FRESNO PACIFIC UNIVERSITY | VOL. 25, NO. 1 TAKING CHAN-CES Francis Chan calls Christians to risk for faith Pete Menjares selected 11th president Giving is gratitude for the Steinerts Sunbird swimming for the Olympics president’s message TRANSFORMING LIVES GIVES CAREER MEANING “Fresno Paciic University is the Mennonite very dificult.” “Not really,” said Walter. I Brethren Church’s gift to the Valley.” With agreed and then asked, “Walter, during those those words over dinner in New York City 11 12 years at Harvard, how many times did a years ago, the late Harold Haak (FPU presi- student come up to you and say, ‘I thank God dent 2000-2002) made the case for why I for Harvard! My life has forever changed be- should consider becoming a candidate for cause I came here? I’m so glad that I came to president of FPU. He described this univer- Harvard?’” sity as a place where lives are changed and Walter thought for a moment and said, “It D. MERRILL EWERT, PH.D. people called into leadership and service. never happened; no one ever said that to me. I listened; and at the end of July, I will re- How about you, Merrill? How often did some- tire after 10 wonderful years. one tell you that Cornell changed his or her A year or so after arriving at Fresno Pacif- life?” “Never,” I replied, “I don’t ever remem- ic, Priscilla and I were chosen to participate ber hearing those words from a student dur- in a Council of Independent Colleges program ing my 11 years at Cornell.” on the university presidency as “vocation” “So Walter,” I continued, “how often do and “calling.” Funded by a major foundation, students tell you that they thank God for 20 presidents and their spouses spent several your university; that coming there changed days discussing university leadership. their lives?” “At least once a day,” he replied. Though we had never met, Walter, presi- “And how about you, Merrill? How often do dent of a historically black institution, and I you hear that at Fresno Paciic?” “Not nearly often came down on the same side of various as often as you do,” I responded. “I probably issues. He had been a tenured professor and hear it only two or three times a week.” administrator at Harvard during the same The group again fell silent, then another years I had taught and served as director of president said, “I get it; I understand why extension at Cornell. you left Harvard and Cornell to go where you Between sessions, a group gathered work now.” around Walter and me and asked what teach- Asked to capture the essence of this uni- ing in the “Ivies” was like. We both said the versity in one word, I say “transformational.” students are very bright, which makes teach- Lives are transformed here, and that gives ing very challenging and great fun. Walter meaning and purpose to the call that brought joked, “My students were a lot smarter than I Priscilla and me to Fresno Paciic. We have am!” “The same at Cornell,” I added, “I never thoroughly enjoyed serving here. To all of you took on a new Ph.D. student unless I was ab- who have become our friends through this solutely sure that she/he was smarter than I.” process, thank you very much! After a short silence, another president mused, “That must have made the decision for you guys to leave Harvard and Cornell contents 2 NEW PRESIDENT! Pete Menjares brings broad leadership experience and deep spiritual commitment to FPU as 11th president 6 RICHARD UNRUH RETIRES Spending more than 40 years at Fresno Pacific was not Richard Unruh’s plan, but he’s glad it worked out that way 8 MERRILL AND PRISCILLA TIGHT SQUEEZE EWERT LOOK BACK So much is going on at FPU that the pages of Asked to make a college a university, Paciic can’t hold it all! presidential couple made an impact on fresno.edu is the structures and people answer. 14 IN TOUCH WITH ALUMNI RECENT HEADLINES Shirley Spencer (MA ’06), puts her love of f MCC Sale the outdoors on paper—in living color— f Improving job prospects for Yosemite guide book for teachers f Merced Center grand 22 GENERATIONS OF GENEROSITY opening For Marvin and Nadene Steinert, giving f Godspell Spring comes from gratitude Mainstage COMING 24 SUNBIRD ATHLETICS May commencement Cheyenne Coffman swimming for a spot f on the Olympic team f Faculty-staff focus Read, hear and see what’s happening at News Head- lines. Want to customize PACIFIC MAGAZINE • FPU.EDU your view? Try FPULSE. AROUNDTHEGREEN PETE MENJARES SELECTED AS ELEVENTH PRESIDENT OF FPU ete Menjares, Ph.D., will be minister and a senior pastor. He the 11th president of Fresno and his wife, Virginia, are na- Paciic University. The Board tives and lifelong residents of of Trustees voted to appoint the Los Angeles area. Menjares during regular The presidential search board meetings March 2-3. committee included faculty, P“The board of trustees is pleased to ap- staff, students, board