University of Central Florida STARS Central Florida Future University Archives 9-25-1981 Central Florida Future, Vol. 14 No. 08, September 25, 1981 Part of the Mass Communication Commons, Organizational Communication Commons, Publishing Commons, and the Social Influence and oliticalP Communication Commons Find similar works at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/centralfloridafuture University of Central Florida Libraries http://library.ucf.edu This Newsletter is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in Central Florida Future by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Recommended Citation "Central Florida Future, Vol. 14 No. 08, September 25, 1981" (1981). Central Florida Future. 444. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/centralfloridafuture/444 University of . ·central Florida V~iume l~ Friday-~eptember :25, 1981 No. 8 r UCF Library lacks fUnds to.buy books by Mike Griffin tion to periodicals and journals. In ad­ library. "We (UCF) are having a very books,, caused the problem." Future staff dition to the subscription rates, the serious funding problem." However, Colbourn said that there library must pay binding fees to com­ Funds are allocated by the may be alternate sources of funds for A legislative budget cut in the-state pile yearly volumes of the journals. le~islature with approval by the. gover- the library. "A study is being <?On­ university system has resulted in a He added that the administration is nor. The budget for the entire state ducted as to whether or not there are "serious. shortag-e" of funds for the attempting to "identify other sources" university system is then given to the funds available." - library. of funds to increase the $ 711,~05 Board of Regents, which divides the Colbourn said that Walker will be The library director, Lynn Walker, allocation. money up between the universities ac- meeting with Dr. Frank Juge, vice said the library received over John Goree, vice president in charge cording to school population. president of Academic \ffairs, to $150,000 less than last year's alloca­ of. Business Affairs, said the library will President .Trevor Colbourn said the discuss economizing and locating new tion. "We received enough to main­ have to operate within its allocation. legislative budget approved by Gov. Fuiids which ~ould enable the library tain our periodical commitments ... but "There are no other sources," Goree Bob Graham shced more than $3 to overcome its money problems. not enough to buy new books." said. million froin the universit)r system. "We need to take a hard look at the Walker said the majority of the Goree added that the expense cuts af­ "This, coupled with the rapid esca]a- periodical list and find the ones we allocation goes toward the subscrip- fected the entire university_, not just the tion in the . cost of .periodicals and Library, page 4· 'Committee' ,Homecoming endorsement concert date investigated · rescheduled by Dennis Long Future staff Though rumors of a no-show were flying,' it is "pretty certain" that the Five student senate candidates en­ rock group Pablo Cruise will be dorsed by a group called the Commit­ headlining this year's homecoming tee for Responsible Leadership- may concert, said Dave Bartholemew, Con­ have been endorsed by only one cert Committee chairman. member of the commi.ttee. The other However, the concert date has been four committee members denied that moved up from Nov. 4 to Nov. 1. they agreed to the endorsement a·nd also denied that the committee even ex­ Bartholemew sa.id the rumors began ists. last week when the band's second pro­ moter, besides UCF student govern­ Rob Rotter, an incumbent senate ment, backed out._ candidate, said early Tuesday after­ noon that he told fellow committee Pablo Cruise was scheduled to per- members George Chandler, Mark . form four Florida concerts during Donaldson and Kathleen Johnson. a UCF's' homecoming week. Three of week ago· that he wanted the commit- . those concerts were canceled when the tee to issue endorsements. When none ·second promoter left. Pablo Cruise of. the three objected, Rotter said he subsequently requested an earlier per­ assumed he had their "tacit approval." formance for UCF .students since it did not want to wai_t until_Nov. 4 to com­ plete its Southeastern tour, explained "There is no Committee for Paul Fran~~se, St~dent Center pro­ Responsible Leadership." gram director. Franzese. and Bartholemew George Chandler, discovered that moving the Pablo student body president Cruise co.ncert to an earlier Nov. 1 date Concert, ·page 10 Pam Glmson/Future However, Chandler, Donaldson and UCF student Cyndi Peterson steps into the voting booth during senate elec­ Johnson denied that Rotter consulted tions Tuesday and· Wednesday. For the story and election results, see