RADIO in the ^loyd Gibbons NEXT WAR Thirty'Five cyTLarch Cents "MLLE. YVONNE" FL, PARIS, FRANCE Jackson Gregory New Laws for Old Beginning Serial, Thirteen and I Frederick R, Bechdolt The Girl in Gray Mfcigy and c foliOMi® eattire — Studebaker Commander Eight Brougham, for five . six wire wheels and trunk standard equipment JLhese Champion Rights Are Seasoned Eights! The greatest world and international records, and more American stock car records than all other makes of cars combined, bear wit- ness to the proved speed and endurance of Studebaker's smart new Eights. Leadership among all the eights of the world has come swiftly and grown more pronounced. Explain this as you will champion performance, moderate cost, or forward style which achieves true beauty—such leader- ship is the finest testimony of public confidence in Studebaker's 78 years of quality manufacture. STUDEBAKER Builder of (champions RADIO DIGEST Get all the best electric refrigerator features in this new WILLIAMS ICE-O-MATIC Too many electric refrigerators have been sold on the appeal of some one mechanical feature. You are rightly entitled to all the bestfeatures when investing your money. This advanced new Williams Ice-O-Matic com- bines—fortheveryfirsttime— the 15 most important characteristics ofAmerican and European makes. Williams Ice-O-Matic is designed for the womanwho is too busy to be bothered with mechanical details. It is amazingly simple, completely quiet, and virtually as inexpensive to operate as electric light. This great household convenience liter- ally pays for itself by the food it saves. In winter or summer, Ice-O-Matic protects your family's health by the safely low tem- perature in its roomy storage space. Ice- O-Matic preserves the flavor and good- ness of all edibles — adds zest to every WILLIAMS meal. Mail the coupon now for informa- ICE-O-MATIC tion and an interesting new recipe book. NEW CAPITOL MODEL 175 ICEiMATlC and up, at factory W^ REFRIGERATION^ ^r Convenient Payments WILLIAMS OIL-O-MATIC HEATING CORPORATION Factory: Bloomington, Illinois Send for Ice-O-Matic Recipe Book—It's Free A RADIO. TREAT Williams Oil-O-Matic Heating Corporation Rd-s-m your radio to Tune Bloomington, Illinois WJZand NBC chain Please send me without cost- -your Williams Ice-O-Matic stations at 10 o'clock — Eastern Standard recipe booklet. Time each Tuesday night. Friday nights Name at 8:30 Central Standard Time tune Street in WGN, Chicago City... .. State... APR z-7 1930 THE NATIONAL BROADCAST AUTHORITY ©C1B 66867 o rrrvo E. C. RAYNER, Harold P. Brown, Publisher Editor March, 1930 CONTENTS SPECIAL ARTICLES KING GEORGE OF TIN PAN ALLEY— Gershwin wouldn't practice as a boy, but he made a million out of Rhapsody in Blue. David Ewen 9 AMOS 'N' ANDY BACKSTAGE—Bill Hay says his two black boys "grew up" from Kinky Kids Parade. Mark Quest 10 RADIO IN THE NEXT WAR—The Dean of war correspondents depicts the great role Radio 18 have been will play in the next world conflict. Floyd Qibbons TO Holly- FOU GO blindfold- hearing and SOUND EFFECTS ON THE AIR—Secrets wood 24 any reading about Don of sound effect mechanics revealed. Doty Hobart ed, stand on Club corner, stretch out Clark's Night The Fair the Air. ALBUM— of 26 your hand and grab Romances. This is DID BARRIE FIND AN ESCAPE FROM a pic.tur e of the the first girl that LIFE?—An interview with the famous writer heroine, Mar tine comes along. It's a revealing his real character and philosophy. William C. Lengel 34 Burnley, who ap- safe bet she'll be a WEAK-END SATIRES— Don Becker grows beauty. But one peared in many of Natalie Qiddings 44 them. She was fea- from uke player to director of Lavender ~Network. special prise would tured with Good MARY AND BOB—True story of True Story be Jeanette Mac- 47 in News as it played couple told for the first time. Jean Campbell Donald, famous across the continent RADIOGRAPHS 52 talking pictures, and in Australia- and one of the Hol- BEAUTY FOR HAPPINESS—Authority re- lywood stars fea- She likes Radio counts experience cheering thousands of women. Elsie Pierce 54 and her work at tured recently by WABC. MARCELLA 56 the Columbia VOICE OF LISTENER 79 System. FICTION THIRTEEN AND ONE—Grim tragedy stalks when fatal lure of Nonius Opal brings thirteen to Jackson Qregory 14 House of Ghosts. Illustrated by Dudley Gloyne Summers THE GIRL IN GREY—A romance of the old 20 days in San Francisco before the fire. Frederick R. Bechdolt NEW LAWS FOR OLD—An enthralling his- Rupert Hughes 40 Covered Days '49. toric romance of Wagon of Illustrated by Dudley Gloyne Summers THE GIGOLO MYSTERY—The mastery of the Green Death is solved, another victory for Arthur B. Reeve 50 Craig Kennedy. Illustrated by Charles Ropp STATION FEATURES GOSSIPY ITEMS ABOUT FRIENDS — Intimate yarns of Radio friends from near and far. 58 TURN TO GOOD OLD DAYS—Program 61 chiefs find most listeners are sentimental. Qene V. Brown CAROLINAS DEMAND CLASS—Be regu- lar fellow, give them style, says WNRC Director. 