MARIABERG E.V. THE HUMAN TOUCH MARIABERG E.V. Mariaberg e.V. is a Diaconal Social Service institution with Specialisation in certain fields is one of the hallmarks of an offering that is available to people of all age groups, from Mariaberg. Included are a hospital specialising in child early childhood to advanced age, who suffer from disabilities and adolescent psychiatry, a medical therapy centre for and social deprivation. The institution was founded in 1847 people with disabilities and offerings in the areas of youth by Dr Carl-Heinrich Rösch, a public health officer from Urach. welfare and pre-school services. In addition, Mariaberg as an With a staff of more than 1,600 we take care of some 3,000 educational institution assists in integrating various target people in our region. Our institution is headquartered in groups in the working world through educational activities Gammertingen. In the course of regionalisation in recent and special vocational training programmes and vocational years additional facilities and new offerings have been schools. In numerous communities of the region we are created in the administrative districts of Sigmaringen, entrusted with open youth work. In addition, we organise a Reutlingen, Zollernalb, Alb-Donau, Biberach as well as in wide range of cultural and recreational events. Stuttgart and Ulm. In-house assisted living in particular has been relocated to this region. Together with its subsidiaries, Mariaberg e.V. is headed by a full-time management board Mariaberg offers a wide range of support extending from in- whose members jointly conduct the organisation’s business house and externally assisted living, schooling and vocational but whose responsibilities are focused on various areas. education through to employment in workshops as well as The management board is appointed and overseen by the offerings tailored to the needs of disabled senior citizens. Mariaberg board of directors which is elected by the general Mariaberg offers assistance and a nurturing environment to assembly. The members of the board of directors and the people irrespective of the severity of their disability. general assembly serve as unsalaried volunteers. Extract from the principles that guide Mariaberg e.V.: We influence the general conditions of our work through active socio-political engagement. People in social distress OU R CONCEPT OF HUMANITY or in need of special assistance motivate us to continually develop the ways in which we provide aid and the services we offer. New requirements resulting from changes in laws or According to our basic Christian belief, every human being has regulations prompt a need for action as well. To implement been created by God and is loved by God. Human life is unique, such actions, new concepts and appropriate models must irreplaceable, non-disposable and in its diversity escapes any be developed. All employees work together in a spirit evaluation. Human dignity is inviolable. All of us are imperfect of mutual trust in order to help us achieve our agreed and dependent upon assistance, attention and forgiveness. objectives through the conscientious performance of tasks. OUONR DIAC AL MISSION OUR QUALITY Our mission is to make it possible for the people who need We value professionally qualified work. The appropriate skills our assistance to lead a life which corresponds to our con- of our employees are a prerequisite for this. We assure these cept of humanity. Therefore, our task is to accept and re- by selecting suitable staff and through continual training and spect their uniqueness, to stand by their side and to sup- advanced education. To consistently improve our quality, we port them in mastering the challenges of everyday life rely on the ingenuity and commitment of every staff member with the aim of participation and inclusion in society. The in every role. In designing our work we take economic and message of Christ provides us with the impetus and ener- environmental aspects into account. The quality of our work gy for our work. We appreciate the valuable contributions should be describable and assessable. We use this as the of all employees who respect and share these basic beliefs. basis for developing a shared understanding and awareness of quality. We perform our work in accordance with our gui- OUR TASKS dance principle ‘The Human Touch’. Our offering addresses people who need assistance within the scope of the diaconal mission we have defined for oursel- ves. Our work is centred on individuals who suffer from disa- bilities or social deprivation and incorporates the respective social environments relating to our various offerings. MARIABERG’S ORGANISATION Mariaberg e.V. with its business segments Board of directors 11 voting/5 advisory members, Chairman of the Organisation