3052 THE LONDON GAZETTE, STH APRIL 1963 Ministry of Housing and Local Government " The Felling No. 2 Smoke Control Order, 1963 ", April 1963. declaring the area described in the Schedule hereto .to be a Smoke Control Area, which Order is about WEST HAMPSHIRE WATER to be submitted to the Minister of Housing and! Local Notice iis hereby given that the West Hampshire Government for confirmation. Water Company (hereinafter referred to as " the Subject to the exemptions provided by the Order Company") are applying to the Minister of Housing and by virtue of section 11 (4) of the Act if, on any and Local Government for an Order under section 40 day after the Order has come into operation, smoke of the Water Act, 1945. is emitted from a chimney of any building within The Councils of the Administrative Counties of the Smoke Control Area the occupier of that build- Hampshire and Wilts, the Mayor Aldermen and ing shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine Burgesses of the County Borough of Bournemouth, not exceeding £10 unless he proves that the emission the Mayors Aldermen and Burgesses of the Boroughs of smoke was not caused by the use of any fuel of Christchurch and Lymington, and the Councils of other than an authorised fuel. The authorised fuels the respective Rural Districts of New Forest, Ring- include Anthracite, Coke and other carbonised fuels, wood and Fordingbridge, Romsey and Stockbridge Gas and Electricity. and Salisbury and Wilton are the local authorities of Copies of the Order and of the Map referred the counties and districts within which the Company to therein may be inspected, free of charge, at the are supplying water. Council Buildings, Felling, at all reasonable times A notice explaining the effect of the intended Order during the period of six weeks from the 8th of wittl be found in the Western Gazette, the Evening April 1963. Echo-Bournemouth and the Southern Evening Echo Within the said period any person who will be newspapers of the 5th and 12th days of April 1963. affected by the Order may, by notice in writing to Dated this 5th day of April 1963. the Secretary of the Ministry of Housing and Local Stanley & Co., Swan House, 35 Queen Sitreet, Government, Whitehall, London S.W.I, object to London E.C.4, Solicitors. the confirmation of the Order. Dyson, Bell & Co., 15 Great College Street, SCHEDULE Westminster, London S.W.I, Parliamentary An area bounded1 on the North by Colegate West, (734) Agents. on .the West by High Heworth Lane thence by a line drawn from the junction of High Heworth Lane vand Albion Street to the boundary of the Felling No. 1 Smoke Control Area near Oakwood, and on the South East and East by the western boundary of PUBLIC HEALTH ACTS the Felling No. 1 Smoke Control Area. AND CLEAN AIR ACT Dated the 8th day of April 1963. •(735) John Donkin, Clerk of the Council. FOLKESTONE BOROUGH COUNCIL Confirmation of Building Byelaws Notice is hereby given that the Council of the Borough of Folkestone intend, after one month TIPTON BOROUGH COUNCIL from the date of publication of this notice, to apply Tipton No. 1 Smoke Control Order, 1963 to the Minister of Housing and Local Government Notice is hereby given that the Mayor, Aldermen for confirmation of building byelaws made by them and Burgesses of the Borough of Tipton, acting by under the Public Health Act, 1936 and the Clean the Council, in exercise of the powers conferred on Air Act, 1956. them by section 11 of the Clean Air Act, 1956, on N. C. Scragg, Town Clerk. the 27th day of March 1963, made an Order entitled Town Clerk's Office, the "Tipton No. 1 Smoke Control Order, 1963.", Folkestone. declaring the area described in the Schedule hereto to be a smoke control area, which Order is about 1st April 1963. to be submitted to the Minister of Housing and Local (309) Government for confirmation. Subject to the exemptions provided by the Order and by virtue of section 11 (4) of the Act if, on any BERMONDSEY METROPOLITAN BOROUGH day after the Order has come into operation smoke COUNCIL is emitted from a chimney of any building within the Public Health (London) Act, 1936—Section 171 smoke control area the occupier of that building Confirmation of Byelaws shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine not exceeding £10 unless he proves that the emission of Notice is hereby given that the Bermondsey Borough smoke was not caused by the use of any fuel other Council intend, after the expiry of the period of one than an authorised fuel. The authorised fuels in- month from the date of publication of this notice, clude anthracite, coke and other carbonised fuels, gas to apply to the Minister of Housing and Local and electricity. Government for confirmation of byelaws made by the If confirmed the Order will not come into operation Council for the regulation of their public baths, etc. before the 23rd day of March 1964, or before a later Copies of the byelaws may be inspected during date determined by the Minister of Housing and the period of one month from the date of publication Local Government. •of this notice, without payment, at the offices of the Copies of the Order and of the map referred to Council at the Municipal Offices, Spa Road, Ber- therein may be inspected free of charge at the mondsey, London S.E.16, during normal office hours, Municipal Buildings, Sedgley Road West, Tipton that is to say, on Monday to Friday from 8.30 a.m. aforesaid, at all reasonable times during the period to 5 p.m. Copies of the byelaws or any part thereof of six weeks from the 17th day of April 1963. will be supplied on application to the Town Clerk Within the said period any person who will be at the address given below. affected by the Order may by notice in writing to Any objection to the confirmation of the byelaws the Secretary, Ministry of Housing and Local Govern- should be made by letter addressed to the Secretary, ment, Whitehall, London S.W.I, object to the con- Ministry of Housing and Local Government, White- firmation of the Order. hall, London S.W.I. /. S. Lambert, Town Clerk. SCHEDULE Municipal Offices, All that area of land contained approximately 178 Spa Road, acres or thereabouts bounded on the south-west by < Bermondsey, London S.E.16. the County Borough of Dudley, on the north-west by '5th April 1963. the Urban District of Coseley, on the north by the London Midland Region Stour Valley railway line, •(182) on the east by Bloomfield Road, Hurst Lane, Dudley Road and the Birmingham Canal and on the south- east by the Dudley-Walsall railway line. FELLING URBAN DISTRICT COUNCIL Dated the 5th day of April 1963. The Felling No. 2 Smoke Control Order, 1963 Kenneth W. Madin, Town Clerk. Notice is hereby given that the Urban District 'Council of Felling in exercise of the powers conferred Municipal Buildings, upon them by section 11 of the Clean Air Act, 1956, Sedgley Road West, Tipton. •on the 2nd day of April 1963 made an Order entitled (290).
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