500Jegs earn meals for Crop Walk9 project, B1 GREATER RED BANK tATONTOWN Tops oh the tube First in a series LONG BRANCH "Hill Street" helps The home computer: NBC bring home 33 Emmys today'* Forecast: How it can help you Sunny, warmer by tomorrow Page A3 Page A5 Compl>t« wathT on A2 The Daily Register VOL. 106 NO. 72 •YOUR HOMETOWN NEWSPAPER . ".SINCE 1878 MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1983* 25 CENTS 'Enough of misery ... enough of bloodshed9 Guns are silenced in Lebanon By FAROUK NASSAU out when the Israeli army withdrew pate in a national reconciliation con- claimed 14 mortar rounds were Jordan said shooting around the his 32.000 troops to stop shooting Associated Preti Writer from Lebanon's central mountains ference. A Lebanese government of- fired on the hills surrounding Beirut Marine base at the airport stopped "except in self-defense' after 6 BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) - Leba- on Sept. 4, with Syrian-backed ficial said the United Nations would within 30 minutes after the cease- six minutes after the deadline, and a.m. local time. non's civil war came to a halt today Druse militiamen and their leftist be asked to provide 500 observers to fire took effect at daybreak. no gunfire was heard after that by Leftist opposition leader Walid as a cease-fire worked out by the allies battling Christian militiamen help police the cease-fire. Residents of highrise apartment the US contingent of the multi- Jumblatt, based in Syria, issued a United States and Saudi Arabia si- and Lebanese army troops. The state-run radio said today buildings in Beirut said the roar of national peacekeeping force. similar order to his Druse lenced the guns around Beirut. The agreement, announced just a that "cautious calm prevailed on artillery, rockets and mortars that The crease-fire agreement was militiamen and their allies after the Police said the truce was holding few hours after shelling which all war fronts." However, the Chris- shook the capital throughout the announced at midnight by President cease-fire agreement was an- on all fronts after a three-week war wounded four U.S. Marines at tian-controlled Voice of Lebanon ra- night stopped at the ceasefire dead- Amin Gemayel It was followed by nounced in Damascus by Saudi me- which killed at least 806 people and Beirut's international airport, calls dio station said adherence to the line. an order from the army com- diator Prince Bandar Bin Sultan and wounded 1,725. The fighting broke for the warring factions to partici- ceasefire was "90 percent" and Marine spokesman Maj Robert mander, Gen. Ibrahim Tannous, to See Guns, page A7 Reagan unveils arms plan at UN Azzolina on deck NEW YORK (AP) - President Reagan, "disturbed by the drift of world events," is unveiling at the United Nations a new proposal to limit medium-range nuclear arms of US battleship in Europe. By TERRY MOORE changed and the ship set sail to The president, speaking today to Central America, through the the UN. General Assembly, MIDDLETOWN - What Panama Canal and to the Medi- planned to stress as his central started out as a "shakedown" terranean theme the need to reduce the U.S. cruise to the Far East has turned Azzolina had the option to re- and Soviet stockpiles of nuclear into another-war story for Joseph turn home but was granted a weapons despite the sour state of Azzolina. request to stay on board for the superpower relations. The former state senator and remainder of the journey, ac- The address comes against a the president of a Foodtown su- cording to Nancy Crowell, Az- backdrop of heightened tension be- permarket chain is one of 72 of- zolina's assistant at Food Circus tween the United States and the ficers aboard the U.S. battleship Super Markets Inc. Soviet Union, and questions about New Jersey, anchored off the At Thailand, the ship's oi- the U.S. role as the host to the coast of war-torn Lebanon. The ders were changed by upper United Nations and Its contributions 887-foot vessel sailed into the echelons." Crowell explained to the international body. warfare territory Saturday, "We expected our boss home in A senior administration official before wort/Of the imminent the middle of September But he said the president, making his first eeaseJke^Ss Lebanese troops just felt he wanted to continue speech to the General Assembly, battled Moslem and Druse with the ship. He felt it was a would "emphasize the importance militiamen with artillery and privilege and an honor " of proceeding, moving ahead on machine guns. JUMCMM PraU HUM Crowell said she last heard arms control," although he has been The 57-year-old Azzolina vol- FLIGHT PLANS — President Reagan pens some notes during a Joseph Azzolina of