New Mexico Historical Review Volume 11 Number 4 Article 4 10-1-1936 Index Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/nmhr Recommended Citation . "Index." New Mexico Historical Review 11, 4 (1936). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/nmhr/vol11/iss4/4 This Index is brought to you for free and open access by UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in New Mexico Historical Review by an authorized editor of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]. INDEX Abbott, Col. Edmund C., 1 Automobile, New Mexico's first, 1-8 A~oma, punishment of, 28; 87, 101, 106, 107. Ava S":pais, country'of the, 243 142, 155, 190 ,AeUB, or Aeueo, town of, 135 Baca, Capt. Alonso, 37, 39, 41, 43 Adam, 5th Cav., 99 Baca, Antonio, 309, 320, 335, 336, 337, 339, Adler, Mildred S., book reviews, 123, 358 340; 342-347 Adrian VI, 152 Baeza, Francisco Martinez de, 286-290; Aguirre, Friar Bernardo de, guardian, 51, 53 298-311 Agua Fria, 114 Bannocks, costumes of, 82; 85; "odd and Albinos, 116; 275 even" game of the, 225 Albuquerque, 93, 95; 105, 106; 244 Barba, Diego Maria, 339, 340 Alessio Robles, Vito, rev. of book bY, 350 Barela, Capt. Alonso, 87, 41 Alexander VI, the bulls of, 11 BareIa, Alferez Pedro, 37 Almy, Lieutenant, 101 Baxter, Sylvester, 204-207; 242-246 Altamira, R., Histma de Espana, 26, note bed-bugs, 252; 259, 274 America, discovery of, 10; 133,134 Beltran, Fray Bernardino, 143, 'note Anian, Straits of, 133 ,Benavidez, Friar Alonso de, 146; 162-164, Antidotum Lineolnense, Heylyn's pamphlet, , 172, 283,' 2884 . 131 Bennett, Colonel, 77-85, 90,' 91, 92, 218-244 Antiquarian. Society, 131 Bishop, Lieutenant, 79 ",Apache Calion," 103, 104 Boston Herald, 242, 246 Apaches, 28, 77; language, 82; 83-86; bas­ Boston Museum of ,Fine Arts; 131 kets, 88; 91, 109, Ill; campaign, 113; Bourbons, 9; absolutism, 10; Duke of, 163 117; trading, 145; 183; Apaches del B~urke, Lieutenant, J. G.. 77-122; 188-207; Acho, 185; of Arizona, 228; 229-235; 217'282, passim 267-281, pos,nm. Bee Jicarilla Bradley, General, at Ojo del Oso, 79; 92, Aranda, Father Antonio de, 318 107, 202, 241-245 Arapahoes, trade with the, 266, 267'; 276 Brand, Donald D., 364; rev. by, 367-869 Archivo General y Publico de la Naei6n, 20 ; Brayer, H. 0 .. paper by, 129-144 Inquisition papers in, 47; 58, note Brevoort House; the,' 230 Archivo Hist6rico Nacional, Madrid, Inqui­ Buffalo Dance, 243 sicion, 76, note bulls, reference to papal, 26, note ,Archuleta, Alferez' Asencio de, 35, 36, 38; 48 Burgos, Agustin de, 49, 50, 161 Archuleta, Juan de, 179, 309,318, 320, 336, Burgos, Laws of, 366 338; 342-346 Burgwiri, Capt. J. H. K., 282 Arizona, boundary, 92; 93, 97, 102, 105, "Burlington," 96 112, 190; ,Maricopas of, 198; Cataract Bustillas, Maria de,- 337-346 Creek, 200; Cushing's work in, 203; Bustillos, Nicolas Perez de, 342, 344 207; Indians of, 217; Camp Hualpai, 239; rubies of; 247; Apaches of, 277; , Caceres, Juan Ruiz de, 'alcalde, 40, '41 281 .Cadereita, Marquis de,. viceroy, 297 Armijo House, the, 105 Cadman, on Espejo's exploration, 130 Arom de Corazones, 141 California, 130, 