ANDTHE CONSTITUTIONAL GEORGIA. OFFICERSOF THE STATE OF JANUARY THE TWELFTH,JANUARY THOUSANDTWO AND FIFTEEN P.O. Box 12107 Atlanta, GA 30355 770-297-0011 [email protected] NATHAN DEAL NATHAN The Inauguration of The Inauguration The Inauguration of NATHAN DEAL AND THE CONSTITUTIONAL OFFICERS OF THE STATE OF GEORGIA. JANUARY THE TWELFTH, TWO THOUSAND AND FIFTEEN Table of Contents: GOVERNOR NATHAN DEAL’S BIOGRAPHY ................................3 A GEORGIA LEGACY .....................................................................................4 FIRST LADY SANDRA DEAL’S BIOGRAPHY .................................5 WITH A SERVANT’S HEART: A DAY OF SERVICE.....................6 LETTER FROM INAUGURAL CO!CHAIRS ......................................7 HONORARY CO!CHAIRS AND EXECUTIVE CELEBRATION COMMITTEE ......................................8 GEORGIA INAUGURAL HISTORY ........................................................9 THE LIBERTY PLAZA .................................................................................10 THE LIBERTY BELL ............................................................................... 11!12 CONSTITUTIONAL OFFICERS ..............................................................13 LETTER FROM LT. GOV. CASEY CAGLE .........................................15 GEORGIA STATE SENATE .......................................................................16 GEORGIA STATE HOUSE ..........................................................................17 LETTER FROM SPEAKER DAVID RALSTON ..............................18 INAUGURAL PROGRAM ..........................................................................19 INAUGURAL BENEFACTORS ......................................................21!22 THANK YOU ....................................................................................................24 STAFF ..................................................................................................................24 IN MEMORY OF MACK BURGESS .............................................25!26 1 " THE INAUGURAL THE INAUGURAL " 2 THE 82ND GOVERNOR A GEORGIA Legacy OF GEORGIA, Nathan Deal Dear Friends, During the past four years, I worked every day to help create Under Gov. Nathan Deal’s leadership, Georgia year plan to add nearly 500 new child welfare Sandra and I are humbled by and jobs and make Georgia the No. has risen to become the No. 1 place in the nation case workers at DFCS. grateful for the support you’ve 1 place in the nation in which in which to do business, a goal achieved by shown us over the past four years. to do business. Together, we GOVERNOR & CONSTITUTIONAL OFFICERS creating the Competitiveness Initiative, reforming Gov. Deal’s public service to his state spans It has been the privilege of my life accomplished that goal three ND our tax code, shaping our educational system four decades. The Sandersville native served in to serve as your governor and I am times over. We’ve helped create to support our workforce needs and recruiting the U.S. Army at Fort Gordon in Augusta after honored to work on your behalf— over 300,000 private-sector jobs, businesses to relocate here. graduating with a law degree from Mercer and for every single Georgian— lowered taxes for all Georgians, University, and then began a private law practice for another term. We thank our and maintained our AAA bond As Georgia’s 82nd governor since January 2011, in Gainesville, the hometown of his wife, Sandra supporters, voters and volunteers rating. We’ve invested in education, he has cut state taxes, eliminated state agencies, Dunagan Deal. While his wife taught in Hall from every corner of the state for transportation, workforce reduced the state government workforce, saved County public schools, the governor began a long their faith in us. development and implemented GEORGIA’S 82 HOPE from the brink of bankruptcy, championed span of service to his community as prosecutor, criminal justice reforms that are education innovations and implemented judge, state senator and U.S. congressman. From a young age, Sandra and already paying dividends. significant cost-saving reforms in our criminal I were taught the importance of justice system. He fought to increase public safety During his 17 years in Congress, Deal rose to faith, family, and service. We’ve I’m proud of what we’ve on our waterways, improved our workforce by chair the Health Subcommittee of Energy and strived to make it the cornerstone accomplished these past four aiding veterans and technical college students Commerce, where he became a noted expert on of our lives. That’s why we chose years, but we have only just begun. and enacted stricter rules on lobbying to boost entitlement reform and health care policy. the Scripture verse 1 Peter 4:10 as In the coming years, I’ll continue public trust. the theme of this inauguration: working with our congressional Deal ended his congressional career to campaign delegation, constitutional officers Though he has reduced the size of state for governor, becoming the Republican “Each of you should use whatever and legislators to build upon our government, Gov. Deal has prioritized education nominee in August 2010 and then winning the gift you have received to serve successes. Georgia’s best days are and child safety funding as state revenues governorship in November of that year. Nathan others, as faithful stewards of God’s ahead of us and we look forward rebound from the Great Recession. In 2014, the Deal was reelected as Georgia’s governor on Nov. grace in various forms.” to our bright future. With your help, The Inaugural governor increased k-12 spending by more than 4, 2014. we will keep Georgia No. 1 for the half a billion dollars, the largest funding increase With this in mind, we call on you next generation. in education in seven years. As concerned The Governor and First Lady have four adult once again to join us in serving about our children’s safety as he is about their children and six grandchildren. your communities in whatever way Thank you and God bless. education, Gov. Deal has also started a three- possible. 3 " THE INAUGURAL THE INAUGURAL " 4 @ . A2. 052? 1 61; A7B@ AA2. 05 A< < ; 2 05691 A.B45A2C2? F @ AB1 2; A6; A52 09.@ @ . ; 1 A5. 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