Sri Krishna Kathamrita Tav k QaaMa*Ta& TaáJaqvNaMa( tava kathämåtaà tapta-jévanam Bindu Fortnightly email mini-magazine from Gopal Jiu Publications Issue No. 205 Çré Çayana Ekädaçé 3 July 2009 Circulation 2,555 • No t By Co m p r o m i s e a N d Fl a t t e r y His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada • th r e e ty p e s o F Ki r t a N Srila Thakur Bhaktivinode • th e po w e r o F Ch a s t i t y A Puranic Story Highlights • se p a r a t i o N i N pu r i Vasudev Ghosh No t B y Co m p r o m i s e a N d Fl a t t e r y PAGE ONE TOP COLLUMN TWO His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada The best association is a sädhu, that is, a Krishna conscious person or one who is striving for spiri- tual realization. There are those who are striving for temporary things (asat). Matter and the body are temporary, and if one only engages oneself for bodily pleasure, one is conditioned by temporary things. But if one engages oneself in self-realization then one is engaged in something permanent (sat). Obviously, if one is intelligent he will associate with those who are trying to elevate themselves to the platform of self-realization through one of the various forms of yoga. The result will be that those sädhus, real- ized persons, will be able to sever ones attachment to material association. This is the great advantage of good association. For instance, Krishna speaks Bhagavad-gétä to Arjuna just to cut off his attachment Drawing by Anuradha Dasi to this material affection. Because Arjuna is attracted His Divine Grace A. C. to things that are impeding the execution of his own Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada duty, Krishna severs these things. To cut something, to Arjuna by telling him that although he speaks like a sharp instrument is required; and to cut the mind a learned man, he is actually fool number one. If we from its attachments, sharp words are often required. actually want detachment from this material world, we The sädhu or teacher shows no mercy in using sharp should be prepared to accept such cutting words from words to sever the student’s mind from material attrac- the spiritual master. Compromise and flattery have no tions. By speaking the truth uncompromisingly, he is effect where strong words are required. · able to sever the bondage. For example, at the very — Perfection of Yoga. Bhaktivedanta Book Trust. Los Angeles. beginning of Bhagavad-gétä, Krishna speaks sharply 1983. pp. 30-31. next column Issue Two Hundred Five, Page — 2 é[q k* Z<ak QaaMa*Ta ibNdu top left 2 Top right 2 th r e e ty p e s o F Ki r t a N he rebuked her, she never ceased to consider him Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur her worshipable deity. Srinivasacharya Prabhu made Katwa and its One evening, Kaushik instructed his wife to take adjoining places glorious. His place was under him to the house of a prostitute. Obeying his order, the subdivision of Manohara Sahi. Therefore, Sandili brought a quantity of money with her, and the method of singing inaugurated by him was carrying her husband on her shoulders, set off. known as manohara-sähé. Srila Narottam Das On the path, the sage Mandavya, who had been was a resident of the village Kheturi, which wrongly accused and then punished by the king for is in Gaderhata or Garanhati in the district of being a thief [see Bindu 203], was sitting impaled on Rajasahi. Therefore, the method of singing his a pointed lance which penetrated his body all the songs is known as garäëhäti. Srila Syamanan- way to his head. Not seeing him in the darkness, da Prabhu was from Midnapur District. The Sandili came too close to him and her husband’s method of singing his songs is called räëéöé. To foot accidentally bumped the sage. Mandavya encourage these great singers, Srila Jiva Goswami became furious and cursed him, saying, “He who awarded Srinivasacharya the title “Prabhu,” Sri kicked me with his foot shall die at sunrise.” Narottama the title “Thakur,” and Sri Syamananda the title “Prabhu.” Sri Jiva Goswami was very Hearing this, Sandili said, “If I am truly chaste magnanimous and saw only good qualities in then the sun will no longer rise.” others. Srinivasacharya Prabhu was a Brahmin, so The balance of the story is given in the sixteenth Sri Jiva Goswami had no hesitation in awarding chapter of Märkaëòeya Puräëa: him the title “Prabhu.” · — From Çré Bhaktivinoda Väëé Vaibhava, chapter 33. Compiled by and with questions by Sri Sundarananda Vidyavinode Das. Translated by Sri Bhumipati Das. Published by Sri Iswara Das and Touchstone Media. Vrindavan. 