Mlddletown, from her employer on Sept 12. sharply critical of the Soviet Union unteered to join a 102-day deploy- flight aboard Air Force One yesterday enroute to New York. He is left, receiving past accolade when "they had just gone to the following the Soviets' shooting down ment on the ship's goodwill tour, making a two-dav visit for diplomatic meetings and a date at the from the United States Navy. canal " of a Korean Air Lines jetliner on earning the Surface Warfare Of- United Nations, where he is expected to reveal a new arms control In a telephone call. Azzolina Sept. 1. ficer designation. A Korean War proposal. told Crowell that when the ship Among those expected to attend veteran, he now is a Naval Re- its Far East destination, Az- arrived in ports throughout the the session were several heads of Minister Andrei Gromyko, skipping people. serve captain. zolina was expected back by fam- Far East, the vessel "was government and as many as 50 for- his first General Assembly opening Reagan administration officials, When the ship departed from ily and friends on Sept. 17. But greeted with cheers. People eign ministers. Missing from this session since 1957, in the wake of the speaking on condition that they not Long Beach, Cal., on June 9 for the battleship's orders were See Aziolina, page A7 group, however, was Soviet Foreign airliner catastrophe that killed 289 See Reagan, page A7 Kean: Senate tradition'Mickey Mouse9 move TRENTON..N.J. (AP) - An at- term expires Oct. 5. Pressler's job. If he falls, Wilentz County prosecutor, Alexander D. Lehrer, who is challenging voted on by the entire senate. " he tempt by a single state senator to The 40-member Senate scheduled said, "the impact on the entire judi- Lehrer, in a message to Sen. S. Gagliano for the 12th District Sen- said. • use a 19th-century tradition to oust a special closed-door session for to- ciary could be devastating." Thomas Gagliano, R-Monmouth, ate seat, thinks it is an absolute - But Senate President Carmen A the only woman on New Jersey's day to decide whether to honor Republican Gov. Thomas H. urged him to reverse his stand fa- abuse of power on the part of the Orechio, D-Essex, had earlier of- appeals court has brought the con- Cardinale's use of "senatorial Kean has derided the Senate tradi- voring senatorial courtesy. upper house and is shocked any pub- fered a defense to similar attacks on demnation of the governor and an courtesy," an unwritten custom tion as "a 'Mickey Mouse' process "The people of our district are lic official would support this issue the closed-door session: "We are unusual lobbying effort by the chief that.allows a senator to block the behind closed doors." outraged at this obvious abuse of being kept in secret without the an institution who is threatened; and justice. nomination of someone from his The holding of the secret Senate power. As senator, you have a duty scrutiny of the public or the press. we have a right to meet in private Judge Sylvia Pressler has been home county. session on the issue has been at- to exercise the public's trust in a on it." called "brilliant" by colleagues. Chief Justice Robert N. Wilentz tacked by 19 New Jersey news or- just, fair, and open manner. You "If I were serving as senator of At the center of the controversy But Sen. Gerald Cardinale, R- of the state Supreme Court, crossing ganizations, which pursued a law-. should not continue to protect the the 12th District. I would demand is Pressler. 49, of Englewood — the Bergen, a dentist, has opposed some the line that usually prevents judges suit seeking a court order requiring special interest of another senator that the issue of her reappointrnent only woman in the Appellate of her decisions and blocked a Sen- from interfering with the Legisla- an open meeting. behind closed doors," Lehrer, a be placed on the Senate floor im- Division of Superior Court and the ate vote to grant tenure before her ture, has lobbied publicly to save And last night former Monmouth Democrat, said in his message. mediatedly and that it should be See Kean, page A7 27 IRA guerrillas on run BELFAST, Northern Ireland "It is a desperately dangerous 38 men obtained guns and knives (AP) — Hundreds of soldiers and situation," said a senior police of- and then fought their way out of the police, aided by helicopters and ficer. "It Is like trying to corner a maximum-security Maze Prison, 12 tracking dogs, manned roadblocks pack of wolves." miles south of Belfast, yesterday. and scoured the countryside today James Prior, Britians secretary Fifteen of the escapees were recap- for 23 Irish Republican Army guer- for Northern Ireland, ordered a tured after the break.
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