Acta Cardiol Sin 2016;32:239-242 Case Report doi: 10.6515/ACS20150628A Heart Attack Causes Head-Ache – Cardiac Cephalalgia Chi-Cheng Huang and Pen-Chih Liao Chest pain is the typical symptom of myocardial infarction (MI), and there are many atypical manifestations such as stomachache or dyspnea. Headache is a rare presentation of MI, which has specifically been termed “cardiac cephalalgia” or “cardiac cephalgia”. In this article, we have reported a case of sudden onset headache and neck pain, of whom MI was confirmed by electrocardiography, cardiac markers, and coronary angiogram. The patient’s headache subsided dramatically after coronary angioplasty, and it had not recurred in the following one year. Additionally, diagnostic clues and possible mechanisms of cardiac cephalalgia are discussed as well. Key Words: Headache · Cardiac cephalgia · Cardiac cephalalgia · Myocardial infarction INTRODUCTION from chronic headache for several years, which could be relieved after rest and oral analgesics. Sometimes, her Retrosternal chest pain with or without diaphoresis headaches could be precipitated by anger and stress. On is the typical symptom of myocardial infarction (MI); the day this patient was hospitalized to our facility, her atypical manifestations such as stomach ache or dy- headache recurred in the afternoon, which was similar spnea are also well-recognized by clinicians. Headache, in character but with longer duration and intensity. She however, could be the sole1 or concomitant2 presenta- had visited a local medical clinic, where antihyper- tion of MI, which is otherwise termed “cardiac ce- tensive agent was prescribed for elevated blood pres- phalagia”.3 In these cases, it can be quite challenging to sure (180 mmHg in systole). However, her headache and make the diagnosis of MI, yet delayed diagnosis could nuchal pain worsened in 2 hours, so she visited the ED lead to serious complications. Here, we reported a case in this hospital. of MI presented with the rare symptom of headache. The character of this patient’s headache was dull and squeezing pain over the bilateral posterior nuchal area, radiating to both temporal regions. She also re- CASE REPORT ported dizziness, but there was no chest pain, dyspnea, cold sweating, stomachache, nausea, vomiting, or pho- A 70-year-old woman with the past history of hyper- tophobia. She was not a cigarette smoker and had no tension, type 2 diabetes mellitus, and hyperlipidemia, family history of cardiovascular disease. The patient had presented to the emergency department (ED) with sud- tachycardia (106 beat-per-minute) and mildly elevated den-onset headache and nuchal pain. She had suffered blood pressure (159/80 mmHg). Her consciousness was clear, and there was no evidence of neurological defi- cits. The neck was supple, and the jugular vein was not engorged. Her breath sounds showed bilateral basal fine Received: January 27, 2015 Accepted: June 28, 2015 Division of Cardiology, Cardiovascular Center, Far-Eastern Memorial crackles without wheezes, and there was no obvious Hospital, New Taipei City, Taiwan. murmur and gallop in heart sounds. Furthermore, nei- Address correspondence and reprint requests to: Dr. Pen-Chih Liao, ther lower leg was edematous. Cardiovascular Center, Far-Eastern Memorial Hospital, No. 21, Sec. 2, Nanya S. Rd., Banciao Dist., New Taipei City 220, Taiwan. Tel: Because the patient’s headache and nuchal pain 886-8966-7000 ext. 1618; E-mail: [email protected] persisted, some analgesics were prescribed for the 239 Acta Cardiol Sin 2016;32:239-242 Chi-Cheng Huang et al. headache. Computer tomography of the brain was con- festation, the patient and her family declined emergent sidered for further evaluation. However, electrocardio- coronary angiogram. Therefore, she was admitted to the graphy (ECG) was performed because the image study intensive care unit (ICU) for medical therapy. was not available immediately. Surprisingly, the 12-lead In ICU, dual antiplatelet agents, unfractionated hep- ECGshowedST-TsegmentelevationoverleadV2-V6 arin, statin, beta-blocker, and angiotensin-converting (Figure 1A). Cardiac markers were also elevated: creat- enzyme inhibitor were prescribed as the recommenda- inine kinase (CK): 234 IU/L, MB subtype of CK (CK-MB): tion of clinical guidelines. A subsequent ECG performed 30 IU/L, and troponin-I: 0.858 ng/ml. A chest X-ray re- 2 hours later (Figure 1B) showed obvious precordial vealed bilateral pulmonary congestion (Figure 2A). A leads ST-T segment dynamic change. The patient had no cardiologist was consulted immediately, and trans- chest pain, but her headache was still noted. The head- thoracic echocardiography revealed left ventricular re- ache was located over her bilateral temporal area, and gional wall motion abnormality of the left anterior