2002. Näma-tattva th e Ca u s e o F eN v i o u s aC t s Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati do N ’t th i nk it’s ex a g g e r a t i o N Thakur Prabhupada Çré Hari-bhakti-viläsa 11.515 Unless one develops faith, one can see nei- yan-näma-kértana-phalaà vividhaà niçamya ther a pure devotee nor the Supreme Lord na çraddadhäti manute yad utärtha-vädam and will simply indulge in envious, violent or yo mänuñas tam iha duùkha-caye kñipämi saàsära-ghora-vividhärti-nipéòitäìgam blasphemous activities. · [The Supreme Lord to Baudhayana] Unto — Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur. Amrta Vani. A collection of statements from Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur. Originally those who do not believe in the results of compiled in Bengali by Sri Bhakti Bhagavat Mayukha Maharaja. chanting the holy names of the Lord that are Translated into English by Bhumipati Das. Touchstone Media. Mumbai. 2004. p. 214 described in the revealed scriptures, but rather consider them to be an exaggeration, I person- th e po w e r o F Ch a s t i t y ally inflict upon them various sufferings and Adapted from Garuòa and Märkaëòeya throw them into the ocean of miseries in this Puräëas material world. · Garuòa Puräëa 1.142.19-29 tells the story of a — Çré Hari-bhakti-viläsa. By Sanatan Goswami. Translated by Brahmin named Kaushik who lived in the city Bhumipati Das. Ras Bihari Lal & Sons. Vrindavan. 2006 Pratishthanpur: Kaushik was afflicted with leprosy, but still his wife, Sandili, worshiped him like a god. She was very chaste and faithful to her husband. Even when Sri Krishna-kathamrita Bindu top right 3 Issue Two Hundred Five, Page — 3 Top left 3 The next morning, the sun did not rise, nor the restore the system of day and night. That is why I rest of that day, nor the next. A constant night have come to you. continued for many years. Terrified, and not under- “O virtuous woman, due to the absence of the standing what was happening, the demigods ap- sun and daytime, the devas are not getting any proached Lord Brahma for help. He told them, “The nourishment. Consequently, there is an absence sun cannot rise due to the greatness of a pativratä, of rain, and the entire world faces destruction. So, a chaste wife. The power of austerity [referring to I’m appealing to you, good woman, to alleviate Mandavya Muni] has been defeated by the power the distress of the world. Let the sun run its normal of chastity [Sandili]. If you desire to return things course as before.” to normal then you must approach Anasuya, the great lady ascetic and faithful wife of Atri Muni. If Hearing her words, Sandili, the devoted wife of she is pleased with you then she can arrange for Kausika, hung her head and said, “Please forgive the sun to again rise.” me, but how can I agree to your request? The angry sage Mandavya cursed my husband to die as soon The demigods then went to Anasuya, offered as the sun rises. If I withdraw my words then my homage to her, and requested her to restore the husband will lose his life.” system of days and nights as it was before. She replied, “O devas, so as not to diminish the great- Anasuya then told her, “O chaste woman, if you ness of a chaste wife in any way, I shall make the like I can restore your husband’s life and give him a sun rise again, but only after honoring that virtuous fresh, youthful body free from leprosy. O beautiful lady. I will both reestablish the cycles of day and lady, I am dedicated to glorifying chaste women, night, and simultaneously make sure that the good and therefore I desire to honor you.” wife and her husband are not destroyed.” Sandili agreed to her request. Then, taking sacred Anasuya then went to Sandili, and said, “O water in her hand, in that dark night that had been blessed woman! I hope that you rejoice upon see- continuing for many years, Anasuya invoked the ing your husband’s face. May you consider your sun. Then Bhagavan Vivasvan, the sun, rose and husband to be greater than all of the gods! I have shone with his full glories. achieved the greatest rewards simply by faithfully At that moment, the Brahmin Kausik fell to the following my husband. By my service to him, all ground dead. Seeing the lifeless form of her be- of my desires have been fulfilled and all obstruc- loved husband, Sandili embraced his body and tions removed from my path.
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