Aug. 15, 2015 Vol. 2015, Issue 9 Little River Band to perform hits Preacher of the Week The Rev. Laurie Haller Everyone experienc- es the burnout of life’s daily routine and hectic schedule. The Rev. Lau- The Australian rock group, case the groups’ vocal and in- a new, original blend of music. rie Haller, Preacher of the Little River Band, will bring strumental talents. The group not only wanted Week from August 16-21, their signature sound to Hoover Founded in Melbourne, to conquer the Australian mu- will share a special mes- Auditorium at 8:15 p.m. Satur- Australia in 1975, Little River sic scene, but also American sage with Lakesiders about day, Aug. 15 for all Lakesiders Band grew to become one of radio, and they did with a mix how she rediscovered play to enjoy. the greatest vocal bands of the of creative songwriting, guitar and purpose during those This group will perform 1970s and 80s. harmonies and powerful vo- times of burnout. and Institute of Sacred Music. some of their greatest hits, in- Having little success per- cals. A native of Birming- Both degrees are in organ per- cluding “Lonesome Loser,” forming with other rock bands, ham, Mich., the Rev. formance. “Cool Change” and “Lady,” the members of Little River See RIVER Haller has served churches She attended the Berliner among other songs that show- Band joined together to create on page 8 for the past 32 years. She Kirchenmusikschule (Church currently is the Senior Pas- Music School) in West Ber- tor at First United Method- lin, Germany. The Rev. Haller Gladioli take center stage ist Church in Birmingham. completed her Master of Di- Gladiolus growers and ex- to sub-Saharan Africa, primar- She has traveled to vinity from Yale University hibitors from Ohio, Michigan ily South Africa. Cuba, Haiti and Zimba- Divinity School. and Pennsylvania will partici- Although glads, as they are bwe for mission trips and At the 10:30 a.m. Hoover pate in the Northwestern Ohio commonly called, are used to has led four trips to Israel. Community Worship Service Gladiolus Show in Hoover Au- a limited extent for landscape The Rev. Haller is no on Sunday, Aug. 16, the Rev. ditorium. effect, their chief value is for stranger to the Chautau- Haller will provide a message The Gladiolus Show, which cut fl owers. qua experience; she has about Matthew 14:22-36 and has been held at Lakeside for Gladioli produce tall spikes also preached at Bay View the miracles of Jesus walk- more than 50 years, will take of large blossoms in a rainbow Association in Petoskey, ing on water and calming the place from 3-5 p.m. Saturday, of colors. Mich., a sister Chautauqua. storm. In her sermon, titled Aug. 15 and 12-5 p.m. Sunday, Only clear, true blue is miss- Over the course of the “The Baby Elephant Syn- Aug. 16. ing; white, pink, red, purple, Rev. Haller’s ministry, she drome: Faith & Doubt,” she Many different and unusu- exhibiting. Special classes for yellow, orange, salmon and faced burnout and needed will highlight how hard chal- al gladiolus arrangements will novice, intermediate and youth even green gladioli are avail- be on display. Exhibitors and are provided. able, along with many bi-colors. to step away. During this lenges bring blessings. Gladiolus Society members Gladiolus is a genus of fl ow- The wide range of colors, time, she authored Recess: For those who wish to at- promote appreciation of glad- ering plants in the iris family. sizes and fl ower types make Rediscovering Play and tend the Hoover Community iolus growing and assist inter- Sometimes called the “sword them particularly useful for Purpose, a refl ective jour- Worship Service, a compli- ested persons or groups in their lily,” the most widely used En- fl ower arrangements. nal about her three-month mentary Church Pass may cultivation and use. glish common name for these The fl owers will be distribut- sabbatical to discover her- be obtained 7:30-10:30 a.m. This is an open entry show. plants is simply gladiolus. ed to the public, free of charge, self. Sunday; valid until 3 p.m. The Locals may bring gladioli on The genus gladiolus con- after 8:30 a.m. Monday, Aug. The Rev. Haller has pass includes admittance for the morning of Saturday, Aug. tains approximately 260 spe- 17, on the Hoover Auditorium written several articles and guests and auto. 15 and will receive assistance in cies, of which 250 are native porch. essays for the Michigan The Rev. Haller will also Christian Advocate, Wor- provide the message at 9:15 ship Arts and the United a.m. Monday-Thursday for Lakeside welcomes Civil War enthusiasts Methodist Reporter. She Faith for Living Hour in Or- Week 9 of the Chautauqua also has her own blog, chestra Hall. A complimentary Lecture Series will feature Leading from the Heart Faith for Living Hour Pass is Lakeside’s 12th consecutive Civil War Week, held from (www.lauriehaller.org), available from 8:30 a.m.