TBORNHlLl.. WF:ST RIDING 'YORKSHIRE. 138"2 administration') ,John Deard~·mrurter. There iJ! a School including the fnaster'!l house ana fittings, being'about.£1 ,400. Attendance Committee at Thorn hill Wentworth B. Beaumont esq. George L. Fox esq.CaptlJHenry National (girls & illfants)7 Thorn bill,- Miss Dates, mistress Savile a.nd Sir Georglf .Armytage hart. are the principal Lees Moor$ Mrs. J. W1 Peaker, mistress "landowners here. 'Thornhill Edge is a villag-e- in Tbornhlll township, principally occupied by colliers. 'l'he Primitive Methodists· Letters arrive from Wakefleld at 6.45 a.rtl.; di~patched at and Christiau Brethren have chapel11 ht're. 6.20 p.m; no delivery on eundays j William P. ~herwin, National School, Miss Maggie Graham, mistress sub-postmaster · Shitlington is a township in Tl.lornhill parish,~ Wake- hsURANCB AGENT.-Royat, W. P. Sherwfn field union and rounty cou.rLdistrict, which includes the National School, J oseph Se well, master; Mrs. Sewell, villages of Over Shitlin~ton or Overton, Middle Shitling- & Miss Wade, mistresses · ton or Middlestown, Nether Shitlington or Netherton, and Netherton is a small village and hamlet, principally Midgley, new formed into a separate ecclet-~illsticttl parish, comprised ot farrusteads, and is a polling place foil the endowment £~00 per year, rector ofThornhill~ patron; Rev. Southern division of the Ridin~, 1! miles from Horbury Gavin C. Hamilton, incumbent. The area 1s 3,410 acres; Britlge railway station, on the Lanca~hire antl Yorkshire rateable value, about £lll500; and the population in 1871, line, and 3 miles south. east from Thornbill church. Divine 2,287. service is held on Sundays in the National ~choolroom, the Middlestown is the principal village, situated on the Rev. William Henry Hobart B.A. is resident curate in charge. Wakefield and Huddersfield turnpike road. Messrs. Milnes, A new Mission church is being built. W. B. Beaumont "Stansfeld and Co. work the collieries. The Wesleyans have esq. :&LP. is lord of the manor and principallamlowner. a chapel here, also Primitive 1\letbollists. St. Luke's church, -- capable of seating 480 persons, at a cost of £5,000, has been Letters through Wakefield and Middlestowll. LetterS for opened in the place of the mil!!sion church, and a good parson- Midgley must be addressed especially thruugh Middles- age house has been built: the bell dates from 1662, originally town, Wakefield, as great inconvenience arises if it is not of Thornhill church. A lar)!e and well-built school has been done, there being another Midg-ley in the neighbourhood erected nearthechnrch, by subscription and grant; the cost, National School, Miss Christian, mistress Thornhill. 'walker George, farmer Middlestown Co-operativ6 Soriety, Brooke Rev. Joshua Jngham M.A, Ward Thomas, farmer . grocers & provision dealer:> (J osepb [rector J, Rectory Wilcock Francis, beer reta1ler Palmer, manager) Clarkson Savile, Overthorpe Thornhill Edge. Milnes, Stansfeld & Co. colliery pro- D,•son John, Overthorpe. prietors, Emroyds pit .; Hill John Schofield Davirl, shoe maker Greenside Rev. Fredk. R. M.A.[curate] H" d R H G [ Hatfield William Henry lr ev. enry eorge B.A. curate J Smith George, White Swan, & butcher JngbamMrs.Joshua Cunliffe,Overthrpe COMMl~RCIAL. Smith William, farmer Maddison Tom Benson Thomas, farm bailiff to George Spence Tboma~, Little Bull inn Mason Alfred, }fountain house Oakes Swift Francis, farmer; & at Netbertoo North BE'njamin, Park house Blacker David, manufacturing chemist Swift Thomas, farmer Ptace James, Royds house Blakeley Richard, Black Horse Walker Samuel, tailor Taylor J esse Br~dbead J ames, butcher Wood H arriet (Mrs.), Moulders' A nns Brook George, shopkeeper Young Thomas, farmer COMMERCIAL. Btook John, wheelwright Addy & Lee, joiners Brook William, beer retailer N etherton. Barraclough Jame~, fanner Cave John, butcher Brook Abraham Baume John, assistant overseer Co-operative Society, grocers Fearnside Eli Netherton hall Beat.