OO ver ver 160160 battlesbattles were were fought fought in in Culpeper Culpeper County County during during the the Civil Civil MM any any of of the the Civil Civil War’sWar’s mostmost TimelineTimeline A Driving TourTour ofof War.War. ThroughoutThroughout continual continual occupation occupation by by one one side side or or the the other, other, trees trees famousfamous military military leaders leaders werewere werewere felledfelled andand used used for for shelter shelter and and firewood, firewood, food food stores stores and and housing housing familiarfamiliar faces faces in in Culpeper Culpeper duringduring werewere commandeeredcommandeered by by whichever whichever side side was was in in charge charge at at the the time. time. The The communitycommunity sufferedsuffered devastating devastating consequences. consequences. This This Guide Guide to to Civil Civil thethe war. war. General General A.P. A.P. HillHill notnot onlyonly WarWar CulpeperCulpeper highlights highlights four four major major battles battles — — Culpeper Culpeper Court Court House, House, foughtfought here, here, but but also also spentspent hishis Civil Warar BrandyBrandy Station,Station, Cedar Cedar Mountain, Mountain, and and Kelly’s Kelly’s Ford. Ford. childhoodchildhood here. here. Robert Robert E.E. LeeLee waswas anan honored honored dinner dinner guestguest asas waswas thethe ULPEPER dashingdashing young young Major Major JohnJohn PelhamPelham C whowho lost lost his his life life at at Kelly’sKelly’s Ford.Ford. ConfederateConfederate States States of of AmericaAmerica (CSA)(CSA) President President Jefferson Jefferson DavisDavis alsoalso passedpassed through through Culpeper, Culpeper, makingmaking aa whistlewhistle stop stop speech speech fromfrom aa traintrain atat ConfederateConfederate President President thethe depot. depot. JeffersonJefferson Davis Davis APRILAPRIL 12,12, 18611861 –– FirstFirst shotsshots firedfired atat FortFort Sumter,Sumter, SouthSouth CarolinaCarolina APRILAPRIL 15,15, 18611861 –– PresidentPresident LincolnLincoln callscalls for 75,000 volunteer troopstroops toto putput downdown thethe rebellionrebellion HistoricHistoric DowntownDowntown CulpeperCulpeper APRILAPRIL 17,17, 18611861 –– UnwillingUnwilling toto provideprovide troopstroops to fight against 2929 otherother SouthernSouthern states,states, VirginiaVirginia secedessecedes fromfrom thethe Union MasonicMasonic Cemetery Cemetery AUGUSTAUGUST 9,9, 18621862 –– BattleBattle ofof CedarCedar MountainMountain 229229 AUGUSTAUGUST 28-30,28-30, 18621862 –– BattleBattle ofof SecondSecond Manassas, FairviewFairview Cemetery Cemetery JAMESJAMES MADISON MADISON HIGHWAY HIGHWAY culminatingculminating thethe campaigncampaign beginningbeginning justjust priorprior toto CedarCedar Mountain OADOAD LRLR MARCHMARCH 17,17, 18631863 –– BattleBattle ofof Kelly’sKelly’s FordFord AI AI UlyssesUlysses S. S. Grant Grant RobertRobert E. E. Lee Lee AmbroseAmbrose Powell Powell HillHill MAYMAY 1-4,1-4, 18631863 –– BattleBattle ofof ChancellorsvilleChancellorsville SPERRYVISPERRYVI LLELLE PI PI K KSOUTHERN SOUTHERN R R KEKE ETET JUNEJUNE 9,9, 18631863 –– BattleBattle ofof BrandyBrandy StationStation 522522 EVANSEVANS STREET STREET NORFOLNORFOL JULYJULY 1-3,1-3, 18631863 –– BattleBattle ofof Gettysburg,Gettysburg, culminatingculminating the COMMERCE STREET COMMERCE STREET RFAXRFAX STRE STRE FAIFAI CulpeperCulpeper Tourism Tourism campaigncampaign beginningbeginning justjust priorprior toto BrandyBrandy StationStation WeWe recommended recommended && Visitor Visitor Center, Center, DAVISDAVIS STREET STREET SEPTEMBERSEPTEMBER 13,13, 18631863 –– BattleBattle ofof CulpeperCulpeper Court House thatthat you you begin begin MuseumMuseum of of youryour tour tour with with a a CulpeperCulpeper History History visitvisit to to the the NOVEMBERNOVEMBER 7,7, 18631863 –– BattleBattle ofof RappahannockRappahannock Station, U.S.U.S. AVENUE AVENUE 111-113111-113 S. S. Commerce Commerce Street Street MuseumMuseum of of afterwardsafterwards FederalFederal forcesforces enterenter intointo CulpeperCulpeper County and Confed- BLUE RIDGE AVENUE BLUE RIDGE AVENUE MAIN STREET MAIN STREET EAST STREET EAST STREET CulpeperCulpeper History History WEST STREET WEST STREET NationalNational erateerate forcesforces withdrawwithdraw outout ofof thethe countycounty CemeteryCemetery whichwhich houses houses a a 3D 3D GeorgeGeorge A. A. Custer Custer JohnJohn Buford Buford GeorgeGeorge Meade Meade mapmap of of the the Civil Civil MASONMASON STREET STREET DECEMBERDECEMBER 2,2, 18631863 BurgandineBurgandine House House –– FollowingFollowing aa weekweek of maneuvers out of the WarWar and and 803803 S. S. Main Main Street Street “Stonewall”“Stonewall” Jackson’s Jackson’s (left) (left) success success was was made made possible possible