Art of Natural le: A Soc Rhetorical Manual Gibb Stuart Pritchard A Thesis Presented to the Universit)' of Manitoba in futfillment of the Thesis Requirement for the Degree of lvlaster of Arts in the DePartment of SociologY (c) Copyright by Gibb Stuart Pritchard, 1993. ffi*ffi NationalLibrary Bibliothèoue nationale @ ï W ofCanada du Canada Acouisitions and Direction des acquisitions et Bibliographic Services Branch des services bibliographiques 395 Wellinoton Street 395, rue Wellington Onawa, Oñtario Ottawa (Ontario) K1A ON4 K.IA ON4 Your lile Voue èlércnce Our lile Nolre rélércnce The author has granted an L'auteur a accordé une licence irrevocable non-exclus¡ve licence irrévocable et non exclus¡ve allowing the National Library of permettant à la Bibliothèque Canada to reproduce, loan, nationale du Canada de distribute or sell cop¡es of reprodu¡re, prêter, distribuer ou his/her thesis by any means and vendre des copies de sa thèse in any form or format, making de quelque manière et sous this thesis available to interested quelque forme que ce soit pour persons. mettre des exemplaires de cette thèse à la disposition des personnes intéressées. 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Theology ..... :.................... ........ 0469 Music ....................................... 0¿i 3 Tests ondÑleosurements ............ 0288 ......0747 Soeech Communicotion ............. 0459 Vocotionol SOCIAT S(lENCES Theoter .................................... 04ó5 Americon Studies ...................... 0323 ITANGUÄGt, tIItRAIURt AND Anthropoloqy UNGUtSIt(S Arihoeõloov ....................... 0324 Lonouooe Lu¡turol ............. .................0326 generot . 0679 Physiccl ............. ................. 0327 0289 Busine!s Adminislrotion Linquistics ........................... 0290 Generol .............................. 03 I 0 Moäern .............................. 0291 Accountino ......................... 0272 Lilerolure Bonkinq ..............................0770 Generol .............................. 040 I MonoqËment ...................... 0454 Clossicol ............ ................. 029 4 Morkeiinq ........................... 0338 Comporotive ....................... 0295 Conodion Sìudies ..................... 0385 Medíevol ............................ 0297 Economics Modern .............................. 0298 Generol .............................. 0501 Africon ............................... 03 I ó 4qricu1turo1 ......................... 0503 Americon ............................ 059,] commerce-Busrness ............. 0505 Asion ................................. 0305 Finonce .............................. 0508 LOnOdron lEnolrsn, ...,.......... uJJz History................................ 0509 Cqnodion (Fróchi .............. 0355 Lobor'................................. 05 I 0 Enqlish ............................... 0593 Theorv ................................ 05 I I Ge-rmonic ........................... 03 I I Folklore .................................... 0358 Lotin Americon .................... 03 I 2 Geoorophy............................... 03óó Middle Eostern .................... 03 I 5 Gerontoloov ............................. 035 I Romonce ............................ 03 I 3 History Slovic ond Eost Europeon .....031 4 Gênerol .............................. 0578 TffiE S€åffiffi€eS &ru@ €ru68F€ËËRgru& BIOTOGICAI. S(|ENGS Geodesy ........0370 Aoriculture ceolqsi :......... ...................... 037 2 - Generol ....,.........................0473 Geophysics .............................. 0323 Aqronomy ......... .. .. ......0285 Hvdiolóqv ......0388 Añimol CLlture ond Minerolõóv ............................... 04 I I PHYSI(AI. SqEN(ES -.. -. Poleobotoîy ............................. 0345 Nutrition ............ ....... -.047 5 Pure Sciences Anìmol Potho|oov ................ 047 6 Poleoecoloóv ............................ 