Revista Mexicana de Ingeniería Química ISSN: 1665-2738 [email protected] Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Unidad Iztapalapa México Dutra-Molino, J.V.; Araujo Feitosa, V.; de Lencastre-Novaes, L. C.; de Carvalho Santos-Ebinuma, V.; Moreni Lopes, A.; Faustino Jozala, A.; de Araújo Viana Marques, D.; Pellegrini Malpiedi, L.; Pessoa Júnior, A. BIOMOLECULES EXTRACTED BY ATPS: PRACTICAL EXAMPLES Revista Mexicana de Ingeniería Química, vol. 13, núm. 2, 2014, pp. 359-377 Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Unidad Iztapalapa Distrito Federal, México Available in: http://www.redalyc.org/articulo.oa?id=62031508001 How to cite Complete issue Scientific Information System More information about this article Network of Scientific Journals from Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal Journal's homepage in redalyc.org Non-profit academic project, developed under the open access initiative Revista Mexicana de Ingeniería Química Vol. 13, No.CONTENIDO 2 (2014) 359-377 Volumen 8, número 3, 2009 / Volume 8, number 3, 2009 BIOMOLECULES EXTRACTED BY ATPS: PRACTICAL EXAMPLES BIOMOLECULAS´213 Derivation and EXTRA application IDAS´of the Stefan-Maxwell POR SBAS: equations EJEMPLOS PRACTICOS´ J.V. Dutra-Molino1, V. Araujo (Desarrollo Feitosa y aplicación1, L. C. de delas ecuaciones Lencastre-Novaes de Stefan-Maxwell)1, V. de Carvalho Santos-Ebinuma2, A. Moreni Lopes1, A. Faustino Jozala Stephen1, D. Whitaker de Ara ujo´ Viana Marques3, L. Pellegrini Malpiedi1;4 and A. Pessoa Junior´ 1∗ 1Department of Biochemical and Pharmaceutical Technology, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Biotecnología / Biotechnology S˜aoPaulo - USP, Brazil. 2Department of Bioprocess245 Modelado and Biotechnology, de la biodegradación Faculty en biorreactores of Pharmaceutical de lodos de hidrocarburos Sciences, totales S˜aoPaulo del petróleo State University - intemperizados en suelos y sedimentosUNESP, Brazil. 3Department of Animal Morphology and Physiology, Federal Rural University of Pernambuco- UFRPE, Brazil. (Biodegradation modeling of sludge bioreactors of total petroleum hydrocarbons weathering in soil 3Department of Chemical-Physic, Faculty of Biochemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, National University of and sediments) Rosario - UNR, Argentina. S.A. Medina-Moreno, S. Huerta-Ochoa, C.A. Lucho-Constantino, L. Aguilera-Vázquez, A. Jiménez- GonzálezReceived y M. Gutiérrez-Rojas June 14, 2013; Accepted March 30, 2014 259 Crecimiento, sobrevivencia y adaptación de Bifidobacterium infantis a condiciones ácidas Abstract The actual biotechnology industry (Growth, demands survival and fast adaptation and economic of Bifidobacterium upstream infantis and to downstream acidic conditions) processes to purify biomolecules. In this context, different purificationL. Mayorga-Reyes, techniques, thatP. Bustamante-Camilo, offer both high A. recovery Gutiérrez-Nava, and purity E. Barranco-Florido to the final product, y A. Azaola- have been assayed by different research groups. Liquid-liquidEspinosa extraction with aqueous two-phase systems is one of the most studied methodologies for bio-separation. This technique265 Statistical presents approach several to optimization advantages of suchethanol as fermentation mild conditions by Saccharomyces of working, cerevisiae cost-e inff ectiveness,the short-time consumption and high recoverypresence percentage of Valfor® of the zeolite final NaA product. With the aim to present a comparison of liquid-liquid extractions with other techniques, several aqueous(Optimización two-phase estadística extraction de la fermentación processes etanólica of biomolecules de Saccharomyces are cerevisiae presented en presencia in this review.de We presented the advantages and disadvantageszeolita of Valfor® them as zeolite of the NaA) compared systems. In general, the highest final product purities are achieved when different methodologiesG. are Inei-Shizukawa, combine, beingH. A. Velasco-Bedrán, the chromatographic G. F. Gutiérrez-López ones the and most H. Hernández-Sánchez applied in the last stages for the high purification factor obtained after them. Alternative methodologies, such as aqueous two-phase systems (ATPS), i:e:, PEG/salts or ionic liquids; aqueous two-phaseIngeniería de micellar procesos systems,/ Process engineering using solvents and surfactants; and extractive fermentation with ATPS, are relevant for both cost-effectiveness271 Localización and time-saving de una planta ofindustrial: the purification Revisión crítica process. y adecuación de los criterios empleados en Keywords: liquid-liquid extraction,esta decisión downstream processing, biomolecules, polymers, surfactant. Resumen (Plant site selection: Critical review and adequation criteria used in this decision) La industria biotecnologica´ actualJ.R. Medina, exige R.L. procesos Romero ryapidos´ G.A. Pérez y economicos´ para la produccion´ y la purificacion´ de biomoleculas.