The First Regathering

The First Regathering

INDEX Item Page Nos. Abayat, Hussein 304 Abbas, Mahmoud 266, 329-332, 339-340, 346, 349 Abbas, Mahmoud (continued) 354-359, 363-364 Abdullah, Emir 103, 147, 154, 275 Abdullah, King (Jordan) 331, 339, 357 Abdullah, Ramadan 252 Abrahamic Covenant 13-20, 224, 41, 342, 345-346 Abu Ammar (Yasser Arafat) 293 Abu Jihad 265 Achdut HaAvodah (Union of Labor) 100 Achiasaf Publishing Company 68 Achuzat Bazit 85 ADL (Arab Defense League) 329 African Christian Democratic Party 381 Agreement on Prep. Transfer of Powers 243 Ahad Alma 200 Ahmadinejad, Mahmaud 364 AIPAC (Amer. Israel Pub. Affairs Comm.) 276 Al Aqsa Intifada 295, 301, 304, 307-308, 320, 327, Al Aqsa Intifada (continued) 348 Al Aqsa Martyrs' Brigade 358 Al Aqsa Mosque (Dome of the Rock) 295-297 Al Watan-Qatar 312 Al-Ahm Al-Ri'asah 306-307 Al-Fatah 200 Al-Hayat Al-Jadeehad 301 Al-Jazeera 199 al-Qawukji, Fawzi 116-117, 140, 156 Al-Ri'asah 306 Al-Shaid Yasser Arafat Brigade 298 Al-Sheikh, Hussein 304 Al-Shuhada ("The Martyrs") 293 Albright, Madeline 266, 284 Aliyah - GENERAL 260-261, 283, 304, 314 Aliyah - First 62-63, 80 Aliyah - Second 80-81 Aliyah - Third 95 Aliyah - Fourth 106 Aliyah - Fifth 114-115 Aliyah Bet 133 Alkalai, Judah 53 1 INDEX Allenby, Edmund 89, 92 Allon, Yitzchak 101, 128, 152, 156-158, 209, 217 Amer. Academy of Pediatrics 302 Amer. Israel Pub. Affairs Comm. (AIPAC) 276 Amir Yigal 251-254 Ammunition Hill 192 Anglo-American Committee 134 Anglo Palestine Bank/Company 135 Anglo-Zionism 89 Annapolis Conference 359-360 Anti-Defamation League 329 Apartheid 380 Arab Attacks 1948 - MAP 149a Arab ("Non-Jew") 104 Arab Defense League (ADL) 329 Arab Higher Committee (Commission) 116-118. 123, 140 Arab-Israeli War (1948) 372 Arab League 140, 142, 180, 200, 281 Arab Legion 154 Arab Liberation Organization 181 Arab Peace Initiative 332, 355 Arab Summit (1996) 259 Arad, Exal 258 Arafat File 305 Arafat, Mrs. 303 Arafat, Yasser (Abu Ammar) 180, 200-201, 227, 229-230, Arafat, Yasser (continued) 244-245, 249, 254-256, 259, 266, Arafat, Yasser (continued) 270-271, 276-277, 287, 289, Arafat, Yasser (continued) 291-293, 296-297, 300-307 Arafat, Yasser (continued) 309-310, 312-320, 322, 324-328, 333 Arafat, Yasser (continued) 337-339 Aridan, Nata 273 Ariel Ministries 346 Armistice Line (1949) 340 Assad, President Hafez 278, 350 Atlee, Clement 130 Avigur, Shaul 133 Avinar, Shlomo 260 B'Tselem 357 Bagatz 166 Baker, James 235 Balfour Declaration 89, 102-104, 111, 146 2 INDEX Balfour, Arthur James 89-90 Bank HaPoalim (Workers' Bank) 100 Baor Brigade (Palestinian) 339 Bar-Giora 84 Bar-Lev Line 207-208, 210, 212-213 Barak, Ehud 253, 264-265, 275-276, 278- 279 Barak, Ehud (continued) 283-288, 290-292, 304, 356, 377 Barghouti, Marwan 296-297, 301, 320, 336 Battle for Jerusalem 151-160 Battle of al-Furqan 366 Begin, Menachim 113, 207, 217-221, 225-226 Beilin, Yossi 333 Beis Yaakov Synagogue 372 Beiser, Vince 260 Ben Gurion University 273 Ben-Gurion, David 81-82, 130-131, 145, 152, 155, 161 Ben-Gurion, David (continued) 165, 169-172, 216, 259 Ben-Yehuda, Eliazar (Eliazer Perlman) 58-61, 78, 106 Ben-Zvi, Yitzchak 83 Benai Moshe 67-68 Benjamin Shalit Case 165-166 Beresford Case #1 166 Beresford Case #2 166 Bernadotte, Count Folke 154 Bethlehem Seige 320-321 Bevin, Ernest 130-131, 134-135 Bilu 63, 66-67 Birnbaum, Dr. Nathan 67 Blair, Tony 357 Bolshevik Revolution 95-96 Bonar Law Cabinet 105 Burg, Avraham 261 Burma Road 152 Bush, President George W. 310, 313-314, 316-322, 326, 328-331 Bush, President George W. (continued) 335-336, 340, 346, 349. 