DELAWARE COUNTY PLEDGE OF RESISTANCE P.O. Box 309~Swarthmore, PA [email protected]~www.delcopledge.org Fall 2006 disturbing parallels to the current wars Pledge to are inescapable. Reasons for our mili- tary invasion of Vietnam were entirely Screen Vietnam different from those given for the inva- sion and occupation of Iraq. However, one is struck by the similar rhetoric pro- War Film duced by MacNamara and Johnson and that produced by Rumsfeld, Cheney, Sir! No Sir! and Bush.” (All quotes from the Sir! No Sir! website). After viewing Sir! No Sir! recently, by Ron Coburn I listened to a discussion that followed, which was for me a unique and sad ex- Pledge is holding a screening of Sir! No perience. I heard the anguish and fear Sir! on Saturday, October 14, 7 pm, at in the voices of a number of Vietnam Media-Providence Friends School, 125 war veterans, emotions which precipi- W. Third Street, Media, Pa. This is the tated their antiwar activities, including time to see this powerful and disquiet- the killing of their officers. I felt their ing film. It is highly unlikely that this patriotism, their grief for lost buddies, film will EVER be shown by our stan- and their disillusionment. I will never dard media outlets. forget the story of how one U.S. soldier “In the 1960s, an antiwar movement in Iraq was overheard discussing with opportunity to meet and thank them was emerged that altered the course of his- fellow soldiers questions about the ne- powerful. I recommend it to everyone. tory. This movement didn’t take place cessity of this war. He was subsequently The screening of this film will be on college campuses, but in barracks transferred to the U.S. combat force that followed by a panel discussion orga- and on aircraft carriers. It flourished in attacked and destroyed Fallujah. One nized by Bill Perry, who served in Viet- army stockades, navy brigs, and in the veteran communicated his deep sorrow, nam, now with Veterans for Peace. A dingy towns that surround military still palpable today, for his killing role in combat sniper and a medic just back from bases. It penetrated elite military col- Vietnam. The combination of Sir! No Iraq will also be present. Admission is leges like West Point. And it spread Sir!, the voices of veterans, and the free. through the battlefields of Vietnam. It was a movement no one expected, least of all those in it. Hundreds went to prison and thousands into exile. And by 1971, it had, in the words of one colo- Who Got the Button? nel, infested the entire armed services. It was estimated that more than 500,000 Our crack panel of judges has emptied the last mailbag, soldiers took part. Yet today few people pored over each entry, and determined a winner in the know about the GI movement against Pledge “Design a Button” contest! the war in Vietnam. The favorite phrase, submitted by A.N. Other, is . “Sir! No Sir! is the story of this . “RESISTANCE: Every Little Bit Helps.” Colorful union-made buttons antiwar movement. This film never men- sporting this slogan will soon be available at Pledge events everywhere. Be tions the words Iraq or Afghanistan but sure to grab yours. And thanks for all your creative contributions! 1 Partnership of the Americas— Blurring the Lines by Marge Van Cleef bill would change the program’s name Venezuela, bolstered with their large to “Regional Defense Combating Ter- supplies of oil and natural gas, have Partnership of the Americas is a mili- rorism Fellowship Program,” allowing already been threatened by the U.S. tary program operating out of U.S. funds to be used to send students to State Department. Cuba has recently Southern Command and implemented civilian educational institutions in the announced a tentative agreement with by U.S. Naval Forces Carrier Strike United States. What is the underlying China for technical assistance in drill- Group 10, embarked aboard the USS goal of this program? ing for oil in Cuba’s half of the Florida George Washington. It is continuing But another reality still stands. Straits, which are shared with the U.S. efforts to “improve training and readi- Certain nations in South America and We need to pay close attention to ness of U.S. naval forces in the region, the Caribbean, in particular Cuba and U.S. military operations in Latin America and enhance interoperability and rela- Haiti, have been targeted for years as and the Caribbean area. tionships with other countries’ civil and strategic to U.S. interests. They have military forces.” Assigned units focus been attacked militarily and economi- on regional “challenges such as illegal cally with invasions and sanctions. Pres- 1 Quotes from U.S. Naval Forces Southern Com- drug smuggling, illegal migration, and ently, outspoken leaders in Bolivia and mand Public Affairs