The Energy Corridor District Area Master Plan RFP The Energy Corridor Our vision is to be internaonally recognized as a high-quality place in which to work, live and invest. The Energy Corridor Companies • 91,000 employees 2014 • 149,000 employees forecast 2030 Office Construcon History Office Space by Square Feet (in Millions) 14,000,000 12.5 12,000,000 8.9 10,000,000 8,000,000 Under Construction Class C 6,000,000 Class B Class A 4,000,000 1.9 1.9 2,000,000 0 1975-1984 1985-1994 1995-2004 2005-2014 Source: O’Connor & Associates, Harris County Appraisal District, CDS Market Research, and The Energy Corridor District Energy Corridor Commercial Building Area from Parcel Land Use Analysis in Millions of Square Feet 39.6 23.1 2.5 2.0 2.8 3.6 Office/Mixed Use Industrial/ Retail Warehouse 2014 2030 Source: Harris County Appraisal District, CDS Market Research, and The Energy Corridor District Energy Corridor Residenal Number of Units from Parcel Land Use Analysis 10,818 8,132 1,834 1,851 167 167 Multifamily Condo/ Single Family, Single Family, Apts Attached Detached 2014 2030 Source: Harris County Appraisal District, CDS Market Research, and The Energy Corridor District Energy Corridor People Population and Employment from Parcel Land Use Analysis 149,772 91,081 26,618 20,735 Population Employment 2014 2030 Source: CDS Market Research 2014 Land Use Source: Harris County Appraisal District, CDS Market Research, and The Energy Corridor District 2030 Land Use Source: CDS Market Research and The Energy Corridor District Key Findings • 2010 Census populaon was 17,841 • The current populaon esmate is 21,000 – Projected to grow to 27,000 by 2030 – Housing currently proposed and under construcon could add 1,600 residents to the populaon • Employment is esmated at 91,000 – Projected to grow to 149,000 by 2030 – Office and Retail currently under construcon and proposed could add 40,000 employees Key Findings • Office and mixed use space is expected to add 16.5 million SF by 2030 (85.9% growth) – Adding 55,000 employees • Retail is expected to grow by 750,000 and Industrial/ Warehouse to drop by 430,000 – A net gain of 950 employees by 2030 • Hotels: 24 in Corridor, 3,463 rooms – Four hotels proposed, 614 rooms 60 New Buildings added over 10 Years 2005-2009 – 34 buildings 2010-2014 – 26 buildings • 5.3 million square feet office • 6.6 million square feet office • 2,542 Mul-family units • 1,422 Mul-family units IH 10 Reconstrucon Project Goodrich Tree Farm Before BP Helios Plaza Now MKT RR Underpass Before Impressive Eldridge Parkway Now ConocoPhillips Fields Before Energy Center Now Eldridge Parkway Before Kendall Library and 3 Eldridge Place Now Vacant Land and No Park Connecon Before Eldridge Oaks and Pedestrian Bridge Now CITGO Relocaon to Eldridge Parkway Eldridge Parkway Retail Development Eldridge Parkway Hotels Eldridge Parkway Apartments • 2003 property values were $880 million • 2014 values are $3.2 billion • 2003 Energy Corridor budget was $850,000 • 2013 budget is $3,700,000 • Over $2.5 billion new development planned or under construc=on Tax Increment for New Public Infrastructure 380 Economic Benefit Area Park Row Compleon Project The BP Center for High-Performance Computing Grand Opening Event Please join us for a special presentation and tour of the worlds largest supercomputer for commercial research, with keynotes by BP America senior BP executives Tuesday, Oct. 22, at noon BP High Performance Compung Center BP Westlake Campus | 501 Westlake Park Blvd. | Houston, TX RSVPR by Oct. 17 to Renee Khan at [email protected] or (281) 366-7909 110,000 sf, World’s largest privately owned compung center Skanska West Memorial Place 700,000 sf Office Grayco Apartments 309 Mul-Family Units and 70 Townhouses Park Row Compleon Project Park Row and Central Park West Boulevard Core Park West Office Development 3 million sf Class A Office Transwestern Pinnacle West 1.5 million sf Class A Office Worthing Heights Apartments 342 Mul-Family Units on Park Row ut290 ADDICKS DAM EXISTING OUTLET STRUCTURE ¦¨§10 «¬8 ut59 PROPOSED OUTLET STRUCTURE VICINITY MAP (APPROX. LOCATION Scale: 1 inch equals 10 miles FROM USACE E. A.)