TESTING INTERNATIONAL Vol. 17, June 2007 Editor: Jan Bogg PRESIDENT Prof. Jacques Grégoire Université catholique de Louvain Faculté de Psychologie Place du Cardinal Mercier, 10 CONTENTS 1348-Louvain-la-Neuve Belgium ITC PRESIDENT BIOGRAPHY 2 PRESIDENT-ELECT Prof.. M. Born Erasmus University Rotterdam Institute of Psychology ITC GUIDELINES IN COMPUTER/INTERNET TESTING—HAVE YOUR SAY 2 Woudestein, T13-15 P.O. Box 1738 3000 DR Rotterdam COMPUTERISED ADAPTIVE TESTING 2 SECRETARY Prof. R.K. Hambleton University of Massachussetts U.S.A PIONEER OF ITC JEAN CARDINET RECALLS EARLY DAYS 3 TREASURER Prof. Em. Barbara M. Byrne School of Psychology University of Ottawa CAN YOU HELP - RESEARCH ON COST OF E-ASSESSMENTS 3 145 Jean-Jacques Lussier Ottawa, Ontario Canada K1N 6N5 NEWS 3 PAST-PRESIDENT Prof. Jose Muniz University of Oviedo, Spain ITC MEMBER QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 4 COUNCIL MEMBERS Elected Members Prof. Fanny Cheung Chinese University of Hong ARTICLES Kong, Hong Kong Prof. Cheryl Foxcroft PSYCHOLOGICAL TESTS AND TESTING IN SWEDEN 5 University of Port Elizabeth, S.A Prof. Frederick Leong CURRENT ADVANCES IN TEST ADAPTATION IN ROMANIA 7 Michigan State University, USA Co-Opted Members Dr Iain Coyne University of Nottingham, UK Dr David Foster Kryterion, USA Prof. Tom Oakland University of Florida, USA REPRESENTATIVES Dr. M. Bullock, IUPsyS American Psychological Association, U.S.A. Prof. D. Bartram, IAAP SHL Group plc U.K EDITORS International Journal of Testing Prof. John Hattie University of Auckland School of Education Fisher Building 18 Waterloo Quadrant Private Bag 92019 Auckland New Zealand Testing International Dr. Jan Bogg University of Liverpool Department of Clinical Psychology The Whelan Building LiverpoolL69 3GB AN OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE INTERNATIONAL TEST COMISSION UK ITC PRESIDENT Jacques Grégoire ITC GUIDELINES HAVE YOUR SAY Jacques Grégoire, Ph.D., is Full Professor in Computer/Internet Testing the Faculty of Psychology As part of its ongoing activities, the Interna- and Educational Sci- tional Test Commission is reviewing the ences at the Catholic Uni- work it has done on developing the Guide- versity of Louvain, Bel- lines on Computer-based and Internet- gium. His research inter- delivered testing. ests include assessment Please provide us with your views from your of learning and learning countries perspective. This will be invaluable disabilities, methods for for the ITC in enhancing its activities and psychological diagnostic, intellectual assess- engaging with individuals around the world ment, and relationship between learning and who have an interest in tests and testing. emotions. In collaboration with Catherine We would be grateful if you could spare 10 Van Niewenhoven and Marie-Pascale Noël, minutes to have your say. he developed a test for the diagnostic of Complete the questionnaire online by mathematical disabilities, the TEDI-MATH, MAY 31st, 2007. already adapted in Spanish, Dutch and Ger- http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.asp?u=395993312214 man. He was scientific adviser for the French adaptation of several tests, including the WAIS-III, the WISC-IV and, currently, the Computerized Adaptive Testing K-ABC-III. He is also member of the scien- tific panel for the development of the future WAIS-IV and WMS-III. His academic publi- Internet and CBT Testing Guidelines cations include over 100 journal articles, http://www.intestcom.org/ book chapters, and books/monographs. He is author of two popular French books on CAT Central a computerized adaptive intelligence assessment: “Clinical assess- testing site ment of child intelligence” (2006) and http://www.psych.umn.edu/psylabs/catcentral/ “Clinical assessment of adult intelli- gence” (2004), and a reference book on the CAT Publications methodology of test development, written Williamson, David M., Mislevy, Robert J. and Bejar, with Dany Laveault: “Introduction to test Isaac (2006). Automated Scoring of Complex Tasks in theories in Psychology and Education”. He is Computer Based Testing. Mahwah, New Jersey: Law- Consulting editor of several scientific Jour- rence Erlbaum Associates Publishers. nals and Associate Editor of the Journal of PsychoEducational Assessment. He has Van v van der Linden, W.J. (2005). Linear models for also served as secretary of the International optimal test design. New York: Springer-Verlag. Test Commission (1995-2004). With the col- laboration of Ron Hambleton, he organized Williams, David D., Howell, Scott L. and Hricko, Mary the 5th ITC international conference in Brus- (2006). Online Assessment, Measurement and sels (July, 2006) on “Psychological and Edu- Evaluation. Hershey, PA: Information Sciences Pub- cational Test Adaptation Across Languages lishing, and Cultures”. Bunderson, C.V., Olsen, J.B. and