Subscriber's Address ASSUMPTION TICKETS NOW ON SALE VOL. XXVI, No. 7 — TEN PAGES PROVIDENCE COLLEGE, PROVIDENCE, R. I„ NOVEMBER 6, 1963 10 CENTS A COPY Student Congress NSA Motion Tabled by SC, Regional Officers to Be Heard A motion to withdraw Providence College from membership in the National Student Association was presented and tabled at the most recent Student Congress meeting held this past Monday evening in Donnelly Hall. It will be brought up again at the next meeting of the SC. The proposal to withdraw at a regional conference held at gress in conjunction with the from affiliation with NSA was Clark University in Worcester athletic department. 'Chattertocks', Ted & Lissa' co-sponsored by two sophomore this past weekend. Several The cheerleaders will now members of the Student Con• regional officers have requested come under a stricter control gress, Dennis Finn, a represen• the opportunity to appear be• by the SC. This bill would also tative, and Ed Fitzgerald, pres• fore the next meeting of the provide that anyone who has To Entertain at Weekend Congress in order to argue served as a varsity cheerleader ident of the class of 1966. The against the motion to withdraw. "Now, the weekend promises For Saturday afternoon's bill called for immediate with• for one year will receive a varsity letter. There is also the to be even more enjoyable than twist party to be held in drawal of PC from the student Another major consideration group. at the SC meeting was that possibility that these cheerlead• before." With these words, the Aquinas Hall, the weekend which concerned the improve• ers may be allowed to attend co-chairmen of the annual committee has enlisted the band The decision to table the bill ment of the cheerleaders here the varsity dinner at the close Carolan Club weekend, Tom of John Cicchitto. The party until the next meeting of the at Providence College. A bill of the year. Rogers and Frank Devlin, an• will last from 1 p.m. to 4:30 student government was was presented by Joseph Cala- In other actions, the SC ac• bria, treasurer of the Congress, cepted the Sports Car Club on nounce that two of the winning p.m. with the two folk groups brought about by a request from several regional officers in regard to a revamping of the a provisional basis. The legisla• groups from the recent Festival supplying entertainment during of NSA. This request was made cheerleaders. This will provide tive committee and the SC as a '63 will perform at the Saturday the intermission taken by the for funds to be made available whole approved stipends of $50 afternoon party of Dorm Week• band. Refreshments will be sup• to the squad, which henceforth each for the St. Thomas More will be limited to three mem• Club and the St. Antoninus end. plied. Dominican Fathers bers to be selected by the Con• Club. "The Chattertocks"" and "Ted The remaining activities of and Lissa," winners and run- the weekend are the Friday To Vote in Election night buffet and dance, the nersup. respectively in the folk basketball game between PC Judge Quinn Speaks festival, have been obtained to and St. Francis College of Of New Provincial entertain during the band inter• Brooklyn, and the traditional The election of the Provincial missions at the twist party. Communion-breakfast on Sun• of St. Joseph's Province of the On Military Justice day morning. Dominican Father is to be held By Matt Blender A group from Pembroke, on Tuesday, Nov. 12 at the "The Chattertocks," although The co-chairmen of the week• Dominican House of Studies in The Honorable Robert E. get such a verdict. Because of not essentially a folk group, end asked that all those who Washington, D. C. This election Quinn, Chief Justice of the U.S. this, there was considerable were described by the co-chair• are planning to attend the is of especial interest to Provi- Court of Military Appeals, spoke grumbling after the war. How• men as being "very good enter• weekend express their inten• dence College insofar as the to the St. Thomas More Club ever, during the 20's complac• tainment." "Ted and Lissa" one tions as early as possible. They Provincial Is the President of Monday night in the Guild ency set in and nothing was of the runnersup at the festi• pointed out that "this will the Providence College Corpor- Room of Alumni Hall. Judge done. With the coming of World val, "will supply somewhat of a facilitate planning for the week• ation. Quinn spoke on the Uniform War II, about 16,000,000 men change of pace from the dance." end and also ensure