Core Strategy and Development Plan 2015-2033 Draft Core Strategy and Development Plan | July 2017 Contents Foreword 3 6. Strategic site allocations 47 Table of policies 5 The former Vaux site 47 List of figures and tables 7 South Sunderland Gowth Area 48 Housing release sites 49 Section A 9 Safeguarding areas 50 1. Introduction 11 Section C 51 Sunderland’s Local Plan 11 7. Health, wellbeing and social Structure of this Plan 12 infrastructure 53 Health and wellbeing 53 2. How did we prepare this Plan? 13 Protection and delivery of community, Identifying issues and possible options social and cultural facilities 54 with the community and stakeholders 13 Culture, leisure and tourism 55 Meeting the statutory and legal 8. Homes 57 requirements 13 Compliance with national guidance 13 Sustainable neighbourhoods 57 Identifying the strategic direction and Housing supply and delivery 58 needs with a robust evidence base 14 Housing mix 58 Addressing strategic issues through the Affordable housing 60 duty to cooperate 15 Student accommodation 61 Assessing the deliverability of the Plan 15 Travelling Showpeople, Gypsies and Travellers 63 3. Sunderland today 17 Existing housing 64 Houses in multiple occupation (HMO) 65 Section B 31 Backland development and tandem development 66 4. Spatial vision for Sunderland 2033 33 Sunderland City Council’s Corporate Plan 33 9. Economic prosperity 67 Sunderland Economic Masterplan 33 Economic growth 67 Sunderland transforming our city: Employment land 69 The 3, 6, 9, vision 34 Primary Employment Areas (PEAs) 70 CSDP vision 34 Key Employment Areas (KEAs) 70 Strategic priorities 35 Other employment sites 72 5. Spatial strategy 37 New employment areas 72 Offices 72 Spatial strategy 38 Trade counters 73 Sustainable development 38 Retail and centres 73 Principles for sustainable development 38 Designated centres 74 Spatial strategy for growth 39 Retail impact assessments 76 Economic growth 40 Primary and secondary frontages 77 Sustainable neighbourhoods 41 Hot food takeaways 78 Spatial strategy for Sunderland urban core 43 Areas of Change 45 Page 1 Core Strategy and Development Plan | July 2017 10. Environment 81 Safeguarding waste facilities 124 Open waste facilities 125 Built environment 81 Minerals 126 Urban design 81 Mineral safeguarding areas 126 Public realm 83 Land instability and minerals legacy 128 Advertisements/shop fronts 83 Cumulative impact 128 Historic environment 84 Restoration and aftercare 128 Heritage assets 85 Natural environment 89 Section D 131 Biodiversity and Geodiversity 90 Woodlands and trees 93 14. Infrastructure and delivery 133 Greenspaces 93 Implementation 133 Burial space 95 Infrastructure 133 Green Belt 96 Planning obligations 134 Settlement breaks 96 Enforcement 135 Open countryside 97 Glossary of terms 137 Landscape character 99 Views 100 Appendices 151 Agricultural land 100 Appendix 1 Policies map 153 Local environmental quality 101 Noise 101 Appendix 2 Evidence 154 Contaminated land and health and Appendix 3 Mineral safeguarding areas 155 safety 102 Appendix 4 Safeguarding exception 156 11. Climate change and water 105 Appendix 5 Restoration plan 157 Decentralised, renewable and low carbon energy 105 Appendix 6 Implementation table 158 Energy from waste 106 Water and flooding 107 Surface water management 108 Water quality and foul disposal 109 Sustainable design and construction 110 12. Connecting the city 113 Sustainable travel 113 Connectivity and transport network 114 City centre accessibility and movement 115 Port of Sunderland 116 Local road network 117 New development and transport 118 Digital infrastructure and telecommunications 119 13. Waste and minerals 121 Waste 121 Waste management 121 Waste facilities 123 Page 2 Core Strategy and Development Plan | July 2017 Foreword Sunderland is undergoing huge change, building on our great history of enterprise and endeavour to become a modern and prosperous 21st century city. Through the ambition, intelligence and drive of our people, we are creating an exciting vision of how the city could look in future years. This vision is focused on securing Sunderland’s long-term economic future, encouraging inward investment and new employment opportunities by building on our strengths and ensuring the right infrastructure is in place. By targeting our investment and the delivery of large scale capital projects, we strongly believe we can create the conditions needed to best position ourselves in a rapidly changing global market and support the development of a city centre with a reputation for vibrancy and creativity that matches and complements our success as a manufacturing and business hub. Ensuring that the city has robust, effective and up-to- date planning policies that continue to adapt to and embrace changing circumstances will be key to our