■r WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19,194S'' Average -DailT CIrealation The Weathwv- J j » %»!;>< j« Foreoaat of D. 8. Weather Bereaa ^ Manchester Evening Herald For tlM Month of Angnet, 1945 Cloqdy.wlth Uttle tempecatvte change tonight; F rid ^ pnrtly FintUeutenant Ernest D. Smith, Dowd by Warden Estella Kiitz amd Beebe and selections by Mrs. Ber­ ALIL'B COFRAN 8,985 nice and 'Teresa Hagenow, Miss ELECTRIC MOTORS cloudy afid warmer, foOdwed hy a oLeiFooter street a radar observ- Conductor Olive Wood. After the (Knbwn Aa Queen Alice) Member a t the Audit ' few light showers. A b o u t T o w n Past Grands Pauline Beebe and Mrs. Mildred Seventh Daughter nt a Seventh Son SIMONIZING Jr at a B-29 base on Guam was Introduction and welcome each Repairing - Rewinding Bnreaa a t OIrcalatloas whom he made his home .prior to Past Grand was presented with a Cowles. Gail, the small daughter Bom With a Veil All Work Guaranteed of Mrs. Cowles,- pleased with ner The Body Shop Method M anchester^— A City o f Village Charm jO a g David Lodge No. S l ^ O. entering the service in 1941, has Lodge Guests decorated teapot tile. Beadinga Dally, Incinding Sunday, Ace Electric Motor Repairs F , will hold apedal rphearsals received an honorable discharge Under the direction of Mrs. Ber­ acrobatic dances. After commu­ 9 A. M to 9 P. M. Or By Appnlnt- SOLIMENE «r FLAGG. Ine. nice Hagenow, ‘ an entertainment nity singing of favorite tunes, nt. In the Service nt the Peo­ 221 N. Main SU 0pp. Depot PRICE THREE CEI th« aeoand degree V m evening. and has enrolled in . New York 884 Center SL Tel. 5101 (OfauMUM AdverUshia m CagB IS) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1945 (TWELVE PAGES) University tor a four-year course. of vocal and instrumental music Joumment was made to the ban­ ple fdt SO Veara. Telephone 5642 VOL. LXIV., NO. 2 ^ No. 1 at 7jP» sharp, and quet hall where Vice Grand Mrs. SPIRITUAL MEDIUM a at 8 tfjjhJck. He returned home last week after Rebekahs Entertain For­ and dancing was presented and serving 87 months at Schofield greatly enjoyed. The program con­ Minnie Kissman and her commit­ 189 Church Street, Hartford, Conn. mer Heads at Meeting tee served dainty refreshments. Phone e-2024 The anoafi election of officers Barracks', Honolulu, H. T., as sec­ sisted of piano solos by Marilyn theJ?nSk J. Mansfield Detach- retary to the commanding officer. Monday Night Gas Blast Wrecks Apartn^ent "Marlne Corps League, will He was there when the Japs at­ tacked Pearl Harbor, Dec. 7, 1941, Corporation Says to In the Army and Navy Point Sunset Rebekah Lodge, at its and was graduated from Manches­ , --ni. tonight at 8 o’clock. All first meeting of the new season, LBembers a t the Detachment are ter High school with the class •urged to he present. of 1937. Monday evening In Odd Fellov/s’ Tonight’s The Night! hall, entertained its past noble. .Ir V IS IT - Union Leader^ip District Governor Casson of the The midweek service’ this eve­ grands. Among them was Past rHotary Club spoke at the weekly ning at 7:30 at the Church of the Noble Grand Miss Mary H utchl-1 Two Yea I'neeting of the Manchester Flo- Nasarene will be in charge of the son. formerly of this town, who j : tary Club last night at 6:30 at the Women’s Foreign Missionary So­ now makes her home with h er' LOANS ciety. Mrs. Florence E. Fish will * [ Bheridan Restaurant. His talk, brother. Grand Secretary W'llllam rVOITT berrnw anMcaMarilr; bol ‘Radically Wrong’ *‘Alms and Objects of Rotary,” preside. 8. Hutchison of the Odd Fellows, L / a • loan la tha boat lalotte ta yam pnUoD. thla apadal Mrvko arm L eras received with enthusiasm by whose headquarters is in New aava you time and timaL Pbent, tdl ] all njembers present. Corp. Thomas Humphrey, son Haven. ua he* oaueb rou naad. and glarns as< of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hum­ The past head officers of the the memianr Meta lor your aMdkn. Detroit Firm Affected lien. Than saan hi hr appointnamt Delta Chapter, Royal Arch Mn- phrey of 189 West Center street, lodge were asked to retire and m and pkK ap tha monay. War Finale arrived home last night on a 30- wiere later escorted to- the station BINGO By Strike Used Paid Will/fie Abandoned aona will meet this evening at SBMf Ts Amy 7:80 In the Masonic Temple. The daya furlough after serving two of Noble Grand ^ Mrs. Maybe'.l Leana an mnda on ilinalwi aleat. years in the European area. On Monthly paynwnta yon can aCoad wS Advertisement in News­ Story Told te Winter; Dischi Past Master degree will be con- ha amnnid. A loan at