64 OBSTREPEROUSNESS LEADS TO FAME —George Hall fails to mind his own business, 67 finds success. Dianne Dix POPULARITY SWAMPS WNAX STAFF —Hundred thousand visit Yankton as station 70 gets full time. Charles H. Qarvey SPELLS ROMANCE—Mar- THERE'S a KPO STORY THIS little flash success. C. Thomas Nunan 73 witchery to riage brings Eva DeVol love, opportunity, of Welcome June Pursell's eyes HIGH SPOTS VOGUE—Even transmitter and Lewis of the NBC 76 that seems to creep Studios of CHML on high plane. Donald Burchard is a gross injustice into the KNX mi- CHAIN CALENDAR FEATURES 81 to her beauty. Wait crophone, Holly- until you see her WHO'S WHO IN RADIO 93 ivood, and the best smiling face as de- part of it is the picted by Bradshazv feminine listeners Editorial Office: Radio Digest, 510 N. Dearborn St., Chicago. Phone Superior 7323. C rand e 1 1 on the are as fond of her Eastern Advertising Office: 33 W. 42nd St., New York City. Phone Lackawanna 2091-2 April Radio Digest as the male. She Western Advertising Office: A. T. Sears & Son, 122 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago, 111. Phone Harrison 3077-8 cover! Miss Lewis made her Radio is heard during the Member Audit Bureau of Circulations debut in October, RCA Victor pro- 1924, so you can see gram and other she has learned a Radio Digest. Volume XXIV, No. S. published Chicago. Illinois, March, 1930. Published monthly by Radio high class broad- Digest Publishing Co. (Incorporated), 510 North Dearborn Street, Chicago, Illinois. Subscription rates Utile of mike tech- yearly. Four Dollars; Foreign Postage. One Dollar additional; single copies. Thirty-five cents. Entered as cast features. Her Illinois, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Title nique. S he's The second-class matter Sept. 25, 1929. at the post office at Chicago, voice has a delight- Reg. U. S. Patent Office and Canada. Copyright, 1930. by Radio Digest Publishing Co. All rights reserved. KNX Girl. ful lure. Seek Most Popular Program Diamond Meritum Award to Be Presented to Contest Winner: Radio Digest Readers and Listeners to Elect Favorite for All- American and District Recognition HICH is America's Most Popular Radio Pro- have one program they prefer to all others heard over the gram ? In a mammoth voting contest, starting this air, one program that invariably draws their attention when w issue, readers of RADIO DIGEST are given the it is on. Some one broadcaster seems to you to offer a opportunity of deciding this question. By means of their better entertainment—it may be a black face team, a barn ballots, the listeners will determine just what Radio pro- dance fiddler, a dance orchestra, a yodeler, a classic so- gram, organization or artist, is AMERICA'S MOST prano, or any one of a wide variety of programs, but it IS POPULAR. To the program chosen by popular vote will your favorite. Give this fellow a break, don't be satisfied be given the RADIO DIGEST DIAMOND MERITUM to just sit back and think how good he is, but help to bring AWARD, emblazoned with the name of the winner, a truly him international recognition. enviable honor. The Diamond Award contest will give every listener an A Gold Award of the same design will be presented to opportunity to show his appreciation* and express his judg- each of the runners-up in the various sections of the coun- ment on the programs which are sent to him over the air. try in recognition of being voted the East's Most Popular By clipping ballots in RADIO DIGEST and by votes Program ; the South's Most Popular Program ; the Middle given on paid-in-advance subscriptions to this magazine he West's Most Popular Program ; the West's Most Popular may help bestow an honor of inestimable value on his Program, and finally, the Far West's Most Popular Pro- favorite Radio entertainer. gram. The Radio. program, organization or artist receiv- ing the highest number of votes in each district after the ALL that is necessary for you to do to place your Diamond. Award grand prize winner, will each be given a favorite Radio program, organization or artist in Gold Award and the title of Most Popular Program, nomination in America's Most Popular Program Diamond organization or artist, for its section of the country. Award Contest, is to clip the nomination ballot at the bot- RADIO DIGEST in sponsoring this great undertaking tom of this page and mail it to RADIO DIGEST.
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