80 hOuRS ui Museum of Art ‘First Fridays’ features downtown muralist. THE INDEPENDENT DAILY NEWSPAPER FOR THE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA COMMUNITY SINCE 1868 thursday, sEPtEMBEr 6, 2012 NEWSPAPER •DAILYIOWAN.COM • TELEVISION 50¢ Obama visit to close streets UI stresses assault awareness By MAtt StARNS [email protected] Charges filed this week in an alleged sexu- al assault at Currier Residence Hall marked the third such incident in 2012, according to records obtained by The Daily Iowan. University of Iowa police records indicate three sexual assaults have been reported this year in university housing. In 2011, there were two reported incidents; police received no reports in 2010. In the wake of the rising number of sexual assaults in UI housing, officials are encourag- ing students to remain vigilant and speak up about sexual violence. Further, the incidents have prompted a dialogue recently among UI officials and local advocacy groups about sex- ual assault and assault education on campus. “Sexual assault is often something people aren’t willing to talk about,” said Susan Ju- nis, education coordinator for the Rape Vic- tim Advocacy Program. “A lot of people write it off or think, ‘This is something that’s never going to happen to me or anyone I know, so People waited from 6 a.m. Wednesday in the IMU to get tickets for President Obama’s appearance on campus Friday. Obama’s visit to Iowa City will be his first why does it matter to me?’ ” campaign stop after the Democratic Convention. (The Daily Iowan/Juan Carlos Herrera) Davenport resident Jordan Garr, 21, was By ERic clARk who have admission tickets, will feature the president and charged with assault, false imprisonment, [email protected] his wife, along with Vice President Joe Biden and his wife. and extortion following an alleged sexual as- Obama’s visit follows his presumptive acceptance speech for Many streets and areas near the Pentacrest will be cleared the presidential nomination at the Democratic National Con- sault at Currier on April 18 and May 10-11. out as early as this evening, as University of Iowa and Iowa vention in Charlotte, N.C., today. Garr allegedly took a video of a female sub- City officials anticipate the arrival of President Obama on The Obama campaign declined to comment on how many ject taking her clothes off and threatened to Friday. tickets were available for the event or on how many attend- post the video online if she did not perform To ensure maximum security, nearly the entire Pentacrest ees the campaign anticipates. oral sex on him and another subject. will be closed beginning at 10 a.m. Friday, until the conclu- Obama’s visit will be his second stop at the UI this year; he Junis said education about sexual assaults sion of the event that evening. visited in April touting the importance of health care. and preventative measures is a major prior- Schaeffer and MacLean Halls will close at 4 p.m. The Pap- Charles Green, the assistant vice president for the UI po- ity for the Rape Victim Advocacy Program. pajohn Business Building, Trowbridge Hall, north campus lice, said the department will amp up its presence on Friday. She said one of the best assault-prevention and the IMU parking ramps will also be vacated early. Clin- “We will be using extra officers for the event,” Green ton and Jefferson Streets and Iowa Avenue will be closed or said. “The Iowa City police are involved rather jointly, as methods is creating an open dialogue on cam- have restricted access. pus. The event, which is free and open to members of the public SEE OBAMA, 5A “Our prevention efforts are focused on get- ting that dialogue started in a way that peo- ple will care [about],” she said, noting that [Rape Victim Advocacy Program] distributes information cards to every dorm resident and every resident of a fraternity or sorority Blood center donations rebound house. She said this year’s campaign, How Do The American SEE AssaultS, 5A Red Cross experienced a No alarm on 15-year low in its blood donations whooping this summer. By RiShABh R. JAiN [email protected] cough As the academic year kicks By StAcEy Murray off, local and national blood [email protected] centers are witnessing a normalization of their blood Despite Johnson County’s 18 reported cases banks after weathering a of pertussis — or “whooping cough” — in the summer shortage. last two weeks, Iowa City School District offi- The American Red Cross cials say there is no cause for alarm. experienced a 15-year low “I wouldn’t call it an outbreak,” said Susie in its blood supply — with Poulton, director of health services for the 50,000 fewer donations than School District. “It isn’t that bad.” expected in June — forcing Poulton said since the school