* LEGEND Addicks Dam Langham Creek Exist. Basin Tract USACE USACE Tract TRACT NEW DISCHARGE Reservoir Alternative CHANNEL (APPROX. LOCATION Addicks Dam FROM USACE E. A.)* Langham Creek Pipeline Pipeline PARK ROW BLVD PH. I Streams PROJECT COMPLETED Pipeline PARK ROW COMPLETION PROJECT PHASE II 0 100 200 Feet *Aerial Imagery flown January 2010 Map Revised: 12/10/2013 HL&P/CENTERPOINT ESMT HL&P/CENTERPOINT HL&P/CENTERPOINT ESMT HL&P/CENTERPOINT PARK ROW COMPLETION PROJECT HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS EXHIBIT 2 LANGHAM CREEK LANGHAM PARK ROW TxDOT Detention HORIZONTAL ALIGNMENT RED HAW RED CONSTRAINT BLACKHAW CENTRAL PARK WEST BLVD WEST PARK CENTRAL EXIST. BASIN TRACT . 1 inch equals 200 feet Disclaimer: This product is offered for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. It does not represent an on-the-ground survey and represents only the approximate relative location of property, governmental and/or political boundaries or related facilities to said boundary. No express warranties are made by Jones & Carter, Inc. concerning the accuracy completeness, reliability, or usability of the information included within this exhibit. Coordinate System: NAD 83 TX S CENTRAL 4204 FEET Vertical Datum: NAVD 1988 - 2001 Adjustment C:\GIS\SpecialProjects\JReza\Park Row\Park_Row_Completion_Ver2_11x17.mxd ¨¦§10 USACE Addicks Dam Spillway Project Eldridge Parkway and Memorial Drive Energy Centers 3 and 4 1,150,000 sf (ConocoPhillips 850k) Transwestern Eldridge Oaks Two 350,000 square feet 7 Seventy Eldridge Alliance Residenal, 267,000 sf, 327 units Shell Oil Towers 3, 4 and 5 1,125,000 sf Vision Discussion The Energy Corridor Transportaon Concept TAMU Site Planning Class 2nd Place TAMU Site Planning Class 1st Place West Houston Subregional Traffic Plan West Houston Land Uses West Houston Street Grid West Houston Bikeways The Energy Corridor Bicycle Master Plan West Houston Transit Exisng METRO Local Bus Service Network Proposed METRO Local Service Network THE WEST HOUSTON MULTI-MODAL CONCEPT 99 Car.Ma Carpool Target Area Uptown District BRT & LRT The Energy Corridor District Upper Kirby District Express Bus Memorial City District Downtown District Bicycle Connections Westchase District Transit Centers The West Houston Mul-Modal Concept THE WEST HOUSTON MULTI-MODAL CONCEPT 99 The Energy Corridor, Memorial City, Westchase, Uptown Houston Transportaon Concept Car.Ma Carpool Target Area Uptown District BRT & LRT The Energy Corridor District Upper Kirby District Express Bus Memorial City District Downtown District Bicycle Connections Westchase District Transit Centers Post Oak Bus Rapid Transit Mall IH 10 Pedestrian Enhancements Energy Corridor IH 10 Intersections Enhancement Project IH 10 Pedestrian Enhancements ' " - # ! , & 4 " 2 # " 3 " ( & "& + - "# & 4 2$ & , " ( , E # 4 & "& # # # ", $3' & + D & % $ # 2 + 2 & %./0 & " * ' # # ) 8 D 1 "& # " %(C ' " E & ( + 4 " & ) & # + "$ 4 " ! ( D ' , %$ - & & & , + % $ & $ 4 F % C F # , " " ! ! 50/6"7"50/1"3%2"89::";<="2=<>?@AB Plot Date: 07/21/2012 Legend Funds Authorization:½ - mile radius walking threshold 07.13.12 Project Locations Pedestrian/Bicycle Category IH 10 Intersections Enhancements Half-Mile Radius Project Street Maps Data Source: 2011 Tiger/Line Energy Corridor Management District Clark Martinson, General Manager From: Barker Cypress To : Kirkwood 0 0.5 1 2 Miles Created by: Stuart Blumberg I-10 Intersec=on Enhancements I-10 Pedestrian Enhancements Eldridge Streetscape Concept Eldridge Intersec=ons Concept Eldridge Cycle Track and Garden Walkway At Turkey Creek Drive Fortsmith Street “Woonerf” The Energy Corridor Livable Transit Center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