Congregation Bnai Yeshurun Weekly Shabbat Announcements August 13-20, 2021 Shabbat Shoftim Striving for Simplicity Shabbat Times A Message from Rabbi Weinberger 7:05, 7:35 Candle Lighting In this week’s Sedrah Moshe Rabeinu delivers, & 7:36 pm what appears to be a simple message to Bnei Plag Mincha & Kabbalat Shabbat 6:15 pm Yisrael: You shall be Minyan - BM with Hashem your G-d. What exactly Mincha & Kabbalat Shabbat – 6:45 pm NM & Ogden Tent does mean? One of the major Mincha & Kabbalat Shabbat–OM 7:15 pm contemporary commentaries (Google Mincha & Kabbalat Shabbat–NM 7:40 pm Translate) offers no less than twelve Sephardic Mincha & interpretations of the word . Interestingly 7:00 pm Kabbalat Shabbat enough, ArtScroll’s translation-“wholehearted”- is not even one of the Latest Shema 9:31 am twelve. So that makes thirteen. Turns out the simple message is not Hashkama–NM & Ogden Tent 7:00 am so simple after all- unless you go with the translation of “simple”, in Ashkenaz–Ogden Tent 8:30 am which case that’s exactly what it is. Bottom line, what exactly are we being instructed here? Sefard–Beis Medrash 8:30 am Onkelos uses the word “ ”, as in perfect. The Ramban gives the Ashkenaz–New Main 9:00 am Sephardic Shacharit 9:00 am example of a -a perfect lamb, free of any blemishes- offered Ashkenaz-Old Main 9:15 am on the And while no one is expected to be perfect, the message Youth Groups for incoming grades K-4 here is that our commitment to the should be perfect or 9:15 am – end of 9:00 am New Main Minyan complete. Drop off in Youth Classrooms, pick up in the W. E. Tent Rashi goes in a different direction. He suggests that we’re being Mommy & Me led by Morah 10:00 am instructed . We should not worry about what Chaya Glaser (W.E. Tent) Daf Yomi following the 7:00 am Shacharit in the W. E. Tent the future will bring. Don’t turn to fortune tellers or other forms of Minchas Chinuch–George Silfen 10:30 am necromancy to try to predict (or possibly change) the future. Rather, after Sefard minyan we should be at peace with the fact that we are under the watchful eye Mincha-New Main 1:45 pm of Hashem, and whatever happens is for the best. Manny Freed z”l Parent Child As I alluded to above, we are all familiar with another meaning of 4:45 pm Learning –Ogden Tent from the in the Haggadah. While most of the divrei Mincha-New Main 5:30 pm Torah tend to revolve around the and , the third son at the Sephardic Mincha 7:15 pm table is the . In the illustrated Haggadas he’s usually depicted as a Mincha-NM & Ogden Tent 7:35 pm sweet, innocent boy. A simpleton. Yet, with all due respect to the Rabbi Schrier’s shiur following Mincha in the New Main- various Haggadah artists, the original was anything but. A Divine Inheritance: To the best of my knowledge, there are only two people about The Cities of Shevet Levi & Their Relevance to Am Yisrael whom the Torah goes out of its way to provide any sort of descriptive Maariv & Shabbat Ends- 8:40 pm New Main & Ogden Tent accolades: Moshe Rabeinu was described as an and Yaakov Avinu 7:05 & as an Next Shabbat Candle Lighting 7:26 pm Of all things to call him, the Torah refers to Yaakov as an . Mincha & Kabbalat Shabbat 6:10, 6:45, Here we are finally given a description of someone, a rare event, and & 7:30 pm we’re left scratching our heads as to what it means. Was Yaakov Avinu perfect? He was not. He married two sisters; favored one son over the others, etc. Is the Torah telling us that he was a simpleton? This week’s bulletin is sponsored by Was Yaakov the at the Seder? That doesn’t sound like a Gilla & Yitz Stern commemorating the compliment, nor does it seem to be true. Yaakov was a tremendous Yahrzeit (6 Elul) of Yitz's mother, Talmid Chacham who learned for 14 years in yeshiva. Immediately following that, he went head-to- head with his cunning father-in-law, Zlata bat R' Yitzchok a”h. Lavan. Over the span of two decades, he managed to marry both of Lavan’s daughters and acquire his entire wealth. Not bad for a simpleton. Continued on page 2 Congregation Bnai Yeshurun Phone (201) 836 – 8916 Page 1 of 8 641 West Englewood Ave. Teaneck, NJ 07666 www.bnaiyeshurun.org Congregation Bnai Yeshurun Weekly Shabbat Announcements August 13-20, 2021 Shabbat Shoftim Mazal Tov Rabbi Weinberger continued from page 1 ▪ Susan & Alan Heideman and Debra & Yossi Zelig on the Clearly, he was not of limited intellect. Perhaps the meaning marriage of their daughter, Eliana Zelig, to Daniel Wisotsky of of is that he had