de- there was some improvement of nuchal pain. Cardiac scending artery territory with fair left ventricle contrac- markers elevated gradually in serial follow-up, where tility. Dual antiplatelet agents and unfractionated hepa- the highest level was at the 19th-hour after the onset of rin were administered under the impression of ST-eleva- headache (CK: 1373 IU/L, CK-MB: 105 IU/L, Troponin-I: tion MI. Because headache was such an unusual mani- 24.4 ng/ml). Due to an increasing confidence in the MI A B Figure 1. Electrocardiography (A) 30 minutes (arrival at hospital) and (B) 2 hours after the onset of headaches. An evolutional change of ST-T seg- ment over leads V2-V6 was demonstrated. Acta Cardiol Sin 2016;32:239-242 240 Headache and Myocardial Infarction diagnosis, coronary angiogram (Figure 2B, 2C) was per- formed the next day after customary permission was obtained. The test revealed a significant stenosis of the middle segment (#7) with intramural thrombus of left anterior descending (LAD) artery. Percutaneous coro- nary intervention (PCI) with drug-eluting stent (Evero- limus-eluting stent/Xience PRIMETM)wasperformed (Figure 2D). To our surprise, the patient said that her A B headache had disappeared after coronary angioplasty. Four days after PCI, she was discharged symptom-free. Therewerenomoreheadachesinthenext1-yearfol- low-up in cardiology clinic. DISCUSSION The third edition of the International Classification C D of Headache Disorders (ICHD-III beta)3 proposed diag- Figure 2. (A) Chest X-ray at emergency department showed mild lung nostic criteria for cardiac cephalalgia. Basically, head- congestion, suggesting reduced cardiac contractility. CAG in the next day revealed (B) RCA atherosclerosis and (C) proximal-to-middle LAD athero- ache is regarded as an atypical presentation of angina, sclerosis with more than 90% stenosis and intramural thrombus at mid- which would be aggravated by exertion and not accom- dle segment. (D) After PCI with stenting to middle LAD. CAG, coronary panied by photophobia or phonophobia. Pathological al- angiogram; LAD, left anterior descending artery; PCI, percutaneous terationsasnotedbyECGandelevatedcardiacmarkers coronary intervention; RCA, right coronary artery. are regarded as objective evidence of MI, and the causal relationship between headache and MI should be de- postulates that neurochemical mediators released dur- monstrated. This patient had a history of exertional ing MI – such as serotonin or bradykinin – result in cere- headache, and she suffered another even more severe bral vasodilatation/spasm and subsequent headaches.4,8 episode on the day of her heart attack. The ST-T seg- In this case, the headache and nuchal pain could be ex- ment elevation and regional wall motion abnormality plained as a referred pain to the dermatome of somatic were also found, as well as cardiac markers elevation. nerves. The patient’s dizziness, tachycardia, and ele- Her symptoms disappeared parallel to the resolution of vated blood pressure suggested a reduced cardiac out- myocardial ischemia after PCI, without recurrence there- put and hyper-sympathetic tone secondary to various after. Her manifestation is consistent with the criteria of vasoactive mediators. cardiac cephalagia, but there are still some questions The diagnostic challenge of cardiac cephalalgia is that require further elucidation for a better understand- that its clinical presentations are highly variable. The ing and reliable diagnosis of this disease. headache may be unilateral1 or bilateral,4,6 and may in- Researchers have proposed several theories about volve one or more of the frontal, temporal, parietal, or the pathogenesis of cardiac cephalalgia. Since the affer- occipital regions.2,4,6,8 Most patients described it as “ex- ent autonomic fibers from the heart relay their signals plosive” or “thunderclap”,4,8 but some reported only through cervical dorsal roots, converging with somatic throbbing or squeezing pain.6 Most headaches were fibers innervating the neck and face (i.e. trigeminal precipitated by exertion and relieved by nitroglycerin or nerve), referred pain is believed to play a role in cardiac rest.6,9 Previous analyses found that 27% of patients pre- cephalalgia.2,4,5. Secondly, a sudden reduction of cardiac sented with only headache, while about 30% of them output secondary to MI reduces cerebral venous return also had nausea or other autonomic phenomenon.5,7 and increases intracranial pressure, which produces a Since it is unrealistic to evaluate all patients with head- feeling of nociceptive distention.6,7 The third mechanism aches as possible cases of MI, cardiovascular risk factors 241 Acta Cardiol Sin 2016;32:239-242 Chi-Cheng Huang et al. provide a simple way
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