Subject Index l\1 receptor 33,255 -- on surfactant secretion 242 - in lipolysis 385 -- on ventilation 244-251 - in the renal system 33-48 - half-life 313 -- blood flow 35 - in inflammation 303-314 -- distribution 33 - inhibition of respiration 246 -- renal diseases 42-48 -- adult animals 251 -- renin release 36 -- fetal hypoxia 248 -- signalling 34, 35 -- in neonates 250 -- tubular transport 39 - interaction with other mediators l\2 receptor -- with excitatory amino acids 414 - l\2A 103,113 -- lung 264,265 -- knockouts 123,408 -- neutrophils 306 - l\2B 103,157,249,252,255,262,311 -- NO 258 -- agonist 413 - metabolism 241 - in endothelium 102 - protective effect -- rat aorta 103 -- in gastric ulcer 196 - in the renal system -- in hearing loss 419 -- distribution 48 -- in ischemia 414 -- tubular transport 48 -- in inflammation 303 l\3 receptor 261,264,313 -- in kidney 46,47 l\3P5PS 130 - reduction of vascular resistance, lung l\Bl\ 4 253 - I-l\Bl\ 264 - regulation of vascular tone, lung l\BC proteins 74, 82 252 l\BT-702 418 - release acidosis, l\TP-induced 84 -- in asthmatics 239 l\Dl\ 6 -- by bacteria 307 adenolytics 42 -- in hypoxic brain 250 adenosine -- in bronchoconstriction 239 - adenosine a,J3-methylene diphosphate -- endothelium 107 46 -- kidney 37 - anti adrenergic effect 8 -- renal ischemia/hypoxia 46 - 5' -p-(fluorosulfonyl)benzoyl adenosine - stimulation of chemoreceptors 247, 344 249,269 - biphasic responses, airway smooth adenosine-brake hypothesis 37 muscle tone 256 adenosine deaminase 5,43,111,124, - effects 196,243 -- on chloride transport 243 adenosine kinase 4, 268 -- endothelial cells 311 adenosine regulating agent, site and -- eosinophils 310 event specific 411 -- on the heart 6-9,22 adenotin 123 -- mast cells 310,311 adhesion protein 343 -- monocytes/macrophages 308-310 l\DP 81,124 -- neutrophils 304-308 l\DPaS 128, 130 436 Subject Index ADPf3S 128, 130 - ATPyS 80,88, 127, 128, 170, 176, 183 aggregin 128 - f3,y-meATP 54,80,127 AICAR 313 - 2'-deoxyATP 158 airway, hyperresponsive 265 - Mg-ATP 199 airway tone 256 - 2-meSATP 53,54,83,86, 104, 112, - indirect effect of adenosine on 257 131,154,286,331,365,366,395,398, AIT-082 (Neotrofin) 416 399 AK inhibitor 418,421 - 2-MeS-f3,y-meATP 129 Alzheimer's disease 415,416 -N6-methylATP 158 aminophylline 45 - effect 4-aminopyridine 156 -- arrhythmogenic 87-89 AMP 81 -- cancer 200 AMP 579 21,412 -- chronotropic 87-89 analgesic, prophylactic 425 -- electro physical effect 77,79-82 ANAPP3 154 -- excitation effect, heart 77 anesthesia 417-419 -- on vascular tone 74,75,77,108, anesthetic adjuvant 425 194-196 angina pectoris 411 -release 73,74,108,111,362 angiogenesis 13,14,111 -- in bladder 432 angioplasty, balloon 20 -- by LPS/endotoxin 329 antiasthmatic agents 268,412 -- from synaptosomes 177 antidepressants 408 -- by T-lympohocytes 360 antihypertensive agent 408,411 ATP receptor, cytotoxic (see also P2X7) antiischemic agent 411 358-360 antipsychotics 408 ATP/cellular energetics 20 anti thrombotic agents 129,409 ATPase 186 anxiolytics 408 ATP-triggered automaticity 89 AOPCP 5,16 auditory function 419, 420 Ap4A 292, 426 apamin 147,154, 160-162 basophils, PI receptor 264, 265 APNEA 12,255 B-CLL (B-chronic lymphocytic