that things Code of Military Justice. The and women were under arms in At a recent election held Rev. Vincent C. Dore, O.P., will run as smoothly as pos• here at the College for dele- the services of the United Co-chairmen pointed out that President of the College and States. sible." gates to represent the Provi- Raymond J. Pettine, U. S. At• tickets for the weekend are now Immediately after the war on sale in the dining hall of It was asked that anyone who dence College Dominican com- torney for the District of Rhode munity the following fathers Island, attended the lecture. the grumbling was renewed and Raymond Hall during the eve• has "artistic and imaginative some changes were made in the ning meal, and they will be ideas" make their ideas known were elected: Rev. Francis L. Kelly, O.P., of the English de- Judge Quinn gave a brief out• system of military justice of the available each evening from to the committee, and, if pos• line of the history of military Army, but no changes were now on. The price of bids for sible, make their services avail• partment; Rev. John F. Whit- taker, O.P., of the philosophy justice. Before and during made in the Navy, and its code the Carolan Club's "Ski Spree" able. Workers for the events World War I military justice of the weekend are also being department; Rev. Royal J. Gard- of justice was the same as it is $15 per couple. It was also was a "rather summary proposi• was during the Civil War. Patri• stated that these bids are pay• sought. They are asked to con• ner, Director of Admissions; Rev. V. F. McHenry of the the- tion." A general or an admiral otic organizations such as the able in three installments, if tact Bob Newman, Raymond who ordered a general court Hall, if they are interested. ology department. American Legion, the Amvets, those wishing to attend "would martial expected a guilty ver• and others made some demands rather pay a little at a time dict and he could order as many that Congress do something. than pay it all in one lump retrials as were necessary to (Continued on Page 6) sum." Garden Room Selected by Friars Graduate Record As Site for This Year's Formal On November 22, the Friars that, "due to the capacity of Forms Available Club of Providence College will the Garden Room, there will present the annual Friars For• only be a limited number of mal at the Sheraton-Biltmore bids available. This is to en In Dean's Office Hotel. The dance will be held sure the greatest comfort tc The Office of the Dean an• In the Garden Room from 9 those attending." p.m. to 1 a.m. Cost of bids to Assisting the co-chairmen of nounced today that registra• this formal, non-floral affair, is the formal in the organization tion blanks for the Graduate ?5 and will include a favor. of the dance are Joe Reihing, Record Examination are now Tickets for the formal are who is serving as financial available at the booth set up in chairman, and Bill Clendenen, available In the Dean's Of• Alumni Hall Cafe during the invitations chairman. Other fice, room 204 of Harkins 10:20 break and from noon to chairmen are: Bill Abbott, queen committee; Pete Nolan, Hall. AU seniors MUST 1 p.m. They may also be pur• chased In Raymond Hall during programs; Joe Krzys, publicity; REGISTER for this examina• Dave St. John, tickets; Jim the evening meal. O'Connor, patrons; and Pete tion which will be given on Music for the evening will be Kennedy, favors. The members Very Rev. Vincent C. Dore, O.P., President of the College, Friday, Dec. 6, from 1:30 to provided by the Ed Drew Orch• of the Friars Club comprise the Justice Quinn, Raymond J. Pettine, U. S. Attorney for the District estra. Co-chairmen for the remainder of the committee of Rhode Island and Father Skehan hold a private discussion be• 5:30 p.m. In Harkins Hall event, Paul Lamarine and members, fore meeting. Auditorium. Frank Darigan, have announced 2 THE COWL, NOVEMBER 6, 1963 MEMO FROM THE EDITOR : Students Abroad "NSA at Providence College lives on St. Angelo Sees European Trip for at least two more weeks. " Thus may the action of the Student Congress at its As Helpful to Future Vocation By Dick Cole last meeting be summed up. "The first night I was there, went," Mike noted, "people need them. Meats and vegeta• I decided that work was out. I were alking about it. They could bles are purchased daily as op• It may well be said that a fair hear• was going to see Europe." not understand a democratic posed to the American weekend Thus, Mike St.
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