AGENDA LACEY PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING Tuesday, July 21, 2020 – 4:00 p.m. MEETING WILL BE CONDUCTED REMOTELY, NOT IN-PERSON. TO ATTEND THE MEETING REGISTER AT: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88061444555 (*see below for further info) Call to Order: 4:00 p.m. A. Roll Call B. Approval of Agenda & Consent Agenda Items Approval of July 7 Meeting Minutes Public Comments: 4:01 p.m. Commission Members Reports: 4:03 p.m. Director’s Report: 4:05 p.m. New Business: 4:10 p.m. Shoreline Master Program Periodic Update: Jessica Brandt, Associate Planner; Dan Nickel, The Watershed Company. The Planning Commission will be briefed by staff and the City’s consultant on proposed amendments to the City’s Shoreline Master Program to comply with the periodic update requirements of the Washington State Shoreline Management Act. Stormwater Comprehensive Plan Update: Doug Christenson, Stormwater Engineer. The Planning Commission will be briefed on the draft Stormwater Comprehensive Plan which will provide a multi-year plan to guide the programs, activities, and projects of Lacey’s Storm and Surface Water Utility. Communications and Announcements: 4:55 p.m. Next Meeting: August 4, 2020. Adjournment: 5:00 p.m. *Or iPhone one-tap: US: +13017158592,,88061444555# or +19292056099,,88061444555# Or Telephone: Dial (for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location): US: +1 301 715 8592 or +1 929 205 6099 or +1 312 626 6799 or +1 346 248 7799 or +1 669 900 6833 or +1 253 215 8782 or 888 788 0099 (Toll Free) or 877 853 5247 (Toll Free) Webinar ID: 880 6144 4555 International numbers available: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kDYk6DP5 Page 1 of 1 MINUTES Lacey Planning Commission Meeting Tuesday, July 7, 2020 – 4:00 p.m. Conducted remotely via videoconference Meeting was called to order at 4 p.m. by Sharon Kophs. Planning Commission members present: Sharon Kophs, Peg Evans-Brown, David Wasson, Mark Mininger, Gail Madden, Robin Vasquez, and Daphne Retzlaff. Staff present: Rick Walk, Jessica Brandt, and Ryan Andrews. Sharon Kophs noted a quorum present. Gail Madden made a motion, seconded by David Wasson, to approve the agenda for tonight’s meeting. All were in favor, the motion carried. David Wasson made a motion, seconded by (inaudible), to approve the June 16 meeting minutes. All were in favor, the motion carried. 1. Public Comments: None. 2. Commission Members Reports: None. 3. Director’s Report: Rick Walk reported that at the last Council worksession, Council appointed citizens to the Community Based Committee for Homelessness. Rick welcomed new Planning Commissioner Robin Vasquez and asked her to introduce herself. Planning Commissioners introduced themselves. 4. New Business: HBBP, LLC Proposed Zoning Text Amendment, Project No. 19-367: Ryan Andrews, Planning Manager. • Ryan went over the private-applicant initiated zoning text amendment to increase the square footage limit for buildings in the Light Industrial-Commercial zone and gave some background on building size regulations over the years. • Ryan went over the intent of the LI zone and the proposed new language. • A brief discussion followed and staff answered questions. • Ryan went over the staff’s review of the amendment in light of goals of the Comprehensive Plan including addressing compatibility issues, retention of existing local small businesses, and improving water quality in proximity to a city well. • Ryan introduced the applicant David Toyer. David introduced himself and Joseph Slattery. • David gave some background on HBBP, LLC, shared a slide presentation, and answered questions. • There was a discussion regarding public outreach. • The applicants answered questions regarding the site and existing structures/tenants and their plans moving forward. Page 1 of 2 Urban Forest Management Plan Outreach: Jessica Brandt, Associate Planner. • Jessica Brandt gave a brief overview. • Jessica noted that the tree task force has met three times and were able to identify some areas to focus on. • The task force decided that outreach and education should be the first area of focus. Staff will create a “State of the Trees” report and short informational videos about the plan and tree regulations. • Staff will work on drafting amendments and should have recommendations for Planning Commission by late summer/early fall. • A brief discussion followed. 5. Communications and Announcements: Rick informed Planning Commissioners about the Open Public Meetings Act training video that everyone should watch. The city clerk will send info with the link and Rick asked Commissioners to let him know once they’ve completed it. 6. Next meeting: July 21, 2020. 