apnea 245,248,250 leukemia) 368 - sleep apnea 417 benzoyl-ATP 185 apoptosis 12,17,114,309,333,345,362 BG 9719 412,427 - purine mediated 13 BlIP 20 415 apyrase 190 biliary secretion, purinergic signalling AR-C 69331-MX 409,425 192,193 ARDS (adult respiratory distress bioformatics 407 syndrome) 268 bladder emptying 422 ARL 66096 129,131 bleeding disorder 130 arrythmia 410,412 blood pressure, systemic 10 - atrial 7 bone cells, purinergic and pyriminergic arthritis, rheumatoid 303,313 receptor signalling 393 aspirin 411 bone remodeling 393, 420 asthma/asthmatics 239,259,270 - effect of nucleotides 398, 402-404 - allergic 310 bone resorption 368 - antiasthmatic agents 268,412 breathing - bronchoconstriction, by adenosine - fetal 248, 249 265,310 - neonatal 250, 251 - elevated adenosine concentrations in bronchoconstriction, adenosine-induced the BAL-fluid 267 265,266 - response by adenosine 258 BW 1433 383,386 ATN (acute tubular necrosis) 44 BW-A1433 11,12,14,18 ATP 114 BWA-522 424 - a,f3-meATP 53,76, 80, 83, 86, 112, 127,149,150,152,173,176,198,203, 2-CADO 10,13,122,154,176,241,242 293 - induction of apoptosis 309 Subject Index 437 caecum, purinergic signalling 154- co transmission by ATP 160 - cardiovascular system 74 caffeine 10,38,43, 121, 176,250,408, - in the gut 146,152,153,158,194 415,417 - in the lung 239 cancer 200,423 - in myenteric nerves 175 - lung, P2 receptor 294 - renal sympathetic nerves 54 candida albicans 329 - in sphincters 165 cardiac death, early 411 COX-2 421 cardiac imaging 410,412 - knockout mice 314 cardioprotection 14-22 CP 3269 418 caspase-l 331,364 CP 66713 255,424 caspase-3 13 CPA 10,14,46,121,246,255,263,382, CCPA 9,18,19 420 CD11b/CDI8 adhesion receptor 330 CPT 246 CD23 344 CPX 5,8-10,14,18,20,21 CD36 426 - [3H]CPX 4 CD39 328, 342 CS-747 411 - knockouts 130 CSC 9,14,19,21 CD73 328,337,342 CV-1808 10, 424 CFTR (cystic fibrosis transmembrane CVT-117 41 conductance regulator) 74,81,185, CVT-124 40,47 243,423 - natriuretic/diuretic effect 41 CGS 15943 412,424 CVT-510 7,8 CGS 15943A 44 CVT 3033 412 CGS 21680 10-12,14,19,106,123, cyclic AMP-adenosine pathway 38 242,252,255,258,262,411,416,417, cyclosporin 46,47 424 cystic fibrosis 282,283,409,413 - biphasic effect on respiration 249 cytokines 306,308,323 - partial agonist like 122 cytotoxicity, ATP-mediated 359,360 - [3H] CGS 21680 123 CHA 21,252,418 diabetes 198,199,420 Chagas' disease 197 - animal models 380 chemoreceptors 244,269 - effect of nucleotides 380 chemotaxis 111 - type 1 377 chloride transport 33 - type 2 377-387 chronotropic, negative 7,8 diabetic rats 52 CI-936 416,424 diadenosine polyphosphates 103, 108, 2-CIADP 127,128 292 Cibacron blue 3GA 182 2' -5' -dideoxyadenosine 123 cisplatin 46 3,7-dimethyl-l-propargylxanthine CI- current 81 248 Ct/HC03- exchanger 84,85 5' -amino-5' -deoxyadenosine 5 CI-IB-MECA 19,264 dipyridamole 17,46, 124, 155, 196, 267, cognition enhancers 408 305,411,417 colon diseases (see syndromes) - AI/A2B receptor 162 m-DITC-ADAC 7 - purinergic signalling 160-165 DMPX 8,9 combinatory chemistry 407 DPCPX 37,38,40,45,242,246,248, complement component C2 309 250,266 Coomassie Brilliant Blue G 182 DPMA 14 COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonal DPSPX 