July 29, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5997 when 20 6- and 7-year-olds were killed The next day, the community had a ons. But they will absolutely bring in Sandy Hook, CT, along with 6 adults vigil for him. The vigil was to remem- some of those people back. They will who cared for them, as well as the gun- ber him but also because they did not absolutely lessen the rate below 30 a man and his mother. Since that day, have enough money for a funeral. So as day. 6,633 people have been killed by guns at the vigil was going on, one of his I am going to continue to come down a rate of about 30 a day—the highest of friends stood out on the corner with an to the floor week after week to tell the any civilized nation in the world, and empty tin can of iced-tea mix, asking stories of victims of gun violence, to we do nothing. passersby to contribute a couple cents give them a voice on the floor of the One of those, on July 14, was Horsley for a funeral that was expected to cost Senate, so that someday, some time, Shorter, Jr. Horsley managed a Family $2,000. hopefully soon, this place will wake up Dollar store in Tampa, FL. Junior, as Over the July 4 period, there were to the fact that we do have responsi- he was known, had some kids come in three shootings in New Haven, CT. bility over life and death on the floor occasionally who would try to take At around 10:30 on Wednesday night, of the Senate, and it is about time, things out of the store or try to steal. police said somebody shot and killed when it comes to the rising incidents of When he had to report them to the po- 19-year-old Errol Marshal. His body gun violence across this country, we do lice, he would. But this was a very was discovered on the front porch of a something about it. gentle man, and more often than not home, pronounced dead at the scene. I yield back the floor. he would pull the kids aside and try to At the same time, investigators I suggest the absence of a quorum. talk through things with them to try found Courtney Jackson, a 26-year-old, The PRESIDING OFFICER. The to help them understand what they suffering from a gunshot wound to the clerk will call the roll. were doing and what the implications stomach. The assistant bill clerk proceeded to were. Brian Gibson, 23, of New Haven, was call the roll. He would never do anything to insti- shot outside of a public housing com- Mrs. MURRAY. Madam President, I gate a fight, his friend said. In fact, his plex shortly thereafter. ask unanimous consent that the order last words to one of his coworkers was All three shootings were connected. for the quorum call be rescinded. ‘‘the pen is mightier than the sword.’’ All three shootings are due to the fact The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without What happened that day was an that too many kids and too many objection, it is so ordered. armed robber came into the store and young adults today do not know how to f demanded money from the clerk. Ac- resolve their disputes any other way cording to police, Shorter was inside than getting a gun, and also because in EXECUTIVE SESSION the office, and he was shot when he ran a city such as New Haven guns are like water; they are all over the place. They out to try to help his coworker who NOMINATION OF JAMES B. COMEY, are all over the place because this body was at the counter. The robber then JR., TO BE DIRECTOR OF THE does not pass legislation to keep guns forced the clerk at gunpoint into the FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVES- out of the hands of criminals. We parking lot, where he stole the clerk’s TIGATION—Resumed car and used it to escape. According to refuse to pass a bill making it a Fed- one friend, Shorter was very close to eral crime to illegally traffic guns. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under that coworker, took him under his All those seem very dissimilar from the previous order, the Senate will pro- wing, which was the reason he ran out Newtown. But then there are ones you ceed to executive session to consider into harm’s way to try to save him. hear about that strike you as so simi- the following nomination, which the This friend said: lar to the reason why I am here today clerk will report. I believe that’s why that young guy is alive talking about this, because of the 26 The assistant bill clerk read the [today]. Junior wasn’t going to watch no- people who died at the Sandy Hook El- nomination of James B. Comey, Jr., of body die. He gave his life for him. ementary School. Connecticut, to be Director of the Fed- About 2 weeks earlier, on July 2, Not much more than a month after eral Bureau of Investigation. Chanice Reed, 22, and Annette Reed, Newtown, the Griego family was killed, The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under her mother, as well as Eddie McCuin, a all in one fell swoop, in Albuquerque, the previous order, the time until 5:30 10-year-old, were shot in a triple mur- NM—Greg, 51; Sarah, 40; Zephania, 9; p.m. shall be equally divided and con- der in Fort Worth, TX. Jael, 5; and Angelina, 2. The parents trolled in the usual form. An hour after the shooter killed his were killed by their son, the little girls Mrs. MURRAY. Madam President, I pregnant girlfriend, her mother, and and boy killed by their brother. Nehe- ask unanimous consent that the her little brother, he walked into the miah was 15 years old when he took a quorum call be divided equally between Forest Hill Police Department, telling semiautomatic weapon to kill his fam- the majority and minority. officers to arrest him because he ‘‘did ily. Like Adam Lanza, the shooter in The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without something bad.’’ He was 22 years old. Newtown, Nehemiah was a troubled objection, it is so ordered. He had a history of domestic violence. teen—more troubled than anyone Mrs. MURRAY. I suggest the absence He was sentenced to 1 year of deferred around could have realized. Like Adam of a quorum. adjudication probation because of as- Lanza, he took out his rage on his fam- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The sault. ily, first killing his mother while she clerk will call the roll. Because of a domestic dispute, and lay sleeping in her bed. Like Adam The assistant bill clerk proceeded to because of his easy access to guns, in Lanza, he had plans to continue his call the roll. order to resolve this disagreement, he killing spree. He was going to go to the Mrs. MURRAY. Madam President, I shot his pregnant girlfriend, her moth- local Wal-Mart before he was stopped. ask unanimous consent that the order er, and her 10-year-old little brother. He was anticipating getting into a fire- for the quorum call be rescinded. Just a couple days ago, in Bridge- fight with the police. And like Adam The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without port, CT, Pablo Aquino died. He was 27 Lanza, he used an assault weapon that objection, it is so ordered. years old. He was described as a ‘‘hum- was readily available to him in his own TRANSPORTATION AND HOUSING ble man.’’ He was always down at the home. APPROPRIATIONS baseball field helping kids because he Greg, 51; Sarah, 40; Zephania, 9; Jael, Mrs. MURRAY. Madam President, I had a son playing baseball there. 5; Angelina, 2—5 of the 6,633 people—30 want to notify all of our colleagues He spent his days at the Fairfield or so a day—who have been killed by that Senator COLLINS and I have been County Hunting Club in Westport, guns since December 14. We are not working together with many of our col- where he tended to horses. going to stop them all by passing a leagues on amendments to the trans- He got into an argument—a simple piece of legislation on the Senate floor. portation and housing bill over the argument—when the suspect decided Background checks will not bring 6,600 past week. I want to be very clear— that the best way to solve this argu- people back, nor will a ban on human that work is continuing. The majority ment was to turn a gun on Pablo, kill- trafficking, nor will a ban on the sale leader has made clear that we are ing him. of 30-round magazines or assault weap- going to keep working on amendments VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:55 Jul 30, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G29JY6.016 S29JYPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with SENATE S5998 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 29, 2013 on that bill, so everybody should be homeless veterans, of disabled senior sion on a high note of passing, on time, prepared for more votes. citizens, of very low-income families. an individual appropriations bill. I am I urge all of my colleagues to con- It is a bill that will help the private willing to work hard over the recess to tinue talking to me and to Senator sector create thousands of new jobs at conference the two bills, to get going COLLINS, and we will keep working to a time when our economy needs them— on that.
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