5thFreedom 25* PUBLICATION OF THE BUFFALO GAY COMMUNITY MAY-JUNE 1975 GAY VISIBILITY: A THREE WEEK I I CELEBRATION! I \ EDITORIAL 3 FROM OUR MAILBAG 3 REVIEW: FUNNY LADY 5 GAY VISIBILITY. , T , Tr 6 hy Don Michaels-Johnn Yanson A THREE WEEK CELEBRATION 8 DO GAY MEN RAPE LESBIANS? OR SEXISM:AN OBSTACLE TO GAY 11 UNITY "by Heather Koeppel ENTERTAINMENT 12 GAY TALK: THE CHANGING TIMESI4 DEAR BLABBY 16 REACHING OUT TO GAY ALCOHOLICS by Don Michaels 17 POETRY 19 WRITE ON! BRITTANICA 20 BY Madeline Davis A TALE OF THREE SISTERS: A FEMINIST FABLE 21 BY Sue Whitson Circulation 3000. Editor-Dane Winters ,; Asst. Editor-Dave Wunz , Creative Director-Greg Bodekor, Art Director-John Yanson, General Manager-Don Michaels, Services Editor-Dorm Holley, Photographer- Joanne Britten, Contributors-Linda Jaffey, Jim Weiser, Marcia Klein, Heather Koeppel, Doug Randolph and Benji. Cover design by Greg Bodekor. Address all material to FIFTH FREEDOM, P.O. Box 975, Ellicott Sta., Bflo., NY 14205. FIFTH FREEDOM is published at 1550 Main St. and printed by October Graphics, 1207 Hertel Aye. Refer questions to Gay Center 881-5335. All rights reserved and reproduction without permission is strictly prohibited. 2 EDITORIAL This is the first issue condoning the very things we tions of any kind to our ef- of the Fifth Freedom in its are working to end; prejudice, fort. The only talent you new format. It's significant oppression and non-acceptance. need is a real concern about that we have made this tran- We believe our new format our effort. The only quali- sition at the same time that will give us the means to .ex- fication we require of our Mattachine is celebrating its plore areas of graphic presen- staff is a willingness to work fifth year of Gay Pride with tation that we could not try with us in whatever way they, the theme GAY VISIBILITY. We before. It has opened a vista as individuals, are able. Our feel our new format reflects of new avenues for our future editorial attitude is that that theme in our printed publications. We are both people have nothing to contri- image. stimulated and challenged by bute only when they themselves Fifth Freedom is proud of its the change and expansion. We choose to contribute nothing. past contribution to gay libe- recognize it as the parallel I want to thank Matta- ration. We feel our publica- of the overall growth of the chine for its faith and trust tion has always been dedicated gay liberation movement in the in us that made our new format to the principles of respon- Western New York area. possible. The deep and abid- sible journalism by trying to Mattachine is expanding ing support of all Mattachine be an honest expression of the all areas of its service to people, and the gay community gay community it serves. Our the gay community with ever at large, is what really make editorial policy has been, and enlarging and more encompas- this publication what it is. will continue to be, open and sing commitment and support. Personally I wish to ex- receptive to our entire read- As its printed image and voice press my appreciation to all ership. The ideas and opin- we are proud that we are able the people who have given mc ions of our publication have to be abreast with the evolu- help and direction. I am not been, and will not be, tion in our new format. grateful to each of you for governed or censored by people We wish to invite and your interest and your coope- on our staff or Mattachine's encourage anyone with a desire ration executive board. If we did to join the work of Fifth In. Love and Liberation, that sort of thing we would be Freedom. We welcome contribu- Dan. FROM MAILBAGOUR EDITOR: EDITOR: Editor; I enjoyed your article in the The author of your article a- I am writing this letter in April issue called Where Have bout pornography has a warp- regards to last issue's art- All Those Young Gays Gone. ed mind and has twisted the icle "Where Have all Those It's nice to know that you truth to suit a sick point of Young Gays Gone?". are interested in gay people view. The Constitution of the The author of the article who are along in age. I felt United States gives us the brought up some very inter- like the article was written freedom of speech. Not free- esting points, which have for mc because I am one of dom of filth. Our forefathers caused a great many comments those who came out and went never intended us to use the- amoung the middle age gay back. I