N080 -630 ERIC REPORT RESUME ED 010 085 1005.46 24 SOCIAL SCIENCE EDUCATIONCONSORTIUM-- RESEARCH ANDDEVELOPMENT FOR GRADES K12. MORRISSETT, IRVING * AND OTHERS GKF22820 PURDUE UNIV., LAFAYETTE, BR50619 24....JUN66 GEC....610327 EDRS PRICE MF40.81 HC$20.12 503P. *SOCIAL SCIENCES, *CURRICULUMDEVELOPMENT, *CURRICULUM RESEARCH, 'RESEARCH METHODOLOGY,CONFERENCES, LAFAYETTE, INDIANA THE REPORT IS AN EXTENSION ANDCONTINUATION OF THE SOCIAL SCIENCE EDUCATION CONSORTIUM WHICHEXPLORED WAYS OF OBTAININGGREATER COOPERATION AND COMMUNICATIONAMONG THE VARIOUS EDUCATORSWHO ARE CONCERNED WITH CREATIVE INNOVATIONIN SOCIAL SCIENCE EDUCATION.THE FOUR PARTS OF THIS REPORTCONTAIN (1) CONTENT FOR SOCIALSCIENCE EDUCATION --A CONFERENCE REPORTON CONCEPTS AND STRUCTUREIN THE NEW SOCIAL SCIENCE CURRICULA, (2)THE TEACHER --A SURVEY OFSOCIAL STUDIES CURRICULA AND TEACHING,CLASSROOM RESEARCH ON SUBGROUP EXPERIENCES IN A U.S. HISTORYCLASS, (3) VALUES IN THE CLASSROOM -- MORALITY, VALUES CLAIMSIN THE SOCIAL SCIENCES,STUDENT VALUES AS EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES,AND (4) THE METHODOLOGY OF EVeLUATION. THE FIRST PART OFTHIS FINAL REPORT IS 0E510174 (ED010086) AND CONTAINS THEBACKGROUND AND RESULTS, COMMUNICATION AND LIAISON, CHILD DEVELOPMENTAND SOCIAL SCIENCE EDUCATION,AND OTHER REPORTS OF CONTENTFOR SOCIAL SCIENCE EDUCATION.THE TWO REPORTS SHOULD OE READTOGETHER FOR A COMPLETE PICTUREOF THIS PERIOD OF DEVELOPMENT OF THECONSORTIUM. (GC) Irat"4u''air h r.. -3* "litt:41*".may 4%. - -t. 111,4,,. '518001003,^, ; I I I U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AND WELFARE Cii 1::1 This document r::: t. r::::,e;Ved from the person or ore.,n J .*J: .:.1:11:75it.Fe..::::. stated do not or opinions naces..--..rity represe.nt oilicialOfisce of Education position or policy. SOCIAL SCIENCE EDUCATION CONSORTIUM: RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT FORGRADES K-12 SOCIAL SCIENCE EDUCATIONCONSORTIUM: RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENTFOR GRADES K-12 Cooperative ResearchProject No. OE-6-10-327 Irving Morrissett,Principal Investigator Members of theExecutive Committeeof the Social ScienceEducation Consortium: Ronald Lippitt,Chairman Institute for SocialResearch University of Michigan Irving Morrissett,Director Economics Department Purdue University Wilbur B. Brookover Social ScienceTeaching Institute Michigan StateUniversity David Easton Political ScienceDepartment University of Chicago Michael Scriven History and Philosophyof Science Indiana University Lawrence Senesh Economics Department Purdue University Purdue University 1965-66 The researchreported herein was performed pursuantto a contract with the United StatesDepartment of Health, Education and Welfare,Office of Education,under the provisions of the CooperativeResearch Program. FOREWORD The work reported here, coveringa short period at the end of196S and the beginning of1966z was an extension and continuation ofCooperative Research Project OE-5-10-174. Taken together, thetwo reports describea Period of development from August 1964through March 1966 inwhich the Social Science Education Consortium exploredways of obtaining greater cooperation and communication among the various kinds ofpeople who are concerned with creative innovation in socialscience education--including classroom teachers, curriculum directors,school administrators,university educators and socialscientists. Since the parts of this reportwere produced at differenttimes and not in the sequence given here, paginationis not consecutive. A system of colored title pages has been used to guidethe reader,as indicated in the Table ofContents. SOCIAL SCIENCE EDUCATIONCONSORTIUM: RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENTFOR GRADES K-12 Cooperative ResearchProject No, OE 6-10-327 Irving Morrissett,Principal Investigator Members of the ExecutiveCommittee of the Social ScienceEducation Consortium: Ronald Lippitt, Chairman Institute for Social Research University of Michigan Irving Morrissett,Director Economics Department Purdue University Wilbur B. Brookover Social Science TeachingInstitute Michigan State University David Easton Political ScienceDepartment University of Chicago Michael Scriven History and Philosophy ofScience Indiana University Lawrence Senesh Economics Department Purdue University Purdue University 196S-66 The research reportedherein was performedpursuant to a contract with the United States Deponent of Health, Educationand Welfare, Office of Education, under the provisionsof the Cooperative ResearchProgram. FOREWORD The work reportedhere, coveringa short period at the end of 1965 and the beginning of 1966. was an extension andcontinuation of Cooperative Research Project 0E 5-10-174. Taken together, the tworeports describe a period of development from August 1964 throughMarch 1)66 in which the Social Science EducationConsortium exploredways of