countycounty duringduring thethe MineMine RunRun Campaign,Campaign, thethe FederalFederal army returns interpretationsinterpretations to to toto beginbegin itsits winterwinter encampmentencampment helphelp orient orient you. you. by by a a lack lack of of cooperation cooperation between between three three ToTo Federal Federal forces, forces, which which together together would would MAYMAY 4,4, 18641864 –– WinterWinter encampmentencampment concludesconcludes with the Federal BrandyBrandy Station Station & & have have outnumberedoutn outnumberedoutn Jackson, Jackson, but but armyarmy marchingmarching easteast andand leavingleaving CulpeperCulpeper for the final time Kelly’sKelly’s Ford Ford BUSBUS instead instead providedpr providedpr an an opportunity opportunity to to GERMANGERMAN BattleBattle Trails Trails MAYMAY 5-6,5-6, 18641864 –– BattleBattle ofof thethe WildernessWilderness defeat defeat each each separately. separately. President President “ 2929 NANA HI HI C ulpeper, I think, has been moremore severelyseverely ravagedravaged byby thethe YankeesYankees Y Y GHWAGHWA Lincoln Lincoln decided decided to to rectify rectify the the APRILAPRIL 9,9, 18651865 –– ConfederateConfederate armyarmy underunder Robert E. Lee BUSBUS Y Y than any county II havehave seen.seen. ForFor milesmiles andand miles,miles, thethe countrycountry isis GHWAGHWA situationsitu situationsitu by by combining combining the the surrenderssurrenders atat AppomattoxAppomattox CourtCourt HouseHouse depopulated, fine mansions areare standingstanding untenanteduntenanted andand thethe fencingfencing ofof ISONISON HI HI 1515 commands commands into into a a new new D D APRILAPRIL 14,14, 18651865 the plantations areare allall destroyed.destroyed. YetYet inin itsits desolationdesolation itit isis beautiful.beautiful. –– LincolnLincoln isis assassinatedassassinated A A 33 army army under under General General It smiles even in itsits tears.tears. TheThe numbernumber ofof fieldsfields everywhere,everywhere, thoughthough RO RO JAMESJAMES MAD MAD MAYMAY 26,26, 18651865 E E –– AtAt NewNew OrleansOrleans thethe lastlast significant Confederate G G John John Pope Pope (right). (right). In In unfenced, are covered over with thethe finestfinest cloverclover andand timothy.”timothy.” ToTo armyarmy surrenderedsurrendered RANRAN the the summer summer of of 1862, 1862, O O — Captain Leonard Williams,Williams, 2nd2nd SouthSouth CarolinaCarolina CavalryCavalry CedarCedar MountainMountain the the forces forces were were to to ThisThis guideguide isis publishedpublished byby thethe CulpeperCulpeper Department of Tourism. ToTo hishis brother,brother, Henry,Henry, MayMay 16,16, 18631863 BattleBattle TrailTrail ConfederateConfederate General General ConfederateConfederate General General combine combine at at Culpeper. Culpeper. ForFor more,more, pleaseplease visitvisit www.visitculpeperva.com,www.visitculpeperva.com, or call (540) 727-0611 . ThomasThomas J. J. UnionUnion GeneralGeneral (A(A BootBoot FullFull ofof Memories)Memories) “Stonewall”“Stonewall” Jackson Jackson JohnJohnJohnJohn Pope PopePopePope www.visitculpeperva.comwww.visitculpeperva.com DIRECTIONS to Culpeper Suggested Reading RED TRAIL (See map on Page 4 & 5) From Washington, DC / I-66: Take I-66 West to Exit This Driving tour is intended to give a brief overview ThThe Battle of BRANDY STATION 43A (Rt. 29 South) for about 40 miles to the first of battles fought in Culpeper County, highlighting Culpeper exit - Bus. 29. Go 3 miles into the Town of some interesting facts and folklore. Many entertaining Major General James Ewell Brownn Culpeper, Main Street. At the 3rd light, turn left on and informative books are available in our local library, “J.E.B.” Stuart was chagrined afterr Davis Street. Go to the end and turn right to the or for sale at the Museum of Culpeper History. Brandy Station. He was taken byy Train Depot/Visitors Center. surprise and was severely criticized for his handling of the Daniel E. Sutherland, Seasons of War, The Ordeal of a battle. From Charlottesville / Route 29: Take 29 North for Confederate Community 1861-1865 211 about 45 miles to Culpeper. Take the second exit at Culpeper - Business 29. At the fifth light turn right Virginia Beard Morton, Marching Through Culpeper, A Novel of Culpeper, Virginia The fighting at Fleetwood Hill GREEN TRAIL (See map on Page 4 & 5) onto Davis Street. Follow Davis Street to the end involved charge and counter- 229 and turn right to the Train Depot/Visitors Center. William C. Davis, Bell L. Wiley, National Historical charge with fierce hand-to- Thehe Battle of KELLY’SK FORD Society, Civil War Album Complete Photographic History hand combat. During the From Richmond / I-95: Take I-95 North for about 60 of the Civil War battle,
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