356-357, Bush, President George W. (continued) 359. 363 Cairo Agreement 306 Camp David 291, 293, 301, 326 Camp David Accords (1978) 220, 235 Carter, President Jimmy 218, 220-221 Cave of Machpeleh 249 Central Committee 334 Chabad 365 3 INDEX Chalukkah 55 Chamberlain, Joseph 77, 124 Chareidim 269 Cheney, Vice President Dick 315 Chevrrat Ovdim (Workers' Association) 99-100 Chofi, General Yitzchak 218 Chovevei Zion 56-58, 63, 67-69 Christian Zionism 342-343, 345 Christopher, Warren 255 Churchill (continued) 130 Churchill White Paper 103-104 Churchill, Sir Winston 91, 102-104, 111, 123-124, 127 CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) 310, 358 Civil Adminitration (IDF) 376 Clinton Parameters 332-333 Clinton Peace Plan 326, 332 Clinton, President Bill 270-271, 276, 278, 284-285, Clinton, President Bill (continued) 291-292, 301, 326 Common Agenda 240 Conrad, Gerhard 375 Cooperman, Alan 267 Covenant - Abrahamic 13-20, 24, 41, 342, 345-346 Covenant - Davidic 21 Covenant - Land 13-15, 17-18, 22-24, 27 Covenant - Mosaic 28-32, 41, 342, 345-346 Covenant - New 20, 342 Crusades 46 Dadon, Haviv 332 Damascus Blood Libel 53 Davar (Newspaper) - "Word" 100 Dayan, Moshe (Dyan) 101, 128, 150, 156, 169-171, 184 Dayan, Moshe (Dyan) (continued) 191, 194, 209-210, 218 Declaration of Independence (Israel) 145-148, 162 Defense Service Law 169 Deganyah (Degania - Cornflower) 82-83, 150 Deif, Mohammed 289 Delek Oil 379 Der Judenstaat (The Jew State) 72-73 Dhimmis 163 Diasphora 345 Disengagement Implementation Law 340 DNA Tests 357 Doctors Against Child Sacrifice 206 DOP (Declaration of Principles) 241-243 Dorflinger Case 166 Dreyfus Affair 70 Dreyfus, Alfred 71 East Africa Proposal 77 Eban, Abba 191, 217, 328 4 INDEX Eichmann, Adolf (Ricardo Klement) 176-178, 279-280 Eilat 184 Elazer, General 210 Etzel (National Military Organization) 113, 129-130, 134-136 European Union (EU) 305 Exodus - 1947 (ship) 137-138 Eyal (Avenging Jewish Organization) 251 Farah, Joseph 144 Farouk, King 127, 168 Fatah (PLO) 180-182. 200, 288-289, 304, 320, Fatah (PLO) (continued) 324, 331, 349, 353-356 Fayyah, PM Salam 356, 358 FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) 361 Fedayun Squads 169, 171, 174 Feisal (Emir) - or Faisal I 94, 103, 208 "Final Solution" 176 Finkelstein, Arthur 258 Fishman, Alex 382 Footsteps of Messiah 346 Force 17 305-307 Friends of Israel 364 Fructenbaum, Arnold 26-27, 345-346 G-8 Summit 352 Galili, Commander Israel 209 Galilee Experience 274 Gaon of Zion 46 Gaza Flotilla Raid 372-373 Gaza Flotilla Raid - MAP 373 Gaza Handover 342-343, 345-346 Gaza-Jordan Agreement 241-243 Gaza Massacre 366 Gaza Operation 350 Gaza War ("Operation Cast Lead") 366 Gederah (Sheepfold) 66 General Security Service (GSS) 306 Geneva Accord 332-333 Geneva Conventions 317, 321 Geneva Initiative 332-333 Gentiles, Time of 33 George, Lloyd 89, 92, 111 Ghaffirs (Auxilliary Guards) 101, 120 Gilad