obtaining greater cooperation and communication among the various kinds of people whoare concerned with creative innovation in social scienceeducation--including classroom teachers, curriculum directors, school administrators,univer- sity educators andsocial scientists. Since the parts of this report were producedat different times and not in the sequence given here, pagination isnot consecutive. A system of colored title pages has been used to guide thereader, as indicated in the Table of Contents. TABLE OF CONTENTS Color of Title Page_ Foreword Table of Contents ii Report of Activities 1 Content for Social ScienceEducation Concepts and Structure in theNew Social Science Curricula--A Conference Report Blue The Teacher Survey of Social Studies Curricula and Teaching . Pink A Comparative CulturesApproach to Teaching Vocational and Citizenship Educationin 9th Grade Social Studies Classroom Researchon Subgroup Experiences ina U.S. History Class Golden Values in the Curriculum Morality Green Value Claims in the SocialSciences Buff Student Values as EducationalObjectives Blue Evaluation The Methodology of Evaluation q Pink REPORT OF ACTIVITIES Conference A conference on "Concepts and Structurein the New Social Science Curricula" was held at Purdue Universityon January 29-30, 1966. The principle purpose of the conferencewas to get social science curriculum project people together to exchange viewson a particular aspect of project work, namely, how theygo about selecting and conceptualiAing the content for their curriculum materials. A majority of the major academically-basedsocial science education projects in the countrywere represented at the conference. In addition, there were classroom teachers, curriculumdirectors, principals, university educators and social scientists. Enthusiasm on the part of conference partic- ipants, both to the invitations and inpost-conference communications, indicate the important need served by theconference. A report of the talks given and thediscussions at the conference is included in this report. Values in the Curriculum This contract permitted continuation andcompletion of work being done by the Consortiumon the place of values in the classroom and in social studies curricula. Inclu0-1 in this reportare three papers by Professor Michael Scriven of Indiana University. The first, "Morality," ison the fundamental bases of ethical behavior, withparticular emphasis on the relationship between ethics and rationality. Professor Scriven's secondpaper is on "Value Claims in the Social Sciences," and applies the position establishedin his first paper to the particular question of how values and ethicsare related to the social sciences. His third paper, "Student Valuesas Educational Objectives," deals with the relationship of value claimsin the social sciences to values and ethics in education. In connection with the research and writing of thesereports, Professor Scriven has done some preliminary workon methods to be used in incorporating in curriculum materials his approachto values. 2 The Teacher Work was completed on several activities relatedto classroom teaching of the social studies. A pilot survey of social studies curricula, teachingmethods, teachers' attitudes and teacher preparation was conducted by theSocial Science Teachi Institute at MichiganState University, under thedirection of Professor Wilbur Brookover, Directorof the Institute. Development of instruments for a national survey was completed, and effortsare being made by the Institute to secure financing for sucha survey. A report on the pilot work is included inthis report. Also at the Social Science Teaching Institute at MichiganState, partia support was given to an experimental program in theuse of comparative cul- tures to teach vocational and citizenship education. A brief reporton that work is included below. At the University of Chicago, under the directionof Professor Thelen, several experiments inUnited States Historyclasses were done to determine the relative efficacy of different modes ofmotivating students to organize and undertake academictasks. The researchwas carried out by Keith Elkins and 'Martha Porter,whose reportsare included below. Evaluation A research paper on "The Methodology of Evaluation"by Professor Michae Scriven of Indiana University, previously completed,was produced for genera dissemination under thiscontract. The paper is included inthis report. Teacher-Intern The Consortium'steacher-intern programwas continued under this con- tract. Mr. W. W. Stevens, a social studies teacher from HomewoodFlossmoor (Illinois) High School, isspending the current academicyear with the SSEC, visiting curriculum projectsto talk about their work andthe work of the Consortium, analyzing curriculum materials, andparticipating in much of the ongoing work of-theConsortium.
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