year began, officials to pass an “emergen- eight out of the district’s 12,000 students have cy appeal” that called for af- been identified with the bacterial disease. filiated blood centers to liter- Kasey Button, an RN at the Mississippi Valley Regional Blood Center, draws blood from UI student Alex Alder in January According to a press release from the John- ally beg for blood, said Bobbi at Old Brick. Following a shortage of blood donations over the summer, blood centers have seen an increase in dona- son County Department of Public Health, the Snethen, program manager tions as the school year begins. (The Daily Iowan/File Photo) disease has mostly affected school-age chil- of communication, at the and August. stabilization of DeGowin’s Students Today, Alumni To- dren. Mid-America Blood Services “The summer months are blood supply, the demand for morrow at the IMU on Tues- Highly contagious, pertussis affects a per- Division. always difficult,” Dayton blood is constant. day. son’s upper respiratory system, causing them Paula Dayton, donor re- said. “We were pretty steady Trinity Howe, a UI fresh- Howe — one of the last to cough violently and making it more diffi- cult to breathe. The intense coughing spells cruitment coordinator at through this summer but man, was one of the only 49 donators during the blood that characterize pertussis can lead to pneu- University of Iowa DeGowin overall, for the last couple of people that donated a total drive — said she had been monia, convulsions, and, in some cases, death. Blood Center, said the slight years, donations seem to be of 41 pints of blood during donating blood throughout “We have not had more absences than nor- shortage of donated blood down.” a drive organized by UI De- high school and wanted to the center experienced sub- She also said despite the Gowin Blood Center and sided in the months of July SEE DONORS, 5A SEE pERtussiS, 5A WEATHER dAily iowan Tv indEx hIGh LOW To watch daily iowan Tv: Classifieds 7B 82 59 • Scan this code Crossword 6A • Go to dailyiowan.com Opinions 4A • Watch UiTv Sunday-Thursday sunny at first, 60% chance of rain/t- night at 9:30 sports 8A storms later. 2a - The Daily Iowan - Iowa City, Iowa - Thursday September 6, 2012 News dailyiowan.com for more news Volume 144 Issue 52 Meat ‘saves’ IC’s Masala BReaking news By RishaBh R. Jain Both Ram and Meyers staff acknowledged that people Phone: (319) 335-6063 Publisher: [email protected] William Casey. .335-5788 from all over Iowa showed E-mail: [email protected] Fax: 335-6297 editor-in-Chief: Masala was known in up at their restaurants be- Emily Busse. .335-6030 CoRReCtions Iowa City for two decades cause they served a niche Managing editor: Call: 335-6030 Sam Lane. .335-5855 as the vegetarian restau- market that didn’t have Policy: The Daily Iowan strives for Metro editors: rant that served Indian too many options. accuracy and fairness in the report- Kristen East. .335-6063 cuisine. A study conducted by ing of news. If a report is wrong or Jordyn Reiland. 335-6063 That changed this fall Vegetarian Times in 2008 opinions editor: misleading, a request for a correc- Benjamin Evans. .335-5863 when owner Mani Ram showed only 7.5 millions tion or a clarification may be made. sports editor: decided to include meat Americans identify as veg- PuBlishing info Molly Irene Olmstead. 335-5848 and meat products in etarians or vegans. The Daily Iowan (USPS 143.360) is arts editor: the restaurant’s menu to published by Student Publications Alicia Kramme . 335-5851 But University of Iowa Inc., E131 Adler Journalism Building, Copy Chief avoid being shut down. senior Elise Goodmann, Iowa City, Iowa 52242-2004, daily Beau Elliot . .335-6063 “We never even thought said about half the people except Saturdays, Sundays, legal and Photo editors: A diner takes some tandoori chicken from the buffet at Masala on Rachel Jessen. .335-5852 about including meat in she knows in Iowa City university holidays, and university Wednesday. To avoid going out of business, the formerly vegetarian vacations. Periodicals postage paid Adam Wesley. 335-5852 our menu,” Ram said, are vegan. Design editor: restaurant has added meat products and has experienced an increase at the Iowa City Post Office under the referring to the year “This might not be the Allie Wright. 335-6063 in the number of costumers. (The Daily Iowan/Juan Carlos Herrera) Act of Congress of March 2, 1879. tV news Director: 2006 when Masala, 9 S. same for everyone else, Dubuque St., was named suBsCRiPtions Ryan Jones . .335-6063 finding vegan options is Meyers said her restau- but I felt my senses kind Call: Juli Krause at 335-5783 web editor: “Best Vegetarian” restau- very easy,” she said.
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