´ En este contexto, diferentes tecnicas´ separativas que ofrezcan un alto rendimiento y una alta pureza del producto final han sido evaluadas por diferentes grupos de investigacion.´ La extraccion´ l´ıquido-l´ıquido con sistemas bifasicos´ acuosos (SBAs) es una de las metodolog´ıas mas´ estudiadas para bio-separacion.´ Esta tecnica´ presenta varias ventajas, tales como condiciones suaves de trabajo, alta relaci on´ costo-beneficio, cortos tiempos de consumo y alto porcentaje de recuperacion´ del producto final. Con el objetivo de comparar extracciones l´ıquido-l´ıquido con otras tecnicas´ de separacion,´ diferentes procesos de extraccion´ de biomoleculas seran´ presentados en este trabajo de revision.´ Adicionalmente, se presentaran las ventajas y desventajas de cada uno de ellos. En general, los mas´ altos grados de pureza del producto final fueron obtenidos al combinar diferentes metodolog´ıas, siendo las cromatograficas´ las mas´ aplicados en las ultimas´ etapas debido a los elevados factores de purificacion´ obtenidos despues´ de ellas. Metodolog´ıas alternativas como por ejemplo, SBAs basados en mezclas de PEG/sal o liqu´ıdos ionicos´ /sal, sistemas micelares de dos fases acuosas (SMDFAs) formados por solventes o surfactantes; fermentacion´ extractiva utilizando SBA, tambien´ resultan ser relevantes debido a sus bajos costos y cortos tiempo en sus procesos de purificacion.´ Palabras clave: extraccion´ l´ıquido-l´ıquido, procesos de purificacion,´ biomoleculas,´ pol´ımeros, surfactante. ∗Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected] Tel. 55-11-3091-3862 - Fax: 55-11-3815-6386 Publicado por la Academia Mexicana de Investigacion´ y Docencia en Ingenier´ıa Qu´ımica A.C. 359 Dutra-Molino et al./ Revista Mexicana deIngenier ´ıaQu ´ımica Vol. 13, No. 2 (2014) 359-377 1 Introduction due to solvents toxicity, their cost, their impact on the environment, and due to the fact that organic solvents The wide variety and combinations of production processes may lead to irreversible product degradation (Dermiki et employed to purify biomolecules from different biological al., 2009). In this respect, the liquid-liquid extraction sources are known as bioseparation or downstream by aqueous two-phase systems (ATPS) has been proved processing (Shukla et al., 2007). As it comprises a key to be a valuable technique for separating and purifying point for the commercial development of biotechnological biomolecules, organelles, membranes, as well as whole products (Kelley 2009), bioseparation protocols should cells, from complex media. In comparison to other be designed in order to reach the best cost/benefit ratio. separation techniques, aqueous two-phase extraction offers A conventional downstream process includes an initial many advantages, such as a short processing time, low clarification step (removal of cells and enrichment of the energy consumption, environmentally friendly and it is target molecule), an intermediary purification (first capture relatively ease to scale-up (Liu et al., 2011). Furthermore, of target molecule) and a polishing (final product with the high water concentration (between 80-90%) in such high degree of purity) (Shukla et al., 2007). Each step systems favors the stability of biologically active molecules may even comprise several unit operations depending on during the separation process, in comparison to the two- the biological source complexity and/or the final purity phase systems with organic solvents (Hatti-Kaul 2001). degree required. Unfortunately, the use of a multi-step On the other hand, extractive bioconversion using aqueous procedure generally leads to low recovery yields, thus two-phase systems (ATPS) seems to be a very attractive impacting in the final product costs (Low et al., 2007; method for the integration of fermentation and downstream Kurasawa et al., 2013). For large-scale purification, processing of extracellular proteins (Pandey & Banik 2011). the drawbacks of employing several purification steps is Several ATPS formats have been studied since the first report even more significant due to the large space and buffer announced by Beijerinck in 1896, which showed that the volumes required for downstream operations (Aldington & combination of gelatin, agar and water in certain proportions Bonnerjea 2007). As a result, alternative methodologies forms two immiscible aqueous rich phases (Beijerick 1896). that allow several purification steps to be integrated, offering Nonetheless, it was only in 1958 that Albertsson (1958) simple procedures, are being evaluated (Low et al., 2007). reported the ability of ATPS formed by polyethylene glycol Important candidates include precipitation, aqueous two-
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