7. Adjournment: 5:46 p.m. Page 2 of 2 PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT July 21, 2020 SUBJECT: Shoreline Master Program – Periodic Review ________________________________________________________________________ RECOMMENDATION: Review the draft amendments to the Shoreline Master Program prepared by staff and the city’s consultant to comply with the periodic update requirements of the Shoreline Management Act. No action needed. TO: Lacey Planning Commission STAFF CONTACTS: Rick Walk, Community and Economic Development Director Ryan Andrews, Planning Manager Jessica Brandt, Associate Planner ATTACHMENT(S): 1. Gap Analysis 2. Working Draft SMP Amendments 3. LMC 14.26 4. LMC 14.28 5. LMC 16.19 6. Project schedule PRIOR COUNCIL/ COMMISSION/ COMMITTEE REVIEW: 06/23/20 Land Use Committee 02/06/20 Land Use Committee 12/05/19 City Council Meeting 12/03/19 Planning Commission Work Session BACKGROUND: Updating the City’s Shoreline Master Program has been on the Community and Economic Development work plan since last year, per a state-mandated periodic review. Washington State law, as administered by the Department of Ecology, requires cities with areas designated as “Shorelines of the State” periodically update their Shoreline Master Program (SMP) in accordance with the Washington State Shoreline Management Act and the State Shoreline Master Programs Guidelines. Page 1 of 2 Lacey adopted its first SMP in 1972, with a first major update in 2011 with other background documents including a Shoreline Restoration Plan and the Cumulative Impacts Analysis for Lacey’s Shorelines. The City completed a minor update in 2015 to comply with state changes to wetlands regulations. The SMA requires that Cities and Counties review and revise their SMP, if needed, on an eight- year schedule established by the State Legislature. This review ensures that the City’s SMP stays current with changes in State laws and rules, remains consistent with Lacey's Plan and regulations, and is responsive to changed circumstances, new information, and improved data. Lacey has started a periodic review of its SMP. Washington State Department of Ecology provided grant funding to complete this update. The full amount of the grant is being used to pay for contracted support from The Watershed Company, awarded through the City’s competitive process. The City is leading the public participation process. Department of Ecology requires a Public Participation Plan, in order to describe how the City will encourage early and continuous public participation throughout the process of reviewing the SMP. It describes the steps that the City will take to provide opportunities for public engagement and public comment, as well as the City’s contact information and web address. This plan is in addition to any other minimum requirements for public participation required by the City. The Planning Commission reviewed the Public Participation Plan Dec 3, 2019. It is a working document and staff have adjusted as needed to provide for the greatest and broadest public participation. Due to the unavailability of in-person meetings and events as planned, a virtual open house was held April 22, 2020 to kick-off community outreach on the SMP update. The presentation is available online on the City Website at www.ci.lacey.wa.us/SMP. The presentation provided information about the update process and the anticipated amendments. Generally, the shoreline policies and regulations will not substantively change. The amendments are intended to make the regulations easier for staff to administer and clearer for the public to understand. Staff has reviewed the amendments provided by the consulting team. The recommended updates will provide: 1. Consistency with state laws 2. Integration of current critical areas regulations 3. Consistency with the Comprehensive Plan and other development regulations 4. Clarification on: exemptions, definitions, nonconformance standards, enforcement, and vegetation management. The purpose of this work session is to give the Planning Commission an opportunity to review the draft amendments, discuss issues and provide comments. A formal comment period and a public hearing with the Department of Ecology will be scheduled this fall. Page 2 of 2 City of Lacey Shoreline Master Program Final Draft Gap Analysis Report Prepared on behalf of: City of Lacey Planning Division Community & Economic Development 420 College Street SE Lacey, WA 98503 Prepared by: July 2020 The Watershed Company Reference Number: 190918 Table of Contents 1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 2 2. Consistency with State Laws ................................................................................................... 3 3. Integration of Current Critical Areas Regulations ................................................................
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