which should be lale this summer. Some really great holes on it. Seven- teenth green especially unusually interest- ing and testing. It's a natural job with MAKING very little alteration hy man. , Lot of manual labor In building Ihe course. , tkt ^m 150 laborers at work at onr time. Dutra plans to come back for this year's National Open. Percy Clifford. 8 limes SWING© Mexican amateur champion. Would like to come too, hut can't get away from his financial job In Mexico City to make qualifying rounds, Roy A. Owen moving from Boise l Ida i By CC to pro job at Hillcrest CC, Boise, Ida., HERB GRAFFIS succeeding Martin Watson who's retiring. , Joe Herberger managing newly re- organized Oregon City (Ore.) CC, . THE GOLF NEWS IN BRIEF Bakersfleld tCalif.) 18 hole private course opened, . Designed by Billy Bell. , To start clubhouse building May 1. Aliso One of golf's biggest jobs being done by Canyon 9-hole unfinished course purchased A! Espinosa as gen, mgr.. Club Campestre by city of Lag una Beach, Calif., proposed de la Ciudad de Mexico, S.A., Churubusco, by chmn., city planning commission. D.F. , . Which means Country Club of Charley Koontz named pro at new Alon- Mexico City. Lot of the kids A1 dra Park CC. near Long Beach, Calif, . started at golf when he first came on the Jim Casey in Alondra Park shop and Job for winter now are club members and Frank Cormaci on instruction staff. scoring well. A1 and his wife, Jo. have made IS trips over the mountains into Arthur Waterbury now gen. mgr.. Mexico City. Now they just come hack Youngs town (O.) CC. Ethan Kirk hart to the U.S. for a brief vacation. switches from Congress Lake <<>.) CC to be Youngs town gkpr., succeeding Bill Al has designed 3 courses In Mexico. Gulhrle who resigned and will move to He s»y» Ihe country's In (Irs! stages nf a Florida. , , Santa Rose, Calif., soon to great golf boom. Al believe* .Mexico start $125,000 miinv course designed bv City could use two public courses and Hilly BelL . Tacky Walsh. Chicago Park have them crowded to rapacity soon. District golf supervisor, conduct ing 5th Al credits Mexico's sports boom to leader- annual I'ark District free golf schools In ship of Pres. Miguel Airman who is a high S Chicago Parks. Schools get big at- pressure long hour worker but manages tendance each year. , Packy gives stu- to get some time off for play. Pres. dents who complete the course mimeo- Airman scores consistently in the high graphed outline of how to practice what AOs. Al anil Jo look belter than ever was learned in classes. despite duties nf running all departments of the club In line shape. Jo anil Stell Greenville (Miss.) CC members pre- Armour really did the work of getting the sented pro Tom Lundy with wrist watch tournament circuit started hy handling inscribed "In appreciation of 20 years of the promotion, paper and organizing work loyal service." . Tom sure brags nation- when there was no circuit and tourneys wide alx>ut that club and his members. , were hop, skip and jump, but where?, The sentiments obviously are reciprocated. affairs. Whitney Martin in his AP Sports Trail column gives Jack Redmond and Duncan Olin Dutra also is really "striking oil" Barr strong plug for instruction with In Mexico. He's busy from morning to movies at Redmond's NY school. Tony night teaching at the big deluxe practice Butler moving as pro from Harllngen range constructed by the Bank of Mexico. (Tex.) CC to Brownsville (Tex.) CC. , . It has 24 tees under shelter, 250 yards Warren Cantrell, sec.-treas.. Texas PGA, from tee to brick wall which surrounds switching from Midland (Tex.) CC to the place. • . Also a pro shop, a restaurant Harlingen. , , Joe Driesbach, pro at North- and practice putting green. , . Range has wood CC, Dallas. Tex., for past 2 years, greens for approach targets. Dutra has resigned. Pres. Shorty Hombuckle files back and forth to Acapulco to teach calling Texas PGA into meeting at Men- Saturdays and Sundays at course there. ger Hotel, San Antonio, Feb. 7. That 18 hole course being built by Perry Alex Watson honored by Leewood CC Clifford and Ihe Hughes brothers for (Tub (NY Met dist.) with testimonial dinner. de Golf de Mexico is going to be one of Among distinguished guests at the party the top courses of the world. , . Dutra Is were Vlnnie Richards, Clarence Doscr and to be pro there when the club opens Maurice Walsh who had convoyed Alex when he wa>> batting Pine hurst No. 2 In JUSTICE fifi. That lovely spot, Bermuda's Mid- Ocean course, laid out by the late Charles PLUG EJECTOR B. Macdonaltl, resuming tournament play after II year lapse. Invitation event