ALL THE NEWS ^ ALL THE NEWS OF GLENGARRY OF GLENGARRY The Glengarry FOR GLENGARRIANS FOR GLENGARRIANS TETS FINEST WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN EASTERN ONTARIO Alexandria, On; Friday, June 14, 1946 $2.00 A YEA* VOL LIV—No. 24 Interesting Early Summer Weddings Was With Royal Liberals Must Prepare Now For Their Honor Servicemen At St. Telesphore VILLENEUVE—MACDONALD ( dress of light blue crepe with hand Party At Preview Return To Power, Oliver Declares A wedding of wide interest was embroidered trim and navy blue ac- quietly solemnized in the Chapel at cessories, Miss Theresa Thauvette, Col. D. C Cameron Lead Billfolds And Money the Bishop’s House, Alexandria Wed- sister of rhe groom, was maid of honor Provincial House Leader Critical Of Drew 1 Presented To Eleven nesday morning, June 12th, ’ at 8 and she chose a street length dress in Canadian Forces In Administration In Rousing; Speech At Repats At Welcoming o'clock, when Mrs. Florence G. Mac- ’pink tone and edged with lace. Her ac Victory Parade Glengarry Annual Opening East Ontario Tour donald, daughter of Mr. T. J. Gorm- cessories were in black. The bride wore ley, Alexandria, and of the late Mi's, ja corsage of red roses and lilies of the Eleven servicemen were honored In LONDON, June 8.—As in war, Bri- Hon. Farquhar Oliver, M.P.P. for Gormley, was married to Mr. Bernard valley while the corsage of her .attend the St Telesphore Community Hall on tain went all out in peace today to Southeast Grey and leader of the Lib- W. Villeneuve, son of Mr. J. Domina ant was formed of deep pink roses. Two War Brides Saturday evening, Jung 1st. Those celebrate the Allied Victory with a eral Opposition inthe Ontario Legis- Villeneuve^ deputy sheriff of the Unit- j The bestman was Mr Charles D’ feted were: Charles McCuaig, Stanley pageant gorgeous in pomp and tradi- lature, came to Glengarry, Monday ,ed Counties, Cornwall and Mrs. Ville- ■ Ambroise of Montreal, who served with Arrive Saturday McGregor, George McKay, Robert Mc- tion before twelve million persons evening, to open a brief tour of Eas- neuve, formerly of ’ Maxville. Rev. j the groom in the R.C.A.F. air crew Kay, Raymond Lapierre, Paul Dufort, packed inthe greatest mass of human- tern Ontario points, and, in address- Ronald J. MacDonald, rector, St. Fin- overseas. Shubert’s “Aye Maria”' Another contingent of war brides is Rene Castonguay, Jean Louis Rouleau, ity this old capital ever witnessed. ing the annual meeting of the Glen- exp“cted 'to""arrive "at Halifax, Satur- nan’s Cathedral, officiated in the pre-.was rendered by another fellow crew- A quarter of all the people in Bri- Real Castonguay, Angus Neil McDon- ! garry Liberal Association, he made a day, on the „QUeen Mary” With two of sence of members of the immediate man of the groom overseas, Mr Guy jammed' London to watch ald, David Rozon. tain strong plea for action on the part of i them desyneij for Glengarry homes families An address was read in honor of the ' | Lachance of Laval des Rapides, Que. Lüghty concourse of the Empire’s Ontario Liberals in preparing the way Joan wife of Fit. Lt. Stanley G. Given in marriage by her father, the [ Following the ceremony a reception !many peoples and the nation-s M English speaking repats by Rev. W. for a return of liberalism to pow- Marjerison, and their small son, Gor- , ^ , bride was m a street length dress of ^was held at the home of the bride’s iies. It wound for hours thr h th EDWARD MAGEE, well known er in the province. “The Liberal par- don K„ are destined for the home of Reid, and to the French repats by the aqua coloured wool crepe with white parents St. Paul street. The young !historic 3treets where tens Qf _ throughout Canada as an examiner ty is big enough, broad enoughever and his parents, Mr.and Mrs. Horace Mar- Rev Father Brazeau, Mrs J H. DewaL accessories. She wore a corsage of .couple later left on a wedding trip to lsands had waited all and w 'and Dr Charlebois presented each of progressive enough to appeal to y ! jerison," Apple Hill™ for the Toronto Conservatory of yellow roses. London, Windsor and Detroit, the hundreds fainted and had to be car- thinking person,” he declared, “and the honored guests with a leather bill 1 Constance I. wife of Gnr A. T. Music He will be in Alexandria, Attending her was her sister, Miss Joan bride chosing for travel a suit of acqua ried from cherished vantage points. we must have firmly in our minds the fold a oodl sum of Ont, on June 18th, tb conduct the Shorey, and children Sylvia and , with g y money en- Gormley, who