ww.concordiasentinel.com Concordia sentinel • October 18, 2017 • 7B Demon hoops meets media "C'mon and get in my van." the sidelines." helped by the return of Zeek That's the phrase that greeted Dupuy said his Lady Demons Woodley, which included victo- Northwestern State basketball are making a smoother transition ries over Stephen F. Austin and coaches Mike McConathy and in his second year. over eventual champion New Or- Jordan Dupuy at the Southland "It's been a lot smoother be- leans. Conference Basketball Media cause everybody understands Woodley won't be back, but the Day on Monday at the Houston what needs to happen and what Demons have key returners like Rockets' Toyota Center. we expect," Dupuy said. "The Devonte Hall, Ishmael Lane and The phrase makes more sense players are much further ahead in Iziahiah Sweeney to pair with when it comes from Women's understanding our scheme, and West. Basketball Hall of Famer Van we really concentrated last year "We realized as a staff that we Chancellor, who interviewed on changing our culture to be a did a good job of keeping our both coaches in a van as part of a more up-tempo team. guys together through a tough carwash of activities for Mc- "After losing Beatrice Attura, stretch before we played some re- Conathy and Dupuy. we know we have to fill that void ally good basketball down the "That was my favorite segment with multiple people. Cheyenne stretch," McConathy said. "It just because Van is a legend in Brown knows that she'll have a made you think about what it our game and is always so enthu- target on her back after averaging could have been if we would RiveR City Bass CluB hosted its Oct, 14, 2017 tournament on Lake Bruin with 19 mem- siastic," said Dupuy, the second- 17 points and seven rebounds last have had all those points on the bers fishing. We had 14 limits and no zips. Winners were from left. Jeremy Owens with 5 fish year NSU women's head coach. year." floor at the same time all season. weighing 13.28 lbs and a 3.25 kicker, Neal Wilson with 5 fish (12.36/3.07 kicker), Greg Rabb "We talked about some subjects Brown was selected to the "Running five in and five out with 5 fish (11.39 and the 3.63 big bass of the day), Dale Jamison with 5 fish (11.03/3.19 that were very important to me Southland Conference Preseason in our wave system will be a lot kicker), Junior Williams with 5 fish (9.52). Others with fish were Ronny Douglas with 5 fish like balancing family and basket- Second Team. more fun this year because we (9.21), Dennis Mulvihill with 5 fish (9.20), Boogie Long Jr with 5 fish (9.13), Lane Strong with ball as a young coach." Both the Demons and Lady should have the depth to get back 5 fish (9.06), Shannon Gay with 5 fish (7.55), Corey Williams with 5 fish (7.16), Drew Weaver McConathy and Dupuy shot Demons were picked to finish to our trademark style of play." with 5 fish (6.60), David Smith with 5 fish (6.23), Bo Strahan with 4 fish (6.22), Jimmy June hoops against each other in a eighth by the league's coaches The men and women open their with 5 fish (5.47), Joey Gilbert with 3 fish (4.94), Carrol Huff with 2 fish (3.09), Daniel Huff with Facebook Live segment, tying and sports information directors. seasons on Nov. 10 as the 3 fish (2.80) and Nolan Owens with 1 fish (.98). each other with just one miss The Demons won three of their Demons head to Texas and the dressed in full suits. last four games this past season women head to Ole Miss. McConathy spent a lot of time Former Tigers ready for NBA tip-off talking about the return of guard Jalan West, who enters his sev- Experience & Results Matter The 2017-18 National Basketball Association sea- the Grizzlies will host the New Orleans Pelicans in enth overall season as the school son began Tuesday and six former Tigers are listed a 7 p.m. CT game televised in South Louisiana on leader in career assists (614), on opening rosters for teams in the opening week. FSNOLA. Martin, who battled injuries his first two third in career steals (219) and Although it is a year delayed, the 2016 NBA No. years, averaged 16.6 minutes per game and posted sixth all-time in scoring (1,592). 1 pick will have a national television debut on 10.4 points a game, 5.0 rebounds and 1.2 assists. In 2014-15, his last full season, Wednesday night when Ben Simmons and the Garrett Temple, in his ninth season in the league, he was the only player in the Philadelphia 76ers travel to Washington for a 6 p.m. is now the senior member of the LSU contingent in NCAA to rank in the Top 25 na- contest on ESPN. Simmons, who missed all of last the NBA as he enters his second year in Sacramento. tionally in scoring, assists and year with a preseason scrimmage leg injury, aver- He averaged 23 minutes a game and had numbers steals, leading the country in as- aged 22.8 minutes in the preseason with numbers of of 10.3 points, 2.7 rebounds and 1.3 assists a game. sists with 7.7 per game. 11.4 points per game, 6.2 rebounds a game and 5.4 Rookie Antonio Blakeney, who after two years at West missed all but one game assists. Also on Wednesday in 6 p.m. CT games, LSU, made a good enough impression with the (the opener of the 2015-16 sea- Johnny O’Bryant III and the Charlotte Hornets will Chicago Bulls in the summer league to earn a two- son) with two torn ACLs. travel to Detroit. O’Bryant III, who signed a multi- way contract with the Bulls. It is a contract that will "He's arguably the best player year contract with Charlotte at the end of last sea- allow him to be with the Bulls at points during the I've been around as a coach or a son, averaged 16.2 minutes in the preseason, 6.8 season as well as with their G-League franchise, the player," said McConathy, who points and 3.6 rebounds. Windy City Bulls. Chicago opens Thursday at 6:30 was one of the best scorers in Jordan Mickey and his new team, the Miami Heat, p.m. at Toronto. Blakeney averaged 7.7 minutes in Louisiana Tech history and was will be on the road to take on Orlando. Mickey, who the preseason and 4.5 points. drafted into the NBA. "He's signed a guaranteed contract with the team after a Brandon Bass and Justin Hamilton, who both doing really well in practice, and couple of years going back and forth between played in the league last season, have both signed we're very thankful he got a sev- Boston and the Maine G-League team, averaged contracts with teams in China for this basketball enth year from the NCAA. 12.2 minutes in preseason play, scoring 5.5 points season, and Tim Quarterman, who played for the George R. Merriman II, MD, FACS, FASMBS "He has a lot more fun playing per game and 3.3 rebounds. Portland Trail Blazers last year, was traded to Hous- on the court than coaching from Jarell Martin enters his third year in Memphis and ton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