soe No. 654 ~X-~23 25 October 1996 Malan Ruling: Apartheid Butchers Go Free No Justice lor Oppressed in "New" South Alrica JOHANNESBURG, October 21-For­ mer South African defence minister Gen­ eral Magnus Malan was let off on Octo­ ber 11 after a high-profile trial for masterminding the 1987 slaughter of 13 people, mainly women and children, at K waMakhutha, south of Durban. A hard­ line racist in the former apartheid gov­ ernment of F.W. De Klerk's National Party, Malan was charged with providing covert military support to members of the Zulu tribalist Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP), ten of whom carried out the mur­ ders. Among the 19 tried for the massa­ cre alongside Malan were five former members of the general staff, a number of military intelligence officers, Inkatha deputy secretary-general M.Z. Khumalo and six others who were charged with being in the murder squad. All of them walked. The grotesque verdict in the seven­ month trial highlighted the racist reality of the "new" South Africa under the gov­ ernment of Nelson Mandela and his bourgeois-nationalist African National Congress (ANC). "We are bitter, but we expected this .verdict," said Mbusi Ntuli, who was 12 years old when his father and three sisters were killed in the 1987 massacre. The 13 were wantonly gunned continued on page J J "New" South Africa, same racist state terror: police fire rubber bullets at squatters in black township near Johannesburg. Bitter Fruit of Washington's Anti-Soviet Dirty. War Alghanistan: Hell lor Women On September 27, Kabul, the capital Now the Taliban killers have begun to city's United Nations compound and Without question the chief victims in of Afghanistan, fell to the Taliban, a wreak bloody vengeance against any beaten, shot and hanged, his body left the consolidation of Islamic fundamen­ fundamentalist Islamic militia. Four vestige of social progress overlooked strung up on the street for several days. talist reaction in the aftermath of the years of horrific rule under a shifting by the vultures who preceded them. Justifying this atrocious act of sav­ Soviet military withdrawal in 1989 have "coalition" of warring factions of reac­ One of their first targets was Najibul­ agery, a member of Kabul's Taliban been Afghanistan's miserably oppressed tionary Islamic mujahedin ("holy war­ lah, the pro-Soviet Afghan president council railed that Najibullah "was women. While the civil war has now riors") had already broug~t Kabul to ousted by the mujahedin in 1992, who _ against Islam. He was a criminal, and resumed, with ethnically based militias the point of famine and devastation. was dragged from his sanctuary in the he was a Communist." continued on page 3. Steel-Perkins/Magnum Chin/NY Times Seizure of Kabul by Taliban militias (near right) has led to intensified Islamic fundamentalist reign of terror against Afghan women, imprisoned at home or forced to wear head-to-toe "veil." II 43 7 ""25274 81030 7 1 Down With Racist Cop Repression Against Student Protesters! OCTOBER 21-Reprinted below is a thrown against walls, poked in the eyes, fist of the state, which attacked black and the university by workers, faculty and leaflet dated October 20 which was dis­ punched in the face, and those who Latino protesters to protect the adminis­ students! tributed at the State University of New attempted to leave the area were blocked tration as well as their student govern­ Just as these attacks are part of a York, Binghamton by members of the by university security officers." What ment lackeys through intimidation and larger social context, so too are the solu­ New York Spartacus Youth Club. Students brought on this vicious police attack? violence. College campuses like Bing­ tions. The capitalist system itself is continue to occupy the administration Confederate flag-wearing Student Asso­ hamton exist for middle- and working­ based on the exploitation of the working building there following a vicious Octo­ ciation (SA) president Anthony Benar­ class youth as training grounds for class and on the racist oppression of ber 15 cop attack on an integrated group delio, with the support of his ,appointed administrative positions serving the cap­ blacks and immigrants. This system of student protesters. SYC members trav­ officers, implemented a racist purge of italists. When the interests of students offers no future for the majority of peo­ eled to the campus from New York City the SA by removing the post of Vice Pres­ clash with the purpose of these institu­ ple in this society, especially workers, and Sy.racuse University to intervene in ident of Multicultural Affairs. Large num­ tions, down Gomes the hammer. minorities and youth-so it confines mil­ support of the struggle at Binghamton, bers of students came to the Student These attacks are part of increased lions to unemployment and starvation, raising the need for socialist revolution Association meeting on Tuesday the 15th racist