at www.southcom.mil. improving training to ensure a secure maritime domain in the region,” Naval Commander Stevenson said. “Whether the sailors make repairs to a school or hospital in a community relations Travel to Haiti on project or conduct military-to-military training with regional maritime forces, Pledge Scholarship each effort directly supports security cooperation.”1 by Karen Wisniewski Such efforts have taken place in Honduras, St. Kitt’s, and the Domini- The Delaware County can Republic. In May 2006, members of Pledge of Resistance is the Colombian navy visited the George very pleased to an- Washington to conduct bilateral train- nounce an opportunity ing with U.S. sailors who provided the for a young activist to guests with an orientation for operations travel to Haiti on schol- at sea on both an aircraft carrier and arship. We are looking surface combatants. for people in their 20s We might thus conclude that Part- and 30s who have an in- nership of the Americas is a well- terest in Latin America planned attempt to blur the lines be- and the Caribbean, and tween military and civilian goals in the who would like the op- Haitian women show off their voter registration cards. region of the Americas, as described portunity to explore the by the Latin America Working Group’s human rights situation in clude in the request your experience as paper “Erasing the Lines” on foreign Haiti. We would be able to help design an activist, why you are interested in military and police forces the trip to meet the specific interests of Latin America and the Caribbean, and (www.wola.org). They have stated that the person traveling. specifically what you would like to in- “to further the militarization goals, the Upon return from Haiti, we would clude in your itinerary in Haiti. Bush administration’s counterterrorism ask the recipient to be available for With this scholarship program, the program legitimizes the Defense making presentations about the experi- Delaware County Pledge of Resistance Department’s role in foreign military ence and to write an article for our news- hopes to support and encourage young training.” On May 11, 2006, the House letter. activists. We would like to sponsor the of Representatives approved its version If you or someone you know might first trip in the spring of 2007. of H.R. 5122, the 2007 National Defense be interested, please submit your re- For more information, contact the Authorization Act. Section 1024 of this quest to be considered in writing. In- Pledge at 610 -543-8427 or 215 -545-4122. 2 Don’t Spy On Me! When our government undermines democracy in Haiti, or greases the skids for working people in the name of “free trade,” or baldly lies to justify its wars, we will criticize our government. That’s our re- sponsibility as citizens. When our officials respond by spying, that’s un-American and represents a threat we must challenge.—Pledge statement in support of “Don’t Members of Delco Pledge, Brandywine Peace Community, Catholic Peace Spy On Me!” campaign Fellowship, Darfur Alert Coalition, and Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom participated in the “Don’t Spy On Me!” action. by Brad Bradlee rights to free speech and assembly, we Me!” campaign, we knew it was impor- gathered outside the National Constitu- It is no secret that our government has tant to jump on board. tion Center at noon for a rally launching long targeted dissident citizens with “Don’t Spy On Me!” is a national the campaign. After a short parade to unfashionable views. Police surveil- effort to expose illegal, secret govern- the Federal Building and delicate nego- lance of 1980s Central America affinity ment investigations of dissident groups tiations with security, a delegation de- groups, COINTELPRO’s anti-movement and individuals. The Philadelphia cam- livered our FOIA request to the offices intrigues, state harassment of WWI paign is directed by the Pennsylvania of the FBI and Sen. Arlen Spector. We pacifists—our government’s intoler- ACLU and has brought together 23 lo- await the government’s response. ance of dissent reaches throughout our cal peace and justice groups, including We filed for an “expedited process- history. Today, we read fresh stories of the Delco Pledge. Our organizations ing” of our request because the public robust domestic spying operations— want to know if government snoops has an urgent need to be informed about NSA eavesdropping on domestic calls, have us in their sights, so we thought our undercover government. And be- Pentagon surveillance of “suspicious” we would use a straightforward tactic cause it is clear the government is expe- antiwar meetings, FBI investigations of to find out: we’d ask them.
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