T- j j MONDAY NOVEMBER 28 1910 1- THE WASHINGTON HEBALD t 1 f j youre sorry and to look at Leah to be I sure that theres no need of It I de- ¬ clared At any rate theres no need of CATB- my understanding In fact thats Just THE WHITE what I thought you didnt want me to do Isnt It GELETT BURGESS Leah looked quickly from me to Miss y Fielding and back again j I Yes I suppose it is Miss Fielding dIJDrJrlEs- Author of Vhette A Little Sister of Destiny tc said slowly thoughtfully Lets set- back on tie Island again Im sure Its 5 usycdImEIii 11151117 F St Opposite Columbia Theater Oopjright 1907 Tho BobbsMerrill Company big enough for us We stayed therefore on the island nIl that afternoon touching that Is but TvalHnfe head lightly on personal topics But though CHAPTER V her mistress and stood her enough- on one side her oars halt erect her tail we did not go wide we went deep to make tho talk hold us absorbed for Sliced kisses fried In tears wero low way- Go up an hour or more In quite another Gloves words Miss Fielding reply and bring Chevalier pleas Miss Buy Your Xmas the I heard was command Nokomis was ort like I think wo went far as well the ¬ FUR- to Leahs morning call early the next an arrow and presently ttS re was a todo Fielding was a stimulating conversation- me my She t day I hail waited long tor tho pay In the yard By this time I could recog- ¬ alist She made feel at best was and wakened at sunliso heavy note among had that happy way of meeting me on orient I nize Nolcomls the my going put me immediately others Than and a tanandblack ground every little while then Her fanciful order she on and giving me a hand up to hers and was intensely collie came rolllefclns Into tho room Both iiito a good humor I and ao by a series of alternate agree- ¬ would camo immediately up to tholr mistress Now at These Unprece curious to see what tho day ments and divergencies keeping tho dis- ¬ Heres Chevalier Mr Castle Hes a bring forth pretty good show dog Isnt he He cussion both sympathetic and various The barking vociferously In most of this quick giveandtake Leah COATS colllos wero got a fancy livery but h a all hasnt was specially ap- ¬ joyously Suddenly they stopped and right except his tails set on a bit too a passive listener unless hoard them greet his pealed to at which times she often ex GENUINE BALTIC SEAL FUR COATS then one by one I high and theres a little feather to jircasoa succinctly sapient very hind lugs below the hock herself so and PricesE- their mistress It was prettily done ly that Miss Fielding and looked at her denied coming in found me smiling and Chevalier whined and looked up at Miss I Bargain Leah ¬ 50 coney ex- inches long made of finest French skins in rich lustrous me so Fielding was quite ready to believe and then at one another with a comic smiled back at me Seeing much I pression of admiration depreciation brown cut in the long straightline effect with large help tho dog ah sold and rolling 01 lined bettor sho offered timidly to dress understood what of our own powers broad shawl collar fancy plain buttons 39 50 me and I welcomed her proposal to bring Oh that s all right Cliev jtous a with good quality brocade satin Worth 6000 Special at was necessary booful good dOGgIe and love you With such conversation the day went very absolutely sound and first class me hot water and what I the Miss Fielding read pair back to orig- ¬ fast In afternoon for shaving My own clothes had been Chevaliers strain harks the to me evening spent two myself my inal Scott quite a swell In his way and in the I offered by sent down so I prepared for hes ¬ AND PONY COATS and the prices are the lowest ever any got or three hours In passive delight listen FRENCH SEAL RUSSIAN chatelaines visit and has blue ribbons But they all ing dogs now Go to hor violin house this city Joy came Into my room with a sweat want trlcolorad calico My now fl in over and pay your roipaots Chevalier pain had almost subsided and Those of seal 50 and 52 Inches long cut In the new straightline effect low Good morning Mr Castle which I looked forward something more jeweled me back a after what please with broad rolling shawl collar with longeffect lapel plain or fancy threw not little regret being able to be 4 1 The dog camo up to me was patted poignant than at buttons with inlaid stones lined with finest brocade satin The Russian had taken place on the yesterday up and about knowing that would mean Pony Coats are 50 and 52 Inches long with genuine raccoon fipQA CA was to some goodnatured and loft with Nokomla who was next 125 about hazard beginning of end of our com- ¬ or Russian lynx collar in long effect Worth 100 to Ladies 12button In- ¬ the the iP sarcasm but the sight of her face Instructed to return with John OGroat- panionship Choice today at o o 0 something of Leah