a •• ;: ..... 5 J tZ;Uwa US £$;1£22.4-%4.$.£4$.& ..$_., •. [.%& SgMM¥M~.~$bQ'U(QkJ~JAJ',l$~•..•'•.li•.£~~ •.,.~.!.<')I?,.)&.,••.~2.,2 •.•&.'I&I,~~.2•.I&.j~.£~~.~~~~~2~.&.~ All the New: of All the Poinres Every Thursday Morning rosse Complete News Coverage of All the 'Pointes Roms of lb. News VOLUME 24 - No.5 Entered as Second Class Matter at the Post Office at Detroit, Mich. GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN. JANUARY 31 • .1963 1e Per Cop,. 1'.00 Per Year 20 PAGES-TWO SECTIONS-SECTION ---'-------- ._---------------------_._----------------------------------_._----------------_._-----<! HEADLINES Heap Big Snows Keep Clearance Crews Busy of th~ Park Council ,<. Lecture at Center . ~:::.:, '::'~,.',"."',,' : ;'.".~ .. \V.EEK • • ,... J •.... ~:~ • ',' . " .:.~:.::.,. ~ ,: .... "~ ..... ..,::.' ~ Argues Over As Compiled by the :.-:<:~,. .' . ~. .:../ . ..-:.,~ " ~... ",' '::', .' ,. .. ,", '., . ",{: .. ' :"\;",.: ':'" Groste Pointe News "',"', .. ....... :. To Be Delivered ....... :t. Golf Green ~. " ,'..: . ".,~. ~."... .. ;" Thursday • .January 24 .... '.:>" ..... :': . Mayor Cunningham's Re- " " ,'. ".ft:'. By Henry Ford II A RECORD TEMPERATURE : " '", ~. -,;' .. ---" quest Approved After ..... , .. :' of -12 degrees sent Detroiters long Verbal Battle to shivering to their beds last Fifth Speaker in Popular Series to Talk on Private Defi"e lipassive" night. It was the coldest Janu- Individual's Relationship to tiThe Community, ary 23 ever registered in the .~:. motor city, almost a full six: de- The Corporation and the National Purpose" A verbal battle between grees colder than the previous -------- Park councilmen at a reg. low of -6.3 degrees on Janu- Henry Ford II, Chairman of the Bo~.rd, Ford Motor ular meeting held on Mon- ary 23, 1930, and temperat.ures Company, will discuss "The Resp<>nsibility of the Indi- day, January 28, on what in the suburbs feU even lower, vidual Citizen'" next Tuesday evening, Fe.bruary 5, at constitutes passive recrea- some reaching -15 degrees. Th€ 8:15 p.m., in the Grosse Pointe War Memorial's new Wi!- tion, lasted for more than mercury fell five degrees in Ham Hayes Fries Auditorium. an hour and ended with one hoCI', dipped to .12 shortly . ,,,. Ford's lecture, fifth in the £l the que s t ion still un- before midnight, then began a .. ~'. War Memorial's outstandingly I answered . slow rise early this morning. .-.: . P k Ad ..:' . successful Inaugural Series, will ar opts The question was debated fol- In Grand Rapids, where the " ,... concentrate on the private in- lowing a report from Council- previous record for snowfall divijual'~ relationship to "~he Program to men Charles Ives and John during the entire month of Commulllty, The Corporation DoeIle and City Manager Robert January has already been sur~ .... and The National Purpose." Slone, members of the Three . '.. '. P El passed, blizzard w3J;.11ings are Member of one of American rotect ms Mile Drive Park Committee, out, and winds up to 35 miles Industry's most prominent fam- which stipulated certain Un- .~. a~ hour arc expected to whip Hies, Mr. Ford became Ford provements needed in the park. '", ',; the area's snow into high drifts, •• r ..... Motor Company's fourth presi- Two Sprayings This Year, The total cost of improve- blocking roads and stranding . .", dent since its founding in 1903. Second with Methoxy~ ments and in"~alIation of facili- " :: , . drivers. So much SDf)W fell in ';, " . ',' ,'." ....... He is a director of G en era I chlor to Save Birds ties at the park was set at the Holland area yesterday that ...... " ;...~;..:..:~....... ,' ... ~.. ,: .' Foods Corporation and Federal I $2,141.50. The report was read road-c I ear i n g c r e w s were .:.:.... .: . Street Fund, Inc., a trustee of by Ives, chairman of the com- forced to abandon their plows, , ,,:' '. ' the 'Ford Foundation, and a The Park will spray its mittel' . ~.' ....... ,: ..... , .'..... bogged do\vn on-the-job, and .:.,' . ," ; ;. : member of the President's Ad- elm trees twice this year, Following the reading of the State Police report some 30 ',' ~', .. ." ':' ~..... ,. '::: ;" . ~. .' ':~'. ::.:..... ' visory Committee on Labor- the city council was in- report, Mayor Kenneth Cun- cars marooned on a 17-mile 11("; .•.•...•••.•., ;"~)'",.::. " " . ;".:~'.. " . ,,' t': ",;',. ,l ,:~,~;~:::;;;-+& rnu •• Management Policy and the formed by Clty Manager ningbam, a golf enthusiast, sug- stretch of US~31 south -of Hol~ .....,t. "••• ~ •• ,~•••••• ~~~ ...~:::.:.~ ...... u~.~ •••••• ~.::_~.:,. .. ...:.... .. ~~: " ;' •• :....w.~v~ .:;.:-~<'~~;~:4~ijt;.~'":~~~~.~:;::;~~~~i.,;".:~:~~:;:t..~..:~> ......:.:~:.