•mn Thomas, shopkeeper Dixon Samuel, farmer Fearnside Joshua, N etherton hall Blackburn Henry, farmer, Combs Haley Joseph, farmer Hobart Rev. WilliamH.B.A.Parsonage Burgoine David, registrar of births & Halstead Edwin, shopkeeper COMMERCIAL. deaths llalstearJ J amfls, butcher Annitage William, beer retailer ~harleswortby Enocb, tailor & woollen Hill John, farmer Asquitb George, shoe maker draper Jackson Henry, farmer Bateson J oseph, farmer 1J£rWsbury Pioneers Co-operative So- Kilburn William, farmer Brook Abraham. colliery owner ciety (branch), grocers &c Longbottom Seth, stone mason Charlesworth David, farmer Firth John, farmer Noble George, shopkeeper Charlesworth William, farmer Garthwaite Ann (Mrs.) Savile Arms Summerscales Charles, Albion hotel 1 Douglas Thos..shopkeeper & beer retailr Hallas Harry, farmer Wilcock Edward, stone mason Flock ton Coal Co.( Edwd. Htecher, man) Hatfield William Henry, surgeon Kilburn George, Star Hepworth Frederick, shopkeeper& cab Middlestown. Salmon Charles, Bingley ArmJ proprietor Hamilton Rev. Gavin C, St. Luke's Stringer Brothers, farmers Ingham Brothers, wheelwrights parsonage Swift Fras. farmer; & at Middlestown lngbam Edward Tbeodore, colliery pro- Jarvis George Swift J ames, farmer prietor, Combs pit Jarvis John, Albion house Walker Edward, blacksmith Lee RiciJard, boot & shoe maker ~ arvis William, Stoneclitfe lodge Walker George, tailor & shopkeeper Lee William, farmer COMMERCIAL. White John, tarmer Lister Edward, farmer Beatson Elizabeth (.Mrs.), butcher White Wjlliam, wheelwright Liste:r John, maltster Bedford Franci!l, butcher Lodge Carter, plumber & gas fitter Blakeley John, farmer Overton. Maddison Tom Porter, chief constable Blakeiey Josepb H. butcher Kaye :Miss, Overton lodge & mining engineer Blakeley Lister, butcher Metcalf Sel.h, Grange cottage Mann Francis, farmel' Coates George, farmer H utchjnson George (Mrs.), farmer M ann George, butcher Coatf'S John, farmer Littlewood John. shopkeeper Mason Alfred, surgeon Codd John, farmer Metcalf Selh, manager,. Cap House pi' PeateJames,surveyor, inspector & col- Fearn~ide Joshua, rag merchant & Parker Michael, farmer lector to local board farmer, Coxley mill Sykes George, Reindeer Peace Joshua, Scarborough hotel, good B argreaves J oseph, sbopl<eeper WariiJ.g Noah, Black $wan commercial room & tltabling JnghamJ obn&Son,spade&shovel makrat Pickles William, farmer Jarvis William & Sons, iron founders, Midgley, Minnt..Es'l'OW'!t, WAxE .. Rarlford Thomas, farm bailiff to William Albion foundry PIEtD, Henry Tbomton Jefferitls John, farmer Charleswortb Jn. Black Bull, & farmer Rowley William, farmer Uttlewocxl Charles, wheelwright Clark fi oah, beer retailer Scargill George, sbopket'per & carrier . Longbott<>m J oseph, shopkeeper Dyson Hanhy, fatmer Shaw William Henry, shoJlkeeper Lonsdale David~ yarn spinners, Coxley Earnshaw Benjamin, fllfiiler Sy)les MQ.tt)lew., farmer New mill 1 Earnsbaw Job, timber dealer r TaylorJess~,colliery manag~r~CoJDbspi~ Matthews John, butcher Horsfield John, f11rmer, Bank farm Thorp William~ herbalis~ ' • Mattl,cws William, miller Townsend Henry, tailor ~HORNliiLL LEES ia p. lillage. and ..ecclesiastical deane~of Dewsbnry,arcpdeaconryof Cra.ven and diocet~e ot parish 1ormed in l8b9 from the parisbet of Dewsbury and Ripon, and is a lrt.atioQ tln rthe Lancashire and Yorkt~bi~ Thornhi_ll,in Dews.burl. union Bnd county cou~t district, rural railway Jind near th~ river Calder,l mile south froJil Dew&• .
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