
588 { I APRIL 1998 written Ans,lers ftZ wriuen Ansr+ers Wright: To ask the Chancellor of the - officer in decidrng whether they- are T'Tony has receivedLo support ,h'ltF- resident uno ^ 'zl" -il:HJlilI:TlT:::.**habiruarry .'n""'o'""'illi'lli' 'ii"tn=uo 3,film:if$::**$:fm"e many represenhti.:n^s^ch tl.':*l::"'?:* l]58191 Secrlrity ttot month since I May ''l*TJ*","|if"tH:.::l,h:iT:'H:",:::'*'*"':lrreeqom of inlormarion David "Your Risht to 11698?l Dr. crark:-consurtation$-S50 The overall reaction l3lt5ilTfi""L:"i,$il::T'ii3i"1#C;iJ;-'""*has received in the same penoq. Kr";"-d..; o-uJ, t..pont"s Keith Bradrev: rhe information is set out in the Mr. W:":ttt#mr"ifl"JillJlii:points- the rn table' "ontlo"ting"p'"put"'g'i iituil"i -ftom "l?Ttt'SH;l-consultation rheX\l,ffX!"i'i'li,i,i,ii,',i number of tertetsreceiled *i"'i" ftom i'''itrlin'^",,ii "',^:!.::1::::',I:';8;fii"o 'ii'" uq 'n"tsst zt. Mr. Campbell-Savours:l;;ili::':tt :lt:.t:T:l""l"lit"'"..u", To ask the Chancellor tof ^'.; '"*chief E$ctttNe Ministe at '"' ,r," Month - i';[fri',:liJ;"F;;J;;orlnrormationlegislationo".ty'"i'i#*-'* YLlt:tjt:.,1':1":t'tf"*f ';L:lit]s8231 Hanson: ro ask the the Duchv HH l$i ---ttA-:t1:l S:3 22 Mr. ttt t*pt"o tothl':-'l'1:r publish the Freedom of Jury 58r t3581'fl Augus!199-7,^- 1997^^- i;rr84 54g "rhrormauon r-*."*r'*itl" Bill. to Bill later nt:#:i';?tt {n ?ii Dr. Daviil clark: I expect P.,blishthe^consultation -a.dratl process November I99? 634 in tn. y#. *ttiJ will continue ln the Decemuer t99? ln,i?; 68? srarted w;h i'rr. rlurrii. p"p* Your Rilh.t i3s rebt ot -to-Knowpermits' ['i"./FebruarY 1r::" 1998 2zz iiili:##il;iJ*;""i'';;fii ;; itie iegistativ'l,?,11,.::i1*.'"f,?i:ni,::' timetable To ask rhe Chancellor of the Duchy ol Dr. Kumar:--*it" resp'nse .he l"t r-#"r* on u'" co""*'"n',.||]!! MrNrsrER wrrrrour poRrFol.r" - ^l:t-t::d^-l"."il: iil:T:+;1,l ffifi.;:tf,'*lt Millnnium Dom Dr. David clark: I am *t'enlt-d^:.","t11.$:tmT Ponfolio what tl;ff;iT:'l;i'u '"i}j'-{#,l*'"x#"i*l^1",1,:ll,:iH"UililMr, Baker: ro ask the Minister without ::l:"-:jf:,ilril';:r'.l.':.3}j:*'.','fsilili,'"",ui*,;'*l';i,:'"::';:"f:il 'ec'iued " ;*lfDome. li':":',T"il";5;:r1::'ll**r-d'";li**1i'*116'....r;liYuii:i: Mr. Manderson"\t"ff /r, otdins onswer 24 ,*,nint ,rtni:i" ronaon *j*;t ::':k ""*.t'll"fi:ffiiilqkxT^i'fliill;piopoturt This' shows th-e wide supporr environmental statement was 'uotitiJlooi the Millennium i"lttri" "i "i' 'or*"i"g october l996 The ;h;;-;;i*;;;{;rfii:H|Jff.i:"*it$T$,:"Manifest ""' t",""ei;'-;ic*.nwi"r'..u...p-unEiilri.*" aPplication. in on ;;#;;;i ipp,ou"I oi'tn' uppr::.X':%o;;'*Tl$"1;"#l the consur.atioo penod rormarrs ended t5iir,,ir"Juoon the New pi*"c"":, Millennium ExPener -^oll*rn "i.#' p,G.r"v i"r"'"'-*,*'Tl;;ffi;iiol,n.n".1,1^T:$:;T,'#lT"#i ut ix,T'"Tfl;T:'rum",* m'u-a*#il?,:?il':'.ATiltJ:l$: tilt|l*i*:l_F:ilH,3'il: for construction and op9tuttPl.l-",,'f*iii"A1o'. possil i".1"* }'*i*''lllf'""!'';';".ffi,-t " f-"tiOonpt- as f:;#fassessments which address a wroe ;+n:5,gg5ggigilg;i;3;g,19 orT,ce r fr"i'"'i""ilar"e't': 1*tt,lld,ill',1#ffiIi'fJ",iirT3 lfi[',',i. ,"'oo"u or rhe cabinet can prav in r1':i:"1fi',i$1been done tO prePare .:.tiiiT the ii#trj-,u'Ji'fffiH SlIe lur s["$ltL:ryT":*.,TI;,il,iFh;d'cvconsuttatlon exercrscr ur ru'J vv-' Experience l#;o?'13fi:5'iJni:'T;:':t Ht" ,#:ill oF "t DUCHY LANCASTER lr,'.gr'ui"!'!:i'',"ii:i,- rnt upp""nttv tii,r:ffiil'J:"''isubstantial number Fredom orrnrormation "'""ttii'""r'ialiiil]jffi;l':il.,ffiT1-,$'g,1,*:.ffi1J #)lt",tX?, made bviicence horders Bakr: t" 1:1. ,1.^,?T":l:T;ili"":"1H l"r'.',11,1,,'iJ'i*i;;ftsi e,cr re8o the ofrs. Lancaster Mr. if he will -maK made up r00 or ;,"*:tilTi'1,"H,['ilil'"",T,J': .';'i:'"ffil"1'";; "Jt':$:"tl:',|ilfffii'il1;:. 199 CW l5l _PAo I /17 )! i89 Written Answers I APRIL 1998 Written Answers se019t Dcpartmntsl Efriciency DI ambridtDr. 