long term ambition. Sunderland’s Local Plan sets out a framework for this, capturing a clear understanding of how our city’s land and property assets need to be developed to meet the opportunities and challenges facing our city over the coming years to 2033. Cllr Paul Watson Leader of Sunderland City Council Page 3 Core Strategy and Development Plan | July 2017 Table of policies Policy SS1: Policy EP2: Presumption in favour of sustainable Primary employment areas 70 development 38 Policy EP3: Policy SS2: Key employment areas 70 Principles of sustainable development 39 Policy EP4: Policy SS3: Other employment sites 72 Spatial delivery for growth 40 Policy EP5: Policy SS4: New employment areas 72 Urban core policy 43 Policy EP6: Policy SA1: Offices 72 Former Vaux site strategic allocation 47 Policy EP7: Policy SA2: Trade counters 73 South Sunderland Growth Area 48 Policy EP8: Policy SA3: Designated centres 74 Housing release sites 49 Policy EP9: Policy SA4: Retail hierarchy 75 Safeguarding areas 50 Policy EP10: Policy HWS1: Retail impact assessments 76 Health and wellbeing 53 Policy EP11: Policy HWS2: Primary and secondary frontages 78 Protection and delivery of community, sport, Policy EP12: social and cultural facilities 54 Hot food takeaways 78 Policy HWS3: Policy E1: Culture, leisure and tourism 56 Urban design 82 Policy H1: Policy E2: Sustainable neighbourhoods 57 Public realm 83 Policy H2: Policy E3: Housing delivery 58 Advertisements/shop fronts 84 Policy H3: Policy E4: Housing mix 59 Historic environment 84 Policy H4: Policy E5: Affordable housing 60 Heritage assets 85 Policy H5: Policy E6: Student accommodation 62 Green infrastructure 89 Policy H6: Policy E7: Travelling Showpeople, Gypsies and Travellers 63 Biodiversity and Geodiversity 91 Policy H7: Policy E8: Residential conversions and change of use 65 Woodlands/hedgerows and trees 93 Policy H8: Policy E9: Housing in multiple occupation 65 Greenspace 93 Policy H9: Policy E10: Backland and tandem development 66 Burial space 95 Policy EP1: Policy E11: Economic growth 67 Green Belt 96 Page 5 Core Strategy and Development Plan | July 2017 Policy E12: Policy WM1: Settlement breaks 97 Waste management 122 Policy E13: Policy WM2: Development in the open countryside 97 Waste facilities 123 Policy E14: Policy WM3: Landscape character 99 Safeguarding waste facilities 124 Policy E15: Policy WM4: Creating and protecting views 100 Open waste facilities 125 Policy E16: Policy WM5: Agricultural Land 100 Mineral extraction 126 Policy E17: Policy WM6: Quality of life and amenity 101 Mineral safeguarding areas and minerals and Policy E18: waste infrastructure 126 Noise-sensitive development 102 Policy WM7: Policy E19: Opencast coal 127 Contaminated land 102 Policy WM8: Policy E20: Land instability and minerals legacy 128 Health and safety executive 103 Policy WM9: Policy CM1: Cumulative impact 128 Climate change and water 105 Policy WM10: Policy CM2: Restoration and aftercare 128 Decentralised, renewable and low carbon energy 106 Policy ID1: Policy CM3: Delivering infrastructure 134 Energy from waste 106 Policy ID2: Policy CM4: Planning obligations 134 Flood risk and water management 107 Policy ID3: Policy CM5: Enforcement 135 Surface water management 108 Policy CM6: Water quality 109 Policy CM7: Disposal of foul water 110 Policy CM8: Sustainable design and construction 110 Policy CC1: Sustainable travel 113 Policy CC2: Connectivity and transport network 114 Policy CC3: City centre accessibility and movement 115 Policy CC4: Port of Sunderland 116 Policy CC5: Local road network 117 Policy CC6: New development and transport 118 Policy CC7: Digital infrastructure and telecommunications 119 Page 6 Core Strategy and Development Plan | July 2017 List of figures and tables Figure 1: Figure 22: Sunderland 17 Map of pharmacies, doctors and dentists 54 Figure 2: Figure 23: Map of Sunderland communities 17 Housing trajectory 58 Figure 3: Figure 24: Population of Sunderland (1981-2015) 18 University campuses 62 Figure 4: Figure 25: Existing age profile of Sunderland residents 18 Travelling Showpeople, Gypsies and Travellers 64 Figure 5: Figure 26: Projected age profile of Sunderland residents 18 Employment areas 71 Figure 6: Figure 27: Outward migration 19 Retail hierarchy 75 Figure 7: Figure 28: Percentage of resident population with Primary and secondary frontages in NVQ Level 4 qualification or above 19 Sunderland city centre 77 Figure 8: Figure 29: Workforce jobs 20 Primary and secondary frontages in Figure 9: Washington town centre 77 Unemployment rate 20 Figure 30: Figure 10: Primary and secondary frontages in Mean gross weekly earnings 21 Houghton town centre 77 Figure 11: Figure 31: Medium house prices 23 Green infrastructure 90 Figure 12: Figure 32:
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