IBM® Data Warehousing with IBM Business Intelligence Tools Michael L. Gonzales The WILEY Dear Valued Customer, advantage We realize you’re a busy professional with deadlines to hit. Whether your goal is to learn a new technology or solve a critical problem, we want to be there to lend you a hand. Our primary objective is to provide you with the insight and knowledge you need to stay atop the highly competitive and ever- changing technology industry. Wiley Publishing, Inc., offers books on a wide variety of technical categories, including security, data warehousing, software development tools, and networking — everything you need to reach your peak. 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It not only describes the intricacies of var- ious IBM products, such as IBM DB2, IBM Intelligent Miner, and IBM DB2 OLAP, but it also sets the context for these products by providing a com- prehensive overview of data warehousing architecture, analytics, and data management.” Wayne Eckerson Director of Research, The Data Warehousing Institute “Organizations today are faced with a ‘data deluge’ about customers, sup- pliers, partners, employees and competitors. To survive and to prosper requires an increasing commitment to information management solutions. Michael Gonzales’ book provides an outstanding look at business intelli- gence software from IBM that can help companies excel through quicker, better-informed business decisions. In addition to a comprehensive explo- ration of IBM’s data warehouse, OLAP, data mining and spatial analysis capabilities, Michael clearly explains the organizational and data architec- ture underpinnings necessary for success in this information-intensive age.” Jeff Jones Senior Program Manager, IBM Data Management Solutions “IBM leads the way in delivering integrated, easy-to-use data warehous- ing, analysis and data management technology. This book delivers what every data warehousing professional needs most: a thorough overview of business intelligence fundamentals followed by solid practical advice on using IBM’s rich product suite to build, maintain and mine data warehouses.” Thomas W. Rosamilia Vice President, IBM Data Management (DB2) Worldwide Development IBM® Data Warehousing with IBM Business Intelligence Tools Michael L. Gonzales Publisher: Joe Wikert Executive Editor: Robert M. 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Wiley also publishes its books in a variety of electronic formats. Some content that appears in print may not be available in electronic books. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data: ISBN: 0-471-13305-1 Printed in the United States of America 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 To AMG2. Contents Acknowledgments xx Introduction xxiii Part One Fundamentals of Business Intelligence and the Data Warehouse 1 Chapter 1 Overview of the BI Organization 3 Overview of the BI Organization Architecture 4 Providing Information Content 10 Planning for Information Content 10 Designing for Information Content 13 Implementing Information Content 15 Justifying Your BI Effort 18 Linking Your Project to Known Business Requirements 18 Measuring ROI 18 Applying ROI 19 Questions for ROI Benefits 21 Making the Most of the First Iteration of the Warehouse 22 IBM and The BI Organization 22 Seamless Integration 23 Data Mining 24 Online Analytic Processing 24 Spatial Analysis 25 Database-Resident Tools 25 Simplified Data Delivery System 26 Zero-Latency 27 Summary 28 vii viii Contents Chapter 2 Business Intelligence Fundamentals 29 BI Components and Technologies 31 Business Intelligence Components 31 Data Warehouse 31 Data Sources 32 Data Targets 32 Warehouse Components 36 Extraction, Transformation, and Loading 37 Extraction 38 Transformation/Cleansing 39 Data Refining 39 Data Management 40 Data Access 40 Meta Data 41 Analytical User Requirements 42 Reporting and Querying 43 Online Analytical Processing 43 Multidimensional Views 44 Calculation-Intensive Capabilities 45 Time Intelligence 45 Statistics 46 Data Mining 46 Dimensional Technology and BI 47 The OLAP Server 48 MOLAP 49 ROLAP 50 Defining the Dimensional Spectrum 50 Touch Points 52 Zero-Latency and Your Warehouse Environment 53 Closed-Loop Learning 53 Historical Integrity 54 Summary 58 Chapter 3 Planning Data Warehouse Iterations 59 Planning Any Iteration 61 Building Your BI Plan 62 Enterprise Strategy 63 Designing the Technical Architecture 64 Designing the Data Architecture 66 Implementing and Maintaining the Warehouse 69 Planning the First Iteration 70 Aligning the Warehouse with Corporate Strategy 71 Conducting a Readiness Assessment 71 Resource Planning 74 Identifying Opportunities with the DIF Matrix1 77 Determining the Right Approach 78 Applying the DIF Matrix 78 Antecedent Documentation and Known Problems 80 Contents ix IT JAD Sessions 80 Select Candidate Iteration Opportunities 80 Get IT Scores 81
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