page 3. them about making endorseme~ts of .any candidates and they also denied Rotter originally said Gates was the tee to determine if" statutes had been -ins·ide- the committee still exists. only committee member he didn't talk violated. "There is no committee for Responsi­ to about the endorsement. But, Tues­ ble Leadership," .Chandler said "It's day evening he retracted his statement Magnant doubted that disciplinary something Rob (Rotter) and maybe a that he had mentioned the endorse­ action could be taken under the few others a re doing. It' s.iega l but I menf to Chandler. statutes since they may conflict with wjsh he would have chosen another Rotter said he couldn't remember constitutional protections of free name." whether or not he mentioned the en- speech. However, he said, "In my opi­ dorsement to Chandler. He also nion, the Committee for Responsible· According to Johnson the committee described his conversations with Leadership has violated the intent of "ceased to exist" in winter quarter Donaldson and Johnson as "very low· the elections statutes." after printing a newsletter advising lubs and organizations how to ac­ key and very informal," and added they may have forgotten that he talked quire Student Government funding. Rotter denied that he had violated to th m b cause of the casual way he Donaldson aid the last time he attend­ the intent of the statutes in any way mentioned the endorsement. d a committee meeting was in April. and said: "the intent of the statutes is Another committee member, Ray Elections Commission Sup"ervisor not as clear as it should be. Other can­ Gate , agre d with Johnson rhat fhe Paul Magnant said th re will b an in­ didates can do the same thing.'· The Norman waits for you on page 4. committee disbanded in winter ve. tigation of candidates endorsed or committe(''s endorsements did not in­ quarter. otherwist• a ff ii iated with the commit- clude Rotter's name. Page,2 Future- September 2 5, 19 81 At A Glance Events WHY JOI The New Age Steppers Cluhcombining visu<:tl arts and music will have a "mix-media dance" tomorrow from 8 p.m. to mi~Ptight in the Student Center Auditorium. There will be a slide show of djfferent artists' works -A along with Reggae and experimental bands. Dance music will be provided • in between each set. ••• SCIENCE The Student Social Work Advisory Association and the Soc:ial Work Faculty will have a Social Work Career Day on Sept. 30, from 10 to 1 p.m. ' in UCF's Village Assembly Room. Students will be acquainted with the public and private agencies serving CENTER the Central Florida community. Exhibits will provide information about the agencies. Representatives will talk to students about job requirements BECAUSE WE OFFER MORE THAN SCIENCE ... and responsibilities, as well as about volunteer and field placement oppor- tunities. · e MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT . - ••• PLANETARIUM, PROGRAMS The 1981 UCF Golf Classic will be Sept. 28 at Errol Estate and Country . e Club, Apopka. e PUBLIC OBSERVATORY . This seventh annual tournament, sponsored by the UCF Foundation, Inc., is a two-man team championship. Chairman Dennis McNamara said e FREE FEATURE FILMS EACH WEEKEND the proceeds from the classic go to the university's golf team. e TRAVEL TO FARAWAY PLACES Registration begins at 10 a.m. and shotgun start ~s scheduled for 1 p.m. The $1 SO per· person entry fee includes greens fee, cart, refreshments and e INFORMAL OUTINGS buffet. For more information or a brochure contact the UCF Public Affairs e OFF .BEAT LECTURE SERIES Office at X-2504. .. .. e ENRICHMENT CLASSES Ray Rettinger, district manager for Lanier Business Products, will be the e HANDS ON EXHIBITS AND DISPLAYS . guest speaker at the Sept. 29 meeting of the Marketing Club. Mr. Rettinger e SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS At A Glance, page.13 •PLUS A WHOLE LOT MORE ... STUDENT MEMBERSHIPS ONLY $8.50 PER YEAR TOWNHOUSES FOR RENT! JOHN YOUNG SCIENCE CENTER 810 EAST ~OLLINS STREET, ORLANDO 896-7151 BRAND NEW! 2 BDRM 1Y2 BATH All .APPUANCES INCLUDING WASHER/DRYER, DISHWASER, CARP-', PRAPES, PATIO!' YOUR MONTHLY RENT IS ONLY: IF YOU-LIKE BAN.KING ,WALK TO UCFI •10s ea. W/3 roomates •140 ea. W/2 roomates · MADE EASY ICHAWAM •210 ea. W/1 roomate ... YOU'LL ·LOVE US. z...A CONTAC~CARlMYERS ~ · AlAFA'iA REAL ESTATE ONE INC. The Citizens Bank of Oviedo is UCF 644-6244 . located just·minutes from the .u.c.F. campus. we have spacious parking, fast drive in tellers and two CITIZENS 24 HR automated tellers in Oviedo and at u.c.F. in the new A.T.M~ building. All to. make banking ·easy for you. Everything you.will ever .need from a Full service Bank is ·NOW.SERVING BREAKFAST 6:30-11:00 AM Ham, Roast Beef, Turkey, Swiss Cheese $2 ..0S yours at ..
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