SIM ceata ferr^ on a class o* candidates. the completion of his leave he will SM40 whaa praoMly rapald In 11 paper to' Hit ' ‘Irre­ Sa Hors Head Home report to Texas for further assign­ Lanaantlai aaonthly hntaamanta Core to Be Lower^ ment. at St0.0S aach. naaapt. priaata. Bernard Paul LaPine, son of Mindly aaraka. If yaa naadtlO to sponsible Leaders’ ; Jap People Oct. l and Nov. 1; of Bernard J. LaPine, of 90 Bran­ Washing Machines tseo phant aa today te a l-Tlalt ST. BRIDGET’S In reporting the Intent to Sell qUART . loam Or If Ineanarnlaat for yen to Asks TTiomas Answer FromPacific Du t sball Advised by ford street, will leave Friday for apply pananaOp. talcpbona or writp. [ lample University, Philadelphia, of Charles Cusumano of the Tip Repaired Top Market at 41 Oak street, the Some Details of Fan Arthur 200,000 P a , where he will take a course An Makes and Models. Detroit,. Sept. 20.— (/P)— ' In business administration. Ho Herald inadvertantly gave the H f t A c n a i CHURCH BASEMENT. tastic Cloak and Dag­ name of the buyer as Charles Phone 8822 or 5059 The Murray Corporation of diers and Divisiii graduated in June from Man- F IN A N C E C O America, one of the several Several Thousand on Full WorkBill ^ Chester High school. Black of Hartford. The name ger Ending Given by Of Marines Need( should have been Charles T. Clark. Sad STpor affected companies in the 17 Third Fleet War­ State Theater Bldg. Newspaper in Tokyo Past chairmen of Scandla Phoae S4M strikes and layoffs idling ships; Easier Occupa­ Washington, Sept. 20.- r Lodge, No. 23, Order of Vasa, will PLAYING STARTS AT 8:15 To Fa^Test O. B. Broara, Mgr. more than 80,000 auto indus­ —Gen. George C. Mars) i hold a special meeting following Public Records Bookkeeping, Taxes, Payroll Uceaaa Me. SSI try workers, charged today Tokyo, Sejpt. 20— (4*)—The news­ tion Not Possible the regular bi-monthly lodge ses- paper Malntchi told the Japanese told Congress today 1 Mon Thursday evening Jn Orange that “ something is radically sGonimittee For Small Firms people for the first time today Tokyo, Sept. 20.— (/P)— 111 Army will abandon its pol hall. At this meeting a discussion Mechaale’B li m wrong” .with union leader­ .system for discharges by li will take place on various matters some details of the fantastic cloak Several thousand American Paul Dawes of East Hartford John S. Nicholls & Co. ship. winter and all men with ti to be brought up at the District and Gilbert Flckett o f Bolton 8 Hendee Road Phone 2-1819 All Actirity Ualtod and dagger finale to Japan's war Navy men headed for hom e; S e ii^ Banking Group [ ^convention In Burdick Junior against Albin and Edith Petrow- In a paid advertisement in effort. , aboard 17 Third fleet war-i years’ service, will be High school in Stamford, Satur­ ski, lien on property on Clinton lady for Decisive newspapers, the corporation said The account In broad outlines: ships todqy, while General l leased then. At the day, September 29. Transporta­ street in the sum of $138. all its acUvity on a 36,000,000 re­ tion will be arranged for all Tbs rebels, including Hldeki MacArthu^s headquarters I dir Call; Wagner Cer­ time, the Army chief of at Wamntes Deeds conversion snd expansion pro­ advised a Joint Senato-'Hoiwr a members who plan to attend the Warmth and Color in TOjo'a son-in-law. Major Koga, ac­ Pa., apartment (above), after an explosion caused when a pilot bilbt Army occupation MilUcent A. Jones to John Weir, 0 gram bad been baited by a strike tually reached the Interior of the Wreckage of a Philadelphia, tain About Approval Sion that the present dli i district convention. Jr. and wife, a plot of land on by the United Automobile Work­ on a gas refrigerator ignited gas which police said was turned on by (Tharle.s G. Littleton, occupant of forces would increase to score of 80 points—based on imperial palace grounds through the apartment, in a suicide-attempt LltUeon's body was found on the kitchen fipor. (AP wtrephoto.) Otis street, so-called. JAMES A . ers (CIO). fake orders. 000 Ijefore dropping to it for service,. Combat and' Girl Scout Troop No. 18 wlii William F. Johnson to George Washington, Sept. 20— (O ')—Full meet tomorrow evening at 6:30 at "Btecause of the actions of irre­ The rebels were seeking Mar­ predicted 200,000 "duration" pendency—will be lowered to R. and Dorothy E. OuUette, prop­ These Fine Blankets . .. sponsible union leaders," the cor­ employment legislation—No. 5 on Oct. 1. Another cut to 60 quis Kolchl Kido, lord keeper of - and Lieut.
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