MAY 2012 Local 3 BNY Mellon Sign Replacement Project Recognized for Safety & Craftsmanship 11471_Ironworker.indd 1 5/9/12 7:17 PM President’s Apprentice and Journeyman Page Ironworkers: We Need Each Other ou have heard our Iron Worker ap- sponsibility to ensure their safety and Yprenticeship programs described as help them to become the best ironworker the backbone or life-blood of our union they can be. Every journeyman has a because of their tremendous impact vested interest in their success. Each on our future and the future of every new generation of ironworkers needs journey person and retiree. Apprentic- to be the best if we are to be productive es are the heartbeat of our union, and and competitive, and to grow our mar- when our apprenticeship programs are ket share, and to grow our ability to de- strong, we are strong in securing work, liver contracts with better wages, health better contracts, and a retirement with coverage for our families, and a secure dignity. We recognize their importance retirement. Understand that when you and the importance of continuing to up- do not see an apprentice on the job, grade the skills of journeymen by your your own future is in jeopardy, and the commitment of nearly $50 million a healthy retirement you look forward to year (local union, International and IM- may be more distant and not as carefree. PACT) to the development and delivery Apprentices must understand their WALTER WISE General President of apprenticeship and journeyman train- responsibility in the equation that gov- ing. We commit to the future when we erns the future of our union. A lot is rid- mandate a 25 percent ratio of appren- ing on your skills and your character. tices for every local union, and establish You have been given the opportunity to journeyman to apprentice ratios through become a union ironworker. To join the our collective bargaining agreements. ranks of the men and women who are The past three years of the construc- recognized as the best in the industry; tion depression has eroded our appren- who will place their lives in your hands ticeship programs by 40 percent or day after day; and have provided for your nearly 7,000 apprentices from our peak training from their own pocket. The large ... it is essential we view of over 17,680 in January 2009. As work investment we have made in you dic- apprenticeship as an improves, it is critical our apprentice- tates the high standard that is expected integral part of our ship numbers ramp up as well. We must in your conduct at school and on the job. demonstrate to the industry the capa- We, as a union, cannot afford second-rate union and our future. It bility of our union to train and meet graduates, cannot afford valuable class is, after all, how we have its demands. The predicted skill short- space taken up by those lacking, and passed our knowledge, ages are already evident, especially for cannot afford precious job opportunities certified welders. Those that have the jeopardized by bad behavior. experience and values to trained and skilled workers will have Tomorrow I hope that each journey- the next generation for the work, and it must be our union. man looks at each apprentice and af- over 116 years. Through the owner dialog established fords him or her, a nod of recognition for by IMPACT, we continually emphasize his or her commitment, and a helping that a clear commitment to use union hand to become that next best genera- labor will allow us to fill the schools tion of union ironworkers. And each ap- that will provide the skilled ironwork- prentice should look at that grizzled old ers necessary for their projects. ironworker in appreciation of the op- Not only must the owners and contrac- portunity they created for you and the tors recognize the value of apprenticeship, knowledge that respect is earned. it is essential we view apprenticeship as an integral part of our union and our fu- Thank you brothers and sisters for ture. It is, after all, how we have passed helping to build our great union. our knowledge, experience and values to the next generation for over 116 years. When you see that young apprentice on the job, every journeyman has a re- 11471_Ironworker.indd 2 5/9/12 7:17 PM Official Publication of the International Association of Bridge, Structural, Ornamental and Reinforcing Iron Workers 1750 New York Ave., N.W. • Suite 400 • Washington, D.C. 20006 • (202)383-4800 www.ironworkers.org E-mail: [email protected] INTERNATIONAL OFFICERS WALTER WISE JAY HURLEY Volume 114 May 2012 Number 5 General President Fourth General Vice President Suite 400 191 Old Colony Ave., P.O. Box 96 1750 New York Avenue, NW S. Boston, MA 02127 Washington, DC 20006 Phone: (617) 268-2382 Phone: (202) 383-4810 Fax: (617) 268-1394 Fax: (202) 638-4856 Email: [email protected] JOSEPH HUNT JOE STANDLEY