19. Mr. Evans: To ask rhe Chancellor of the Duchv 13 I of Lancaster whar plans he has to increase efficiency i'n nthusiasn Government Departments. L:sazrj uropear Dr. David Clark: We are working lo the target thal e launc by 2002. one quaner of the public's dealings wirtr uslness government can be done electronically-throueh elp regt television. telephone or computer- This should resuh -in bn busin better quality, effective government The consultation exercise has been extremely valuable morc cost services. in focusing public attention on our proposals for Freedom [n"n::l of Information. I am now considering the main points European Commission Documenls arising from the consultation, and how we will need to 20. Helen Jackson: To ask the Chancellor of the Duchy ta.ke account of them in preparing a draft Bill for of l,ancaster what plans he has to press for the greater use oi 28. I publication later this year. That publication will, in itself, plain language in European Commission documents durins of Lanc mark a further major stage in the consultation process. the United Kingdom presidency. ljj82tl beter I The breakdown of responses by category is: Dr. David Clark: Using plain language is imponanr if l the European Commission is going to cbmmunicate intercslDr. effeclively with the citizens of Europe. British linguists in progrir Total the Commission's translation service are holding nunh?t tt Rerrynses a 'Fight I have t'esponses h ernail the Fog' campaign to encourage the use of plain language panicit by the Commission's authors and hanslators. The UK Pflvare Individual! 160 103 38 Government are fully supporting this Plain Iepres{ 65 2 work- Business language is also vital in legislation so that cilizns and Media o I business a serie 59 I4 0 can know what is required of them. As to fee( Charities, Lobby Groups and Presidency, the UK is working with the Commission, Campajgn 6roup 82 ?1 4 European Parliament and other Member States on an Members of either House 5 0 0 initiative to improve the quality of drafting of EU rules. Public Authorities l5 I Members of the European Ka Parliament 0 0 0 Print Media of La Others i 28 1 3 23. Mr. Kirkwood: To ask the Chancellor of the tbe a( Duchy of Lancaster when he next proposes to meet Mt the civil servants'unions to di;cuss the Govemment's Enfo relationship with the print media. t35825l enfot Ministerial Residences Dr. David Clark: I met with the General Secretaries sevel of the Council of Civil Service Unions on Wednesday an I' 17. Mr, Tyrie: To ask the Chancellor ofthe Duchy of 25 March as pan of a regular series of meetings to discusi singl Lancaster how much has been spent in total to refurbish key issues affecting their members. The Govemment's official residences and offices of members of the Cabinet relationship with the print media is not an issue that has since I May. I358t 9l been raised. I Kilfoyle: My right hon. Friend lhe Chancellor of Lan theMr. Duchy of Lancaster is not responsible for expenditure Electronic Information emI on all Government Ministers' residences and offices. My 25. Mr. Miller: To ask the Chancellor of the Duchy of right hon. Friend the Prime Minister made clear on Lancaster what steps he has taken to permit individuals to T 9 February, the cost of maintaining and refurbishing supplyinformationelectronicallytoGovernment. [358t?] and Ministerial residences for 1997-98 which is estimated at the million. Information on the cost refurbishing Dr. David Clark: I intend to publish later this year aPt fl.l of a White Paper on Better Govemment, which will set Sta departmental offices of Cabinet Ministers is not held out in more detail ways in which IT will enable centrally. individuals to supply information to the Government haf elechonically. As a prelude to this, last December Co Arms Exports I launched the Intelligent Form project, which converts Ar what were once six paper forms on notification of Ex 18. Ann Clwyd: To ask the Chancellor of the Ducby self-employment into one electronic form, and in so m( of Lancaster if information on the United Kingdom doing enables individuals to supply several departments suppliers of the components of chemical and biological with information simultaneously via the Intemet. weapons exported to lraq would be available under his proposed freedom of information legislation. t358201 Regulatory Procss Dr. David Clark: All requests for information falling 26. Casale: To ask the Chancellor of the Duchy within the scope of the proposed Freedom of Information of LancasterMr. what representations he has received from Act will be considered against the access provisions of his European counterpans on the reform of the regulatory the Act- process. [35828i 1(X) Cl\ l51.Pr\Ct/tS o LOOSE MINUTE D/sec(^s,/72/2/L + (ol+l ( 16 April 1998 uIssrNG Er|CLOSURES pLACEp ON FrLE p/SEC(ASI/12/2/1 pr A 1. 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