fur member* of several NY Met tllst. GIVE 'EM AIR! clubs. , . Archie Com pa ton pro al Miil- Ocean. This tool promotes rixit U.S. Junior Chamber of Commerce 1900 development and relieves cluba in 48 states expect more than 500 compaction of greens. preliminary events for picking boys for Idea! for use before add- Jaycees 5th annual Junior championship. Jaycees's Junior national event to be ing soil conditioner!. played at Iowa State college. Ames, la,, Aug. 13-19. , . Jim Blair, Mlnikahda club, DAVE W. JUSTICE Minneapolis, pro, hires Joe Sodd, Indio, Calif., as asst. Ml S. W. «th St. OKLAHOMA CITT, OKLA. Al lloberson, who's been doing vigorous job of promoting golf In Kansas, lias in- stalled a 9-liole sand green public enurse at Topeka, lis. , . Topeka's been without a public course until Koherson took a jungle and converted into an interesting par 37 layout. Small clubhouse with plans for expansion. Occanside (LI NY) GC changed from daily fee to pritale by Joseph Welnstein, owner. Jack Oliver stays as pro. Welnstein as head of (•olfhay. Inc., is having new seaside course built ti> plans of Al Tull. , . High tribute paid to I'rnf. L. S. Dickinson, his team- mate Geoffrey Cornish, and t'nlversity of For ihe utmost in watering efficiency CLIJII IMi IPOM m; >1 i:\iro is completely equipping their ultra-modern course with the Imt word in golf irrigation equipment . , a* m&iefy ltl ( k\i:n <:iui> <lc (iolf r)c Mexico, Mexico City, will be one of ilic world's finest examples of modern poll course const ruction. Spvt lfff III I KMtll.. Biickncr and get the finesit in specialized Mmmfncliiriiig Co. golf courpe xulering ••iptipmenl, Over nti s\o. CALIF. 30 yearn experience in developing v J. r < in! RfprrimtuJrfi r sprinkler* and valves to meet ever; need o( efficient goli courite watering. 7f>j8 Calumrt A*., < hlra^i. 111. *rttr Inr >iiftr u| Voiir r JI' «! Dnlpr TliSO MdtrDM A»„ !••>« Anp*l«. Til. Tilt HtlhMiH Pt.KrtA.T CURTAIN Of WATER SYMBOL Or DEPENDABLE COTUUCI Massachusetts Winter School for Turf "DEEPER, STRONGER M imagers, by editorial In Springfield (Mass.) Republican. Bob Gibson succeeds Wilbur Skourup, ROOT GROWTH- Jr. as editor. PGA magazine. Gibson, former Ohio amateur, was on sports desks of Dayton and Pittsburgh newspapers and WITH AGRICO!" on Harrisburg (Pa.) Patriot and Evening News immediately prior to coming with PGA magazine. , Skourup going into oil trade publicity work. Fred Wood, internationally known In club management, died In Denver late In December, . Wood had been In cluh busi- ness more than HO years, starling as a hoy in England. • For many years he itiiinaged the Denver (Colo.) AC. , Ills latest connection with I.akewood CC. Den- ver. He was active in promotion of many sports. He is survived by his widow. Fred Wood was a man nf out- standing ability in his field and many hundreds mourn him as a gentleman of great charm and warming friendship. Hackensack Goll Club, Oradelt, N J. Don Burger, former Texas athlete who is one of the west coast's top hotel men, "•pvi RING many years as greenkeeper, was host at a beau coup cocktail party celebrating Hogan's revival meeting . , [ have made numerous experiments It was staged the evening before the LA with different types of fertilizer and have Open at Don's ultra swanky Hotel Bel come to the conclusion that a well-bal- Air. , Ben and Valerie were guests of anced fertilizer Is best lor turf growth,'1 honor. About 200 players and sports writes Bernard Roth, greenkeeper, Hack- ensack Golf Club, Oradell, N. J. "The plant food contained in your AGRICO COUNTRY CLUB Fertilizer is in just the proper proportion to produce rich, strong, GRASS SEED green turf, Aftrico helps make a stronger root growth than Is the case when the turf of "Known Quality" Is fed with one plant food element. Agrlco has everything required to feed our greens Tested tor Purity and Germination and fairways." Velvet Bent lllahec Creeping Fescue Remember, Agrico is specially made to feed Aha Fescue golf-course turf and feed it right. Order from Triple A Bent your regular supplier, phone nearest A.A.C. Seaside Bent (Coo* Co Strain) Sales Office, or write now to The AMERICAN And oilier turf grasses and mix- AGRICULTURAL CHEMICAL tures for same day shipment Co., 50 Church Street, Quick service on equipment and New York 7, N. Y. supplies for the golf course Brown Patch Remedies and 2-4D Weed Killers AGRICO New 1950 Golf Price Lht on Rtqueif Country Club FERTILIZER Groti Sttd, F»ftlH»o, Golf EqulpmtM ltS Church Str»»t New Yort t, N- Y. writers and their wives present.
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