FEATURES General President Emeritus Fifth General Vice President Suite 400 1660 San Pablo Ave., Suite C 1750 New York Avenue, NW Pinole, CA 94564 Washington, DC 20006 Phone: (510) 724-9277 Local 3 at Work on the BNY Mellon Sign Replacement Project Phone: (202) 383-4845 4 Fax: (202) 638-4856 Fax: (510) 724-1345 ERIC DEAN TADAS KICIELINSKI 8 World’s Largest Truck Hauler by Local 27 General Secretary Sixth General Vice President 1750 New York Avenue, NW 212 N. Kingshighway Blvd., Suite 400 Ste. 1025, St. Louis, MO 63108 9 Local 721 on the Curtain Wall at Shangri-La Washington, DC 20006 Phone: (314) 454-6872 Phone: (202) 383-4820 Fax: (314) 361-8328 Fax: (202) 347-2319 Email: [email protected] 11 Ironworker Inventor Changes Industry EDWARD C. McHUGH MARVIN RAGSDALE General Treasurer Seventh General Vice President Suite 400 3003 Dawn Drive, Ste. 104 13 Supervisor Training for Shop Ironworkers 1750 New York Ave., N.W. Georgetown, TX 78628 Washington, DC 20006 Phone: (512) 868-5596 Phone: (202) 383-4830 Fax: (512) 868-0823 Fax: (202) 383-6483 15 Local 404 Installs Hersheypark’s Newest Coaster DARRELL LABOUCAN GEORGE E. KRATZER Eighth General Vice President First General Vice President Eric Waterman, IMPACT CEO, Retires Franklin Square Office Center #8-205 Chatelain Drive 19 8401 Claude Thomas Road St. Albert, Alberta T8N 5A4 Suite 55 Canada Franklin, OH 45005 Phone: (780) 459-3389 Honoring Women Ironworkers 26 MAY 2012 Phone: (937) 746-0854 Fax: (780) 459-3308 Fax: (937) 746-0873 RON PIKSA RICHARD WARD Ninth General Vice President Second General Vice President 10828 Grevelly Lake Boulevard, 5964 Dayton Boulevard SW, Ste. 212 Chattanooga, TN 37415 Lakewood, WA 98499 Phone: (423) 870-1982 Phone: (253) 984-0514 Fax: (423) 876-0774 Fax: (253) 984-0533 Email: [email protected] RONALD C. GLADNEY EDWARD J. WALSH General Counsel Third General Vice President Bartley, Goffstein, L.L.C. Local 3 505 White Plains Rd. 4399 Laclede Avenue DEPARTMENTS Suite 200 St. Louis, MO 63108 BNY Mellon Tarrytown, NY 10591 Phone: (314) 531-1054 Sign Replacement Phone: (914) 332-4430 Fax: (314) 531-1131 21 Departmental Reports Fax: (914) 332-4431 Headquarters Office: Project Email: [email protected] (202) 383-4868 Recognized for Headquarters Fax: Local News (202) 638-4856 27 Safety & Craftsmanship INTERNATIONAL DEPARTMENTS Lifetime Honorary Members Apprenticeship and Training Ironworkers Political 29 11471_IW_May12.indd 1 5/9/12 2:47 PM Tel: (202) 383-4870 Action League Fax: (202) 347-5256 Tel: (202) 383-4805 On The Cover Fax: (202) 347-3569 30 Official Monthly Record Computer Department Union ironworkers get the job done Tel: (202) 383-4886 LU/DC Staff Retirement and Fax: (202) 383-4895 Shopmen’s Pension Fund right with safety a top priority on Tel: (202) 383-4874 Davis-Bacon Office Fax: (202) 628-6469 the BNY Mellon Sign Replacement Tel: (202) 834-9855 project, erected by Local 3 (Pittsburgh) Fax: ((202) 393-0273 Magazine Tel: (202) 383-4842 ironworkers, and led by Iron Worker Department of Canadian Affairs Tel: (780) 459-3389 Mailroom foreman Jeff Peters, who received Fax: (780) 459-3308 Tel: (202) 383-4855 Fax: (202) 638-1038 the John P. “Jack” Daley Craftsman/ Department of Ornamental, Safety award. Architectural & Miscellaneous Maintenance and Jurisdiction Metals (DOAMM) Tel: (202) 383-4860 Fax: (202) 347-1496 Tel: (630) 238-1003 Fax: (630) 238-1006 Organizing EDITOR: Scott Malley, 1750 New York Ave., N.W. Washington, D.C. 20006 Tel: (202) 383-4851 Department of Reinforcing Fax: (202) 347-1496 Assistant TO THE EDITOR: Nancy Folks Ironworkers Tel: (866) 336-9163 Safety THE IRONWORKER Fax: (386) 736-9618 Tel: (202) 383-4829 ISSN:0021163X Published monthly, except for a combined July-August issue, for $15.00 per year by the Fax: (202) 383-6490 International Association of Bridge, Structural, Ornamental and Reinforcing Iron Workers, 1750 New York Ave., N.W. Washington, D.C. 20006. Preferred periodicals postage paid at Washington, D.C. and additional mailing offices. Shop Department Tel: (202) 383-4846 Printed on union-made paper. Postmasters: Send change of address to Ironworker- 1750 New York Ave., N.W. Fax: (202) 783-3230 Washington, D.C. 20006 Canada Agreement Number 40009549. 11471_Ironworker.indd 3 5/9/12 7:17 PM Local 3 Project Receives Safety Award BNY Mellon Sign Replacement Proving once again union ironworkers get the job done right with safety a top priority, the BNY Mellon Sign Replacement project, erected by Local 3 (Pittsburgh) ironworkers, and led by Iron Worker foreman Jeff Peters, received the John P. “Jack” Daley Craftsman/Safety award. The award is given by the Ironworker Employers Association of Western Pennsylvania (IWEA) to individuals demonstrating exemplary leadership in completing difficult projects safely.
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