wore, a street length gabardine with brown accessories. Russia Absent , idea that Liberalism means some- current examinations for the Con- dress of aqua colour with accessories On their return they will reside at Roslyn, go to the ’ home o his closed in each, Russia, Poland and Yugoslavia re- thing." J. F. McKay, servatory . in white and a corsage of pink roses. Hull, Que. mother, Mrs. J. Shorey, RR. 2, Mar- | Jacques Robert and fused to join the victory march. But fE was Mr. OUver’s first visit to , President of the Red Cross Society À .highly accomplished pianist, Mr. Edmond Villeneuve of Ottawa, tintown. Out-of-town guests included Mr and all the other United Nations did. And Glengarry in his 20 years of public life acted as chairmen for the evening. It Mr Magee was for several years was his brother’s attendant . Mrs Herbert McGrath of Perth, Mrs from Britain and her far-flung pos- and he impressed his large, interested jwas impossible for Angus Neil McDon- assistant to Senor Alberto Guer- Mrs Villeneuve, mother of the* groom Hilmer Ross, Guy Sauve, Charles D’ sessions and satellites came a polyglot audience of Glengarry Liberal stal- ald and David Rozon to be present, but rero, who ranks as one of Again President chose a mauve-toned suit and her cor- Ambroise, Montreal; Guy Lachance array of peoples warts as a fluent speaker who might j'their fathers accepted the purses for Canada’s great musicians. Mr. sage was of sweet peas. Laval des Rapides, Que.; Mr and Mrs well lead Ontario Liberals in a resur- Magee’s work in specialized teach- •Leading the Canadian forces in j those boys. Several of the boys addetf The wedding reception, at the Donat Thauvette, Hull, Que; Sergt gence ot power. First elected to the E.O. B. Of Trade a personal word of appreciation for ing of children and his courses for home of the bride, was attend- Aime Lalonde, R.C.A.F., Rockcliffe, Ont the parade was Col. D. C. Cameron, Provincial Legislature at 22 years of - Macdonald KC of Alex- what had been done for them . teachers and advanced students, as ed only by the immediate families and Miss Pearl MacElheran, Cornwall; D. S.O. and Bar, of Cornwall formerly of Lochiel, who on the previous day age, he has successfullyf campaigned Donald A. Macdonald, K.C. ° ! . a faculty member of the Toronto later the young couple motored to Isaie Jeaurond, Avonmore; Mr and Mrs to his riding through six elections, «^ia, was reelected president of the | Real Castonguay is still overseas His Conservatory of Music, are followed Montreal for a wedding trip up the E. H. Tourangeau, St Raphaels; Au- accompanied the King and Queen during a royal preview of the V-day since 1926 and is still a young man; Eastern Ontario Associated Boards of presentation wlU be made on his return with keen interest by the musical Saguenay. Before returning they will relle Guindon, Maxville. with many years of active service to l^ade at the annual dinner meeting of i There were addresses by the foUow- profession. visit the bride’s sister, Mrs. Roy Mosher parade at the Dominion camp. t ' nrosnect that body held Wednesday in the Cha- mg gentlemen: Messrs. Alphide Sab- Undercuts and Mr Mosher at Ketepec, N.B. For KEI.I.Y—LISCOMBE O | TOs1 y;sm a significant day for j^au Laurier hotel, Ottawa. Also re- ourin, M.P. Mayor J. S. Brazeau, J. F. turne(i to office were W J WlIson of cKa travelling, the bride donned a coat of In St Finnan’s Cathedral, Alexandria my visit to Glengarry said Mr. 01i-j ' ' M y canary yellow over her wedding dress on Saturday, June 1st, a marriage of Visitor’s Car Lost ver, for today your Member m the Ganano<iue- vice-President: and Wil-1 piper Duncan McDonald also a liam J Pine Grove Wins and her accessories were also in yellow. considerable interest here, was solem- House of Commons, Rt. Hon. W. L. | - Cairns of Ottawa, Secretary-^ reul.neti veteran and Clarence When Barn Burns Treasurer The groom’s gift to the bride was an nized when Mary Constance Liscombe Mackenzie King, enters on his 20th, Morrison piped the boys to the plat- onyx ring set with a diamond; to the ol Alexandria, daughter of Mr Roy year as Prime Minister of Canada. Reports were received from the -Bonnie Dundee” Mr M. Emberg, 12-9th Chaxlotten- form to the tune of Two More bridesmaid a string of pearls, and to Liscombe of Toronto, became the bride Mr Oliver had high praise for Mr. Thousand Islands Memorial committee other music was fuirnished by the burgh, Glen Roy, lost his barn by fire the groomsman a signet ring.
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