Dekan i.R. Klaus Homann, Deputy Chairman of the Organisation Dr. Heiner Völker Deputies of the Chairman of the Management Board Chairman of the Staff Departments: Management Board Finance & Controlling Real Estate Management Information Technology Assistants to the Management Board Communication Members/ProjectsVorstandssekretariat HR Services Administrative Assistant(s) Legal, Quality, Development Staff Department: Neighbourhood Design Rectorate Living Work Education, Health Shareholdings / plus & Service Youth Aid, Job Services Associations Wohnverbünde Mariaberger Mariaberger Mariaberg – Stiftung Mariaberg zentral/regional Werkstätten für Ausbildung & Fachkliniken gGmbH Arbeit, Förderung Service gGmbH und Betreuung Diakonisches Institut Mariaberg – Mariaberg – Hilfen nach Maß Sonderpädagogisches Fachkrankenhaus gGmbH Mariaberger Bildungs- und Beratungs- Kinder- und Jugend- Akademie Laucherttal Textilservice zentrum Mariaberg psychiatrie gGmbH gGmbH Stiftung Weraheim Mariaberg – FortSchritt Gesellschaft für Mariaberger Bildung gGmbH Entwicklungspsychiatrie & Service GmbH und Integration gGmbH Akademie für Gesund- heit und Soziales Medizinisches Versorgungszentrum Mariaberg gGmbH As of October 2017 Chairman of the Organisation and Board of Directors: Dekan i.R. Klaus Homann MARIABERG E.V. Chairman of the Management Board: Rüdiger Böhm, Michael Sachs Wohnen Plus Mariaberger Werkstätten Mariaberger Bildung & Service GmbH Managing Director: Walter Märkle, Managing Director: Rainer Laske Managing Director: Judith Penning Eberhard Stotz Burghaldenstraße 1 Unterer Torackerweg 8 Trégueuxplatz 1 72501 Gammertingen 72501 Gammertingen 72501 Gammertingen Phone07124 923 527 Phone07124 923 7284 Phone 07574 934 968 0 Fax 07124 923 200 Fax 07124 923 597 Fax 07574 934 968 22 E-Mail [email protected] E-Mail [email protected] E-Mail [email protected] → Workshop for people → Supply of meals In-house living offers for with disabilities (WfbM) → Meals for schools → Children with disabilities → Development and assistance → Catering → Juveniles with disabilities → Vocational education → Domestic services → Adults with disabilities → Industrial contract manufacturing → Landscape gardening → Senioren mit Behinderung → Organic farming → Carpentry → Senior citizens with disabilities → Factory → Electrical shop → Assisted living in families → Café fair & more → HVAC → Specialised living for people → Textile and book market → Painters‘ shop with challenging behaviours → Collection point for material donations → Gardening and flower shops → Living combined with medical/ → Janitorial services nursing care → Gastronomy offerings Mariaberger Textilservice gGmbH → Shuttle service Managing Director: Rüdiger Böhm → Vocational training Mariaberg - Hilfen nach Maß gGmbH Burghaldenstraße 1/1 → Carl-Heinrich-Rösch-Gästehaus Managing Director: Walter Märkle, 72501 Gammertingen Eberhard Stotz Phone 07124 923 352 Trégueuxplatz 1 E-Mail [email protected] 72501 Gammertingen Textile cleaning for Phone 07574 934 968 17 → Hotels and restaurants Fax 07574 934 968 22 → Companies E-Mail [email protected] → Clinics → Open assistance → Private clients → Family-relief assistance → Holiday and recreational offerings/support Klosterhof 1, 72501 Gammertingen, Phone 07124 923 0, Fax 07124 7 923 500, [email protected], www.mariaberg.de Mariaberger Ausbildung & Service gGmbH Mariaberg – Fachkliniken gGmbH Medizinisches Versorgungszentrum Managing Director: Christine Scheel Director: Dr. Martin Menzel, Mariaberg gGmbH Rüdiger Böhm Managing Director: Dr. Martin Menzel, Unterer Torackerweg 8 Rüdiger Böhm 72501 Gammertingen Burghaldenstraße 12 Tel 07124 923 627, Fax 07124 923 403 72501 Gammertingen Burghaldenstraße 6 E-Mail [email protected] Phone 07124 923 7201 72501 Gammertingen Fax 07124 923 555 Phone 07124 923 9000 → Integrative kindergarten and nursery E-Mail [email protected] Fax 07124 923 556 in Mariaberg E-Mail [email protected] → Integrative kindergarten and nursery → Therapeutic offices → Open and Mobile youth work → Interdisciplinary early development → General practitioner‘s office → School social work → Psychiatric office → Social group work → Psychotherapy office → Diverse forms and specialisations Mariaberg – Fachkrankenhaus → Children and youth psychiatry office of in-house youth aid Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie gGmbH → Assisted living for youths Director: Rüdiger Böhm, → Reha-Ausbildung in 16 Ausbildungs- Dr. Martin Menzel, Chefarzt Gesellschaft für Entwicklungspsychiatrie und Integration gGmbH berufen Burghaldenstraße 12 Managing Director: Sebastian Schlaich, → Workshops for metalworking 72501 Gammertingen Dr. Martin Menzel, Chefarzt and precision finishing Phone 07124 923 7201 → Preparatory vocational
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