A Publication of The Salvation Army Word & Deed Mission Statement: The purpose of the journal is to encourage and disseminate the thinking of Salvationists and other Christian colleagues on matters broadly related to the theology and ministry of The Salvation Army. The journal provides a means to understand topics central to the mission of The Salvation Army, inte­ grating the Army's theology and ministry in response to Christ's command to love God and our neighbor. Salvation Army Mission Statement: The Salvation Army, an international movement, is an evangelical part of the universal Christian Church. Its message is based on the Bible. Its ministry is motivated by the love of God. Its mission is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and to meet human needs in His name without discrimination. Editorial Address: Manuscripts, requests for style sheets, and other correspondence should be addressed to Major. Ed Forster at The Salvation Army, National Headquarters, 615 Slaters Lane, Alexandria, VA 22314. Phone: (703) 684-5500. Fax: (703) 684-5539. Email: Ed_Forster_usn.salvationarmy.org. Editorial Policy: Contributions related to the mission of the journal will be encouraged, and at times there will be a general call for papers related to specific subjects. The Salvation Army is not responsible for every view which may be expressed in this journal. Manuscripts.should be approximately 12-15 pages, including endnotes. Please submit the following: 1) three hard copies of the manuscript with the author's name (with rank and appointment if an officer) on the cover page only. This ensures objec­ tivity during the evaluation process. Only manuscripts without the author's name will be evaluated. The title of the article should appear at the top of the first page of the text, and the manuscript should utilize Word & Deed endnoteguidelines. All Bible references should be from the New International Version. If another version is used throughout the article, indicate the version in the first textual ref­ erence only. If multiple versions are used, please indicate the version each time it changes; 2) a copy on a disk or CD, using Microsoft Word formatf 3) a 100-word abstract of the article to be used at the discretion of the editor (e.g., on The Salvation Army's, ,web page or in advertisements pertaining to the journal). Please note that neither the hard copies nor the disk will be returned to the author and that all manuscripts are subject to editorial review. Once articles have been selected for inclusion, the deadlines for submitting final material for the journal are March 1 and September 1. A style sheet is available upon request. ' Editor in Chief: Ed Forster, Salvation Army National Headquarters Co-Editors: Roger J. Green Jonathan S. Raymond, Trinity Western University Editorial Board: Harry Brocksieck Donald Burke Edgar Chagas Peter Farthing John Merritt Lyell Rader Barbara Robinson Brian Jones Word & Deed: Vol. 9 No. 1 November 2006 ISSN 1522-3426 Copyright 2006 The Salvation Army. All rights reserved. Printed in the "United States of America Vol. 9, No. 1 "•• " November 2006 Editorial: The South Africa Conference and the Doctrine of the Church Roger J. Green and Jonathan S. Raymond 1 Guest Editorial: People of God: Salvationist Ecclesiology Earl Robinson .' 3 Salvationist Ecclesiology: Past, Present and the Way Forward ^ Earl Robinson - , 9 - ?• s\ Foundational Discipleship, Education and Training Philip Cairns , 43 Life is Worship - Worship is Life David'Noakes *• 65 An Ambivalent Embrace: The Implications of Financial Support on Church Identity Glen Shepherd 85 Word & Deed Ad Policy Ward & Deed wjll consider advertisements_tbat relate to educational or ecclesi­ astical institutions, events, and publications aligned generally or specifically with the mission of The Salvation Army or which support the broad interests of the Church. Books, journals, conferences and symposia, lecture series, congress­ es, and programs" of Christian educational institutions are potentially appropriate topics for Word & Deed advertisements. The Salvation Army reserves the right to accept ads based on their affinitywith its mission and position statements. i Word & Deed is issued twice a year, in May^and November The journal is dis­ tributed to individual subscribers, universities, libraries, academic symppsia, and organizations and publishers. A maximum of eight pages per issue will be reserved for advertising space. The number of advertisements run is subject to change, based on the page count of each issue. Deadlines for submitting ads are March 1 for May issues and September 1 for November issues. Full-page advertisements are available at a cost of $100, invoiced upon accept­ ance. Ads must be camera-ready or submitted on disk in TIFF or PDF format. (Disks will not be returned.) The latter method'is*preferred. Advertisements are sent to: Word & Deed The Salvation Army National Publications 615 Slaters Lane Alexandria, VA 22314 The South Africa Conference and the Doctrine of the Church, It