37,38,255,269 disease) 413,425 dromotropic, negative 6,7 coronary artery bypass graft 411 dry eye disease 419 coronary flow 21,22 DWH 146 412 coronary heart disease 411 coronary hyperemia, hypoxia-induced ecto 5' -nucleotidase 4,37,38,41,46,51 11 ecto-ADPase 41 438 Subject Index ectonucleotidase 74, 107 - transport inhibition 86 - in granulocytes 337 GP-I-515 268 - in lymphocytes 342, 343 GP 515 421 - in monocytes/macrophages 328 GPCR (G-protein-coupled receptors) EDHF (endothelium-derived oligomerization 426 hyperpolarising factor) 101, 106, 107 GR 79236 18, 382-384, 420, 424 ED RF (endothelium-derived relaxing granulocytes 335-338 factor) 101 - degranulation 338 EHNA 5,21,37 granulomas 368 endothelial cells, sensors of local gut, purinergic signalling 141-204 fluctuations in oxygenation 110 endothelium, roles of purines and hearing loss 419 pyrimidines 101-115 heart failure 254 endotoxemia 47 - congestive 412 enprofylline 248,249,267,311 hemorrhage intraoperative 410 eosinophils 2-HE-NECA 10,19 - A3 receptor on 310 f3-hexaminidase release 263 - PI receptor on 264 hexobendine 155 EPI2010 413 hexokinase 330 epilepsy 415 Hirschsprung's disease 197,198 epithelial cell transport, purinergic histatin 329 signalling 191, 192 - [3H] NECA 122,123 erectile function 422 homocysteine 4 erythrocytes 108 - I-homocysteine 5 erythrocytosis, transplantation-induced 5-HT 124 51,52 HTS (high throughput screening) 407, erythropoietin 49-51 426 hyperglycemia, chronic 379 Fas 13 hypertension 48 FCERI receptor 260, 261 - hypertensive crisis 410 fibroblast, P2 receptor 293 - pulmonary 253,254 FK-453 38,40,43,45,412,424 hypertrophy, cardiac 89,90 FK-838 386 hypothyroidism 46 food intake 200 hypoxanthine 5 FR113452 40 hypoxia 4-6, 107, 111, 245 ganglia, myenteric, purinergic signalling I-ABA 12 170-179 I-ABOPX 264 gastric acid secretion, purinergic IB-MECA 13,18,19,21,309 signalling 186,187 ICAM-1 311 gastric mucus secretion, purinergic ICE 364,365 signalling 188 immune response 347 gastric ulcer 196,197 - involved cells 324, 325 giant cells, multinucleate (MGC) 309, immune system 330 - P2 receptors 323-347 glaucoma 419 -- P2X7 receptor 355 glial cells, enteric, purinergic signalling immunitiy, native/acquired 323 180, 181 impaired platelet response 130 glomerulopathies 56 incontinence, urge urinary 422 glucose infectious disease 421,422 - disposal in muscle, effect of PI inflammation 113,202,203,303-314, receptor agonists 386 323,323,347 - homeostasis 378 - chronic 368, 369 - plasma levels inflammatory bowel disease 313,420, -- effect of nucleotides 380 421 -- effect of PI receptor ligands 383,385 inosine 4, 5, 12, 19 - tolerance 379,384 inotropic 8 Subject Index 439 INS 365 413,425,427 LPS-NFICB activation, attenuation by INS 37217 413 oATP 333 insulin release, stimulation by purine lymphocytes 338-346 nucleotides 379, 381 insulin macrophages - effect of PI receptor ligands 383 - adenosine, effect 308 - resistance 379 - alveolar - secretagogues 382 -- PI receptor 265 interferon-y 310,326,327,363 -- P2 receptor 291 interleukine (IL) macular degeneration 420 - IL-1f3 327,333,334,423 mast cells -- pro-IL-l f3 365 - adenosine, effect 310,311
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