UN SOMALIA COUNTRY RESULTS REPORT 2018 UNITED NATIONS SOMALIA TOGETHER FOR DEVELOPMENT UN SOMALIA COUNTRY RESULTS REPORT 2018 UNITED NATIONS SOMALIA TOGETHER FOR DEVELOPMENT UN ENTITIES OPERATING IN SOMALIA FAO Food and Agriculture Organization ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization ILO International Labour Organization IOM International Organization for Migration OCHA Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs OHCHR Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights UNAIDS Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS UNCDF United Nations Capital Development Fund UNDP United Nations Development Programme UNDSS United Nations Department of Safety & Security UNEP United Nations Environment Programme UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific & Cultural Organization UNFPA United Nations Population Fund UN Habitat United Nations Human Settlements Programme UNHCR United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees UNICEF United Nations Children’s Fund UNIDO United Nations Industrial Development Organization UNMAS United Nations Mine Action Service UNODC United Nations Office on Drugs & Crime UNOPS United Nations Office for Project Services UNSOM United Nations Assistance Mission in Somalia UNSOS United Nations Support Office in Somalia UNV United Nations Volunteers WFP World Food Programme WHO World Health Organization 4 CONTENTS UN ENTITIES OPERATING IN SOMALIA ....................................... 4 FOREWORD ............................................................. 6 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .................................................... 8 OPERATIONALIZING THE UN STRATEGIC FRAMEWORK ........................ 10 KEY DEVELOPMENTS IN 2018 ............................................. 12 STRATEGIC PRIORITY 1: Deepening federalism & state-building, supporting conflict resolution & reconciliation, & preparing for universal elections .......................... 15 STRATEGIC PRIORITY 2: Supporting institutions to improve peace, security, justice, the rule of law & safety of Somalis ........................................... 21 STRATEGIC PRIORITY 3: Strengthening accountability & supporting institutions that protect ....................... 28 STRATEGIC PRIORITY 4: Strengthening resilience of Somali institutions, society & population ....................... 33 STRATEGIC PRIORITY 5: Supporting socioeconomic opportunities for Somalis ................................ 40 CROSS-CUTTING ISSUES ................................................. 48 FINANCIAL OVERVIEW ................................................... 51 LOOKING FORWARD ..................................................... 54 ABBREVIATIONS ........................................................ 58 Annex I: Outcome level indicator results reporting ...................................... 62 Annex II: Detailed UNSF Common Budgetary Framework reporting ............................ 72 5 FOREWORD On 5 December 2017, the Somali Government and The UNSF was also designed to take a more ho- the leadership of the UN in Somalia signed the UN listic view of the challenges facing Somalia. By en- Strategic Framework 2017-2020 (UNSF), thereby capsulating the totality of the UN’s contribution to kick-starting a new phase of UN support to So- Somalia’s development priorities in the UNSF, we malia’s development priorities under the National recognized that the various mandates that we as Development Plan 2017-2019 (NDP). Every effort the UN implement are complementary and rein- was made during its inception to ensure that the forcing. Our comprehensive approach is moreover UNSF was designed to advance these priorities aimed at linking sustainable development with sta- based on the UN system’s varied mandates and bility, security and the rule of law. Only with sus- comparative advantages. tainable development will it be possible to break the cycle of recurrent humanitarian crises. Resil- The UNSF is underpinned by the principles of the ient households, communities and institutions and New Deal Compact (2014), and later the New Part- eventually a resilient state structure will mitigate nership for Somalia (2017): that development as the ever-present threat of humanitarian crises and part of the state-building process should be Soma- at the same time allow national efforts to reduce li-owned and Somali-led, and that the relations be- the likelihood of conflict. Moreover, only a state tween the Federal Government of Somalia and the able to protect its citizens will ultimately be seen international community should be based on mutual as truly legitimate. accountability. As such, the UN collectively decided that the implementation and coordination arrange- We realize that further progress in Somalia’s peace- ments of the UNSF should be firmly embedded in building and state-building enterprise will be based the national aid architecture under the Somalia De- on our collective ability to work across the human- velopment and Reconstruction Facility (SDRF) and itarian, development and peacebuilding agendas in the Comprehensive Approach to Security (CAS). a coordinated and holistic manner. Without com- 6 prehensively addressing the multiplicity of issues The Development System Reform being rolled out facing the country, our collective gains will remain under UN Secretary-General António Guterres will fragile and reversible. However, in all of our work reinforce the centrality of the UNSF as the primary in Somalia, we must remember that our first efforts framework under which the UN operates collec- must be to care for those who have fallen the fur- thest behind. tively at the country level. The finalization of a new National Development Plan (NDP 9) and the long- While there may be peaks and troughs on the way, it is certain that the overall trajectory for Soma- term Vision 2040 will hopefully put Somalia on a lia is upward. The last year witnessed significant sure footing for its next phase of peacebuilding and achievements across all NDP and UNSF priority state-building. The UN must be ready to pivot in areas around inclusive politics, security, rule of law, order to most effectively support this new direction effective institutions, resilience, social sectors as through the UNSF. well as productive and economic sectors. As such, we are proud to present to you, this Country We look forward to continuing our work togeth- Results Report for Somalia, which outlines the UN’s er with the people and Government of Somalia, as contributions to key achievements in the country well as with the broader development community in 2018. While this report provides us with an op- in Somalia throughout 2019, the second year of portunity to reflect progress over the course of the the implementation of the UNSF. We remain confi- year, it also provides us with a basis to assess how we can provide even greater and more coherent and dent that, together, we will build on our collective coordinated support to Somalia moving forward. achievements into the future. 7 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Following the first full year of implementation of The UN supported institutional capacity building of the UN Strategic Framework 2017-2020, this Somali national security forces through various ac- Country Results Report for 2018 represents the tivities aimed at implementing the National Security first time that the UN in Somalia has collectively Architecture, reforming the Somali National Army reflected and reported on the totality of its contri- (SNA) and strengthening institutions and services bution to Somalia’s achievements in advancing its related to policing, justice and corrections. The UN development and state-building priorities. also continued to support the operationalization of the Somali National Strategy on Prevention and Despite some noteworthy challenges that some- Countering of Violent Extremism and the Nation- times slowed progress in a number of areas, 2018 al Defectors Rehabilitation Programme for those was marked by significant achievements across all turning their backs on violent extremist elements. complementary and mutually reinforcing Strategic Priorities of the UN Strategic Framework (UNSF). To enhance the capacities of state bureaucracies to operate as effective and efficient government insti- The adoption of the National Roadmap on Inclu- tutions, the UN supported bodies at various levels sive Politics by the Federal Government of Somalia of government to become better organized, struc- (FGS) at the beginning of the year generated mo- tured and more delivery oriented. State strategic mentum to advance Somalia’s peacebuilding and planning capacities were also enhanced, while sup- state-building agenda. The UN sustained its support port continued for the effective operation of the for political dialogues around federalism and state national aid management and coordination archi- formation and enhanced the capacity of the insti- tecture and the monitoring of aid flows. The UN tutions engaged in the federalism process. The UN also sought to nurture a healthy and accountable also supported mediation processes that led to the state-citizen nexus through accountable and ef- resolution of a number of active conflicts. The UN fective local government and decentralized service further contributed sustained support to the consti- delivery. The UN contributed extensive technical tutional review process, while offering political and advice and support to the establishment of nation- technical advice to Somalia’s legislative structures al human rights institutions and in the signing of and parliamentary
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