repression and police brutality on throws them into prison hellholes and to get rid of racist repression for good. to speak against the purge; they were universities nationwide and part of a beats them with police clubs when they On October 15, anti-racist protesters at excluded. When they tried to get in they larger attack on minority and working­ protest. a meeting of the State University of New were set upon by campus cops in full riot class youth and workers. With the Demo­ The Spartacus Youth Club is a socialist York (SUNY), Binghamton student gov­ gear under the orders of Binghamton cratic Party taking the lead in smashing organization which intervenes in strug­ ernment were brutally attacked by univer­ president Lois DeFleur. welfare, pushing reactionary "family val­ gles against racism and oppression. We sity police. According to the Binghamton We in the Spartacus Youth Club ues" and brutally scapegoating immi­ fight to link these struggles to the larger Coalition (an ad-hoc student leadership demand: ALL COPS OFF CAMPUS! The grants, it is no wonder that Benardello fight to sweep away capitalism-the root formed in the immediate aftermath), stu­ campus police (ULED)-newly armed and DeFleur can openly push racist reac­ of all oppression-and create a workers dents "were attacked with pepper spray, with pepper spray-represent the armed tion at Binghamton. government that would liberate society's Students have occupied the Bingham­ wealth for social need. Toward this end ton administration building in protest students must ally with the working class, ~gainst their macing and beating. It is which has the social power to effect such necessary to defeat this racist atrocity by a fundamental social overturn. The SYC Permanent Revolution and the defense and extension of this occupation. is dedicated to winning students to the Struggle Against Imperialism Even a one-day strike by campus work­ struggles of the working class and mobi­ In recent years, the Western and Japanese ers, faculty and students would be a big lizing them in the fight for socialist lead­ imperialists have intensified the exploitation step toward that goal. No reprisals against ership. We are active in the fight against of the peoples of Asia, Africa and Latin the student demonstrators! Not hat-in­ the cutbacks at the City University of America. In these backward countries in the hand appeals to the administration but a New' York. In Chicago we mobilized to epoch of imperialism, the gains associated fighting response by all those facing the smash the KKK fascists when they with the bourgeois-democratic revolutions of racist attacks and cutbacks at SUNY! The attempted to rally for race terror. And we West Europe in the 18th and 19th centuries SYC fights for: OpeI1 admissions and have worked to free death row political cannot be achieved by the indigenous bour- no tuition! For a living stipend for all prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal. Hands off TROTSKY geoisies. Bourgeois nationalists in "Third LENIN. students! Nationalize the elite private the Binghamton student protesters! Cops World" countries, whether right-wing butch- universities! Abolish the racist adminis~ off campus! Join us in the fight for a ers like Suhqrto in Indonesia or liberals like Nelson Mandela in South Africa, act as tration! For the democratic control of socialist future! _ political agen'ts for the world bankers and industrialists. As Trotsky explained in his theory of permanent revolution, only through proletarian socialist revolution and its extension to the imperialist centers can the workers and peasants of colonial and semi­ colonial countries achieve genuine national independence and social and economic modernization. The revolution of 1848 revealed within a few months that precisely under more advanced conditions, none of the bourgeois classes is capable of bringing the revolution to its termination: the big and middle bourgeoisie is far too closely linked with the landowners, aild fettered by the fear of the masses; the petty bourgeoisie is far too divided and in its top leadership far too dependent on the big bourgeoisie. As evi­ denced by the entire subsequent course of development in Europe and Asia, the bour­ geois revolution, taken by itself, can no more in general be consummated. A complete purge of feudal rubbish from society is conceivable o_nly on the condition that the pro­ letariat, freed from the influence of bourgeois parties, can take its stand at the head of the peasantry and establish its revolutionary dictatorship. By this token, the bourgeois revolution becomes interlaced with the first stage of the socialist revolution, subse- . quently to dissolve in the latter. The national revolution therewith becomes a link of the world revolution. The transformation of the economic foundation and of all social rela­ tions assumes a permanent (uninterrupted) character.
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