Nov. 27, 1956 J. W. HUNT ET AL 2,771,674 CUTLERY DEVICE Filed June l2, 1953 INVENTORS / OA/W W A/l/W7 AWD WILL/AM M A7t/W7 BY SM/TH MWD OZ SAW A77 OAMAXS 2,771,674 United States Patent Office Patented Nov. 27, 956 2 Fig. 1, the blades 22 and 23 are pivoted into carrying position within housing 21 and the nail clipper 24 is piv 2,771,674 oted into the housing with the jaws enclosed in the recess 25 in the end of housing 21. CUTLERY DEVICE The housing 21 includes the upper plate 26 and the John W. Huat, Pontiac, Mich., and William A. Hunt, lower plate 27. These plates are assembled in spaced Chicago, iii.; said William A. Hunt assignior to said parallel relationship and enclose therebetween the re John W. Hunt maining parts of the pocket cutlery device. Fig. 2 is a top view of the pocket cutlery device of Fig. Application June 12, 1953, Serial No. 361,366 0 1 with the top plate 26 (Fig. 1) removed and the blade 4. Caias. (C. 30-142) 23 swung out into operative position. The spring 27 is provided to engage the notch 28 in the end of blade 23 to hold the blade in its operative position. The blade 23 pivots about a rivet or similar device 29 as does also The present invention relates to a novel cutlery device 5 blade 22. The spring 27 is mounted at the back of hous of the type wherein the blades and other instruments ing 2i by the rivets or similar devices 30 which pass thereon are enclosed in a combination handle and hous through the upper and lower plates 26 and 27. A sim ing and are adapted to be swung out of said housing into ilar spring (not shown) is provided below spring 27 for their operative positions. blade 22. More particularly the present invention relates to a 20 The nail clipper 24 is pivotally mounted by rivet or pocket cutlery, device which includes the conventional similar device 3 which passes only through the lower blades, Screwdriver, awl, can opener, bottle opener, and plate 27 so as not to interfere with the positioning of the like and also includes therein a novel nail clipper. blade 23 for storage within housing 21 (Fig. 1). it is, therefore, one object of the present invention to As shown in Fig. 3 the pivoted end of nail clipper 24 provide a socket cutlery device which includes any de 25 is provided with the notch 32 and the spring 27 is pro sired combination of a conventional blade or blades and vided with the extension 33 to engage the notch 32 when tools and a novel clipper device. the nail clipper is swung out to its operative position. Another cbject of the present invention is to provide Referring now to Fig. 4 the nail clipper 24 comprises a novel pocket cutlery device including a nail clipper an upper flat spring member 34 and a lower flat spring which may be swung out of the housing of said device 30 member 35 joined together at one end. The free end of into its operative position. the upper member 34 has the downwardly, projecting jaw A further cbject of the present invention is to provide 36 formed thereon. The lower member 35 is bent down a pocket cutlery device including a housing, a nail clipper wardly at 38 and thence upwardly, to form the generally mounted in said housing, an operating arm for said nail semicircular depression 39 and terminates in the jaw 40. clipper, and recesses within said housing to receive said The pin. 4 passes upwardly through a hole provided in nail clipper and operating arm when folded into the depression 39 and through a hole provided in the their inoperative positions within said housing so as to upper member 34. The head 42 is provided on pin 40 provide a pocket cutlery device having smooth surfaces and one end of an operating arm 43 is pivoted in the slot with no projections therefrom to catch on the inside of 44 provided near the upper end of pin 4. The operat a pocket or handbag when said device is carried therein. 40 Other objects of this invention will appear in the fol ing arm 43 is provided with the struck out portion 45 lowing description and appended claims, reference being which serves as a fulcrum when the lever is in the op had to the accompanying drawings forming a part of erating position shown in Fig. 4. It is believed apparent this specification wherein like reference characters desig that the jaws 37 and 40 of the clipper. 24 are forced to nate corresponding parts in the several views. gether when the free end of arm 43 is depressed. In the drawings: 45 Referring to Fig. 3 it can be seen that the struck out Fig. 1 is a front view of one embodiment of the present portion 45 of arm 43 provides the space 46 in the arm invention showing the position of the blades and nail so that the arm may swing over the end of pin 4. Re clipper within the combination handle and housing. ferring again to Fig. 4 the top of pin 41 is chamfered as Fig. 2 is a sectional view taken along the line 2-2 of at 47 so that the operating arm may be swung to the right Fig. 1 in the direction of the arrows. 50 over the end of pin 41 until the struck out portion 45 Fig. 3 is a top view of the pocket cutlery device of Fig. of arm 43 engages the unchamfered portion 48 of the top 1 with a portion thereof broken away and the nail clipper of pin 41. Since the pin 41 is free to rotate the arm swung out into operative position. 43 may then be turned until it overlies the upper spring Fig. 4 is an end view of the pocket cutlery device of member 34 as shown in Figs. 1 and 2. The struck out Fig. 1 with the nail clipper in operative position. 55 portion 45 engages the top of pin 41 and serves to hold Fig. 5 is a fragmentary view of the nail clipper of Fig. the arm 43 in spaced relation from the member 34 so 4 showing a modification of operating arm and pin. that (as shown in Fig. 1) when the clipper 24 and blade Before explaining the present invention in detail, it is 23 are pivoted into the housing 21 the blade 23 is received to be understood that the invention is not limited in between the arm 43 and the member 34. Also, in Fig. 60 1 the recess: 49 is provided in the bottom of upper plate its application to the details of construction and arrange 26 to receive arm 43. The recess. 49 is shown in dotted ment of parts illustrated in the accompanying drawings, lines in Fig. 3 and is so formed as to hold the free end since the invention is capable of other embodiments and of arm 43 slightly out of housing 21 as shown in Fig. 2 of being practiced or carried out in various ways. Also, so that the arm 43 may serve as a grip. to swing the nail it is to be understood that the phraseology or terminology clipper out of the housing. employed herein is for the purpose of description and not 35 Fig. 5 is a fragmentary view of the nail clipper per of limitation. se of Fig. 4 showing a modified operating pin and arm One embodiment of the present invention is shown in which may be used in the nail clipper of the pocket cut Figs. 1-5. Fig. 1 is a front view of this embodiment of lery device of Figs. 1-4 within the scope of the present the present invention. The pocket cutlery device 20 invention. comprises the combination handle and housing 21, the 70 In Fig. 5, pin 41a is provided with the head 42a on blades. 22 and 23, and the nail clipper 24. As shown in the lower end thereof and the upper end of the pin 4ia. 2,771,674 3 4. is cut away from both sides to provide the extension said housing to engage said blades and retain them in 49 thereon. A transverse hole is provided in this ex operative and inoperative position, the provision of a tension 49 to receive the end of an operating arm 43a. nail clipper mounted in said housing and comprising The end of operating arm 43a has the convoluted finger upper and lower flat spring members joined at one end 50 formed thereon which is received in the hole pro 5 and bent inwardly toward each other at the opposite vided in the extension 49 of pin 41a. Arm 43a is thus ends to form cutting jaws, said lower member bent down affixed to pin 41a so as to enable said arm to swing wardly at a point inwardly from said jaw end and thence over the top of said pin. upwardly toward said jaw end to form a semicircular de The struck out portion 45a is provided on arm 43a pression in said lower member, a pin passing upwardly adjacent the finger 50, As shown in Fig. 5, this struck O through said depression and through said upper men out portion 45a serves as a fulcrum for operating arm ber, a head on said pin engaging the lower surface of 43a when said arm is in its operative position.
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