrey PCT 1 1,214 0.7 N East Sussex County Healthcare NHS Trust 234 1,685 139.0 Y East Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust 63 5,633 11.2 N East Yorkshire PCT 2 1,167 1.5 N Eastbourne Downs PCT 1 1,140 0.8 N Eastern Birmingham PCT 6 1,865 3.3 N Eastern Cheshire PCT 1 1,289 0.8 N Eastern Hull PCT 0 824 0 N Eastern Leicester PCT 0 933 0 N Eastern Wakefield PCT 44 1,249 35.5 N Eastleigh and Test Valley South PCT 3 919 3.3 N Eden Valley PCT 12 993 12.3 N Page 3 of 11 © NHS Security Management Service November 2006 Assaults Total Total Staff MH Trust Name per 1,000 Assaults (1) (2) Beds(3) staff Ellesmere Port and Neston PCT 13 775 16.8 N Enfield PCT 125 1,752 71.4 Y Epping Forest PCT 14 967 14.4 N Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust 51 5,157 9.9 N Erewash PCT 13 1,038 12.5 N Essex Ambulance Service NHS Trust 6 1,305 4.6 N Essex Rivers Healthcare NHS Trust 43 3,220 13.4 N Essex Strategic Health Authority 0 116 0 N Exeter PCT 3 1,197 2.5 N Fareham and Gosport PCT 168 1,899 88.3 Y Frimley Park Hospital NHS Foundation Trust 31 3,394 9.2 N Fylde PCT 5 633 8.2 N Gateshead Health NHS Foundation Trust 159 3,670 43.2 Y Gateshead PCT 2 1,391 1.2 N Gedling PCT 0 578 0 N George Eliot Hospital NHS Trust 47 2,267 20.7 N Gloucestershire Ambulance Services NHS Trust 4 399 9.3 N Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust 116 7,380 15.7 N Gloucestershire Partnership NHS Trust 1,208 2,231 541.3 Y Good Hope Hospital NHS Trust 43 2,980 14.3 N Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Trust 23 2,915 8.0 Y Great Yarmouth PCT 0 541 0 N Greater Derby PCT 1 1,208 0.7 N Greater Manchester Ambulance Service NHS Trust 112 1,575 71.1 N Greater Manchester Strategic Health Authority 0 295 0 N Greenwich Teaching PCT 1 1,575 0.6 N
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