0426 Chemistry Food Science oñä Po|eonto|oo1............................. 0¿ 1 I Genérol .............................. 0485 Technoloqv .'....... .. ......... 0359 Poleozooloïv ............................ 0985 Aqricu lturoì ......................... 07 49 0¿78 Polvnoloovl'........ ...................... 0 A27 Forestrv onðWildlife ........... Ix Añolvticol ........................... 0¿8ó 0479 Phvsicol^|,. ceooroohv .................. 03ó8 Plont Cu1ture ....................... Biocliemislry 0487 Physicol Oceõnoþräphy ............ 041 5 ....................... Plont Polhology ................... 0480 Inorqonic ............................ 0488 .................. 08 I 7 Plont Physio|ogy Nucleor ............. .... ........... 0738 HEATTH AND INVIRONMTIITAI Ronoe Monooemenl ...... -.. -. -0777 Orqonic .............................. 0490 Technðlogy ...............07 46 sqtN(rs ^.,Woðd Phõrmoceuticol .................... 0¿9ì Þtotoov Environmentol Sciences .............07ó8 Physicol ............. .................0494 .............................. 030ó Gënerol Heohh Sciences Polymer ..................-....-......0495 Generol .............................. 05óó Rodiotion ............................ 07 54 4udio1oqy........................... 0300 Mothemotics ............................. 0¿05 Chemotñ'éropy ................... 0992 Physics Dentistry ............ ... -............ - 0 567 uenerot .... 0ó05 Educotiôn ........................... 0350 Acoustics ............ 098ó Hosoitol Monooemen¡ .......... 07 69 Aslronomy ond Humon Develoõment ........... 0258 Astroohysics..................... 0ó0ó ¡. I ê. lmmunoìoov ........................ 0982 Atmospheric" Science............ 0ó08 Medicine ãhd Suroerv .........05ó4 Atomic ................-.......-.-....07 48 Mentol Hælth ....:....'............ 0347 tlectronics ond tleclriciV .-...0607 Elementory Porticles ond Hioh Enêrqv..................... 0798 l-luid-t.Y ond P|osmo ................. 0759 Moleculor ........................... 0ó09 Nucleor .............................. 0ól 0 Optics ...........................,.,..07 52 Rcidiotion.. .. .............075ó Solid Srote .......................... 0ó1 I Slotislics ................................... 04ó3 EARTH S(IINGS Applied Sciences Bioqæchemistry . 0425 fpplied Mechonics ...034ó Geõchemistry .'... o996 LOmDUrer JCrence . 0984 THE ART OF NATURAL STYLE: A SOCIOLOGY OF THE RITETORICAI- MANUAL BY GIBB STUART PRITCHARD A Thesis subgtitted to the Facully of G¡aduate Studies of the University of Ma¡titoba in partial fulfillme¡ri of the requirenents for the degree of MASTER OF ARTS @ 1993 Pe¡nission has been grarited b the LIBRÄRY OF THE UNTl¡ERSffY OF IVÍANTTOBA to le¡rd or sell copies of this thesis, to the NATIONAL LIBRÄRY OF CAIYADA to miaofitm this thesis a¡rd to lend or sell copies of the fiIm, and UNTf¡ERSffy ÀdICROEII-il/fS to publish an abstract of Éris thesis. Tt¡e autfror ¡ese¡r¡es other publications rights, and neithe¡ the thesis nor extensive extracts .from it may be printed or otherrvise repmduced without the autho/s pcmission I hereby cleclare that I am the sole author of this thesis. I authorize the Universify of Manitoba to lend this thesis to other institutions or individuals for the purpose of scholarly research' Gibb Stuart Pritchard I further authorize the university of ìvlanitoba to reproduce this thesis by photocopf ing or other means, in total or in part, at the request of other institutions or individuals for the purpose of scholarly research. Gibb Stuart Pritchard ii The Universit¡, of lvlanitoba requires the signatures of all persons using or photocopying this thesis. Please sign below, and give address and date. iii ABSTRACT In this thesis, I study the social foundations of four monumental style manuals, and explore their qualities as social
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