Shalit Prisoner Exchange 375 Ginzberg, Asher (Achad HaAm) 67-68 Goedzen (false gods) 280 Golan Heights 194-195, 240, 359 Golan Heights - 1967 (MAP) 195 Goldberg, Arthur J. 198 Goldstein, Dr. Baruch 246 Goldstone Report 371 5 INDEX Goldstone, Richard 369 Gordon, Dan 323-324 Goren, Rabbi Shlomo 192 Government House (Hill of Evil) 191 Grad Katusha Missiles/Rockets 366, 376 Grew, Joseph 131 Gulf News (United Arab Emirates) 312 Gulf War 235, 237-238l 376 Gulf War - MAP 237 Gur, Coronel Mordechai 191-192 Gush Emunim (Comm. Of Believers) 246 Ha' Aretz (Newspaper) 273, 275, 279, 328 HaAm, Achad (Asher Ginzberg) 67-68, 76, 81, 107 HaDavar Messianic Ministries 328, 342, 346 HaTikvah (The Hope - National Anthem) 74 Habash, George 199 Haddad, Dr. Wadi 199 Haddasah 93 Haderah 69 Hadrian 44 Haganah (Defense) 100-101, 113, 121, 127-128, 130 Haganah (continued) 133-134, 136 Hague, The 338 Halachah (Jewish Orthodox Law) 165, 252 Halutz, Dan 354 Hamas 232-233, 244-245, 258, 266, 277 Hamas (continued) 289, 309-314,317-318, 327, 331 Hamas (continued) 334-336, 340, 346, 348-357, 360, Hamas (continued) 362-362, 365-368, 371, 373-378, Hamas (continued) 381 Hammarskjold, Dag 182 HaNadiv HaYadua 65 Haniyeh, Ismail 334, 348-349, 354-356 Har Huma 259, 263-264 Haredim (ultra orthodox) 273 HaShomer ("The Watchmen"/Guards) 83-85, 100 Haskalah Movement 58 Hassan Ali, Kamal 218 HaYishuv HaYashan 54 He-Hasid, Judah 372 Hebrew Language 104 Hebrew University 106-107 HeChalutz ("The Pioneer") 95-96 Herzl, Theodore 70-71, 73-75, 77-79, 81 Hess, Moses 55 Hezbollah 231-232, 244, 246-247, 254-256, Hezbollah (continued) 263, 276, 286, 290-291, 316, Hezbollah (continued) 331-332, 334, 347, 352, 361, 363 Hibbat Zion (Love of Zion) 57, 67 6 INDEX Hill of Evil Counsel 190 Histadrut (Jewish Labor Federation) 99-101, 191,206 Hitler, Adolf 114, 116 Hod, Major General Mordechai 187-188 Holbrooke, Richard 291 Holocaust 329, 339 Holocaust Mem. Museum (Yad Vashem) 279-280 Horovitz, David 260 Human Rights Watch 367 Hurricane Katrina 345-346 Hurvah, Rabbi Yehuda ha-Hasid 371 Hurvah ("Ruin") Synagogue 371-372 Hussein (of Jordan) 184, 190, 193, 201, 208, 235, 242 Hussein (of Jordan) (continued) 252, 263, 271, 275 Hussein, Saddam 221-222, 329 IDF (Israel Defense Force) 281, 283-284, 286, 288-291, 334, IDF (Israel Defense Force) (continued) 347, 355, 367 IDF Homefront Command 365 IDF Medical Corps 328 Idrees, Wafa 316-317 Inquiry Commission 355 Intelligence Unit (Palestinian) 307 International Court of Justice 337 International Day of Solidarity 378 International Red Cross 317 Intifada 232-235, 292, 301, 304 Iraq Study Group 354 Iraq War 329 Irgun Z'vai Le'umi (Nat'l Military Org.) 113, 129-130, 134-136 Irving, David 279 Islam 35-40, 303 Islamic Jihad 244-245, 252, 309-310, 314, Islamic Jihad (continued) 320-321, 331, 340, 347-349, 354, Islamic Jihad (continued) 363, 369, 371 Islamic Resistance Movement 232, 244 Island of Peace (Naharayim) 264 Israel - Statehood 145-148, 343, 345-346, 363, 380 Israel Defense Force - Medical 328 Israel Defense Force (IDF) 281-284, 286, 288-291, 305, 314, Israel Defense Force (IDF) (continued) 316-317, 319-320, 322-323, 350, Israel Defense Force (IDF) (continued)

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