members point Dr. Pete Menjares as president of FPU. and community representa- Pete has exhibited strength of character, tives. Executive search irm the grace, dignity and humility throughout the Dingman Company facilitated search process. His leadership abilities and the search process for the uni- experience and his deep spiritual commit- versity. Four inal candidates ments will serve him well as he leads this were presented to the search Christian university,” said John Thiesen, committee for interviews. The board chair and co-chair of the presidential committee then recommended Menjares to search committee. the board as a inalist, and the board invited “It is a tremendous honor to be selected as Pete and Virginia to the university in Febru- am looking forward with the 11th president of Fresno Paciic Universi- ary for three days of meetings with members ty and I am looking forward with great antic- of the FPU community, who provided feed- great anticipation to ipation to serving this vibrant and dedicated back to the board. academic community,” said Menjares, who The selection process was rigorous and I serving this vibrant and received his Ph. D. in education: language, inclusive. “This is a wonderful end to a thor- literacy and learning, from the University of ough, wide-ranging and prayerful search dedicated academic community Southern California in 1998. His master of for FPU’s next president. We are thank- arts in education: teaching and curriculum, ful for all who participated and for all who is from California State University, Domin- have prayed for the university this past nine guez Hills, and his bachelor of arts in religion months as we engaged in the search,” said in pastoral ministries is from Vanguard Uni- Larry Martens, presidential search co-chair versity. For the last 16 years, Menjares has and university trustee. been a teacher and administrator at Biola Menjares takes over from D. Merrill Ew- University, mostly recently serving as Vice ert, who will retire effective July 31, 2012, Provost for Faculty Development and Aca- after 10 years as president. “I have come to demic Effectiveness. know and deeply appreciate Pete through Menjares has also served with the Council our shared participation in CCCU. He has for Christian Colleges and Universities as a the respect of leaders throughout Christian conference presenter and consultant on in- higher education and I am conident he is tercultural competencies. Currently he is a the one to lead Fresno Paciic to a whole new senior fellow in the Leadership Development level of success,” Ewert said. Institute, a program dedicated to helping emerging leaders explore their vocational call in CCCU institutions. Menjares has also been a public school teacher, a licensed 2 FRESNO PACIFIC UNIVERSITY FRESNO PACIFIC UNIVERSITY Empowering leaders. Transforming lives. fresno.edu Volume 25, Number 1 April 2012 Fresno Pacifi c University develops students for leadership and service through excellence in Christian higher education. PRESIDENT D. Merrill Ewert VICE PRESIDENT FOR KEEPING FPU AN AFFORDABLE INVESTMENT ADVANCEMENT AND UNIVERSITY RELATIONS Mark Deffenbacher o keep students and families invest- higher at area public universities; higher yet ing in higher education, FPU contin- in many parts of California. “Students can EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF Tues to hold tuition below the national pay less to come to FPU and live on campus UNIVERSITY COMMUNICATIONS average and increase services students than at a state school in a major metro area,” Diana Bates Mock need to succeed. Varvis said. “A high-quality private education can be Affordability has long been important at EDITOR-IN-CHIEF affordable,” said Stephen Varvis, vice presi- FPU. In 2009-2010 the university was one of Wayne Steffen dent for enrollment management. “Fresno six nationwide to freeze tuition, and in 2009 [email protected] Paciic has the faculty, academic programs, it introduced a four-year graduation guar- facilities and inancial aid to make this antee. The 3.7 percent raise in 2011-2012 DESIGN DIRECTOR happen.” remained below the national average for Gail Enns Traditional undergraduate tuition for independent college and universities, while [email protected] 2012-2013 will be $24,960, less than the increases were made in inancial aid, the 2011-2012 national average for independent number of faculty, educational technology PHOTOGRAPHY DIRECTOR colleges of $28,500. Even with the increase and academic services. Niki DeLaBarre in room and board, the irst in three years, That practice continues for 2012-2013. [email protected] combined expenses for a student living on The university will continue to renovate res- campus will go up no more than 2.9 percent.
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