E1154 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 27, 2002 HONORING DEBORAH A. CHAM- STATEMENT COMMEMORATING HONORING DR. WALTER L. BERS, CRNA, MHSA PRESIDENT THE PASSING OF AMVETS BUSTER, ED.D. OF THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOUNDING MEMBER ALBERT C. OF NURSE ANESTHETISTS GEREMIA HON. GEORGE RADANOVICH OF CALIFORNIA HON. LINDSEY O. GRAHAM HON. JAMES R. LANGEVIN IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF SOUTH CAROLINA Wednesday, June 26, 2002 OF RHODE ISLAND IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. RADANOVICH. Mr. Speaker, I rise Wednesday, June 26, 2002 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES today to honor Dr. Walter Buster upon his re- tirement as Superintendent of Clovis Unified Mr. GRAHAM. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Wednesday, June 26, 2002 School District. Dr. Buster was honored at a pay tribute to an outstanding resident of South dinner among his colleagues, friends, and Carolina, Deborah A. Chambers. Ms. Cham- Mr. LANGEVIN. Mr. Speaker, I was sad- family. bers will soon complete her year as national dened to learn of the recent passing of a Dr. Buster has dedicated his life to edu- president of the American Association of former constituent of Rhode Island’s Second cation and has served many communities Nurse Anesthetists (AANA). I am very pleased District, Albert C. Geremia, native and long- throughout California. Walter’s colleagues that one of South Carolina’s own was tapped time resident of the City of Providence. Mr. agree, regardless of his position, he contrib- as the 2001–2002 president of this prestigious Geremia passed away on June 4th at Hickory utes vision, leadership, and ingenuity to his national organization. House Nursing Home in Honeybrook, Pennsyl- team. He has orchestrated many programs in The AANA is the professional association vania. Mr. Geremia was a Navy veteran of the Clovis Unified School District in the seven that represents over 28,000 practicing Cer- World War II and had a long and distinguished years he has been there. Four of his top pro- tified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNAs). career in management for two Providence grams illustrate his unique ability to visualize Founded in 1931, the American Association of firms. As a Navy veteran, Mr. Geremia was a current needs with respect for the future. He Nurse Anesthetists is the professional associa- founding member of the Congressionally-char- implemented ‘‘Laptops for Learners,’’ a joint tion representing CRNAs nationwide. As you tered veterans service organization, AMVETS, venture with Microsoft and Toshiba to supply may know, CRNAs administer more than 65 of which Mr. Geremia was the last surviving all students with laptops to perform their daily percent of the anesthetics given to patients founder. classroom activities. Dr. Buster saw another of each year in the United States. CRNAs pro- Mr. Geremia was one of eighteen individ- his visions come to fruition with the develop- vide anesthesia for all types of surgical cases uals who began AMVETS. He worked to se- ment of the Center for Advanced Research and are the sole anesthesia provider in over cure its Congressional charter and to establish and Technology. The center will provide up to two-thirds of rural hospitals, affording these 1,800 11th and 12th grade students with ad- medical facilities obstetrical, surgical and trau- an office in Washington, DC. For his efforts, vanced project-based training in 12 different ma stabilization capabilities. They work in AMVETS awarded him the organization’s ‘‘Ray technology based laboratory environments. every setting in which anesthesia is delivered, Sawyer Award’’ at their 1952 National Con- Walter realizes the importance of reading to including hospital surgical suites and obstet- vention. Since its founding in 1944 in Kansas students, and put into action yet another pro- rical delivery rooms; ambulatory surgical cen- City, AMVETS has worked tirelessly on behalf gram, called ‘‘Community of Readers.’’ Volun- ters and the offices of dentists, podiatrists, and of America’s veterans and the community at teers from the community dedicate one hour plastic surgeons. large. Veterans across the nation owe men like Albert Geremia a debt of gratitude for all per week to read with the students. Always Debbie has been a nurse anesthetist since keeping in mind the importance of being an in- 1981. She received both her anesthesia train- they have done to keep and protect those benefits promised to our veterans. fluential citizen within the community, Dr. Bust- ing and Masters of Health Service Administra- er started ‘‘Character Counts!’’ a program that tion at the Medical University of South Caro- Our nation can never have too many men teaches students six core principles: responsi- lina, in Charleston, SC. She has been a solo the caliber of Albert Geremia. By helping to bility, respect, fairness, caring, citizenship, and practitioner since 1993 at the Microsurgery found AMVETS, he strove for something larg- trustworthiness. Center in Anderson, SC, as well as in both er than himself. A man should not be remem- Dr. Buster’s contributions to the Clovis edu- Greenville Memorial Medical Center and Saint bered for the wealth and possessions he cation system are obvious, but he has also Francis Bon Secours Hospital System in earned in life, but rather, for what sort of man made a tremendous impact on the community. Greenville, SC. In addition to her role as a he was and what he did to make the world a He serves on many state and local education solo practitioner, she was the Clinical Coordi- better place. and business committees. The State Board of nator at the Medical University of South Caro- Education recently appointed Dr. Buster to the lina School of Nurse Anesthesia at Greenville Mr. Geremia is survived by his wife, Anne, a daughter, Linda, and son, Paul. I offer them WestEd Board of Directors, a non-profit re- Memorial Medical Center from 1988–2000. search, development and service agency dedi- Even with her demanding schedule as a prac- my deepest condolences at this time of great loss, and I hope they will take great comfort in cated to improving education and other oppor- ticing nurse anesthetist and AANA president, tunities for children, youth and adults. Debbie has continued to be active as a CRNA knowing how fondly Albert will be remembered representative for pharmaceutical advisory by those whose lives he touched. f panels such as Pharmacia and Glaxo Smith AN AMERICAN COWBOY LEGEND: Kline since 2001 in order to advance the prac- f BEN COOPER tice of anesthesia. Debbie has held various leadership posi- PERSONAL EXPLANATION HON. JAMES A. BARCIA tions in the AANA as regional director, vice OF MICHIGAN president, and president-elect before becom- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ing the national president of the AANA in HON. DAVID E. BONIOR 2001. Ms. Chambers has actively served with- OF MICHIGAN Wednesday, June 26, 2002 in the SC Association of Nurse Anesthetist as Mr. BARCIA. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES a District Representative on the board of di- pay tribute to the voluminous and noteworthy rectors and then in 1994 as state president. Wednesday, June 26, 2002 acting career of Ben Cooper, a performer Since 1994, Debbie has taken her experience whose work in the Western genre has in- and knowledge from the work place and her Mr. BONIOR. Mr. Speaker, due to commit- formed and entertained generations of young- AANA leadership roles to lecture on political ments in my home state of Michigan, I was sters about the history and the myths of the and academic anesthesia related topics before unable to cast votes on Monday, June 24. Old West. Many fans may recognize that Ben different professional groups and societies. Had I been present, I would have voted: ‘‘yea’’ has always had a special place in his heart for Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join on rollcall 249, on agreeing to H.R. 3937; the Western, but perhaps not everyone knows with me today in recognizing Ms. Deborah A. ‘‘yea’’ on rollcall 250, on agreeing to H.R. that he met his wife, Pamela, while working on Chambers, CRNA, MHSA, for her notable ca- 3786; ‘‘yea’’ on rollcall 251, on agreeing to the ‘‘Wagon Train’’ series with Ward Bond. reer and outstanding achievements. Congratu- H.R. 3971; and ‘‘yea’’ on rollcall 252, on While Ben is perhaps best known for his lations Debbie. agreeing to H.J. Res. 95. role in the non-western drama, ‘‘The Rose VerDate 11<MAY>2000 03:48 Jun 28, 2002 Jkt 099061 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A26JN8.004 pfrm12 PsN: E27PT1 June 27, 2002 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1155 Tattoo,’’ he made his mark in many terrific Christmas tree—gifts that never were to be doubt, she has lived this motto throughout the Westerns, including ‘‘Johnny Guitar,’’ with opened. years that have passed since Christmas Eve, Joan Crawford and Sterling Hayden. He also Across town on that fateful night, Paul and 1992. She has stood tall and is truly a hero to had prominent roles in ‘‘Jubilee Trail,’’ ‘‘The Melanie Cravens picked up Melanie’s three many. Last Command,’’ ‘‘Outlaw’s Son,’’ and as daughters—Kandyce, Erin and Kacee Much of my admiration for Nadine Milford Johnny Shattuck in ‘‘Duel at Apache Wells.’’ In Woodard—at their father’s west-side Albu- 1965, Ben starred with Audie Murphy in ‘‘Gun- querque home. They decided to go see the stems from her enduring commitment to fight- fight at Comanche Creek’’ and ‘‘Arizona Raid- lights from Nine Mile Hill, west of the city on ing the good fight. Her values are reflected not ers.’’ Interstate 40. But before they topped the hill, only in the way she lives her life, but also in Before moving to Hollywood, Ben was al- they were struck by a pickup driving down the her intelligence and honesty.
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