the tremendous wherewithal and Englewood. discipline to keep things simple. Something he needed to do in ▪ Esti & Benyamin Kaminetzky on the birth of a the roller-coaster journey he took in life granddaughter, Ayelet Tova, to Leora & Zvi Kaminetzky. And it is this ability that encapsulates the wide-ranging ▪ Rebekah Langer on the forthcoming marriage of her implications of or wholesomeness. Hashem took our granddaughter, Rena Levine, to Gil Piwko in Israel. neshamos and put them inside complex bodies, with ▪ Evelyn & Bob Meyer on the marriage of their grandson, complicated minds, living in a confusing world. Avrumi Solomon, son of Sheryl and Eli Solomon, to Yael Ben means through it all, to keep it simple. Not to be of simple Arbon. minds, like the , but to have the ability to clarify and simplify ▪ Fred Nagler on the marriage of his grandson, Avrumi Solomon, son of Sheryl and Eli Solomon, to Yael Ben Arbon. our priorities when necessary. Many things in this world are gray- but, often enough, it’s black and white, if we choose to view ▪ Sharon & Daniel Nussbaum and Marilyn & David Koplon on the forthcoming marriage of their daughter and it through the lens of . Sometimes it’s as simple as granddaughter, Rebecca, to Jared Caplan. choosing to be a good person. The deeper questions of “What am I in this world for?” might in fact be gray. But the simpler ones ▪ Esther & Harold Perl and Dorothy & Norbert Strauss on the engagement of their grandson & great-grandson, Elimelekh of “What am I coming to shul for?” We all know the answer to Perl, son of Ari & Meira Perl, to Yael Blau of Cleveland. those ones. We just need to be a little more about it. Let us ▪ Dahlia & Michael Rosen and Judy Rosen on the birth of a take this perspective of into the upcoming grandson and great-grandson, a son to Avital & Tyler Hod. month of Elul and Yamim Noraim. And if we are able to do that ▪ Phyllis & David Savetsky on the birth of a great- then, as Rashi concludes, , we will find granddaughter, a daughter to Sora Esther & Yisroel Moshe, ourselves under the protection of Hashem, something we all can children of Elkie & Yonah Solomon and on the engagement of use as we approach the their granddaughter, Shira Solomon, to Yitzchak Pollack. ▪ Ruthie & Eliezer Stavsky on the upcoming marriage of their BNOT son, Gabi, to Adina Goodman of Riverdale. ▪ Participate in this year’s BNOT Rosh Hashanah greeting for ▪ Linda & Isaac Szpilzinger on the engagement of their only $18/family. Sign up at www.bnaiyeshurun.org/bnot. daughter, Lauren, to Shlomo Kreuser of Brooklyn. ▪ Women & girls of CBY are invited to join Rebbetzin Rena ▪ Sharon & Zvi Sebrow on the birth of a granddaughter, Schrier on Monday, August 16th at 7:30 pm in the W.E. Tent Harper Elizabeth, to Devorah & Eric Dobin. for an evening of chesed. Pack Shabbat Boxes for Chesed 24/7 CBY Notes and enjoy a light pareve dinner. Register at ▪ Join TORA on Tuesday, August 17th at 1:00 pm, in the Ogden www.bnaiyeshurun.org/bnot. The event is free of charge, any donations made will go to Chesed 24/7. Tent for a shiur given by Rabbi Elliot Schrier, “The Mitzvah of Teshuva and the Joy of Being a Lifelong Learner”. All are David Frohlich z”l Youth Department invited to join at 12:40 pm for a pre-Shiur meet & greet with R’ Schrier. Please note there will be no lunch served. To sponsor ▪ Groups this week will begin at 9:15 am in the Youth please contact the shul office. Classrooms, followed by a youth kiddush outside, and will ▪ Please submit your forms for Yizkor Book 5782 on our website conclude when the 9:00 am New Main minyan finishes, at www.bnaiyeshurun.org/yizkor-book by August 23rd. with pick up in the West Englewood Tent. As no eating is allowed during groups due to masking policies, please make ▪ Purchase your High Holiday 5782 seats today! For detailed sure children are well-fed in the morning. All children information and to purchase please visit must wear masks while indoors. No exceptions. www.bnaiyeshurun.org/holidays. Food and drink will be provided outside in the Tent. Please direct all questions about this to the shul's Medical Beis Medrash Committee Committee. Children who cannot comply with this rule will ▪ Manny Freed z”l Parent Child Learning will take place on be asked to return to their parents. Shabbat at 4:45 pm in the Ogden Tent. ▪ Save the date, September 5th for the DFYD 3rd Annual ▪ Mishna Yomit is learning Masechet Mikva'ot.
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