DOCUMENT RESUME ED 135 510 RC 009 665 AUTHOR Turowski, Jan, Ed.; Szwengrub, Lili Maria, Ed. TITLE Rural Social Change in Poland. INS1IIUTION Polish Acadlmy of Sciences, Warsaw. PUB DATE A',,g 76 NOTE 331p.; Related documents include RC 009 665-669 ELRS PRICE ni-$0.83 HC-$18.07 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS Agriculture; Aspiration; *Economic Developmeht; Envircnmental Influences; Equal Education; Farm Management; Females; Foreign Countries; Futures (of Society); *Industrialization; *Rural Areas; Rural Youth; Social Attitudes; *Social Change; Social Development; *Social Structure; Sociology; Values IDENTIFIERS *Poland; Quality of Life; *World Congress of Rural Sociology (4th) ABSTRACT Addi:ssing the question of economic growth, this book focuses on the implications of industry re: Polish social structure, organization of farms, and changes in rural culture and large social groups. Emphasizing way and quality of life, this book includes the fo2.lowing major secticns and article titles:(1) Industrialization and Changes in the Social Structure (Types of Industrialization; Types and Forms of Industrialization and Rural Socioeconomic Development: Ile Polish Experience; Changes in the Rural Social Structure; Dual Occupation in Polish Agriculture; Social Changes in Suburban Villages; The Impact of Industrialization on the Transformation of the Rural Settlement Structure and the Occupational Structure in Scuthern Poland; Physiotactic and Environmental Protection);(2) Agriculture and the Farm (Changes in Individual Farming During the 30 Years of the Polish Peoples Republic.; Processes or Differentiation of Peasant Farms in Poland; Collective Farming in Poland; Sociological Problems of Polish State Farms);(3) Changes in the Way of Life (Transformation of the Way of Life and Values; Processes of Rationalization of Social Attitudes of Polish Peasants; The Young Rural Generation in the Polish Peoples Republic; The Young Generation's Aspirations and Orientations; Theoretical and Practical Implications of the Different Meanings of Unequal Access to Education; Changes in the Situation of Country Women). (JC). Documents acquired by ERIC include many informal unpublished * materials not available from other sources. ERIC makes every effort * * to cttain tle belce copy available. Nevertheless, items of marginal * reproducibility are often encounterfad and this affects the quality * of the microfiche and hardcopy reproductions ERIC makes available * via the ERIC Document Reproductipn Service (EDRS). EDRS is not * responsible for the quality of the original document. Reproductions * * supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original. *********************************************************************** Fourth World Congress for Rural Sociology Poland, TortM, 9-13 August 1976 heme of the Co nress: The Integrated Development of Human and Natural Resources: The Contribution of Rural Sociology. Semin,tr Toplis Cotwepts and Strategt-s for the Integrated Development of Human and Natural Resources 2. The Consequences of Economic Growth for Human and Natural Resource Development 3. Technological Change inAgriculture and Modernization of Rural Life:the Need for In tegrated Development 4. Demographic Changes and Strategies of Development 5. Spatial and Regional Planning as Strategies of Development 6. Rural Socialhange and Land Reforme 7.Collective and Cooperative Farming as a Strategy of Integrated Development 8. Employment, Occupational Structure and Strategies of Integrated Development 9. Stratification and Social Mobility of the Rural Population: Implications for Integrated Development 10. Peasant Societies and the Dillemmas of Development II. The Future of Rural Communities in Industrialind Societies 12. The Role of Government in Integrated Development 13, Rural Groups and Cooperatives: Their Role Inte7ated Development 14. The Changing Roles of Women in Rural Societies 15. Rural Youth: Human Resource or Human Burden 16. Minority and Ethnic Groups in the Process of Integrated Development 17. Recreation, Leisure and Strategies of Integrated Development 18. The Quality of Life: the Impact of Expectations on Development 19. Environmental Development and the Quality of Life 20. The Changing Nature of Rural Religious Institutions 21. The Rural Family Today 3 THE POLISH ACADEMY OF SCIENCES INSTITUTE OF PHILOSOPHY AND SOCIOLOGY Rural Social Change inPolandwas edited onthe occasion of the Fourth World Congress_ for Rural Sociology organized in Torufi, Poland (9-13 August 1976) which was at the same time the Ninth Congress of the European Society for Rural Sociology OSSOLINEUM THE POLISH ACADEMY OF SCIENCES PRESS 4 THE POLISH ACADEMY OF SCIENCES INSTITUTE 01: PHILOSOPHY AND SOCIOLOGY RURAL SOCIAL CHANGE IN POLAND Editors: JAN TUROWSK1 LIL1 MARIA SZWENGRUB WROCLAW . WARSZAWA K RAKOW GDASJSK OSSOLINEUM THE POLISH ACADEMY OF SCIENCES PRESS 1976 5 Translated mut English b Romana Buick (paper b% HFrlant: Jacek /11)16%%ka wailer b N1. Dobrowolskio, Andrter Jarostfiski id Andiver Tulek (paper 1)% R. Turskit; Nlikulaj Ke.aktotez (his tmn paper), 'totnast Mirkomdet(paper Adaniski) :Jerty Siskind (napcis b% J.