131, 132, 133, 137; passen- Arroyo Hondo, 184, 185 ger train from, 244 Arroyo Sais. 7 Canada, 133 Arteaga, Friar Antonio de, commissary, 308 Canby, troops under, 239 artesian wells, 107 . Canon Bonito, 8'1, 288, 239 Arvide, Friar Martin de, killed, 288 Canon de Chelle, 232 ' Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe, 77, 78, 100, Carabajal, Juan Vitrio de, 44 103 Carmel, chapel of, 253 Auman, Captain, 79 Carson, Kit, troops under, 239 370 INDEX 371 Cartagena, 17 Coronado, march of, 100, 101, 115, 353; visit Carvajal, Luis de, 350·351 at Cibola, 202. See Vasques di Coro· Casa Real, 34; 313, 319, 321 nado Casaus, Capt. Roque de, 304, 305, 308, 321 Cortes, the Spanish, 9 Castaneda, Dr. Carlos, author, 352·255 WT11.CO, chicken.lice, 259, 260, 274 Castillo, Alferez Diego del, 308 Cosmography, 131, 132 Cathay, 134, 138 Cossett, Rev. Mr., 104 Ceballos, Bernardino de, 41-49, 54-58, pas· Couliacan, 138, 141 sim Council Bluffs, 95 , Ceballos, Bee Mora y Ceballos Council of the Indies, 10, 12, 28, 166, 214, Chama river, 184 834 Chance, Lieutenant, 79, 242 Covarrubias, Friar Hernando, 325, 334, 340 ~, Chavarria, Friar Miguel de, 151-159, 160, "Crane's Station," 78, 79, 93 162, 172, note . Crawford, "Captain Jack," poet-scout, 104 I Chaves, Bee Duran y Chaves Crook, Gen~ral, 90, 98, 104, 118, 229, 240, I Cherry, Lieutenant, 5th Cav., killed, 104 244, 281 I Cheyennes, call1iPaign, 241; trade, 266; 267, Crow Indians, band of, 240, 266, 276 I 276 Crown, the Spanish, 9-20, 55, 57, 129, 146- "Chi," full-blooded Navaho, 220-241 149, pa.ssim Chia, 141. Bee Sia Cruz, Friar Juan de la, 854 Chichiltecale (Casa Grande), 100, 101, 141 Cuamcs, Province of, 142 Chihuahua, 93, 239 Cuarac, pueblo of, 298, 823, 324 Chilili, indians, 31; Burgos' trip to, 50 Cuartelejo, EI, 179 Christianity, 137 Cueba, Pedro de Haro de la, 49 Church and State, 150.158, 283, 306-316, Culebra River, 185 334 Cushing, Frank, 77; 201-207, 241-243 ; Church in the New World, 10-58, 146-162, passim 260-288, 303-342 Custer, Massacre, the, 240 Churches, Bee Hermita; Santa Fe; Carmel Cuyamungue, 181 Cia, Bee Chia, Sia Cibola, Seven Cities of, 100, 101, 183-142._ Damon, agency farmer, 85, 87, 219-239 854, 365 De Courcey, 79, 91, 107, 243, 244 ­ Cieu.ick, 136, 188, 141. See Pecos Denver & Rio Grande R. R., 99, 102, 244, Cimarron, the, 267 245; president of, 251; 259 Cinotoa, 133 De Vargas, see Vargas Clans, Navaho, 220-222; Santa Clara, 259; Diaz, J. M., 1 San Juan, 265; Picuries, 276, 278 Dodson, R. L., 6 Clark, Capt. W. P., 2d Cav., 97 Donoghue, -David, cited, _853 Clift, Captain, 79 Dothebou'B Ho11., ref., 85 Cochiti, La Cieneguilla de, 180 Dudrow, Charley, 7 Coggswell, General, 246; Mrs., 247 Dunlop, Bishop, 244 Comanches, 220; trade, 266, 267, 276, 277 Duran, Fernando de Chaves y, 323, 344 Commissary, 16, 17, 30, 33.50, 310; of the- ·Duran y Chaves, Capt. Pedro, 148, 149 Crusade, 312 Comunero, Revolt,'ref. to, 323 Ealy, Rev. Dr., 113, 191, 192, 201 Conchi (Conchas), 143 Eastman, agent, 85 concordias, 19 Edward II, 130 Conibas, lake of, 142 Elder, Dr. John W., 2 Conqu.istadoreB, 129 Eldodt, Sam'l, storekeeper, 