is clear that ever since the days of William and Catherine Booth and the evolution of The Christian "Mission into The Salvation Army there has been a need for an understanding of the relationship of the Army to the broader Church, the Body of Christ. With the opportunity for an international symposium in South Africa, it was determined that the theme of the conference would be the doctrine of ecclesiology. The international symposium was called "People of God: Salvationist Ecclesiology." The papers in this issue of the journal as well as the May, 2007 issue were given at that conference, and it is our prayer that the careful thinking that these papers reflect will assist our readers in their under­ standing of The Salvation Army. ' We are grateful to Colonel Earl Robinson, for many years the chair of the International Doctrine Council, for putting the conference in perspective by way of a guest editorial. Colonel Robinson is also the writer of the lead article in this issue, setting out the parameters of the conference and dealing with some of the themes that are central* to the conference. This is followed by a paper by Major Philip Cairns, in which he addresses the need for understanding the foundation upon which Salvation Army education and training is based. Of inestimable value to the broad topic of ecclesiology was Major Cairns' approach to this topic from a theological framework. We often begin discussion of this subject either WORD & DEED historically or sociologically, but the theological understanding of both essence and form as ways to clarify the nature of the Church is very helpful to any ongo­ ing discussion. The paper by Major David Noakes follows and quite naturally complements what Major,Cairns has written'in his paper. Major Noakes examines a founda­ tional question of the relationship of the Christian life to worship, and develops this subject well with special'emphasis on The Salvation Xrmy. The challenges that the paper addresses in the final section are of inestimable worth as discus­ sions of ecclesiology continue. Those who planned for this symposium were intent that any discussion of the doctrine ofthe Church should deal with practical but pressing questions with­ in the context of theological discussion. The final two papers of this issue begin to deal with that intent. Colonel Glen Shepherd agreed to write and deliver a paper entitied "Financial Support Implications Related tox Church Identity." Drawing on his international experience as a Salvation Army officer, Colonel Shepherd deals, with the financial realities as well as challenges that the Army faces internationally with both our social ministries and, the work in our local churches. This South Africa symposium is only a beginning, a first but important step, and it is expected that, the theology expressed, the discussions begun, and the questions posed will continue in the future to raise a significant awareness of who we have been called to be as a people of God. As mentioned, the May, 2007 issue of Word & Deed will continue with papers from this symposium, and it is the prayer of the editors of this journal that our readers will benefit greatly from these papers and will rejoice with us that the Army is called to be a living wit­ ness to the Church in our time and in our age. "Now to Him who by the power at work within us is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, to Him be glory in the Church and in Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen" (Ephesians 3:20-21). RGJ, JSR People of God: Salvationist Ecclesiology Earl Robinson Background The first International Theology & Ethics Symposium in Salvation Army history was held in May 2001" at The Salvation Army's William and Catherine Booth College in Winnipeg, Canada. This was described by the co-editors of Word & Deed, as important to "Our Theological Moment" because "it bears wit­ ness to the importance given by the Army today of centering our life and min­ istry carefully in biblical theology and the theology of the Christian Church." ' General John Larsson (Ret.), who delivered the final paper of the sympo­ sium in his then office as the Chief of the Staff, said this of the occasion: This symposium on the theme of "Salvationist Theology and Ethics for the New Millennium" is of great significance for the future of The Salvation Army. Let me suggest three reasons why this is so ... Firsdy, it is thought iri the form of deeply- held convictions tfiat gives birth to action ... Secondly, this symposium is important' because The Salvation Army has reached a watershed in its self-understanding ... We are in a period of transition towards a fuller understanding of ourselves as a church - and theological concerns lie at the very heart of Colonel Earl Robinson served Os Chair ofthe Salvation Army International Doctrine' Council during the Council's planning, preparation and direction ofthe 2001 and 2006 International theology & Ethics Symposia WORD & DEED this process ..
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