Greenberg, A. The International Journal of Testing Institute for Computer Uses in Education (1993). Com- Call for Reviewers: the ITJ are continually puters in educational assessment: An opportunity to looking for suitable reviewers for manu- restructure educational practice" PB92-127604, Con- scripts submitted to the International Journal gress of the United States Office of Technology As- of Testing (IJT). If you are interested in re- sessment. viewing articles on a range of topics related to testing and assessment with international Bunderson, C. V., Inouye, D. K. and Olsen, J. B. perspective, please e-mail your name, quali- (1989). Four generations of computerized educational fications, CV and areas of expertise to the measurement. In R.L. Linn (Ed.) Educational Meas- editor, John Hattie at [email protected] urement, 3rd Edition. New York: Macmillian. 2 Pioneer of ITC Jean Cardinet recalls NEWS early days Modestly Dr Cardinet said Tests standards, development “Of course, I have no merit in and use in Brazil its (ITC) success, since I left Solange Wechsler the baby into the hands of Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas, other psychologists soon after Brazil and Past President of the Brazilian it was born. The reason for Institute of Psychological Assessment which I left the field is that my career took abruptly a differ- Psychological assessment in Brazil is ex- ent direction. I left the Univer- periencing revolutionary changes. A deci- sity of Neuchâtel to take a position as head sion in 2003 by the Federal Council of Psy- of a research section in a newly created In- chologists, the national institution that regu- stitute of Education. I had to seize this sud- lates the practice of psychology, required all den opportunity and I never regretted it.” psychological tests used in Brazil to be evaluated and approved based on their sci- Dr Cardinet retired in 1990 and in recalling entific quality within the context of the Brazil- his early days he cited that his professors ian reality. In an effort to implement this de- included Thurstone and Cronbach. cision, the Federal Council of Psychologists organized a national commission of 40 Bra- “From my first career, I kept an interest in zilian researchers to establish and then ap- Generalizability Theory, as I had worked ply standards to verify whether published with Lee Cronbach on that subject. I devel- psychological tests met at least minimal sci- oped new methods for the exploitation of entific requirements, which were: a) a de- the symmetry of ANOVA designs. A special scription of its theoretical foundations, b) evi- computer program has recently been offered dence of the test’s validity and reliability on Internet to make such G and D Studies.” based on recent studies with Brazilians, and c) recently acquired norms on Brazilians if The EduG program and guide is available the test is intended to be norm-referenced or from the website. This program will be re- the empirical foundation for tests when their viewed in the International Journal of Test- interpretation procedures do not rely on ing, at a later date. norms (e.g., as with some projective tech- niques). The reaction to this decision among EduG program and guide available from: Brazilian psychologists was somewhat http://www.irdp.ch/edumetrie/englishprogram.htm mixed. Many welcomed the imposition of higher standards to test development and use while others were surprise to learn that CAN YOU HELP? tests they had been using for several years Research on cost of e-assessments in their practice were considered to not meet minimum standards. Three years after the Ângela Guimarães Pereira, Action Leader: 2003 decision, most Brazilian psychologists Quality of Scientific Information for EU policy agree that the imposition of these standards formulation from the European Commission was needed and have greatly enhanced the is enquiring to ITC members about studies quality of psychological assessment in Bra- on cost of e-assessments, including com- zil. Moreover, this decision strongly im- parisons with traditional pencil and paper pacted the scientific basis of Brazilian psy- ones. They are particularly interested is Lan- chology. For example, many new tests have guage testing. been developed by Brazilians and normed and validated on Brazilians. Please write to: Ângela Guimarães Pereira, Action Leader: Quality of Scientific Informa- This progress toward best practices in test tion for EU policy formulation, European development has resulted in Brazil becom- Commission DG Joint Research Centre ing preeminent in Central and South Ameri- IPSC, TP 361, 21020 Ispra (VA), Italy. can in reference to test development and E-mail: [email protected] use. The formation of Brazilian Institute of Psychological Assessment (IBAP) in
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