had my fling and got ir wisdom to suit the perver- group in the Buffalo area. He it out of my system years a- se pleasures of deviates. I adamantly stated that "the go. Now I live a quiet life have wanted to write to you center" is for everyone and with my lover and a few good before this about articles that supposedly "all" are wel- friends. Any time a few of in your paper. My husband come. Well, I would like to our friends go to a gay bar, picks them up at the univer- offer a bit of rebuttal to they find them filled with sity. He says they're usual- this article. young people and they feel so ly in the trash cans. We read Firstly, many older gays [such uncomfortable they seldom go. them for educational purposes as myself] have visited the I am going to show them your and mostly we've just felt center only to be ignored or article and see if they want sorry for you poor people so made to feel as though we to go with my lover and I to that's why i never wrote to were a nuisance. see your gay center. you before. I just had to Secondly, while it is true The article made mc see that know though because when you that a large portion of the we are wrong to think because try to infiltrate the commu- people who frequent the cen- we are in our fifties our gay nity by displaying your de- are in the 18 to 25 year old life is over. Also, that we bauchery a downtown thea- age bracket, and activities by on misjudged the Mattachine tre screen that is going too must be geared to things which thinking they were only in- far. I believe in letting interest them. We see no pro- terested in things like uni- people live their own lives gram, or even an attitude to- versity protesting etc. but I think they should do it wards presenting activities [Name withheld upon request] in private. I suppose you'll which might appeal to an older laugh at this letter and crowd. think I'm prejudiced, but I'm not. I'm just- Decent COST. NEXT PAGE 3 and by the same token the "ca life there with gay life dre" looks down with an aris- in Buffalo... well, there's tocratic disdain upon some of just no comparison! Mat- the "old fashioned" or con- tachine Society has done LETTERS CONT. servative views of the 40ish much to improve the social Thirdly, in regard to the Sat age group. climate in the Buffalo area urday night dances. Everyone I thank Mattachine for allow- by sponsoring such things agrees the center is a fine ing a 40ish to express the as weekly dances, movies, place to go, to dance with views of us "Aunties" as we picnics, etc., but the members of their own sex, are disparagingly refered to social life in this city drink beer cheaper than at the and hope that the younger is still sadly impoverished. local cocktail lounges, and people and the activists at We need healthy ONGOING so- not be hasseled by policemen the center might understand cial activities, not just or fag-haters. However, one of our position a little better. annual events, and not just the main reasons the older With my love and warm regard a few smoky bars. We need crowd shy away is the music. to my younger fellow homo- activities that young gay older gays, generally prefer sexuals. [A 40er] people can become involved We need an older style of and Editor in. entrepreneur- music, : who a volume that does not deafen My lover and I recently ing businesspersons are afraid to and the ability to hear what spent a two week vacation in not to cater gay clientele. Buffalo someone with you is saying. Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. The a a and Forthly, older gays life there has great potential, generally gay was simply in- has speaking, do not feel it ne- credible. The people that Mattachine Society resources help de- cessary to loudly proclaim we stayed with took us many to to it. This letter is their sexual preferences in several gay bars with large velop public and wear it like fa- dance floors and lots of a plea for concerned gay a individuals ternity pin. They are content We visited to organize frindly people. to to live and love in the world lavishly equipped gay baths, and put these resources we have in their own quiet way, liv- gay movie theatres, gay book use. Why can't ing and let live. Productive- stores, drag shows, and even weekly gay roller skating, luck dinners, and unobtrusively contri- went to a gay roller skating bowling, pot ly or other buting to society.
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