~~~j ~j~:._::~~.. Business Council. Robert Slone on Monday, gested !hat an extra $1.00 be land and a 20-mile stretch of The abnormal snowfall this winter has taxed the I a small part of the most recent downfall. After the lot Pointer of Week January 28. The total cost appropnated for the construe- highway M-40 in Allegan manpower and removal facilities of the Pointe, but I is plowed and the snow pushed into many heaps llke A Grosse Pointe resident for of a dormant and foliage tion of a nine~hole putting County. Both roads were closed they have done an excellent job. This pile in a corner I this, the big tractors and trucks go to work and haul m.'any .years, Mr. • Ford is ~ro- spray will be ..,5;11,720, using green in the park. This touched to traffic, and Holland's Na- of the Fanns municipal parking lot next to St. James tional Guard Armory was pres- it away as fast as possible. f I d d t I th l\1E WS off the hassle, which lasted ~e m e 31 0D: e city labor and materials. approximately one hour and 10 sed into service as an overnight Church, isn't an accumulation of the season, but just Feature Page thiS week, as I . "Pointer of Interest," The. CIty manager told the minute~,. shelter for trapped motorists. I ' - . council that the double spray No Active Sp(\rls . The 450-seat. Frles Aud1t~r- program was dedded upon be-. Approximately two years ago, Arcti~: air blanketed mcs~ ~f Nightmare Weather Gets the l\11dwest and sent fngld Woods { Drain , Cold Spell mrn has ~en fllled to capaClty cause of the in{-reased loss of when the go-ahead was given for each o~ the fOUT pre<:e~g elms since 1960. for the development of the :~~~e~~~~;~t~:ei;oS~~\~~~i~: Tax Reduced 'BlarrJ.ed £01" Rash of Auto lecture\ T1ck~ts fO~ t~e sen~~ He said that the dorm ant park, at Three Mile drive and where the Mississippi River is Sets Record were so d ou a VI ee i.n a spray, using DUT on private Essex, it wa.s stressed that the frozen over for mUes, cracked By 1.6 M:lZs vance of ~e Rt. ~v~ ,~chard and city trees, Vlill cost $4-,95(}; area was to be created for "pas- a suburban water main, hun- I II Accidents, Mostly Minor For Po,inte S. Emrich s opemng talk on and the foliage spra~t, using siva" recreation, strictly fur dreds of stor~s and schools ~ January 8. Methoxychlor. will cost $6,770. picnicking .and relaxation, No closed ir. Ohio and lllinois, and .Bishop Em r i,c h, Pre~iding .Just As I:ffective "active" recreation, such as Reduction Brought About workers in a Dallas, Tex., Ford Even Police Scout Car Gets Involved in Mishap; Weather Station at Farms BISh~p of ~e EplSCOpal DlOce~e Slone pointed out that the baseball, handball, etc., will be plant walked off the job be- Through Overpayment of Several Victims Taken to Hospital With One of M i c h,~g a!1' presented .. his latter chemical i~:just as cffec- permitted .. cause the pJant was "too cold." Recorded 16 Below Zero Interest on Bonds; Now Requiring Surgery For Multiple Cub views on Busmess Morals.. tive as the [ormel' but the resi- rves cIauned that what con- * * * In Early Hours of Other speak~rs in the senes dual is had that.' of DDT and stituted "passive" recreation re- Is 4 Mills included the Hon. Jerome P. less toxic to birds. garding the park, has not Friday, .January 25 I Snowy streets and freezing temperatures have com- January 24 Cavanagh, Ma~'0;I'of the City of He said that last year the actually been determined. "Ac- PRESIDENT Kennedy asked' The Woods council re- bined to make this latter part of January a driver's night~ The Pointe had its coldest Detroit, who discus~ed "Pro!: Park lost 58 Privat~ly-o~ed tive" recreation is allow~d in for closer cooperation among cently reduced the Grosse- mare, and the expected epidemic of traffic accidents, weather, 16 below zero, be- lems of ~he Metr?polltan Area ; elms and 20 publicly-owned; in the waterfront. park at .the foot me~bers of the Atlantic com- Gratiot Drain by 1.6 mills ranging from very minor to serious, kept City Police t 3 and 4 m UAW 'VlCe pres~dent Leona~d 1961, the loss was 18 private of Alter road, It was saId. mumty yestc:day, then blasted per $1 00 assessed valua- ween a.m. a .. , French PreSIdent Charles de .' ' more than usually busy last week. Thursday, January 24, the Wo~d~k, who chose as hIS and eight public; and in 1960, The upshot of the whole Gaulle's "p~culiar logic" in Lion for each. pro per t y A "Keystone CJp" episode, ~ lowest on record since the tOPIC. The Obligation of lie- 13 private and 10 public. verbal hassle, was. a l~t of blocking Britain's admission to owner, accordmg to a quar- involving a scout car and a pri- had just been s1:ruck by a car. Farms become an official sponslble Labor in a Democr.a- In his report to the coun.cil, wasted words, end.mg Wlth. a the European Common Market terly report sent to Woods vate automobile, triggered the The youngster, nine - year- old United States Weather Ra- (Continued on page 2) Slone disclosed that the Park vote ?f 4-2, favorm~ the In- end rf'jecting appeals that citizens by the city admin- e u r r e n t outbreak.
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