-1:30 Monday, Aug. 17-Friday, Aug. which she updates weekly. p.m. Monday-Friday. The pass 21. The Rev. Haller earned includes admittance to Lake- Lecturers include Dana her Bachelor of Music side for guests and auto. Shoaf, Editor of Civil War from Wittenberg Universi- At 7:15 p.m. Tuesday, the Times, who will speak on Mon- ty. She earned her Master Rev. Haller will lead Vespers day morning and afternoon, as Dana Shoaf Dennis Frye of Music from Yale Uni- by the Lake, held at the Steele well as Tuesday afternoon. An off-site program, titled education programming during versity School of Music Memorial Bandstand. Dennis Frye, Chief Histo- “Freedom’s Friends: Under- this time. rian at Harpers Ferry National ground Railroad & Abolitionist Lectures on the Civil War Submit for Lakeside Photo Contest Park, will speak on Tuesday History Walk,” will be led by will continue as a part of Lake- Lakesiders of all ages are photo by “last name, fi rst morning and on Wednesday representatives of the Ober- side’s focus on American his- invited to submit photos to be name” and number them each morning and afternoon. lin Heritage Center on Friday, tory, just not specifi cally in the featured in the 2016 Calendar from 1-5. Additional lectures will Aug. 21. mid-August time slot. Please of Events brochure, as well as Send digital copies as feature speakers from Ohio, As 2015 marks the end of view the Lakeside’s Calendar of on Lakeside Chautauqua’s so- attachments to content@ presenting various topics relat- the commemoration of the Civ- Events brochure when it is re- cial media pages, website, The lakesideohio.com. ed to the Civil War, including il War Sesquicentennial, it also leased in January 2016 for a list Front Porch blog, Lakesider Please note that printed or President Abraham Lincoln’s brings Lakeside’s Civil War of education themes and dates. newspaper, advertisements scanned pictures are not eligi- assassination, the battle of An- Week, held during mid-August, See “Education” on page 6 and more. ble. A limit of fi ve photos per tietam, stories of Civil War sol- to its conclusion. for a complete listing of Civil Photos are needed for the person may be entered. diers during and after the war, Beginning in 2016, a new War Week programs and de- various panels of the Calendar The email subject line and Rutherford B. Hayes. theme will be determined for scriptions. of Events brochure, including should read “Lakeside Photo the cover; nurturing the mind, Contest.” Michael Ferri joins fi nal orchestra concert body and spirit; family and Include the name, address, The Lakeside Symphony a quiet string melody, before youth programs; accommo- email address, phone number, Orchestra (LSO), under the building up to introduce the dations; map and directions; age, photo information and the direction of Robert Cronquist, solo violin. There is no break admission fees; generosity; date each photo was taken in will close its 52nd season at between the movements. mailing address and more. the email message. 8:15 p.m. Friday, Aug. 21 in Canzonetta: Andante is Images should represent The deadline for submis- Hoover Auditorium with a con- short and very lyrical. It is fi lled people enjoying Lakeside sion is Thursday, Oct. 1. cert featuring violinist Michael with nostalgia and warmth. through photos of families, Winning photos will be Ferri. The last movement, Allegro traditions, children, religion, chosen for the 2016 Calendar The LSO season is support- vivacissimo, is the breathtaking education, cultural arts (in- of Events brochure, and the ed by the Ohio Arts Council. fi nale. cluding special events and photographer will receive a The concert will open with The violin goes back to its programming), recreation, (one-day) Daily Chautauqua landscape or architecture. Pass for the 2016 summer sea- Ferri’s performance of one of Michael Ferri folk roots, and gleefully runs the most technically diffi cult and leaps all over the place. For full contest rules, visit son. The piece is also linked with works for violin, the “Violin The second half of the pro- www.lakesideohio.com/news. For full contest rules, visit Tchaikovsky’s emotional insta- Concerto in D major.” The con- gram will include “Sympho- Entrants should name each lakesideohio.com/news. bility and broken marriage. certo was written by Pyotr Ily- ny No. 9 in E minor, op. 95,” The concerto has three sec- ich Tchaikovsky in 1878. which is more popularly known Inside the Lakesider tions, Allegro moderato, Can- Tchaikovsky’s “Violin Con- as the “New World Symphony.” zonetta: Andante, and Finale: certo” is his most important Community News .........
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