258-264 Conoejo real y su.premo de taB lndias, by "EI OJito," 269 Ernesto Schafer, rev., 214, 215 EI Paso, 95, 354 Continental Divide, at Raton Pass (error), Emmet, Lieutenant, 244, 245 95 England, 129, 130 Cornish, 15th Inf'y, 244-246 Englekirk, John E., rev. by, 352 372 NEW MEXICO HISTORICAL REVIEW Enriquez, Alferez Cristobal, 308, 320, 343- Gracia. see Lopez de Gracia 345 Graham, Mr" 113-121, 191, 192, 201 entradas, 29 Granada, conquest of, 9; town, 140 Erwin Lieutenant, 4th Cav., 99 'Grand Canon of the Colorado, 102, 243 Escarramad, Don Juan, 37, 43, 51-58, 310 Granillo, Francisco Perez, 57, 323 Escobar, Pedro de, 53 Great Spring, the, 107 Espanola, 244-249, 255 Greer, James K., book by, 355 Espeio, Antonio de, 141-144, 217 Griffith, Lieutenant, 79 Espinosa, J. Manuel. "Governor Vargas in Guadalajara, Diego de, 309 Colorado," 179-187 Guadalcazar, Marques de. viceroy. 152 Espiritu, Father Domingo de Santo, 316 Guards, Otero, 4 espolios, 13 Guerta, Friar Francisco Perez, 30-57, 72-75 Eulate, Gov. Juan de, 145-166, 283, 287, \ 289, 298 Hakluyt, Richard, cited, 129, 130 E",poni Nobis of Adrian VI, 24 Hale, Rev. E. E., 102 Handbooks of' Archaeological History, 210- Farfan, Father, 181 212 Favour, Alpheus H., rev. of book, 360-363 Hapsburgs, 9 Feast of Pentecost, 33, 34; Eve of, 34, 35 Harper's Weekly, ref. to, 242, 246 Ferdinand, 9 Hatch, General, 77, 80, 90-94, passim Fisher, Reginald G., rev. by, 363-367 heehieeroa, 23, 148 Flagellantes" 273 Hermita de San Miguel, 319, 321, 323 Flou'rnoy, Banker M. W., 2 Herrera, Juan de, 336 Foik, Rev. Paul J., editor, 352 Hodge, Frederick Webb, anniversary, 295 Ford, Governor Otero's, 2, 4-7 Holgado, Alvaro Garcia, declaration of, 292 Fornance, Lieutenant, 79 Holnies.~I.;euten;lllt, 79 Forrest, Earle R., book by, 360 Holy Office, see Inquisition Fort Defiance, 77, 80, 81, 83, 90, 217, 238 Hopi" 54, 339, 368; Bee Moqui Fort Wingate, 79, 80, 91-94, 107-121, 241- Hughes, Levi A., ref. to, 7 246 Hughes, Lieutenant, 79 France, 129 Franciscans, 24, 25, 27, 29, 51; quarrel with lbero-Amerieana Series, rev., 363-367 , Eulate, 145; 310, 312, 314, 315, 334, 342 Indians, exemption of, 18; minority of, 20; Francisco, Navajo kitchen' boy, 81, 86, 219, 21-25, passim 229, 238 Indies, the, 10; title over, 11; isolation of Franco, Friar Diego, 322 the, 19, 20 Francolon, Padre, 249-253 iniguez, Diego Angulo, rev. of work by, Franklin, Charles, 192, ,193, 202, 203 126, 127 Fremont, Jessie Benton, biography, 212-214 Inquisition, 15-76, passim: 156-164, passim: juero, 15 250, 283-286; 298'-342, passim: 350 Interior Department, the, 84 Gasparri, Father Donato M., 268 Interpreter, Jesus, 85, 87, 120 Gentry, Col., 99 Ipotlapiguas, 301·303 Geux, Father, 258, 260, 267 Iriarte, Jesus, Mexican, 117 Gila River, 100 Isabella, 9 "Glorieta Canon," battle, 94, 103, 104 Isleta, pueblo of, 29, 41, 42, 77, 276 Godoy, Capt. Pedro Lucero de, 329, 336-347 Gomez, Sargento Mayor Francisco, 302, J"aco~a, Vargas' vanguard at, 187 308, 310, 336-346 James I, 130 Gomez, Juan, 70, note, 148, 149, 161 Jemez.
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