(halasuiski,I).Dohrtmokka. 1/tiewcka, H lialeski, B.lliolvhomski, M.lgnar,I.Jagie 111)-1.ysiowa, R Manteuttel, A Steinberg, I.M. Stwengruht; Ihoir Skeris I paper by J. Ttirov.skit. Prolek1 okladki WAI.IRIAN I AZRIM0.7. Prolck I maavka korgri-a0,00, 1101I-NA J.\ NKOWSK Printed in Poland IdOl NarOdov.), im(1,01d:skid.WAlaakructuoWrocIav197(1. Naklad1500 eglOblçaMiy: aok. wyd26. ark. druk 21 arkAl Popler 01r,c1.kl.III. 711g. 70 100Othi.1110 ykla- dania 24 III1970 Podpisano do druku 20 VII 1970'. Druk ukori. C/0110 V. olerrilli 1976 WrocIaakska I0ukarma Naukoma lam 187 70 Cala ii 120. 6 TABLE OF CONTENTS lloguslaw Cialcski . Introduction 7 I NDUSTR L ItATION A ND CHA NGES IN THE SOCIAL STRUCTURE lloguslasS Cialcsk : Types of Industrialization 11 Jan Turowsk r Types and I insof Industrialization andRural Socio-Economic Development (The Polish Experience) 33 Ryszard Turski: Changes inthe Rural Social Structure 47 Maria Dziewick a: Dual Occupation in Polish Agriculture 75 Danuta I)ohross ol sk a: Social Changes in Suburban Villages 89 Maria Do bro wo lsk a :The Impact of Industrialization on the Transformation of the RuralSettlementStructure andthe OccupationalStructureinSouthernPo- land 109 Zbigniew T. Wie rzbic k iPhysiotactic and Environmental Protection 141 II AGRICULTURE AND THE FARM Ryszard M a n teu fie] :Changes inIndividual Farming During the 30 Years of the PolishPeoplesRepublic 155 Anna Sz e m her g: Processes of Differentiation of Peasant Farms in Poland . 173 Lili Maria Szw en g r Collective Farming in Poland 193 MarekI gna r: Sociological Problems of Polish State Farms 203 CHA NGES I N THE WAY OF LIFE Eugenia Ja gicllo-L ysio wa :Transformation of the Way of Life and Values. 223 Wladyslaw Adam sk i: Processes of Rationalizationof SocialAttitudes of Polish Peasants 239 Jozel Ch a l a si risk The Young Rural GenerationinthcPolishPeoples Repub- lic 251 Bronislaw G olebi owsk iThe Young GeneratiorCs Aspirations and Orientations . 279 Mikolaj K oza k icwiez: Theorelical and Practical Implications of the Different Meanings of Unequal Access to Education 293 Barbara Try fa n: Changes in the Situation of Country Women in Poland . 305 Bibliography (Lili Maria Sz we ngrub) 325 I NTROD UCTI ON The present volume is the third to present Polish rural sociology to the foreign reader. The tirst publication was a special English language edition of "Roczniki Socjologii Wsi" ("The Annals of Rural Sociology. Special Issue") (1968) containing a selection of articles from thefirst 7 volumes of that "Annals".Ithas orientedthereader abroad on the directions and state of scientific work in Polandinthefield of rural sociology. The second publication, ih the French language(Les Transformations de la campagne polonaise,ed. R. Turski,19701, provided an allsided view of research and studies conducted in Poland in centres of the Polish Academy of Sciences.Universities andinstitutions directly connected with social practice. This volume constitutes current, the most complete presentation of the trends in Polish rural sociology. In comparison, the present volume, issued by The Institute of Philosoph, and Sociology under the Polish Academy of Sciences, is directed to mainly one problem. This is the question of economic growth, in particular, the implications of industrialization for the socialstructure,the organization of farms of various types, for changes in rural culture and way of life and inthesituationof largesocialgroups, such astherural youth and women. The choice of themes is not accidental. The process of industrialization trampiring in Poland under the conditions of the given socio-economic system is the main factor which moulds the shape of the society, including rural society. The first part of that subject-matter, establishment of the types and forms of industrialization and the manners of its influence on rural life and the changes inthe ruralsocialstructureiteffects have been dominant in the research and theoretical works of recent years. That stage may be regarded as finished, or temporarily closed, unless the need arises of basic conceptual changes. The research trend now leans more toward cognition Of cultural changes: living conditions and expectations inthat respect, the way of life and the so-called quality of life. That direction of interest is growing at present and may be expected to be dominant in the coming years. The volume isnaturally limitedin
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