a big dog almost wholly black with a K sewed French Kid Gloves Regularly hibited it and what Second floor S Kann Sons Co P had said came back to me I answered rather blunter muzzle than tho ethers TO IJH CONTINUED TOMORROW black white gray 2 75 to S3 25 the greeting without comment therefore Johns got pretty good blood too and II Paris and waited for liar to set the pace his mother was from the Lothian Hills sim- ¬ FASHION burgundy brown and cha ¬ She was In an exquisitely fresh like Norval no that was the Grampians LATEST tan ple organdy frock and had on a gar ¬ A little hollowbacked and his forelegs for dress and walk- den hat and gauntloted garden gloves arent quite straight but Jacks a good moissuitable her arms wore filled with roses Her dog arent you Jack A fine worker noticed ing for the new kimono sleeve so brow wrinkled slightly as she tooJack MORNING CHITCHAT the fading blossoms which had been left was certainly listening to every 113 word much in vogue As long as they in the vases attentively whether he understood Im afraid I neglected you yesterday or not After he had gone Nokomis ERE is a letter that came to me the other day she said as she set about removing the brought up Mlnnehaha one of her own Im going to answer it privately But first I want to publish last ones In youngsters dejected roses and putting fresh pure white H it S their places As site canto near mo I Poor little Minnie said Miss Plaid Dear Miss Cameron 1 Ing she got yellow eyes a Our renowned Carleton 2clasp noticed little dewy drops on her neatly and thin 1 would like to otter my services gratuitously to some charitable I had dashed with coat but love her Just as much Tak- ¬ coliN hair where she it I organization public or private regardless of for one or two oven Real French Kid Gloves in Regularly violet water There was no trace of ing the foropaws she held her own fnoe creed Ings a week this taU winter I am at a loss to know where to any other a ont save that of the roses tantalizing near the dori tongue Just and but SS black blue gray tan burgundy 150 125 Sho drew off her glove and I saw that na much I do Now go over to Mr apply or how to go about it at all So I am hoping you can aId ma she wore no rings CastJo miss Instead of wasting all my evenings 1 should like to holp out some ¬ and butterparticularly suitable She sat down for a moment I had Last of all came Hiawatha a fren- ¬ where and it seams to mo that there must bo need in this city for some- ¬ observed before that not only could Miss zied wriggling capering puppy sable thing of the kind I would bo able to teaeh stenography typewriting for dress occasions Also pose anti white like his yelping 1clas Fielding be remarkably graceful in mother Sae elementary music sight reading or could play the piano for the she could bo as crouching bounding hysterical with joy and C and in action but that singing or dancing classes I could also road aloud White and Natural Fine French astonishingly gauche as well Astonish- ¬ Miss Fielding and I fall to laughing at > In type does ingly that 1 for her for one who could hit antics but Hiawatha was too young The list of accomplishments when shown cold Washable Chamois As long as J 9 bo was de- ¬ to care He was up on top my In seem limited it But perhaps fit in some pineS 8 so graceful This however of bed rather doesnt loan cidedly one of her graceful days or rath- ¬ half a minute and stifling m with his and like Mr Barkis I am very willing they last er perhaps as Leuh had said moods eagarnesa hipping my face and hands Seems to me this world would be a pretty fine place If there wore a Her lines melted and composed There growling snarling biting scratching all bigger supply of folks like this young woman way she at once When this frisky capering 1 was positive elegance in the bunch How often one hears people grandly and emptily wishing they Our wellknown Waldorf used hands gesticulating freely It of enthusiasm had departed quifctf out ot that her or some groat with to fellowmen enhanced the charm of her voice so lim- ¬ Ids head with the excitement of tha visit had wealth talent which bless their P K sewed Heavy Kid good Regularly pid and full of feeling Miss Fielding talked dog for ten min- ¬ Something grand and noble and Gloves black wkike and gray Isnt it a beautiful morning What a utes She had not forgotten however to Won by simply wishing we eould 165 150 shame It Is that you cant get up You compliment her pets with a lump of LADIES EMPIRE SKIRT How comparatively seldom ono sees any one offering his humble and with contrasting 4row embroid J must hurry and convalesce Just enough sugar apiece filched from my tray and AH Seams Allowed commonplace mite in tine hope that it will help out somewhere as see place not
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